
Level 5 Ridgeback
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Energy: 48
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Fire icon
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Male Ridgeback
Male Ridgeback
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Personal Style


Brilliant Healer's Reference
Cat's Breastplate
Refined Highnoon Brimmer
Bronze Steampunk Scarf



Scene: Foundry Battle


13.2 m
19.29 m
8034.64 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 24, 2018
(6 years)


Ridgeback icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 5 Ridgeback
EXP: 2228 / 5545





Chrys loves to read about adventures and would love to be an adventurer, but he just isn't sure how to get started. Firth wouldn't have him on the Gladiola, said he was annoying and he ate too much. Even Foxglove didn't want to train him, said he was too distracted and couldn't focus, could get himself killed.
Getting the dog was helping him calm down some. He now has a focus. His familiar, an armored duskflapper named Hune, is pretty self sufficient, hunting at night and coming in for cuddles and sleep during the day. The dog is dependent though. Sir Longbelly relies on him for food, water and shelter. And cuddles.

Sir Longbelly had been a gift from the clan's shaman, Duskchaser. This had seemingly come out of nowhere and Chrys had been very curious as to her motives in giving him a dependent creature when he was so well known as unreliable in the clan. He took every opportunity to talk to her after this to try and find out why. Chrys found that Duskchaser was actually rather lonely as most of the clan thought her too mysterious and scary to be approachable. Chrys found quite the opposite to be true and that he thoroughly enjoyed their conversations. Eventually he was comfortable enough with her to ask why she had given him his sweet little companion.
Duskchaser resisted answering this question but Chrys managed to pry it out of her. She had been approached by clan leader Iris about him. Iris had hoped Duskchaser would have some idea how to help Chrys become a more productive member of the clan. Duschaser said "It seems you had gotten on many a dragon's nerves and Iris had been fielding a lot of complaints. She said she had tried to talk to you but had not gotten anywhere..." Chrys remembered his last conversation with the clan leader. She had asked him about what he wanted to do in support of the clan and he had blathered on about adventures and such. Iris had even asked him if he wanted to go and fight for the Gladekeeper! Even then he had been oblivious to the underlying message.
Chrys hung his head in embarrassment. As his chin neared his chest a tiny tongue licked it as Sir Longbelly stretched out from his shoulder. Chrys smiled at this and reflected on how much he had changed since getting the little dog. He looked up at Duskchaser with a look of wonder. "How did you know Sir Longbelly would be the answer?" She breathed a sigh of relief that he had not been offended and said "I am a shaman you know!" They shared a good laugh at that. The two talked into the night about everything and nothing. Duskchaser would wait for another time to encourage him to think about how he could fulfill his desire for adventure and also become a productive member of the clan.

Chrys had worked hard to impress the clan with his improved character. He had managed (mostly) to restrain himself when his favorite foods were available and not grab as much for himself as he could get. He had also looked for opportunities to pitch in and help the other dragons with major work that needed doing without being asked. And then doing the work without complaining. In truth it had been a strain at first but he had gotten used to it and found it to be kind of satisfying. It had not quelled the desire for adventure but had made him feel he was a useful dragon and not the ne'er-do-well he had been seen as by the clan. And... it had finally paid off! Cineraro had agreed to take him on as an apprentice gatherer! Chrys was so excited it was difficult to contain himself so that he didn't ruin the impression he had been working to achieve. He had hardly been able to stop himself from squirming while Cin was in teaching mode but he felt the Guardian's watchful eye on him and held himself still. There was no sleeping the night before they set off on their first gathering mission but it was finally here. Just a short, routine trip to the nearby Gladeveins but Chrys was determined to do well.
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Exalting Chrys to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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