
Professional Cry Baby
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Duskthicket Bonepicker
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Energy: 40
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Arcane icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Coatl
Male Coatl
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When I was younger

My dad told me

_______"Be quiet."

___"You were not supposed to happen"

___________So I decided

_____That I would scream my name

__________So the world acknowledges

__________________That I'm alive




22 years old | male | Demisexual
"Oh, no I am not crying.
I just have some sweat on my eyes, that's all."

Btanier is the one who started it all, together with his sister Primavera. Although he says he "found" a map, he definitely stole it from a gang of nasty dragons, explaining why they left the place in such rush.

Both came from a very recluse place, living the high life that their parents could affort at the costs of the poor people. They had no idea how the world outside was, and sadly they went through a radical change when the dragons attacked the highlands of the territory.

Although Btanier had an easy life, he felt refreshed when they left. Btanier was, after all, an illegitimate child in the family.

Now with a strong personality and the stronger need to socialize, Btanier wants to find a better place for him and his mates to live in. He's a young man with the fantasy that everyone can be friends if they try hard enough.

Btanier is very naive and can be easily taken advantage of. He gets angry and nervous quite often, but he honestly wishes the best for everyone around him.


"I just... Can't believe we couldn't be friends.
Why did we had to fight?"

Nasty art by me


Btanier human form






Art by others!

Art by AutopsyJuice(#430274)

Art by swagkingyolo(#113046)

Art by azullmar(#98098)

Art by Veevi(#67764)

Art by sunbuggyyy!!

Super adorable art by koifry!! thank you so much <3
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Exalting Btanier to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.