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[center][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=7][i]S O U L [color=transparent] - [/color]H U N T E R[/center]
[center][color=#69605d]• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •[/color][/center]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Description[/b]: Soul Hunters are dragons that hunt down malevolent souls, trapping them and setting those souls free in a Gate. They are not able to speak to souls or touch them, but they can see and hear them, making it possible to locate them by either a visual or sound. Hunters often work together with familiars, and always carry a - often enchanted - weapon around.
[b]Soul Interactions[/b]: See [X] | Hear [X] | Talk [ ] | Touch [ ]
[b]Nicknames[/b]: Hunter
[b]Common Traits[/b]: Impulsive, Deceptive, Tough, Confident, Daring, Competitive
[b]Badge[/b]: [img]https://i.imgur.com/TAmel54.png[/img]
[b]Familiars[/b]: Every Hunter has at least one trained familiar with them at all times during their job. These familiars often exist in both Sornieth and Limbo, making it possible to interact with souls and protecting the Hunter.
[item=Wraith Hound][item=Shatterbone Vulture][item=Otherworldly Aura][item=Death Seeker][item=Umbra Wolf]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Weapons[/b]: Because most Hunters are fully alive, they can't interact with souls. Because of this, they always carry a weapon that exists in Sornnieth and Limbo, most likely an enchanted weapon (often enchanted by a Soul Whisperer). Hunters use swords, katana's, cutlass', claws, picks and tridents as weapons.
[item=Primal Claws][item=Deeprealm Trident][item=Ice Pick][item=Cleaver][item=Buccaneer's Cutlass]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Apparel[/b]: A Hunter's attire exists of practical and protective gear. Most of the time, Hunter's go for darkly colored apparel.
[item=Ivory Scale Trunk][item=Viper's Armor][item=Silver Filigree Armor] [item=Bramble Mantle][item=Reaper Guise]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Known Soul Hunters[/b]:
Description: Soul Hunters are dragons that hunt down malevolent souls, trapping them and setting those souls free in a Gate. They are not able to speak to souls or touch them, but they can see and hear them, making it possible to locate them by either a visual or sound. Hunters often work together with familiars, and always carry a - often enchanted - weapon around.
Common Traits: Impulsive, Deceptive, Tough, Confident, Daring, Competitive
Familiars: Every Hunter has at least one trained familiar with them at all times during their job. These familiars often exist in both Sornieth and Limbo, making it possible to interact with souls and protecting the Hunter.
Wraith Hound
The chilling howl of these phantom dogs can be heard for miles.
Shatterbone Vulture
In a stunning natural role reversal, the undead Shatterbone often finds itself center of attention of other carrion birds.
Otherworldly Aura
A jumble of bones and magic. When you can't find a familiar, make one!
Death Seeker
This murderous bird is blind save for the large, ominous eye on its chest.
Umbra Wolf
Umbra wolves are adept at blending into the shadows. The unwary dragon may find itself surrounded by a pack it never saw coming.
Weapons: Because most Hunters are fully alive, they can't interact with souls. Because of this, they always carry a weapon that exists in Sornnieth and Limbo, most likely an enchanted weapon (often enchanted by a Soul Whisperer). Hunters use swords, katana's, cutlass', claws, picks and tridents as weapons.
Primal Claws
Sharpened steel claws protect and enhance your own.
Deeprealm Trident
A trident with a long reach is an excellent weapon in the deep... (Wavecrest Saturnalia Holiday Item 2017)
Ice Pick
When the wings freeze and the claws slip, the ice pick is a climber's trusty companion.
An effective weapon; an ineffective kitchen utensil.
Buccaneer's Cutlass
This cutlass is used more for decoration than anything else.
Apparel: A Hunter's attire exists of practical and protective gear. Most of the time, Hunter's go for darkly colored apparel.
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[center][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=7][i]S O U L [color=transparent] - [/color]C O L L E C T O R[/center]
[center][color=#69605d]• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •[/color][/center]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Description[/b]: Soul Collectors are dragons that locate and collect benevolent souls. They use gentleness, often by singing soft tunes or playing calm melodies on an instrument. They are not able to speak to souls or touch them, but they can see and hear them, making it possible to locate them by either a visual or sound. Collectors often work together with a familiar.
[b]Soul Interactions[/b]: See [X] | Hear [X] | Talk [ ] | Touch [ ]
[b]Nicknames[/b]: Collector
[b]Common Traits[/b]: Kind, Faithful, Gentle, Calm, Focused, Cheerful
[b]Badge[/b]: [img]https://i.imgur.com/9P1eWJi.png[/img]
[b]Familiars[/b]: Collectors rarely find themselves in a situation where combat is the only option, and thus their familiars are not trained for action. A Collector's familiar is trained in movement and sound, aiding the Collector in their task.
[item=Nightfall Imp][item=Ignited Imp][item=Lux Spectre][item=Aer Phantom]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Instrument[/b]: Although most prefer their voice, some Collector opt for an instrument.
[item=Finely Crafted Lute][item=Wooden Pipeflute][item=Simple Harp]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Apparel[/b]: Softness, tenderness and gentleness are keywords for a Collector, which shows on their choice of apparel.
[item=Dusky Thorn Tangle][item=Grove Faerie Kit][item=Golden Silks][item=Dryad's Guise][item=Will o' the Ember]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Known Soul Collectors[/b]:
Description: Soul Collectors are dragons that locate and collect benevolent souls. They use gentleness, often by singing soft tunes or playing calm melodies on an instrument. They are not able to speak to souls or touch them, but they can see and hear them, making it possible to locate them by either a visual or sound. Collectors often work together with a familiar.
Common Traits: Kind, Faithful, Gentle, Calm, Focused, Cheerful
Familiars: Collectors rarely find themselves in a situation where combat is the only option, and thus their familiars are not trained for action. A Collector's familiar is trained in movement and sound, aiding the Collector in their task.
Nightfall Imp
Often seen where lava meets the sea, these elusive imps use the guise of smoke to befuddle assailants, or even trick them into falling in the boiling water off the coast.
Ignited Imp
Imps are notorious for seeking an evil overlord to follow. Left to their own devices, these creatures' unchecked mischief can cause a lot of damage.
Lux Spectre
These impish spectres appear at the edges of one's vision when the nights are darkest. It remains unknown if they truly exist, or if they are a figment of the mind.
Aer Phantom
While they appear non-threatening, dragons take care not to let this spectral creature pass through them.
Instrument: Although most prefer their voice, some Collector opt for an instrument.
Finely Crafted Lute
A simple wooden lute, perfect for entertaining your den mates on a rainy day. Just... go outside to practice, will ya?
Wooden Pipeflute
A set of wooden pipes that emit a mirthful, whimsical sound. Play the right songs and you can charm any familiar.
Simple Harp
A delicate handheld harp. Will you play a song of ice... or fire? Perhaps both?
Apparel: Softness, tenderness and gentleness are keywords for a Collector, which shows on their choice of apparel.
Dusky Thorn Tangle
Contains the Dusky Rose Thorn Arm Tangle, Banner, Collar, Crown, Gloves, Leg Tangle, Stockings, Tail Tangle, and Wing Tangle. 9 items.
Grove Faerie Kit
Contains the Grove Sylvan Anklets, Bracelets, Dress, Headpiece, Filigree, Twist, Lattice, and Wings. 8 items.
Golden Silks
Contains the Golden Fillet, Silk Veil, Bangle, Scarf, Wing Silks, Silk Sash, Leg Silks, and Arm Silks. 8 items.
Dryad's Guise
An ethereal gown that changes hue among foliage. (Greenskeeper Gathering Holiday Item 2017)
Will o' the Ember
Visitors of the Ashfall Waste should never follow the dancing flames.(Flameforger's Festival Holiday Item 2015.)
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[center][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=7][i]S O U L [color=transparent] - [/color]W H I S P E R E R[/center]
[center][color=#69605d]• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •[/color][/center]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Description[/b]: A Soul Whisperer has the ability to actually communicate with a soul. They can see and hear them, but also talk to them. Whisperers often guide souls to the Gate after Hunters and Collectors finished their jobs. They can also enchant a Hunter's weapon to be able to interact with a soul. Sometimes, they also aid Hunters and Collectors by using their magic capabilities.
[b]Soul Interactions[/b]: See [X] | Hear [X] | Talk [X] | Touch [ ]
[b]Nicknames[/b]: Whisperer
[b]Common Traits[/b]: Balanced, Honest, Wise, Friendly, Determined, Compassionate
[b]Badge[/b]: [img]https://i.imgur.com/4mWjqfp.png[/img]
[b]Familiars[/b]: Whisperers often have a familiar, but not a specially trained one. Since they are mostly not involved in catching the souls, they are practically out of harm's way, and aren't in need of a combat trained familiar. When they aid a Hunter or Collector, it is adviced to take along a combat trained familiar though.[/size]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Orbs[/b]: These Orbs are often seen as a familiar. They help the Whisperer in their communication with souls and are always present around their dragon.
[item=Companion Comet][item=Celestial Attendant]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Apparel[/b]: Somehow most Whisperers go for a more mysterious look, and often prefer a few bones here and there.
[item=Ethereal Flame Regalia][item=The Dusty Sage][item=Brown Feathered Bones][item=Hewn Philosopher's Veil][item=Skeletal Chimes]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Known Soul Whisperers[/b]:
Description: A Soul Whisperer has the ability to actually communicate with a soul. They can see and hear them, but also talk to them. Whisperers often guide souls to the Gate after Hunters and Collectors finished their jobs. They can also enchant a Hunter's weapon to be able to interact with a soul. Sometimes, they also aid Hunters and Collectors by using their magic capabilities.
Common Traits: Balanced, Honest, Wise, Friendly, Determined, Compassionate
Familiars: Whisperers often have a familiar, but not a specially trained one. Since they are mostly not involved in catching the souls, they are practically out of harm's way, and aren't in need of a combat trained familiar. When they aid a Hunter or Collector, it is adviced to take along a combat trained familiar though.
Orbs: These Orbs are often seen as a familiar. They help the Whisperer in their communication with souls and are always present around their dragon.
Companion Comet
A friendly celestial body. (Starfall Celebration 2014 Holiday Item)
Celestial Attendant
This celestial orb thinks you have a lot of "pull!"
Apparel: Somehow most Whisperers go for a more mysterious look, and often prefer a few bones here and there.
Ethereal Flame Regalia
A package containing all of the Ethereal Flame Regalia
The Dusty Sage
Contains the Dusty Sage Cover, Lantern, Shawl, Sash, Sleeves, and Tassel. 6 items.
Brown Feathered Bones
Contains the Brown Birdskull Armband, Headdress, Legband, Necklace, and Wingpiece. 5 items.
Hewn Philosopher's Veil
A veil awarded to the dedicated philosophers. The full head covering is thought to invite deeper introspection. (Brightshine Jubilee Holiday Item 2017.)
Skeletal Chimes
A plagueland breeze is best accompanied by a cheerful rattle of skeletal chimes. (Riot of Rot Holiday Item 2015.)
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[center][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=7][i]G A T E K E E P E R[/center]
[center][color=#69605d]• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •[/color][/center]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Description[/b]: Gatekeepers can feel the energy that's released during the formation of a Gate, and can locate it. They are often also the protectors of a Gate for the duration it's open. They can see souls, but not hear them. You won't spot a Gatekeeper without a Tome.
[b]Soul Interactions[/b]: See [X] | Hear [ ] | Talk [ ] | Touch [ ]
[b]Nicknames[/b]: Keeper
[b]Common Traits[/b]: Dutiful, Energetic, Practical, Active, Organized, Patient
[b]Badge[/b]: [img]https://i.imgur.com/IrQgxEc.png[/img]
[b]Familiars[/b]: Most Gatekeepers choose their own familiar since they aren't involved in the whole soul catching, but some prefer a familiar trained for seeking certain items or locations - like a Gate.
[item=Death Seeker][item=Storm Seeker]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Tomes[/b]: Tomes are used to locate a Gate, and to cast spells from to keep evil beings at bay - whether it's beings from Sornieth trying to enter the Gate, or beings from the Otherworld trying to enter Sornieth. Every Gatekeeper carries a Tome.
[item=Ice Tome][item=Nature Tome][item=Plague Tome][item=Light Tome][item=Shadow Tome]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Apparel[/b]: Gatekeepers don't have a prefered outfit, but some will go for something protective when they have to protect a Gate. Most, however, just choose whatever looks nice. [/size]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Known Gatekeepers[/b]:
Description: Gatekeepers can feel the energy that's released during the formation of a Gate, and can locate it. They are often also the protectors of a Gate for the duration it's open. They can see souls, but not hear them. You won't spot a Gatekeeper without a Tome.
Common Traits: Dutiful, Energetic, Practical, Active, Organized, Patient
Familiars: Most Gatekeepers choose their own familiar since they aren't involved in the whole soul catching, but some prefer a familiar trained for seeking certain items or locations - like a Gate.
Death Seeker
This murderous bird is blind save for the large, ominous eye on its chest.
Storm Seeker
Storm Seekers are the heralds of bleak weather. Entire murders of them flock toward approaching thunderclouds and hurricanes.
Tomes: Tomes are used to locate a Gate, and to cast spells from to keep evil beings at bay - whether it's beings from Sornieth trying to enter the Gate, or beings from the Otherworld trying to enter Sornieth. Every Gatekeeper carries a Tome.
Ice Tome
A durable leather tome filled with ancient knowledge of the Ice Flight.
Nature Tome
A durable leather tome filled with ancient knowledge of the Nature Flight.
Plague Tome
A durable leather tome filled with ancient knowledge of the Plague Flight.
Light Tome
A durable leather tome filled with ancient knowledge of the Light Flight.
Shadow Tome
A durable leather tome filled with ancient knowledge of the Shadow Flight.
Apparel: Gatekeepers don't have a prefered outfit, but some will go for something protective when they have to protect a Gate. Most, however, just choose whatever looks nice.
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[center][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=7][i]B E A S T M A S T E R[/center]
[center][color=#69605d]• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •[/color][/center]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Description[/b]: Beastmasters train familiars to aid Hunters and Collectors during their job, and to protect them. They can only see souls. Beastmasters are often surrounded by an array of animals and familiars.
[b]Soul Interactions[/b]: See [X] | Hear [ ] | Talk [ ] | Touch [ ]
[b]Nicknames[/b]: Tamer
[b]Common Traits[/b]: Adventurous, Perceptive, Solitary, Alert, Disciplined, Ambitious
[b]Badge[/b]: [img]https://i.imgur.com/qJCIyxA.png[/img]
[b]Familiars[/b]: Beastmasters have familiars all around them. They don't really have one permanent familiar, but they wouldn't want it any other way.
[item=Kelpie][item=Disoriented Spirit][item=Corpse Cleaner][item=Baku][item=Permafrost Impaler]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Weapons[/b]: Quiver's and Claws are prefered by Beastmasters. These are used subdue a wild familiar, and to catch small prey to feed to their familiars.
[item=Ranger's Quiver][item=Furious Claws]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Apparel[/b]: Beastmasters enjoy to be surrounded by animals in general. Cats, snakes, birds - it doesn't really matter. They also have a weird habit of making items to wear out of their deceased animal friends.
[item=Frustrating Menagerie][item=Brown Feathered Bones][item=Witch's Tatters][item=Mossy Maze Colony][item=Red-eyed Tree Frog Companion]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Known Beastmasters[/b]:
Description: Beastmasters train familiars to aid Hunters and Collectors during their job, and to protect them. They can only see souls. Beastmasters are often surrounded by an array of animals and familiars.
Common Traits: Adventurous, Perceptive, Solitary, Alert, Disciplined, Ambitious
Familiars: Beastmasters have familiars all around them. They don't really have one permanent familiar, but they wouldn't want it any other way.
Most dragons are too large to practically ride a kelpie, and as such are regarded as allies, not prey.
Disoriented Spirit
The very last thing you wanted to encounter on a dark night.
Corpse Cleaner
An unfortunate creature makes for a fortunate corpse cleaner.
Baku are able to walk both the physical and ethereal plane.
Permafrost Impaler
These creatures freeze, then skewer their victims. (KS-Sponsored by Zen.)
Weapons: Quiver's and Claws are prefered by Beastmasters. These are used subdue a wild familiar, and to catch small prey to feed to their familiars.
Ranger's Quiver
When magic is weak or claws are dull, a bow will never fail - provided one possesses opposable thumbs.
Furious Claws
Sharpened steel claws protect and enhance your own.
Apparel: Beastmasters enjoy to be surrounded by animals in general. Cats, snakes, birds - it doesn't really matter. They also have a weird habit of making items to wear out of their deceased animal friends.
Frustrating Menagerie
A cage containing all six tropical migratory birds - a savings of ten percent.
Brown Feathered Bones
Contains the Brown Birdskull Armband, Headdress, Legband, Necklace, and Wingpiece. 5 items.
Witch's Tatters
A package containing all of the Witch's Tatters set.
Mossy Maze Colony
A medley of lush emerald-colored mushrooms that have somehow sustained a colony on a passerby dragon. Parasite? Symbiote? Fashion statement?
Red-eyed Tree Frog Companion
A friend that doubles as a form of insect repellant.
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[center][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=7][i]E L D [color=transparent] - [/color]R E A P E R[/center]
[center][color=#69605d]• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •[/color][/center]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Description[/b]: Eld Reapers hunt and kill evil creatures, mainly Eldritch Beings that escaped the Nothingness. They are very similar to Soul Hunters, but actually kill their assignment. Their interaction with souls is limited since it's not part of their task, so their ability to see, hear, talk or touch them differs per dragon.
[b]Soul Interactions[/b]: Not applicable
[b]Nicknames[/b]: Reaper
[b]Common Traits[/b]: Disturbed, Skillful, Dark, Vicious, Hardworking, Asocial
[b]Badge[/b]: [img]https://i.imgur.com/tlYvNjb.png[/img]
[b]Familiars[/b]: Eld Reapers prefer to work alone, and often don’t take a familiar. If they do, however, they prefer a strong familiar who can stand its ground or one who has strong magic capa
[b]Weapons[/b]: Swords, Claws, Cutlass' - anything sharp, really. Some also prefer any type of (mainly dark) magic.
[item=Swashbuckler's Cutlass][item=Ruthless Claws][item=Traditional Broadsword]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Apparel[/b]: Reapers love black. They try to be as invisible as possible to avoid detection, and any dark colors work best for this. They prefer armor for protection, because the creatures they encounter are often pretty vicious.
[item=Tarnished Steel Helmet][item=Bramble Mantle][item=Steelscale Chest Guard][item=White Raven Armor][item=Ebony Filigree Boots]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Known Eld Reapers[/b]:
Description: Eld Reapers hunt and kill evil creatures, mainly Eldritch Beings that escaped the Nothingness. They are very similar to Soul Hunters, but actually kill their assignment. Their interaction with souls is limited since it's not part of their task, so their ability to see, hear, talk or touch them differs per dragon.
Soul Interactions: Not applicable
Nicknames: Reaper
Common Traits: Disturbed, Skillful, Dark, Vicious, Hardworking, Asocial
Familiars: Eld Reapers prefer to work alone, and often don’t take a familiar. If they do, however, they prefer a strong familiar who can stand its ground or one who has strong magic capa
Weapons: Swords, Claws, Cutlass' - anything sharp, really. Some also prefer any type of (mainly dark) magic.
Swashbuckler's Cutlass
This cutlass is used more for decoration than anything else.
Ruthless Claws
Sharpened steel claws protect and enhance your own.
Traditional Broadsword
Gets the job done without any frills. Disclaimer: May get the job done with frills depending on dragon breed.
Apparel: Reapers love black. They try to be as invisible as possible to avoid detection, and any dark colors work best for this. They prefer armor for protection, because the creatures they encounter are often pretty vicious.
Tarnished Steel Helmet
A hand-crafted metal helm. It's best not to ask how this piece actually fits on a dragon's head. This one is tarnished steel.
Bramble Mantle
A mantle as thorny as the dragon that wears it. (Trickmurk Circus Holiday Item 2018.)
Steelscale Chest Guard
Forged in steel, this chest guard is decorated with the trophies of vanquished foes.
White Raven Armor
For the edgy loner in every clan that no one likes to talk about.
Ebony Filigree Boots
This ebony plate is etched with a decorative filigree. The armor symbolizes a commitment to secrecy.
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[center][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=7][i]R E S E A R C H E R[/center]
[center][color=#69605d]• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •[/color][/center]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Description[/b]: Researchers gather information for the S.H.I. and its members. This includes information about souls, other creatures, Gates, etc. The possibilities in soul interactions is different in each Researcher.
[b]Soul Interactions[/b]: Not applicable
[b]Nicknames[/b]: -
[b]Common Traits[/b]: Efficient, Focused, Curious, Clever, Dedicated, Precise
[b]Badge[/b]: [img]https://i.imgur.com/tUdsiL4.png[/img]
[b]Familiars[/b]: Researchers prefer familiars who are calm or have the capability to store information. They do not have to be trained by a Beastmaster, but some Researchers choose a trained familiar for protection.
[item=Ensorcelled Volume][item=Spellbound Tome]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Tomes[/b]: Tomes are used to collect information. Not every Researcher will carry a Tome - some prefer the old fashioned pen and paper.
[item=Earth Tome][item=Water Tome]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Apparel[/b]: Researchers tend to dress in a neat fashion. This isn't always the best option when in the field, but it does make them the best dressed of the group.
[item=Dusty Pauper Rags][item=Gold Satin Tunic][item=Silver Glasses][item=Fancy Waistcoat]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Known Researchers[/b]:
Description: Researchers gather information for the S.H.I. and its members. This includes information about souls, other creatures, Gates, etc. The possibilities in soul interactions is different in each Researcher.
Soul Interactions: Not applicable
Nicknames: -
Common Traits: Efficient, Focused, Curious, Clever, Dedicated, Precise
Familiars: Researchers prefer familiars who are calm or have the capability to store information. They do not have to be trained by a Beastmaster, but some Researchers choose a trained familiar for protection.
Ensorcelled Volume
After hours of wrestling, this impressive tome finally comes to rest, lets its pages fly open, and reveals... 300 pages of ways to prepare liver and onions.
Spellbound Tome
Using deft wings to dart here and there, this magical book just won't let anyone read it.
Tomes: Tomes are used to collect information. Not every Researcher will carry a Tome - some prefer the old fashioned pen and paper.
Earth Tome
A durable leather tome filled with ancient knowledge of the Earth Flight.
Water Tome
A durable leather tome filled with ancient knowledge of the Water Flight.
Apparel: Researchers tend to dress in a neat fashion. This isn't always the best option when in the field, but it does make them the best dressed of the group.
Dusty Pauper Rags
Contains the Dusty Pauper ovalcrown, locket, bustle, knickers, bodice, tailtaille, garniture, spats, and gloves. The whole set!
Gold Satin Tunic
The perfect garment for if you want to keep warm when you are feeling chill, but you do not want to raise your lair's heating bill.
Silver Glasses
A functional pair of glasses for the nearsighted dragon.
Fancy Waistcoat
This waistcoat slims and shapes. You look rather fetching.
[center][color=#69605d]• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •[/color][/center]
[center][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=7][i]A L T E R N A T I V E[/center]
[center][color=#69605d]• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •[/color][/center]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Description[/b]: Alternative roles are roles that do not involve the hunting or collecting of souls, but any other roles that are equally important. This can be a blacksmith, tailor, baker, jeweler, trader, and any other role.
Dragons that have an alternative role can either live in the S.H.I. Headquarters, reside in their own clan, or travel around Sornieth. They are, however, [i]always[/i] part of the S.H.I.
[b]Badge[/b]: I can make custom badges, just ping/PM me![/size]
[font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4][b]Known Alternative Roles[/b]:
Description: Alternative roles are roles that do not involve the hunting or collecting of souls, but any other roles that are equally important. This can be a blacksmith, tailor, baker, jeweler, trader, and any other role.
Dragons that have an alternative role can either live in the S.H.I. Headquarters, reside in their own clan, or travel around Sornieth. They are, however, always part of the S.H.I.