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Mystic Sage Shawl
Gold Wolf Cape
Brilliant Healer's Trail




0.81 m
1.07 m
3.19 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 30, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


From For Your Spies Only. Prompts by SkyDagger.
Day 1 Prompt wrote:
The agent enters a nondescript lair in the center of the city. "Prompt as usual" said the unassuming figure behind the desk. "Have you seen this before?"

The figure pushes an advertisement torn from a news parchment. It reads, "WANTED: Interns looking for adventure and scientific achievement. No experience needed. Training will be provided. Free room and board for a 6 month apprenticeship. Job placement guaranteed!"

In smaller print, is an address for a local hiring agency that represents several laboratories that operate in Lightning territory.

The agent nods.

The figure looks sharply at the agent, "Your mission is to discover why those who answer this ad are never heard from again. We believe this ad is part of a larger event occurring in the Shifting Expanse and we want you to find out what is actually happening out there."
Laisa was, by profession, a journalist. Her favourite thing to do was to find out secrets; things that were kept hidden, things that were little known for how ancient they were, things that were so new that nobody knew them yet. Her wings were strong from flying all over Sornieth in search of new and interesting bits of information, and her eyes were sharp from spotting every tiny little detail that could lead her to a new story.

Her second-most favourite thing was writing these stories down, putting them into pretty words and sharing them with anybody who'd care to listen. As time went by, her articles became more and more popular. Laisa became so rich that a Sara, a Golden Kitsune deigned to "make Laisa her dragon" (Sara finds being called anybody's 'familiar' rather distasteful). Laisa hired several other speedy faes who were good at acquiring information, so that if several interesting events were unfolding in different corners of the world, Laisa could get the freshest information on all of them.

However, though she could have quite easily left researching to other dragons, focusing herself entirely on writing articles from the information they brought her and feasting on caramelised mantis bugs, Laisa's passion for sniffing out newsworthy events often had her out and about in all kinds of weather. She got involved with a group of secret agents for one main reason - they often provided her with leads on interesting stories a lot earlier than she could have encountered them on her own, in return for a first-hand account of her findings. Of course, this doesn't stop Laisa from collecting all the information she can of the secret agents themselves as well.
Day 2 Prompt wrote:
You have spent a few weeks in Thunderstorm City collecting information and tracking down promising leads by listening to chatty locals, reading articles in the local news parchments, and making very discreet inquiries. You've confirmed the locations of Apprentice Magister Gertrude and the original Electrical Engineering team involved in rebuilding the Sanctorum: Flick, Chasem, and Dib. Your only decision now is who to contact first?

Note: Feel free to use the following FR article as a reference.
Laisa was feeling very pleased with herself, as she always did when she had a new story at her fingertips. Four leads! Part of her wished she knew how to be in four places at once, just so that she could rush after all four of them immediately. But since she couldn't do that, Laisa urged herself to have a bit of patience and think things over. Of course, she'd interview all four, and then some others as well; for instance, surely somebody must've delivered materials? If she found out what materials exactly, then she'd be one step closer to finding out what exactly was being built. But for now, she had four dragons who knew something of interest, and she needed to decide who to speak to first.

Order was important in situations like this. Whoever she interviewed first might inform the others that somebody had come snooping around. Additionally, the more information she had when starting an interview, the more benefit that interview could yield - she'd know what to look for, what to pay attention to. She could approach somebody a second time of course, but in most cases that would be drawing unnecessary attention to herself. Weighing each candidate up, Laisa eventually decided that Magister Gertrude was the one to approach first. If rumours were correct regarding her getting evicted from the property, then she likely wasn't involved with whatever the project was.

This meant several things. Firstly, she was probably annoyed, and such emotions tended to make dragons predisposed to complaining to others. More talkative. More likely to say something interesting without realising it. Secondly, since she wasn't part of the team that had initially worked on the project, so she probably didn't know as much about it. But she probably had observed quite a bit, and some of her observations might be ones that the other three would prefer not to mention. And thirdly, since the other three worked together as a team, the one she interviewed was quite likely to tell the other two about the curious little fae before she got to them. Perhaps it would be wiser to catch Flick, Chasem and Dib when they were all together? But that would wait. For now, Laisa wanted to see what the apprentice Magister had to say. Thus deciding, Laisa set off to her destination.

"Good evening, Magister Gertrude, I hope today finds you well?"
"Well enough. And who might you be?" The Magister peered at her curiously.
"Laisa, daughter of Averrika and Squorn, hailing from the Windswept Plateau." Laisa raised her fins in a polite greeting.
"And what brings you here to the Shifting Expanse, Laisa?" Magister Gertrude asked, though in truth she was wondering why Laisa was vising her, - the travelling spirit of Wind dragons made finding one anyplace in Sornieth no surprise whatsoever.
"Well, you see..." Laisa feigned embarassment, "I'm a bit of a writer, myself, and I wanted to write about the Oculus of Eleven. I heard the Lightning sanctum was being expanded, so I thought this'd be an interesting place to start. But nobody would let me get close to it, since I wasn't an employee. When I told them what I wanted, they said I might as well leave since the Magister no longer resides within the sanctum. I was rather hoping you'd be able to tell me what is going on?" Laisa concluded, trying to add a note of pleading to her monotone voice.
"What's going on?" Magister Gertrude huffed. "I'd rather like to know that myself..."
Day 3 Prompt wrote:
Your interviews with Gertrude and the Electrical Engineering team have confirmed the existence of a new and improved Sanctum, but now there are many more questions to answer. It's time to infiltrate the Sanctum. How will you accomplish this task? Pose as a volunteer Intern, an electrical technician, an inspector, or perhaps some other occupation?

The choice is yours.
Interviews conducted, Laisa had come to the conclusion that some big power source was being constructed, but it seemed as though even the three dragons who had worked on it didn't know the whole story. Time to go in, Laisa decided. She'd found out all she could from second-hand accounts, now she needed to have a look at the project herself. First idea, of course, was to say she'd come in response to the poster offering intern jobs. However, the fact that none of those who'd answered it were seen outside again hinted that she'd be likely stuck inside for the whole six months if she followed this line of investigation. Her second idea was to attach a camera to one of the guards or prospective interns, but that too had to be dismissed - the lightning dragons knew their gadgets like she knew the air currents, and would no doubt have some method in place for detecting unauthorised recording devices. The might even trace it back to her, and that'd be disastrously conspicuous. Then she thought of plan C...

"Pleeeeeease, I know you could help me!" she pleaded, but the fins of the Arcane fae in front of her remained rigid and disapproving. She'd given him a very brief rundown of her investigation, and asked for his help with getting her inside and then back out again. Arkan was a loyal and devoted Arcanite, and a highly skilled mage. He also didn't approve of entering one of the Oculus' sanctums without permission.
"Quite possibly I could, but that doesn't mean I will." he told her. "A sanctum of the Oculus of Eleven is to be treated with respect, and I won't have any part in your scheme to barge in when it is clear that you are not welcome there. If a Magister of the Oculus does not wish to let you in, then that is-"
"But she didn't not let me in! Magister Gertrude was evicted from the construction site, and they're going to destroy the stone sanctum inside!"
"They're WHAT?" Arkan's head fins stretched out so far either side of his face that he looked as though he wanted to use them as a second pair of wings - that's how amazed he was at the news.

"How do you know?" he asked, once some of the shock wore off.
"Magister Gertrude said so herself. Well actually, she muttered it under her breath after we'd finished talking, but I was still close enough to hear. She sounded most upset."
"Hmm." Now Arkan's fins flicked back and forth as he pondered. "That is worrying news indeed. Tell me everything you've found out so far."
Laisa gave him a full account of all she had learned over the past few days - as a reporter she knew how to be concise but thorough when necessary.
"We need to know the details, and then I must report to the Oculus of Eleven personally, if letters aren't getting through. Somebody must be intercepting them, and this is information if the highest importance."
"So you'll help me?"
"Of course. It is vital that the Oculus know the truth of what is happening in the Lightning sanctum, and it is a lot easier for me to cast a projection of you into that building site than to cast a projection of myself. Lightning dragons are incredibly ingenious, and they take security seriously, you know. Come to my working room, we mustn't lose time."

"Projection...?" Laisa asked, eyeing the geometrical signs and magical runes that Arkan was chalking on the stone floor.
"Well, think. If I teleport you there, your body heat for instance will give you away regardless of invisibility spells. Without knowing what their detectors are monitoring, I can't mask your presence completely for certain. So rather than teleport you, I'll send your projection. Now lie down within that outline." Arkan gestured towards a large chalk circle. Laisa tentatively landed inside the circle.
"Your body will remain here, but your consciousness will leave it. Your projection will enter the sanctum. It won't interact with the physical plane, so walls aren't a problem. Being invisible, with no breath, heat, nor movement to detect you shouldn't trigger any alarms, provided you don't use magic. You'll be just like a ghost."
"Is this safe?" she asked, casting an apprehensive glance at Arkan. The way his deep magenta eyes shone made her nervous. Laisa shivered; she didn't want to be 'like a ghost'!
"Fairly safe." he replied, perching on his tail in a second circle, towering over her prone form. "Close your eyes."
Bravery in a reporter is essential, Laisa reminded herself, clenching her eyes shut...
Day 4 Prompt wrote:
The security is tight but your forged identification scans authentic. The security detail leads you toward the huge copper dome of the new Stormcatch Sanctum and you can't help but be impressed by the massive structure. As you pass through the entrance, you settle into your character and stay alert for information gathering opportunities.
"Okay, that should do it." Arkan's voice sounded not in Laisa's ears, but in her head. It was difficult to judge his emotions based on the telepathic speech since she couldn't see his crest movements. She thought he sounded proud and tired in equal measure though.
"Can I open my eyes now?" Laisa asked hopefully. First Arkan had hummed rhythmically and the sound calmed her down to the point where she might have dosed off, but then he stopped and with every second that the silence stretched Laisa grew more scared, envisioning all sorts of disasters if the spell had gone wrong. But she hadn't dared say or do anything in case Arkan was still weaving a spell and her interruption distracted him. Hearing him speak, albeit telepathically, came as an incredible relief.
"Sure, go ahead. Your projection is stable now so go ahead and find out what's going on in that sanctum. I can't see what you're seeing, but your projection should be just outside the main gate. I figured it would be helpful for you to know where the inside is in relation to the outside, so I sent your projection to the outskirts."

"Stop calling me 'projection', you're making me nervous." Laisa grumbled, opening her eyes and looking around. In front of her was the massive copper dome, looking quite impressive.
"I'm only trying to be accurate in my word usage." Arkan responded.
"Well I- hey!" Something at the very edge of her consciousness had nagging her, and she finally figured out what it was. Her head fins! She couldn't no longer see them out of the corners of her eyes! Lifting her tail, she discovered she couldn't see that either.
"What's the matter?"
"I can't see me!"
"That's how it's supposed to work. You can still feel yourself, right?"
"Just move as you normally would, you don't need to see your wings to be able to fly, do you? This is like that. Well, not actually like that, you aren't actually pushing at the air with your wings, nor do you, well, your projection actually - sorry, but I can't explain properly without using that term - have any weight, but you'll feel like you've got all those characteristics because the spell gives you that illusion, so that you can control the projection in a familiar manner..."

Laisa stopped paying attention to Arkan's technical explanation in order to focus on how she felt. She leapt up and gave a cautious flap of her wings, and she really did rise into the air and move towards the building. The fact that the grass didn't even ripple an her foot passed right through a cactus - like a ghost, she remembered - were minor details compared to the fact that she could indeed move around in the way she was accustomed to. Arkan was still explaining something, but Laisa interrupted him.
"Arkan, I'm going in, and I'll need to concentrate. Save the lecture for your professors." she said sternly.
"Sorry." his reply seemed sheepish.
"It's okay. I'm just feeling a little tense, never been like ghost before."
"Sorry." Arkan repeated. "I always forget that not everybody I know has attended the University's first year practical magic topics. I suppose you're not really used to this kind of thing."
Laisa giggled despite herself, "not really used to it" was rather a big understatement. Still, a few minutes later she was feeling quite confident in her ability to move around.

Trying very hard not to think about what she was doing, Laisa flew straight through the locked entrance door, instinctively shutting her eyes as she did. When she opened them again, she was inside. Inside the Stormcatch Sanctum. Laisa looked around. Doors, hallways, corridors, dragons flying around... having no notebook with her, Laisa was going to have to rely on remembering the layout of the place. Still, that wasn't a big problem, considering the lengths of some conversations she'd had to memorise for lack of a writing implement.
First thing to do was to join the orientation tour for the newcomers- she'd find out where the interns stayed, what work they did, where they were forbidden to go (and locked doors now posed no problem!), who was important, who to eavesdrop on... perhaps they'd even lead her to the original sanctum was - if it was still there, then she could see what construction it was 'impeding'. Laisa's head fins flicked back and forth rapidly. So many avenues of investigation had opened up to her... the whole of the sanctum at her very clawtips! This... this was the exciting bit!
Day 5 Prompt wrote:
You're making progress. As far as you can tell, no one suspects that you are not what you claim to be. Now, how to gain access to the more restricted levels deeper under the Sanctum Reactor?
An hour or so later Laisa was flitting through walls as confidently as through the air. Several 'face-to-face' encounters had finally convinced her that she really was invisible, inaudible and intangible, and now she was reveling in the freedom such a position offered. In that past hour Laisa had followed the orientation tour through the main intern working areas, the intern's dormitories and the canteen. In that last area the smells of food cooking made Laisa regret for a moment that she couldn't grab a mouthful or two, but then she reminded herself that she had more important things to do - lunch could wait.

After the tour finished, Laisa followed a group of interns who had been there for several weeks and so knew the routine. From what they said to each other Laisa gathered that they didn't really know what the project as a whole consisted of, only what their part in it was. A group of senior technicians that she listened in on next said a lot of interesting technical things that she didn't really understand, but she quoted them to Arkan so that he could write them down. No doubt a dragon familiar with lightning technology would be able to gather a lot of useful information from those technical terms, perhaps even work out exactly how what was being built was supposed to work.

Feeling that she'd got all she could from the conversations around her, Laisa started looking around, swooping up and down corridors and hallways. For a while it seemed she couldn't find what she was looking for, but a certain skydancer walked purposefully into a room, and then into a cupboard in the room. Laisa followed, of course, and saw how the back of the cupboard's interior slid aside to reveal a top security, "strictly no unauthorised access - if you have found this by accident, report to the boss immediately" door which scanned the skydancer all over before opening with a soft hiss. Behind it, a set of stairs were lit by dim electric lights. So, there really is an underground level! thought Laisa excitedly, following the skydancer downwards...
Day 6 Prompt wrote:
Finally. The last level of the Sanctum! You push open the door and are amazed.

There is nothing there.

Well nothing of any interest. Pipes and cables, crates and barrels, shelves stocked with a variety of parts and tools. It seems like this level is just a large storage area. Oh well, you decide to look around anyway.

As you quietly peer into darkened aisles of supplies, you realize that there is a quiet murmur of voices. Following the sound, you discover a simple door at the end of one of the supply aisles. You can't quite make out what's being said so you decide to take a risk and carefully open the door.

Wow. Now you really are amazed!

What have you discovered? (There is no wrong answer here)
The skydancer Laisa had followed down the stairs stepped through another door and entered what appeared to be a storage room, with crates and shelves stacked with all kinds of spare parts, some spilling out onto the ground so that there were very few clear places where a dragon could land without risking the pile shifting underneath them. For a while, the skydancer stayed perched on one of the ladders leading up to the ceiling, humming a vaguely familiar tune that Laisa was certain she'd once heard somewhere, but couldn't quite place. It seemed that he was waiting for something, so Laisa decided too stay there and find out what he was waiting for. Whilst they waited, each unaware of the other's presence, a loud screech of metal against metal caught their attention. Further investigation showed that it was a Swift Volt. "There you are at last." the skydancer said, gently picking up the little squirrel and placing it on is shoulder. "I was beginning to get worried."

The door leading to the stairs that they had just come down creaked open and a young guardian stepped inside. A threesome of faes flew out from under her wings - triplets by the look of them. "Finally, you're here." said the skydancer, addressing all four. "Next time I want to be the last one to arrive, I was bored stiff waiting for you lot."
"Quit complaining, you know that this doesn't happen often." replied the guardian. "Still, if it makes you happy, sure, next we're called out to mend an unexpected malfunction you can spend your time waiting and being bored upstairs instead of downstairs." She turned into one of the paths between rows of shelves, and the skydancer followed, along with the three faes. "C'mon, if we don't fix the wiring and whatever's up with the canister within the next hour, they'll have to switch over to the other branch until the repairs are complete, which'll mean more wear and tear on the main system, and the boss won't be pleased." The guardian slid one of the shelves - which turned out to be on wheels - aside, revealing a door with a simple-looking lock on it.

Whilst the guardian set about opening the lock - a much more complex operation than one would expect based on its visual appearance - two of the faes perched on the shelf above her, chattering about the jobs they'd completed, mutual friends and the food in the canteen that day, waving their crests animatedly. The third one landed on the skydancer's head and began to whisper in his ear. Laisa hurriedly flew forward to listen in.
"Taking advantage of the fact that there are no skydancers around to read your emotional energy field and call you out on your lie?"
"If that's how you wish to put it, sure." he replied, glancing at the guardian dragon. "What's it to you?"
The fae blew at one of the skydancer's antennae, causing it to twitch. "I just find it amusing, that's all." He whispered in reply. "And of course, I'm curious to see how it all pans out when-"
"Door's open. Hurry up, you know how the leylines are, so get a move on already." grumbled the guardian, interrupting their conversation. Laisa's fins lowered at the thought of the interesting bit of information that she'd just missed out on hearing.

The fae hurriedly joined the other two, and the skydancer wasn't far behind in following the guardian through the door. Laisa tagged on to their group, and soon she too was in the mysterious room that was so heavily disguised and, if Laisa judged rightly, was directly beneath the place where the original stone sanctum had been (or perhaps still was) situated. The walls, floor and even ceiling seemed to hum with potential. A strange tingling filled Laisa from crest to tailtip, she could no longer see nor hear what was going on around her. Instinctively she landed on the ground and curled into a tight ball, wrapping her wings protectively around herself.
"Good job, a healthy natural reaction, now just keep your eyes shut and I'll get you out of there." A voice spoke in her mind, a familiar, reassuring voice, but she didn't have the energy to think about it with the hum all around her. The voice wasn't asking her to do anything, and that was good. The tingling gradually grew fainter, which came as such a relief that Laisa fell asleep, lulled by the stillness. She was woken by Arkan gently shaking her by the shoulder.
Day 7 Prompt wrote:
Success! Now that you've discovered what Lightning is doing, how are you going to get the information back to your flight? Try to "escape"? Send a coded message? Rely on someone else to get the word out?

The decision is yours.
"Are you okay now?" Arkan asked, crests flickering with concern.
"I... I think so." Laisa felt herself over. Everything seemed to be functioning normally, although she felt very weak and tired.
"Here, let me get you something to drink." Arkan left the room, and soon returned with a woolen blanket and a mug of something warm. The liquid was a suspicious pink colour and normally Laisa would have questioned him on the recipe. But now she was focused on taking deep breaths, calming herself and recollecting the past events. Arkan draped the blanket over her, and sat down beside her. Laisa sipped the drink and thought.
"What happened, and why did I end up back here?" Laisa asked eventually.
Arkan shrugged. "It's difficult to explain, we covered the topic in the third year of university, and I only really understood it by the end of the fourth. But simplifying things, you could say you entered a very strong magical field that was... vibrating in an unsuitable direction. I don't know how else to put it without getting technical."

Arkan sighed, and Laisa suddenly realised that he looked nearly as exhausted as she felt. "I'm sorry, I didn't think that there was any possibility of you encountering something like that, otherwise I'd've tried to come up with something else. You see, that kind of field is wont to cause a projection to fall apart, and it takes a lot of energy to pull it out of the field before it dissipates completely. I'm very glad I got you out of there in time. And sorry that I involved you in what turned out to be such a dangerous venture."
"In case you've forgotten, I was the one who started this in the first place, you just offered me the opportunity of moving around in there undetected." She corrected him. "Are you feeling alright? You look a bit pale."
"Just energy depletion, I'll be alright after a few minutes - this place is surrounded by Arcane crystals, after all." Arkan moved his crests into the position of a tired smile, but then became serious again.

"We got less information than I'd hoped, but what we do know, the Oculus of Eleven needs to be told about. Have a look at this, did I get things correct?" Arkan handed her a scroll containing everything Laisa had found out about the construction going on in the sanctum, including floor plans, the fact that interns were forbidden to leave, and even a technical description of the energy field she had encountered.
Laisa scanned through the parts referring to what she had seen. "Seems correct," she responded with a nod, "though obviously you know better than I do about what that was inside the hidden room."
"Good." Arkan placed the scroll upside down on a pile of empty ones and with a fwoosh, a pink-tinted copy of the original appeared on the empty scrolls. "I want to leave a few copies with people I trust. Just in case." he explained, putting half the pile in his satchel and offering the other half to Laisa, who had just finished her drink. "Do you feel up to flying yet?"

The speed with which they flew out across the countryside would have probably won them first place in any racing competition, but they had other concerns. Arkan sought out the professors that he knew and trusted, as well the more serious-minded students he was friends with. Laisa happened to see an agent of hers and left a number of copies with the brown-specked mirror to spread to the reporters in the other flights. The further the information traveled, the less likely it was to disappear like Magister Gertrude's letters, and Laisa knew she could rely on her agents to know who to tell.
They reached Arkan's rock, positioned on top of one of the nearby hills, without incident - unless one counted Laisa's initial bumping into trees and doors. She'd gotten used to passing straight through everything by then! The rock was engraved with runes that allowed Arkan with its help to teleport over long distances with minimal energy usage - very useful considering how drained their previous exercise in magic had left him.
"Now all we have to do," Arkan said, casting the teleportation spell, "is hope that at least someone of the Oculus of Eleven is in."

Proton joined the clan a little while after these events.
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