
"You you from this place? What be yer name?"
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Rainbow Sprite
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Guardian
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Personal Style


Bishoujo Observation
Sapphire Tail Feathers
Petal Jewels


Accent: Glowing Growing



16.57 m
17.51 m
8268.17 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 26, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245


Seagalbaub "SeaSea"
Formerly HoneyMelon

Exploding out of the water, a blue-green serpentine streak arcs gracefully through the air to land with a thud on the end of the wooden docks. Water streams off of blue-flecked-with-gold scales as the dragon shakes first it's head, then neck and shoulders, then rear and tail; forcefully ejecting water in every direction. It's bright yellow wings glow in the sunlight, a few vigorous flaps repel the water from them, too.

Sea Sea trots forward to a drier part of the dock, seeking the sunniest surface it can find. Upon scouting out the warmest area, it pads around in a circle and settles down with a satisfied thrumm. A good day of fishing followed by a nap in the sun is the perfect kind of day Sea Sea enjoys.

Cinnamon Loach Chromodori Swimmer Tropical Seaslug Hardwater Loach


As you walk down the long pier that streches out to sea, a shimmering form catches your eye. On closer inspection, there sits a perfectly camouflaged dragon staring at you.

"Whatwhat" it clicks in a breezy tone, "You here fer tha ship?" Without waiting for a response, it ruffles it's wings and the illusion falls away. Moored to the dock is a large, 3-masted sailing ship with bold green letters on the bow. "The Emerald Storm" sits quietly, waiting for it's next adventure out to sea.

The dragon yawns and streches, it's neck reaching 2 human lengths into the air. Though the dragon would be large enough to ride on, the boat looks big enough to fit 4 of these dragons snout-to-tail from front to back.

"If'n you'd like ta go somewhere or ship somethin' big, just write your request and drop it in this here box. Kaida'll get around to it eventually and contact you." It's words roll out, practiced and uninterested, but the fact that it's still here and talking with you speaks mountains about the job it's sworn to fulfill for Kaida.

The simple wooden box has some papers and quills in front of it, with a slot in the top to put them in.
Rei wrote:
Rei strolls up, yellow parasol in hand, and bows as the dragon appears before her. A rush of cool sentient air moves past her and investigates the larger dragon curiously.

Rei regards the current of air, “Yes I know-well I am if you-“ she sighs. When the little (by dragon standards, but still humanish in size) invisible air dragon is done investigating the much larger dragon, it returns to Rei. Rei’s hair dances about on the breeze excitedly.
“We live here. Omelette is just excited to see others. Were you the second travelers to crash into our forests in as many days? Are you alright?” Rei speaks without any tone of blame, it is clear she is only curious and worried about the creature’s welfare.

The dragon's scales shift from a background color into a pastel of blues and yellows at the sight (or rather, scent) of Omlette. It seems excited to see another invisible dragon like it had been, and makes a quick game of trying to figure out where Omlette's head is by licking it.

Ripples of gold run down it's scales and a deep thrumm can be interpreted as happiness. "Not sure 'bout the crashin' part, but I be guardin' Kaida's ship wherever she goes." It glances around, as if noticing the surrounding area for the first time. "Mighty strange place we find ourselves in, I don't seem ta remember dockin' here..." It stares back at the ship, rocking gently on it's moorings. It doesn't seem surprised by the change of scenery, just curious.

"You you from this place? What be it's name? Oh." It seems stricken by it's lack of manners, "What be YOUR name? Seagallbaub be mine. Most call me SeaSea." It bobs it's head as it introduces itself, rather like a bird.
Rei wrote:
“Ooohhhh I see. Hmm. We’ve never had a ship warden before...” Rei looks thoughtful, tapping a finger on her mouth as she contemplates partially aloud interspersed with speaking to the dragon.

“Well I’m from all over really. But mostly here I suppose. It’s a pleasure meeting you Seagallbaub-“ she smiles and bows, “Welcome to Vesper Isle, Sea Sea.”

“Do you remember what you were doing when you first arrived? I’m also called Rei. This place is the jurisdiction of House Okami- Probably because a lot of the others with titles didn’t come back after coming here. Mara doesn’t much like loose ends. And her land needed a warden. Land she sent people to invade and claimed ownership of after I’d settled here to begin with...” Rei frowns to herself, her face screwed up at the memory of Mara’s invasion of the shores.

“Well that’s fine. It’s not like they could find me anyway. But the tower is my favorite sleeping spot. It’s up high, y’know?”

“Oh! I almost forgot. We are having dinner at the Onsen to welcome the new Guardian, but we should add you and yours to the celebration for being our new ship warden! And a dragon, too! Omelette is so pleased.”

“Oh... not much time left...excuse me.” Rei doesn’t think you explain the attire to the dragon, as dragons wouldn’t need to wear anything. She quickly trots off, suddenly remembering a few more tasks she has left before dinner.

Omelette thoroughly enjoyed the new game and races happily around the larger dragon a few times before following Rei, as if reluctant to leave.
Rei calls cheerfully over her shoulder, “We’ll see you at the Onsen for dinner!”

"Oh my oh whoa, I've never been invited to a dinner before! What fun!" SeaSea's feet do a little jig on the dock as it imagines all the tasty food served at dockside restaurants. While Kaida did keep the crew well fed, she rarely let them engage with other crews while docked in port. Something about dragons being hunted, or perhaps dragons hunting the wrong food... Raw meat was just as good as cooked, and a rude human made for a tasty snack.

Sea Sea ponders these things as they paced the length of the ship, claws catching on the finely sanded wood planks of the dock. Bubbly blue and green spots scattered around the long dragon's scales, and a thought strikes like a well-placed claw to a clam. Crew? Where was the crew? There was no snoring from on or below deck, and the myriad of creatures Kaida employs always makes noises and scents. Was SeaSea the only one on the ship?

A quick search reveals no life on board, but every item remains. Curiouser and curiouser. Well, if the ship was here, then Kaida must be as well. Bunching up it's snout, Sea Sea barks a noise that it hopes can be heard for miles. "Caw, Caw-Reeeee!" The dragon throws up it's ear flaps and holds them with the wind, listening for a response. After a moment, a faint "caw-reee" response drifts on the breeze, coming from the forest to the right of the docks. "rrrAWK!" Sea Sea barks happily, pleased that Kaida was, indeed, nearby. The newly appointed dockmaster pads around in a circle, then sits to wait and watch the boat.
Lupusregina・β in another world (Overlord)
Artist: 蜻蜓Vchan
A short while later, Kaida emerges at the land side of the dock, skipping merrily toward the swaying dragon.

"SeaSea!" She laughs, leaping toward the dragon's outstretched head and swinging herself around it's neck. "Good to see you! I'm glad you made it!" Beaming, Kaida gazes up at her magnificent ship, moored quietly along the lone dock. The Emerald Storm bobs slightly, as if welcoming her home.

Stepping lightly to the ship's side, she deftly grabs one of the ropes and shimmies up onto the deck. Sea Sea leaps up to land beside her. "Where... Is everyone?" Kaida's ears swivelled this way and that, searching for the crew that lives and breathes the ship's air.

Shrugging it's shoulders, the dragon beside her shifts it's wings into a more comfortable position. "Don't know, no clue. Just me here on the dock, watchin' the ship 'till you came home."
Noticing Kaida's slumping shoulders and drooping tail, Sea Sea quickly adds, "Oh but there be others on this Isle! A nice Omlette and curious Rei came by, invited me to dinner they did!" A happy thrumm sounds in the dragon's throat, thinking of the meal.

"Rei is here? Oh, this must be that place Hars goes to visit her! How fun! And dinner? Did she say where?"

"Yes yes, Onsen it was! Oh, but I can't be leavin' tha ship alone, now... Just wish I had some tasty morsels from a nice dinner." The dragon looks hungrily toward the island, but dutifully stays by the ship.
Hmm. Kaida glances around, thinking, "There doesn't seem to be much here, and I don't see anyone who could pose a threat to the ship just yet..." She taps her chin, then sends a mental request to her still-sleeping companion, Dracus.

Make your way to the ship and sleep on it, your presence will protect it, and it will protect you better than the forest. Recover quickly, friend.

Turning her attention back to Sea Sea, she grins, "Don't worry about the ship, let's go meet the denizens of this isle! Your first dinner, yes?" She races down the dock, back to the island, as Sea Sea trumpets happily and follows.
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Exalting Seagallbaub to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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