
Level 1 Mirror
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Winter Wolf
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Mirror
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Accent: Not a Parasite Mirror M



5.36 m
4.81 m
377.49 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 18, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Mirror
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


I made dis


The Starfall Isle was not what he was looking for; It was bright, sparkly, and pink.

Riot looked at the star filled sky, frowning. He had been stranded on this poor excuse of a continent for a week now, barely keeping himself together. The wolf that sat next to him was a good enough host, certainly an improvement of that egotistical lizard in charge of the damn company that sent its spaceships directly in his path of orbit. Of course, he thought, watching the white ball of fury next to him lie down to sleep. Im not ungrateful. I would have burnt to a crisp with out it. The dragon, a red eyesore named Drake, just wasn't someone he wanted to deal with.

Riot yawned, and began peering at the glittering scales on his paw in interest. The dominant species of this world were very different than what he had been born into just a month before it exploded. Or, at least most of it is. That one part of the land riddled with volcanoes was pretty close to home. Probably why the 'Dragonhome' seemed so intriguing. Opposing sides of the continent. Riot looked down at an expanded body of water he heard was called an 'ocean' by passer-bys. A few of the rocks protruding from the swaying waves had lights on them, a clear sign of life. Riot shuddered at the thought of running into an ill tempered imperial dragon; those creatures are gigantic!

In comparison to the impressive sizes of the dragons and ingenuity of the beastclans, Riot felt that the symbiotes - the only word he knew for his own species, being too young to actually learn it while they were still alive - were a little underwhelming

Oh well, at least I'm still alive. Riot lied down next to the snoring wolf, and drifted to sleep.

"A Child? Thats strange, what was it doing there?"

Riot woke with a start, and launched himself to his feet. The fact that he was not on the ledge he was last at, along with the fact that his host was locked in a cage a ways away, plus the giant padlock on the door all led Riot to conclude that he was very upset with this change in scene. He stood up and stumbled over to the wolf's cage, still groggy. The lock was a simple one, and Riots ability to shift shapes helped in unlocking it.

Next, he set about dealing with the locked door. The wolf behind him whined, and Riot felt a little bad for it. Not much, mind you, but a little. The door was tall, and made of a thick wood. The padlock itself was the size of Riots head, and annoyingly complicated.

Yeah, I'll pass. Riot backed up slightly before barreling into the door, knocking it outwards and onto a green and gold dragon. A second dragon, purple and black, stared in horror at the young creature walking out of the now very open room, followed by a furious wolf.

The dragon backed up slowly, turning her head towards an opening. She was about to yell for help when Riot flicked his wrist, extending his hand into a long sword. the blade sliced the dragons throat, who fell to the ground with a loud thump. Riot looked at her limp body in disdain before taking control of the wolf and climbing out of a window, as to avoid more people.

Riot looked out over the ocean, and spotted the forest he had just been in on the horizon. A tall telescope on a plateau sat in the center of many mountains that curved towards it like a magnet reaches for metal. Shouts erupted behind him as the other dragons in the homestead he was in found Riots more recent murder. Riot extended his wings out from the wolf's backside and jumped into the air, laughing to himself; those dragons faces must have been amazing when they saw what looked like a normal wolf just suddenly sprout the wings of a hatchling.

A shame about those two other dragons, though. Riot thought to himself. The wolf growled in response, and Riot took it as an agreement.

Riot landed on a small patch of grass with trees scattered on it. The claw shaped mountain was just a little ways from the rest of the continent, but Riot could only fly so far. He left the wolf and fell onto the dirt, exhausted. He shifted his face to look at the tree in front of him, and saw the shimmering blooms beginning to open in the moonlight.

Had it really been an entire day? He pondered. A light was glowing in a cave entrance that looked like it could accommodate the largest of dragons if they ducked their heads a little. Laughter erupted from inside, and Riot suddenly felt very small and alone. Standing, Riot looked at the wolf - which he had decided at this point to simply call Wolf - and sighed. Wolf was sleeping again, so Riot went to the mouth of the lair alone.

Inside, over a dozen dragons of mixed colors and patterns filled a big hall with a bonfire in its center. A dragon with galaxies for wings was sitting on the head of an imperial, recalling some sort of adventure. All eyes were on her, and Riot had no problems slipping into the surprisingly warmer room unnoticed. He sat in the back of the cavernous space, and scanned the crowd for anyone who seems hostile.

"So there I was, cornered by the backstabbing little monsters..." The dragon telling her story leaned in, letting the anticipation hang for a moment. The familiars crowded around her leaned in with her, interest sparkling in their eyes. "When all of a sudden... WHAM!" She boomed, startling a multitude of people before they laughed again. "Noman suddenly shows up outta nowhere! Just seconds before I got mauled by the ill-tempered cats!" Everyone in the crowd turned towards a black dragon with green writings running down her sides, and she puffed up with pride.

Riot hadn't ever seen any group of people act so... friendly? Simply enjoying each other company. Most lairs Riot ran in to seemed more ridged and stoic. He quickly became entranced by the elaborate tale, joining the others laughs and gasps. No one noticed the out of place voice among the cacophony of others, and Riot felt warm inside.

He scanned the crowd again, taking in each face slowly. A large, blue, and kind imperial's eyes creased with a smile. A fiery pearlcatcher occasionally glanced at the fireplace, being lit by what must have been his pearl, being made of lava. A darker Skydancer with bright blue markings on his feathered hide, outlining his bones. A blue, more animistic dragon whose breed he could never remember. And...

A large, black, insect-like mirror - sitting only a few feet away from Riot - curled around a brown tundra, occasionally pressing the side of his face into his companions fuzzy neck. He seemed more interested in the Tundra and the story being told than the rest of the lair, and Riot couldn't place what was wrong with him. Then, the mirror turned to address a dragon who had leaned over to whisper something, and Riot saw the white, ragged, teardrop shapes framing his white eyes.

Against all odds, Riot had managed to find the only other symbiote on this planet.

Sodapop, the Fae with the starry wings, finished her story, and some people around her began making comments on it and asking questions. A couple other dragons began socializing with each other, and one or two stretched before getting up and walking to some other part of the lair. Riot, trying to figure out what to do with this information, quietly got up and turned towards the entrance to the cave. He spotted Wolf sniffing the ground, and Wolf picked his own head up to look at Riot. Wolf then darted into the cave, relieved to had found Riot again.

Uh oh was all Riot could think before Wolf barreled past the group of dragons, who quieted suddenly, much like a band that stopped playing unexpectedly. They moved out of Wolfs way as he darted towards Riot, turning to growl at everyone who had been between the two of them.

I bond to you for one week and you go and get domesticated? Really? Riot thought to himself as the canine panted, looking proud. He looked up, trying to find something to say. The other symbiote made eye contact with him, and his mouth fell open. Dragging the brown tundra with him, he made his way up to Riot, disbelief written all over his face.

A few tense moments passed, the two creatures studying each other. Then, they both grinned. The symbiote grabbed Riot and lifted him up, inspecting him joyously. The tan tundra shook his head and peered at the two reunited creatures, puzzled.

"Do you know this kid, Venom?" The tundra quizzed. Riot looked at Venom, and Venom squinted, trying to remember.

"I dont believe so, no." Venom admitted. He lowered his voice, retaining his excitement "But I do know what he is!" Venom beamed, obviously relieved that he isnt the last symbiote out there. Riot decided that he was glad this was the case, as well.

A small, pink dragon flew over to the three of them, looking at both Venom and Riot quizzically. She had the face of someone who was trying to do a puzzle; bewildered, and then triumphant. "Are you two related?"

Riot and Venom exchanged glances. Venom looked over Riot before nodding, to Riot's dismay. The pink dragon puffed her chest out, proud. "I could tell!" She boasted. "Same genes, similar color schemes, and ice eyes! You even have the same markings around your faces!"

Riot finally put two and two together; If they pretended to be related, then these dragons would be fine with them staying. Riot, being the intelligent creature he is, decided that this plan wasn't terrible.

Riot, as everyone in the lair says, is a proud dragon. I myself have watched this dragon closely, due to his strange case; Son of Venom just kinda... shows up one day? Doesn't sound right to me. He does look like Venom, of course, the only differences being color and eye type. Riot, however, acts nothing like Venom and much more like your average mirror; introverted and quiet, most of the time.. Everyone else is absolutely enchanted by the mirror, what with him able to wield high levels of charisma and charm. He is very good at getting people to open up about problems, somehow, and I'm starting to wonder how else that could be wielded. (Note: The local Talonok open up just as easily, and we have therefore avoided more conflicts.)

Riot is a very promising dragon, his talent for leadership rivals that of Primrose! He doesnt seems to interested in leading, however, an would rather spend his time hunting with Noman whenever I send her out to do so. Even then, Noman tells Prim that, once at the desired location, he goes off and hunts down without anyone other than his familiar, Wolf.

Wolf is, well, a wolf. He may be intelligent, but Riots creativity could use some work. Wolfs white pelt is much more suited for icy places, so I'm led to believe that Riot got him while he lived in the Southern Icefields. Only one problem with that, though; Riot has absolutely no idea what the Southern Icefield is. One time, we got a chill from the Icefields, and Riot freaked out because My gods the sky is made of cotton? Wolf, and the other hand, knows what snow is.

What a strange dragon.

A passage in Lungworts journal reads as follows:
WHAT?! There's another one??? Why? Why is there another one? This one seems to have a wolf as a host, so at least there aren't any dragons in danger this time.

I just. No. I'm not even going to write that much for this guy. He is raising ALL of the red flags. ALL OF THEM.

This is based off of the character Riot, which is owned by Sony.
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Exalting Riot to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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