
Level 25 Mirror
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Thunderback Slink
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Energy: 46/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Mirror
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Voltaic Halo
Golem Gauntlet
Lightning Aura
Leather Aviator Gloves
Voltaic Stormclaws
Inkwell Feathered Wings
Surgestream Coat



Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain


7.35 m
5.8 m
725.1 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 03, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Mirror
Max Level
Thunder Slash









Sovereign The Clan Monarch

Leader | Defender

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Sovereign is as fierce as any Mirror, and will never turn down a fight, especially if it is a fight of honour or to protect the clan he has worked so hard to build.
Despite this, Sovereign does not go out of his way to find trouble, and for the welfare of his clan he does not often challenge others.

But there is more to this dragon then stereotypical Mirror behaviour. Sovereign can be rather patient and understanding, he will listen to his clan members and is open to their input and suggestions on topics concerning the clan. He may not be as patient to outsiders, as well as seemingly harsh and cold toward them. But once a dragon proves themselves to him and are welcomed into his clan, you see his other side.

Sovereign being a dragon of Lightning has a fascination with technology and science. When he is not occupied with clan matters he can be found tinkering away in his 'lab' and inventing new gadgets. His most favoured pastime is dismantling devices to see what makes them tick or finding new ways in which they can be used.
Though he does train in combat on a daily basis to improve his skills and stay in top condition, he always seems to manage time to experiment with new devices. It thrills him when members of the clan create their own invention and show them to him, though most of the time he dismantles such things to see how they work.

Loyalty and trust is very important to Sovereign, any who break his trust may be removed from the clan. Those allowed to stay are given the chance to redeem themselves, but this is not an easy task and they may be shunned by the rest of their clan for their actions.

Life In the Clan
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Sovereign oversees all and is often on guard of newcomers and would be threats. He tries to make time to listen to his clan members as well as get to know them all, but sometimes he is unable. His most trusted member and friend is a female Ridgeback, once Guardian, named Amaranth. While he is unable, Amaranth listens to the suggestions and troubles of the clan members, then relays the information to him.

The Clan members treat Sovereign with the respect worthy of his position, but they also know they can talk to their leader and trust him. Knowing that he will listen and take their suggestions into consideration.
Sovereign devotes most of his time to the welfare of the clan, but he does put aside time to indulge himself in his own hobbies. He enjoys to spend time among his members, not as their leader, but as their friend, and because of this he is rather well liked.

Sovereign is both proud and happy of his Clan and its members, and though life may get tough, and work pile up for this Mirror, he is happy.
He has had many mates over his time, on and off relationships even a fling with Amaranth, but hasn't yet found true love. But he won't let that get him down.

The Dragon of the clan respect and look up to Sovereign, and there are none he feels threaten the safety of the others or his title as leader, not that they'd get by Amaranth regardless.

Sovereign's Honour Guard
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Rank Members: Chrome, Arrow, Atlas, Athos, Paladin, and Knight -- (Group)

Dragon's of the Honour Guard are some of the most respected within the Clan as being great, and terrifying fighters yet highly respectful and Loyal of their Leader. The Honour Guard are hand picked by Sovereign himself and Serve primary to protect Sovereign and the lair but they also may train the lower rank fighters and beginners.
It is considered a great honour to be trained by these dragons.

Biography: The Journey
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Sovereign first breathed life in the Lightning Farms deep within the Shifting Expanse, in time he would want to test himself, and prove to himself that he is a worthy Dragon of Lightning, capable, independent and strong. So he travelled away from the mesas heading west to the Carrion Canyon where his journey almost ended when he was merely half way across the deep divide. However with the assistance of underground caves and tunnels Sovereign was able to make it through the desert wasteland and into the Highland Scrub.
It was here that Sovereign decided to make a name for himself, to form a clan of his very own after seeing many along his journey. His goal, to return to the place of his creation, the great Lightning Farms of the Shifting Expanse with a powerful and loyal clan right beside him.

Highland Scrub
Within the Highland Scrub Sovereign started to work on his dream of forming his very own clan, one of respect and loyalty, a band of strong and capable dragons. But right from the start he realized the challenges he faced, for there weren't many who'd venture into the desert lands in which Lightning calls home, and not many resources not only for food, but for shelter.

Life at first was tough, and food was scarce, but slowly in time the clan grew, as Sovereign welcomed in travelling dragons and those that had become lost within the desert. Many were drawn together as a means of survival, but using their range of different skills and knowledge and an array of resources they not only survived, but thrived.
Sovereign with the advice of his fellow members, took advantage of the nearby territories of water and wind for the food and trade that the growing clan required.
Shelter however in the desert land was lacking, thus using the remains of an old long abandoned lair dug into the ground. So the clan made home below the surface away from the blistering sun in cool caverns and tunnels. They then used the heat of the day to cook certain foods upon the tops of rocks.

Their life in the Highland Scrubs was peaceful and easy going , and saw the departure of many dragon over the course of their stay there. Many finding their own paths, some wishing to start clans of their own, others only stopping by for a short time to prepare themselves for the journey ahead.
Sovereign, a patient Mirror, welcomed the help and trade the new comers would bring, their knowledge and expertise in certain fields would prove quite useful further through their travels. However on occasion he would be challenged, either over the misunderstanding of stumbling into another's territory, or those that wished to take his clan for themselves. He was more then willing to fight for his clan. Sovereign proved to be more then capable of defending himself and his clan, this brought him much respect from his fellow members.

Slowly Sovereign began to move the clan further and further within the Shifting Expanse as their numbers began to grow too great for the Scrub to maintain. It became time to move onward into the desolate Canyon that lay in their path to the Lightning Farms of which they sought.

Carrion Canyon
Sovereign had his clan gather as many supplies as the caravan could carry before setting off into the lifeless canyon. This would be their greatest test, not only a test of their willpower and strength, but a test of leadership and the ability to work together within their ranks.
Leaving behind their old lair in tact for any wondering dragons that should come upon it in seek of refuge from the desert sun.

Using what he'd learned from his journey alone through the canyon once before, Sovereign was able to take his clan upon a route in which he was familiar with and would give a better chance that all of his clan would make it across.
As tough as the Mirror may be, loyalty and compassion are not lost on him. Seeing any of his clan struggling he would opt for the group to take rest in whatever shade they could come across. When rest was impossible, due do lack of shelter or the simple need to cover more ground when moving at night, the young and smaller members of the clan would take rest on top of their larger companions.
At times when the group found themselves travelling during daylight hours, the larger members of the clan would spread their wings over the rest to shield them from the suns intense and harmful rays. This simple act of kindness brought the members closer, and filled Sovereign with a sense of pride to the types of dragons within his clan.

While traversing the great canyon the clan encountered for the their first time, a Harpy Beastclan. Their numbers great and with a strong will to fight, but though they had greater numbers, the dragons had greater size. However Sovereigns clan were weary from the blistering sun the hung overhead, and the lack of water was starting to effect theirs minds.

The Harpy broke off into a second group that took their males far from the battlefield while the rest of the flock stood before the clan to fight. And fight they did.
Sovereign lead his clan into battle, the young staying back with Amaranth and the Imperial Sage who sheltered them with his wings as Amaranth stood guard. The Ridgeback's Chrome and Arrow took the lead alongside Sovereign, while the small Fae Kalahari stayed back and supported them with her magic. The mix band of dragons proved to challenge the Harpy, their teamwork showing through as the different breeds and natures worked together against a common enemy.

Both sides fared well, but the Harpy were being pushed back, but they managed to take out some members of the clan, though this only served to anger the dragons.
The Fight could have gone for hours, perhaps days, as the Harpy called upon troops from other flocks. But with the aid of a sandstorm, the fight was ended abruptly, all seeking shelter or risk death against the gusting dry wind.

Lightning Farms
Sovereign managed perhaps by Luck or shear force of will, to get his clan across the great canyon. But his clan by the time the reached the farms were worn and tired, many wounded from the fight only a few days prior against the Harpy Beastclan.

There was no choice, and the decision came easy for Sovereign and his clan to make home upon the Lightning Farms and give time for the wounded to recover. They needed to build their numbers as their new goal was to move further in and get closer to the Spiral Tower. Sovereign at this time began to think more seriously about clan ranks and to prepare a battalion of fighters for is they were to cross paths with a Beastclan once again, or a rival lair of Dragons.

It was in this time in the Lightning Farms that Sovereigns clan really began to grow, for the journey there provided many challenges and brought them closer together as well as meeting new Dragons within the Carrion Canyon that were welcomed into the clan.
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