
Level 25 Ridgeback
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Charoite Burrower
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Energy: 46/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Ridgeback
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Voltaic Halo
Spellwrought Shardhide
Eerie Cyan Pendants
Eerie Cyan Forejewels
Dusklight Alchemist Tools
Eerie Cyan Nightshroud
Eerie Cyan Clawrings
Glowing Blue Clawtips
Eerie Cyan Taildecor



Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain


16.6 m
21.11 m
8264.15 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 03, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Ridgeback
Max Level
Thunder Slash
Field Manual













Amaranth the Mediator

Guardian | Nursemaid | Peacekeeper | Mediator | Advocate | Warrior

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You may never come across a more caring, dependable and protective dragon than Amaranth. Though she may be decked out in the fiercest armor, Amaranth is a sweet and kind Ridgeback that cares dearly for her clan members, her friends, her family. She is a highly sociable dragons that likes to regularly visit all clan members to check their welfare and to simply converse with them about daily life or problems they have be having.

Amaranth is the type to go out of her way to help someone in need, unless she feels their intentions are unjust. Those she helps are not always clan members, or even dragons for that matter. If she can help, then she will.

She is a peacekeeper and is often seen breaking up any volatile arguments and fights that clan members get into. And though she may not be as large as the Imperial of the clan, she is more than capable of putting them in their place if needed.

Amaranth prefers to avoid violence whenever she can, trying to find the most peaceful solutions in any situation. Though sometimes things just don't work out that way, some choose to be difficult, to not listen or heed her advice, giving Amaranth no choice but to become serious with the. Any dragon would be a fool to mess with this Ridgeback.

Life in the Clan
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Amaranth is one of the clans Nursemaid, or nanny, caring for the young while their parents are busy or need a break, and adopting the orphans as her own. She often works alongside a Wildclaw named Reaper who is better suited for the smaller youngsters as Amaranth is a large dragon.

However Amaranth has many other roles, including being known as the clans Guardian and Defender, the protector to the clan and all its members, none more so than the leader, Soveriegn. Any dragon that wishes to join the clan are to get approval from this Ridgeback who will evaluate them and their intentions. Though she is rather easy going, any who break her trust do not get a second chance.

Amaranth also takes time out of her day to train up would-be-warriors, all fighters in the clan have been trained by her at some point. Any who try and progress through ranks must prove themselves to Amaranth, not just their strength, but their loyalty to the Clan and its leader.

And among all else, Amaranth is known as the clans mediator and advocate, the one to calm the arguments and disturbances, put an end to infighting and violence of any kind among the clan. As well as speaking for those who cannot for one reason or another, speak for themselves, or just need help to get their points across.
Amaranth has an unbiased opinion and helps to settle disputes in order to keep the peace. Many dragons go to Amaranth in times of trouble or simply when they need, or want, someone that to talk to, or who will listen without judgement.

Her life in the clan is a happy one, though there may be the odd argument here and there among the others, she always seems able to calm the tension. All she wishes if for her friends to be happy and safe, and she is more than happy to help them in any way or form.

Amaranth would be considered the second in command of the clan itself, though she refuses to take such a title. She takes many of the clans suggestions and concerns and passes them on to their leader who is often to busy to hear them out himself. She also plays a big role in who joins the clan and the going ons within. Amaranth is easily the most trusedt by the clan Leader, he being her Charge that she retains from her time as a Guardian (breed).

Overall Amaranth is highly respected by her clan and much loved by all, she is happy where she is and wouldn't change a thing.

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Amaranth was born a Guardian (breed) at the edge of The Shifting Expanse, the Region of Lightning. She hatched from a lonely egg left where the Tsunami Flats of Water Flight and Highland Scrub of Lightning meet. It is perhaps due to her close proximity to the Water domain that this Lightning dragon hatched as a Guardian. The breed created by the Tidelord and not a Ridgeback whom were created by her Deity, The Stormcatcher.
The egg in which she hatched had been hidden away within the shrubs, purposely concealed for unknown reasons and by an unknown party. There is also speculation that a Ridgeback 'borrowed' her egg and hid it away there for safe keeping, and simply forgot or met a ill fate.

Regardless of how she came to be, and why, Amaranth started life on the Shifting Expanse alone. The likelihood that the newly hatched dragon would survive in the harsh desert were slim, with a lack of water and food, and no shelter from the blistering sun. But by chance, or perhaps divine intervention, the young dragons literally fell into a old underground lair, dug out by large lightning Ridgeback's who call the desert home.

Amaranth had to learn fast if she wanted to survive and make it into adulthood, but at the least she had the lair providing a safe refuge and shelter from the scorching sun. But it couldn't supply her with the food she required, or water for her growing thirst.

Or, Perhaps it could.

One early morning, curled up in a small hole she'd dug herself within the lair for warmth, she could hear a distant and distinct sound of running water. Though at first she disregarded it, thinking that hunger was getting to her mind as she'd be living on small bugs and the few plants she could scavenge. But as she lay in the darkness and listened, the sound only seemed to get louder, echoing throughout the tunnels. Curiosity soon got the best of her.
Amaranth wandered through the massive underground tunnels, surprised by how far they stretched and how many corridors there were. Along the walls of the tunnels were wires connecting to light fixtures that lit up the path ahead, though many had been damaged and in need of repair, while others were simply missing, perhaps 'borrowed' by Ridgeback's. As she ventured deeper inward the sound of water became unmistakable, knowing for sure now this was not a trick being played by her mind.

At the end of the hall Amaranth came to a small but open room, with a small stream of water pouring from a crack in a mysterious pipe. She was not aware at the time, but the pipe lead up to the Light Region and pumped water down into the lair for the dragons that made home there. Was likely the Light dragons were not aware of this.
Now with a source of water Amaranth found life much easier, she was able to see hope and believe that she could make it through.

Amaranth stayed at the lair as she grew into a young adult, but she knew soon she'd need to leave to find her 'charge' as all Guardian's must. She was unaware how close this charge was, but would soon find out.
While she was out in the scrub foraging for a meal fitting of her shear size, is when she came face to face with a small, at least compared to a Guardian, Mirror, Sovereign. Amaranth would become the first dragon to join Sovereign's Clan, and he would become her charge.

Amaranth and Sovereign made home in the lair that Amaranth had grown up in since the day she hatched. The two worked together to fix up the old cave and began to expand the clan with more and more dragons who wandered within the Shifting Expanse. Amaranth's charge was, and is, to protect Sovereign, but while in the clan she also looks after the hatchling. As no one would mess with a full sized Guardian.

It was when the clan moved from the Highland Shrub inward to the Carrion Canyon that Amaranth began to feel dislike toward being a Guardian. She wished to be the breed that her deity gave life to, a Ridgeback. This was however a very big decision and not one to be taken lightly, but with the support of her fellow clan members, and Sovereign himself, Amaranth made up her mind.
Amaranth traded with a Ridgeback within the Canyon to acquire a sacred scroll that could change the pigment of her scales. She had decided that she would not only change her breed, but her entire appearance from colour to genes, to start anew. Overtime and much trading Amaranth reached her goal and finally made the transformation she dreamed of, and she was not let down.

Though Amaranth was no longer a Guardian, she retained her Guardian nature, values, views and beliefs, meaning she is still a Guardian at heart. More importantly it means she still holds strongly to her Charge.

While in the Carrion Canyon the clan met on the battlefield with a Harpy Beastclan. Though Amaranth was most certainly a capable fighter she did not take part in the fighting. No, she was given a much more important job, to protect the clans Young with Sage.
After the battle, and many fallen comrade, the rest of the journey through the Canyon and into the Lightning Farms was rather uneventful. Now Being a Ridgeback, Amaranth along with two other Ridgeback who'd joined up with the clan, Chrome and Arrow, dug out a new large lair within the Lightning Farms in which they still call home to this day.
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Exalting Amaranth to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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