
Level 7 Snapper
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Energy: 50
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Light icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Snapper
Female Snapper
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Personal Style


Witch's Hat


Skin: Glade Golem



3.78 m
2.21 m
5612.01 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 18, 2018
(6 years)


Snapper icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 7 Snapper
EXP: 7870 / 11881






Age: Elder
Gender: Cis Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: ISTJ
Alignment: Lawful Good


Aztec: 'source of life'
Intelligent | Clean | Sharing

"You can't go back and change the beginning,
but you can start where you are and change the ending."
~C. S. Lewis


After being abandoned by her family after her father’s death, she traveled all over Sornieth. While traveling through the Wandering Contagion, she encountered a weak little Fae - Malantha - who she adopted. She loves her adopted daughter very much and will do anything to protect her. During her travels, she developed a love for both books and gems and started collecting them.

As a Light dragon, she values knowledge, and this is accompanied by her intelligence. She’s very organized, and so she was assigned as the group's Trader and Researcher. As the head of research, she often writes about Sornieth's history and also records the adventures of the group, including the Guide to the Creatures of Sornieth.


Yolihuani's story began in a Light clan nestled on the edge of the Hewn City. Her father cared greatly for his children and frequently brought them with him while he worked as a bookkeeper in the clan’s great archive. Her mother, while slightly unstable in terms of mental health, was loving and took good care of her family and her students. Most of Yolihuani ’s family were graceful, but her sister had a tendency to fall over her own feet. Being a Snapper, she was heavy, and when Yolihuani was less than a year old, she brought disaster down on the family. On an outing to her father’s workplace, Yolihuani's sister slipped in a puddle and went tumbling head over tail into a nearby column, knocking it over and bringing the roof of the archive down with it. Their father rushed into the center of the rockfall to rescue a colleague, but neither returned from the mountain of rock.

When authorities arrived on the scene, Yolihuani's brother instantly blamed their sister for the disaster. She was stripped of her name, leaving her and her family disgraced. Their mother’s mental state worsened considerably with the shame of having an unnamed child, and after a few weeks of not being able to look at her children, she ordered them to leave the clan so she could mourn in peace. When Yolihuani protested, her mother threw a vase at her. She and her siblings left that very night. In a small clan bordering the Sea of a Thousand Currents, Yolihuani and her siblings were forced to decide what to do. They set up a vote: stay together or go their separate ways. Not wanting to leave the small piece of her family she had left, Yolihuani wanted to stay with her siblings, but they outvoted her.

Dejected and alone, she tracked south to the Shifting Expanse. She was hired for a menial job as a cataloger, and it was there that she discovered her love of minerals. A year and a half later, however, Yolihuani received word that her younger brother, Sandstone, had died while living in the Scarred Wasteland. The news crushed her. She began to associate her new home with death. Unable to continue her work, she packed up her few belongings and moved far north, to Dragonhome. More than anything, she wanted to study her passion and she could not think of a better place to do it.

Yolihuani divided her time between the region’s enormous collection of historical records and the various rooms of the Sornieth Geological Society’s headquarters. Every day on her walk home from the SGS, she saw the same hatchling huddled in an alleyway near the silent marketplace. She balked when approached, but accepted the bottle of slug juice Yolihuani rolled to her. As the days grew longer and the alleyway lighter, Yolihuani began to see that her new friend was a skinny Fae, Plague in origin. She shared treats and water with the tiny dragon, until one day, the hatchling followed her home. When Yolihuani discovered her, there was a long conversation which concluded in her decision to adopt the little dragon. Malantha had been hatched to a hateful family who cared nothing for her and forced to hide away from her wrathful father. Yolihuani put in an adoption request the very next day, and so Malantha became her daughter. When she had read everything in the historical database, she and Malantha moved south to the Tangled Wood. Yolihuani not only learned all there was to know about minerals, but acquired knowledge in a wide variety of topics. By the time she left, she knew every scrap of information in the region’s historical records.

The small family stayed in the Shadow Realm for only a few weeks. They both felt the call of the warm wind pulling them further south. In the summer heat, they found a caravan and followed the line between the Scarred Wasteland and the Sea of a Thousand Currents to the Windswept Plateau. On the way, Yolihuani began to teach her daughter about the world they lived in, its history and its inhabitants. Malantha absorbed all the information eagerly. Before they knew it, they were in the Wind realm, and they loved it. The lively, colorful bustle was so different from what Malantha had known, and it made Yolihuani feel more at home than anywhere else had.

In her effort to find some minerals to add to her new collection, Yolihuani contacted an Imperial named Arild, who also collected minerals. From their first meeting, they got along splendidly, sharing facts and information. Arild sometimes helped to look after Malantha and sat in on her lessons. Realizing how intelligent Yolihuani was and how much she loved sharing knowledge, he encouraged her to open a library in the clan. She agreed and took up residence in an abandoned building, having books shipped in from all over Sornieth. When she had imparted all her knowledge to Malantha , she accepted a job as a professor, teaching curious hatchlings and dragons what she had learned in Dragonhome. A frequent visitor to the library was Maeve. She and Yolihuani struck up a conversation one day and instantly became good friends. Yolihuani enjoyed organizing and cleaning her library and her classroom, and spent much of her time with her friends and her daughter until fire swept the clan, and her quietly perfect life was lost.

by HannahofInternet
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