
I've seen the glitz/I've seen the glam/I prefer the paydirt
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Hoarfrost Mauler
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Swashbuckler's Seaspray Kerchief
Glacierguard Platemail
Hip Black Frames
Hoary Tail Tatters
Hoary Scale Tassets
Hoary Scale Wingplates



Scene: Icewarden's Domain


31.52 m
22.21 m
8399.46 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 16, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level




  • none


────- Nix
Kindness, so many people passed me by
But you warmed me to my core, and you left me wanting more
The first thing Nix could ever remember was ice. The sound it made in icy seas; the way it sucked all the heat from dragon bones. The rooms he spent his young life in were made of frozen glass. Past his four walls was an ancient abyss that lay motionless, bleak and unfeeling. Beyond that was a sea of churning, icy water that knew not a rock from a man.

The world ended when the sun left the sky. There was nothing when the sun went down, nothing but the horror of rattling chains and soft, infected breaths. The world was nothing. It was pain, torment, and inexorable cold. Judgement came in the shape of a gleaming, silver-tipped spear, and Hell was a doorless chamber and frozen manacles, surrounded by a throng of other sinners. The world was Nothing. Nix would’ve been better off at one time if he’d been taken out of it.

In a fortress carved from ice, the cold cared not if one was wearing clothes. The only thing that could properly banish the bitter chill was its antithesis; fire, things brought to a boil. The only place Nix favored working was in the forges, for at least there it was possible he might find a draft of warmer air. Anywhere else, and heat was only a memory, watery and wishful. The only solace of the inky prisons was the promise of bodies packed close together; heat, however foul or oppressive.

And that was the cycle. Work meant food was next. Food meant rest. Rest meant punishment. Punishment meant work. Work and eat and rest until it was Nix’s turn for death to claim him. Death wasn’t something he was unfamiliar with. It seemed an often occurrence that she should brush her icy fingers across his cheek or tug on his antlers. She came when he turned his yellow eyes on the glowing crucibles of the forges. When he passed another poorly dragon on their way out. When he stared down that hateful, razorblade spear. Beckoning, tempting him with the distant promise of warmth and peace. Firelight. Starlight. Warm breezes and green fields. No dragons in sight. No chains, no walls and no more ice. He wasn’t sure where or when he’d come up with such a pleasant daydream; surely, no such place really existed. Not for him, at least. The only place his body would go was to the bottom of the ice-bound, detestable waves.

But then, it came. The day that things changed. When unfamiliar dragons smelling of unfamiliar places ran through the halls of the fortress; and oh, the sound they made! Hoots and hollers, whooping and screaming and chanting.
“Freedom!” They called as they stormed the great hall in which the Master resided. “Freedom!” They howled as they took torches to the suddenly-palpable walls.

“Freedom!” Belted the dragon that smashed to bits the manacles that held Nix down. The dragon with golden eyes that matched with his own only in their color and not in their spirit. They gleamed, bright and childish with boundless energy.

That was liberation day. When Nix and all the other sinners poured out of that sinister glass castle, the sunlight splashing onto their faces, it was he who was the first to spread his mighty wings. And as they lifted him off the ground and carried him into the frigid air, far from the ocean, far from the ice, Nix was for the first time thankful for the buffeting and bitter winds; they robbed him of breath and took him far, far away.

Not far enough.

Past the icefields, over the churning black sea.

Not far enough.

Across fields of ash and fire, where smog filled the air and blackened his wings.

Not far enough.

Above a blanket of golden forest and white meadows. Over a churning jungle of thorned vines.

Not far enough.

Rivers, lakes, marshes, mountains.

Not. Far. Enough.

Nix's wings gave out over beds of moss. His massive body crashing through a thick canopy before finally coming to rest. His new surroundings were so different, so unfamiliar. Lush. Hot. Wet. Bright. Everything the prison of ice wasn't.

Nix found a new four walls. These ones were different. Comforting. Safe. Warm. These walls had food in the pantry. A soft bed in the corner. A window to let light in. A table and chairs. A door that locked from the inside. No chains. No others. No spear.

Far enough.

A year passed. Then half of another. Nix was finally home. He'd learned to enjoy the silence; the isolation.

Then someone came through his window.

Blue feathers. Soft yellow eyes. The ones that had freed him. Nix was dumbfounded. All that time, the length he'd flown, and Yellow Eyes had still found him again.

"Sorry," The stranger muttered. "It seems I've lost my way again..."
His name was Vinko. He liked spicy food. He hadn't meant to fall through the window. He was trying to remember what he'd lost.

Nix didn't have the words to tell him what he'd done, near two years before. He couldn't describe the prison they'd both witnessed. The violence he'd seen. But he could take Vinko's hand and walk him into town. He could cook him spicy noodles and make him laugh as they ate. He could curl up around Vinko at night and share the warmth that he'd previously only craved. He could hold and be held. He could finally learn what it was like to receive love.
Oh, my back's up against the wall
I feel guilty, I feel guilty

-Unwilling leader of thornheim
-Borderlines on antisocial
-Very. Very deadpan.
-Scary. Looks like he could kill you and could kill you
-Not really that mean though, just protective of Vinko and his clanmates
-Sometimes disappears with Brigid for days at a time
-Good cook. Loves spicy food
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Exalting Nix to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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