
Level 1 Skydancer
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Snowflake Nymph
Snowflake Nymph
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Wind icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Male Skydancer
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Winter Wind
Ebony Filigree Breastplate
Iron Filigree Helmet
Ebony Filigree Wing Guard





4.36 m
5.7 m
538.67 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 25, 2018
(6 years)


Skydancer icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245


Backstory: Winterstar’s parents, Belemus and Zen sold him and his brother, Iolanthe, to the Icewarden a long time ago. Winterstar didn’t really care much for his parents though and remembered little of them so it didn’t phase him much growing up. The only family Winterstar really needed was Iolanthe. Winterstar was happy serving the Icewarden with his brother in the Forttress of Ends. The Icewarden was both a father and a surpreme deity to Iolanthe and Winterstar. The skydancers never questioned the Icewarden and were willing to lay down their lives for him...or at least until Amora reached adolescence. Winterstar never interacted with a Amora much because he was just another soldier to her, but Winterstar had always been weary of the female skydancer. Coral had boasted to Winterstar that the spell he and Snowlake had cast upon Amora when she was an egg would give his daughter the ability to read minds. Understandably, these tidbits of information unsettled the skydancer say the least. As years passed, the Icewarden had begun to take on an abnormal obsession of Amora and Iolanthe was the first to notice. When Amora announced she was going to leave Sornieth to pursue her singing career, Winterstar and Iolanthe breathed a sigh of relief. Once the female skydancer left, they hoped the Icewarden would start acting like his old self. Although, Amora didn’t leave. The Icewarden ordered Iolanthe to guard Amora’s bedroom door. The god of ice claimed that he was doing it for Amora’s protection. One night, Iolanthe confessed to Winterstar that Amora been trapped in her own bedroom. Winterstar hadn’t wanted to believe his brother’s claim, but he knew in his heart that what his brother said about his beloved deity was true. The Icewarden had been completely ignored his godly responsibilities lately. The Icewarden had been ignoring the signs of heat waves coming to his territory from the Flamecaller’s children. On day a bogsneak dragon by the name of Zowzu came to the Fortress of Ends and claimed he could help Amora. Iolanthe had advised the Icewarden not to trust this outsider, but the Icewarden ignored the skydancer’s advice. The Icewarden let the bogsneak dragon check on Amora daily. Meanwhile, Iolanthe told his younger brother that he had discovered Amora had been starving herself for some time while they were eating dinner with the other soldiers. After Winterstar had finished his meal, Iolanthe’s eyes were filled with melancholy. Winterstar asked his brother what was wrong. “Bucky, I love you and the Icewarden very dearly, but I had to it. Please understand that,” Iolanthe confessed, while looking his brother right in the eye. Winterstar wanted to ask brother what he meant, but Winterstar felt very sleepy all of the sudden and passed out. Unbeknownst to anyone, Iolanthe had heard Amora and Zowzu planning their escape, but didn’t tell anyone. Iolanthe had wanted Amora to be happy and felt guilty for helping the Icewarden imprison her in the Forttress of Ends. Iolanthe had known Zowzu was going to mix a sleeping potion in the guards food too. Amora had already read Iolanthe‘s thoughts and graciously thanked him for his silence. However, when all of the guards woke up, the Icewarden was furious. The Icewarden sent all of his soldiers into to prison cells beneath the Forttress of Ends. Since the god of ice was the most angry with Iolanthe because he was the one who was suppose to be guarding Amora, he put Iolanthe into the coldest prison cell. Fortunately, Winterstar and his familiar, Frostbite, did manage to escape the Forttress of Ends before he was thrown in prison. For a couple of weeks, Winterstar and Frostbite stayed in the Cloudscrape Crags and plotted how they would free Iolanthe and the other soldiers. After thorough planning, Winterstar, Frostbite and several clans consisting entirely of tundra dragons who were unhappy with the Icewarden marched to the Fortress of Ends. Invading the Icewarden’s shrine was relatively easy to infiltrate since half of the guards had been thrown in prison. Winterstar and some of the tundra dragons got into the prison beneath the Fortress of Ends and freed many soldiers. However, some of the soldiers had frozen to death in their cells and Iolanthe was among them. When Winterstar had found his brother’s body, he was overcome with grief and icy rage. The skydancer charged into the Icewarden’s chambers. “Iolanthe is dead!” Winterstar shouted, “You let him die!” Winterstar began attacking the Icewarden. The Icewarden didn’t have the heart to freeze Winterstar. He had lost Amora, Iolanthe, and now he had lost Winterstar too. Winterstar managed to break off one of the Icewarden’s icicles and by doing so, the skydancer stole some of the Icewarden’s power. When the skydancer gained the some of his deity’s power, Winterstar unknowingly broke Amora’s curse. The Icewarden, still unaware of his stolen magic, ordered his guards to “escort” (which really meant drag) Winterstar out of the Forttress of Ends. The Icewarden still couldn’t kill Winterstar even though he knew he should. Fortunately, Winterstar, Frostbite, the tundra dragons and the formerly imprisoned soldiers escaped to the Cloudscrape Crags. However, once the Icewarden realized some of his power was missing, he issued a warrant for Winterstar’s arrest. Many worshippers of the Icewarden hated Winterstar for what he had done. Some followers of the Icewarden went as far as making themselves look like Winterstar and looting small villages in other territories, which caused the other gods to hate Winterstar as well. The VeroKitty Clan had been attacked by one of these Winterstar imposters, which had the Aquafire Clan and the VeroKitty Clan to send some their warriors to hunt down and capture Winterstar. Sahara, Zecro, and Nightshade had broken away from the large group of warriors to gather information about Winterstar’s whereabouts in the Cloudscrape Crags. Nightshade got reports from some of the spies he had planted in local bars. Sahara flirted with many male dragons to get an idea where Winterstar was hiding. Zecro gathered any other clues they could find about Winterstar. While the group was traveling , a snowstorm started, causing the three dragons to get lost in the snow. The group wandered for miles until the, they came across a small cottage. All of the dragons were freezing so they hustled towards the cottage and frantically knocked on the door. The cottage door opened to reveal a skydancer dragon and a snow nymph. The skydancer told the three other dragons where the next town was and was planning on slamming the door on the three strangers, but the snow nymph convinced the skydancer to let the strangers stay for one night. The snow nymph said her name was Frostbite and that the skydancer’s name was Bucky. Zecro, Nightshade and Sahara wound up staying in Bucky’s cottage for almost an entire month because of the terrible weather. Although, Bucky grew to love the company of the three dragons (especially Sahara’s company). The happy time the dragons shared together came to a sudden halt when Frostbite called Bucky Winterstar. Amidst the sudden tension in the room, Zecro asked Bucky why Frostbite had called him Winterstar. Bucky explained that his real name was Winterstar, but his deceased brother and Frostbite always called him “Bucky”. Winterstar also explained that he had to go by Bucky nowadays since he had been framed for many crimes and there was a warrant for his arrest. Bucky even told the three dragons about the days he had spent working for the Icewarden and his deceased brother, Iolanthe. After Sahara, Nightshade and Zecro had heard Winterstar’s story, they became determined to prove the skydancer dragon’s innocence. After months of investigating, spying and flirting, the three dragons had gathered enough evidence to prove Winterstar’s innocence. The dragons presented there evidence to Costaluna. The female guardian quickly wrote an article that proved Winterstar was not responsible for the recent attacks on small villages throughout Sornieth and published her findings. News spread all over Sornieth about the Winterstar’s imposters and it wasn’t long before a majority of those dragons were arrested. Winterstar still wanted to remain in hiding because unbeknownst to the rest of Sornieth, Winterstar still had some of the Icewarden’s powers. However, Sahara eventually convinced the old skydancer to come the Aquafire Clan and the rest is history.

Personality: Winterstar is pessimistic and a lot like a grouchy old man at times. The skydancer is typically very serious, strait forward and always focuses on work before fun. Although, Winterstar does have a secret humorous side that only Sahara, Frostbite, Zecro and Nightshade know about. Winterstar clams he doesn’t like spending time with most dragons, but he truly loves being in the company of Zecro, Nightshade and Sahara especially. Close friends call him Bucky. Winterstar is actually 103 years old, but the stolen ice magic inside of Winterstar has drastically slowed his aging process (so he still looks like he is thirty).

Clan Position: General/Hunter

Soul Mate: Sahara

Familiar: Frostbite has known Winterstar since he was a hatchling. She is the only one who knows how Winterstar got his nickname. The two had both served and loved the Icewarden for many years together. Although, Frostbite had left the Icewarden after the god had locked Amora away and killed Iolanthe. Frostbite’s nature foils well with Winterstar’s. The optimistic snow nymph is always cheerful and welcoming.

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