
Level 1 Guardian
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Energy: 0
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Fire icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Male Guardian
Male Guardian
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16.97 m
21.91 m
7492.51 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Sep 08, 2017
(7 years)


Guardian icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245


Crucible Keeper Sulfur

Forge Guardian

Mate: None
Informal Name: Sin
Former Apperance: Coatl


The Foolish Apprentice
Sulfur came to the Clan of Singing Blood as a coatl, hoping to ply his trade as a smith, and worked alongside Zahmet and Kwolek. He was vain and full of pride; he believed he was the better of both of them, as a natural fire dragon and coatl, born to the craft. He attempted to work his magics upon the Crucible on his own, but the fire quickly burned too hot, nearly destroying the Crucible and Forge. Zahmet intervened to attempt to preserve his Charge and only just managed to tame the fires enough that Kwolek could safely extinguish the blaze. Zahmet was consumed in the process, and Sulfer himself mortally injured.

He was taken before the King for healing. Sovri healed him, but also transfigured him into a guardian and bound him to the ruined Forge as punishment so that he might repay the damage done and seek redemption for the loss of Zahmet.

Sulfur so loved his breeding and feathers, so was stripped of those things. He thought himself better than the masters of the Forge, so was made to serve. With the Forge as his Charge, he could feel the pain of the damage he inflicted upon it and was forced to quickly make repairs, or endure prolonged suffering.
Penance Paid
Sulfur came to serve Kwolek and the clan faithfully as guardian of the forge. All the while he continued to refine his skill until the fire dragon and the ice dragon were able to create wondrous things, powerful weapons and ritual materials, robust building parts, and fine and intricate works of art.

He kept up his duties until one day the mad arcanist Sahko approached him and ordered the forge sealed off for a special project. Kwolek was barred from entering, and Sulfur was forced to comply and aid the higher-ranking dragon. Sahko was not a dragon to be refused. The result of this special project was that after three days of exhausting labors, Zahmet was summoned forth out of the Crucible in the form of a swirling mass of animated ash and char.

Soon after this, the former guardian released Sulfur from his duties. His punishment was at an end. Zahmet bade him go into Sorneith and practice his craft as a master. Sulfur had come to love this forge, but he had been a slave to it. Freedom was too dear to turn away, and so he departed to find a new place of industry to further refine his skills and mastery.
A New Charge and Clan
Having been freed of his artificial charge Sulfur roamed the lands for many years. His searh for a charge had been diminished by having an artificial charge for so long he just roamed aimlessly until one day in some small market town he saw her. She was a white Coatl with wings the color of fire. He knew from the moment he saw her, she was his charge. The Coatl however wasn't happy to have a massive Guardian following her around so she fled. Being much lighter than he the Coatl was able to out run Sulfur to his great disappointment.

Sulfur went back to the small market town and waited monthes for the Coatl to return but she never did. Then one day months after he last saw the Coatl, a shimmering white and blood red male Skydancer came up to Sulfur. He asked him if he knew of anyone who could run a forge. He explained that their last forge master had died of a sickness that ravaged their clan and killed many dragons. Sulfur hesitated but said he was a forge master and agreed to come to the clan with the Skydancer.
A New Forge
When Sulfur arrived at the forge he was greatly underwhelmed. The forge looked as it had not been used in years. He had a lot of work before him to get the forge back into working condition. He worked many sleepless days and nights to fix the poor run down forge until one day he was able to relight the fire and start up the forge. many dragons of his new clan celebrated but Sulfur knew he still had a lot of work before him. The next day he went to the clan treasurer, a very dark female Ridgeback. He pleaded his case for his need of treasure to her. He explained that he had to get materials to begin to make items in his new and running forge. She agreed and gave him the treasure he needed. The very next day he left with the Skydancer from before and they set off for the closest town to get materials.
The Charge
As soon as they reached the clan the Skydancer set off for the auction house leaving Sulfur to find the materials on his own. Once Sulfur had found the Skydancer again he was now with a white Coatl with fire colored wings. Sulfur immediately remembered the Coatl and felt a pang in his chest. This Coatl was his charge that had escaped. The Cotal, who's name was Elisha, did not remember the Guardian. The Skydancer explained that Elisha was to be Sulfur's apprentice
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