
Level 1 Fae
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Myosotis Fox
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Fae
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Personal Style


Sepia Lace Tail Ornament
Twilight Sylvan Twist
Veteran's Eye Scar
Sweetheart Lace Headpiece
Sweetheart Lace Collar
Bewitching Bangles
Bright Rogue Gloves
Sanguine Rose Thorn Tail Tangle
Bloody Arm Bandages
Starlight Cloak




0.62 m
0.74 m
0.98 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 04, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Wake stayed with his parents at the graveyard.He Never liked any of the female dragons in his lair he barely could keep up with them.He put his self in a cloak that suited him and his mother gave him the flowers to wear.Wake looked like a female dragon and Thistle courted him without realizing he was male dragon.He injoyed the time he spent with Thistle and when they got together the first time is when Thistle found out and he didn't care.

Wake never was open to his father.His mother accepted him.When he was with Thistle he was always happy.A dark nagging thought would cross his mind Thistle will betray him he knew of his repetition with the female dragons.He would playfully nudge with his snout at his neck Thistle would smile at him.Trickster saw them he hadn't seen his son for awhile and when he saw this action of affection with another male dragon he was appalled.Trickster grabbed his son and asked in a demonic voice why you dressed like a female and hugging onto another male like his your mate? He never once heard his father like this and fear swepted over him.Wake slowly raised is eyes to his father's gaze.He slowly started to say I never told you cause I knew you would be like this.Trickster pulled his claws to his son's eye and slashed it Wake fell over holding his eye rolling around crying out why? Trickster's face turned to a demonic smile and he started to laugh demonically saying all in a good form of fun.Thistle was terrified and moved closer to Wake when Trickster said you shouldn't have done that Thistle and he disappeared.Wake turned to Thistle in a painful scream he yelled out run.Thistle heard his warning and tried to fly away but Trickster reappeared in front of him Wake looked in horror at his father electricuting him and Thistle passed out.Trickster grabbed him and disappeared again.Wakes eye still bleeding and sore he tried to get up and stumbled.He then sensed him his father reappeared right in front of him.A cold chill went down his spine has his father picks him up by his arm with his claws digging into his flesh.Trickster said in a demonic voice now come with me my dear son.Wake flew with his father to a cave that led to a deep carvens like a maze.His father said nothing else but he felt his demonic aura.He took him into the maze and after hours in walking through the carvens they came to a stop.Trickster grabbed him and through him into a cage and locked him in.Before his father left he told Wake if you were only normal I wouldn't had to lock you up my son.Wake got up ran to the bars and cried out please don't leave me here alone.And without a look back his father left he didn't even know how to get out even if he managed to get out of the jail his father put him in.

Wake fell asleep after hours of crying hopping his father will reconsider and let him go.His dreams were filled with nightmares and Thistle being electricuted and taken by his father to God knows where.He awoke to the sound of claws scrapping the walls of the caverns he went to the far corner and curled up into a ball holding his ears and trying not to make a sound.He saw claws grip the wall before the room he was in and it wasn't a dragons claws he remembered his mother's stories of the demons of the grave.He thought how brave his mother was for being a light dragon to come to a place like this.When the thing put it's snout through like it was sniffing the air it's snarled after hearing foot falls and ran somewhere.His father came with what seemed like food and tossed it to him saying your such a weakling while laughing demonically.Wake snatched up the food and ate it.Trickster then said you don't take after me at all do you? Wake looked at his father sadness and regret feeled him he started hating himself.Wake couldn't help but cry his father just laughed at him and said well you got to deal with that Demon on your own like you can and he left him.His father's tormented him Everytime he came with food and water making him feel like dirt.His nightmares got even worse.He will awake to clawing at the walls and banging his head on the walls of the cage.Sometimes doing this brought that thing to come and it's like it's afraid of the room well it did have his father aura and scent that lingered.He started laughing and talking to his self after awhile.He hated his self for getting Thistle hurt or worse he wondered what he was doing or if he even missed or cared about him.

Soon his father started coming less till he stopped completely.Wake began to ram the bars till his arms started to bleed.He would fall unconscious from blood loss his recovery is do to his father's genes from hell being part of a demon dragons lineage.His mind would slip away into the abyss of Insanity he would start laughing uncontrollably his thoughts to only blood.His dreams were now dipped with blood him attacking killing other dragons.His face would turn to a demonic smile just like his father's.He now looked more goblin like his eyes turning hollow he felt nothing for anything not even death scared him.When that demon came crawling to the room and entered.Its limbs twisted it's snout he noticed was actually twisted into a demonic smile.He lowered himself hunched over not like a fea now.He then told it come at me if you dare.It crawled to the cage and bit through the bars with it's razor sharp teeth. Shadowy electricity formed around his body and he touched it with his claws and eletruted it.The demon thing ran from the room and vanished.He slowly made his way into the maze.

Has he walks the maze in a slowly his mind would play tricks on him has he walks the carvens.Going down different ways and he'll end up back at same spot most of the time like his stuck in a endless loop of caverns.Has he almost gave up all hope a bat flew down on his head.He slapped at it with his claws but it would just Dodge.It bit his head has blood dripped down his snout he heard a yell from a familiar voice.His mother rashed towards him scaring the bat away from him.She asked in a frentck voice are you all right I looked everywhere for you has it dawned on him his mother doesn't like caves.The demon deforms it's self back to its original form.Snarling at Wake was a different demon from before it's limbs twisting and it's eyes were just hollow sockets it's fangs dripped in blood and Its claws looked like razor blades.This thing lunged at him cutting into his arms.Fighting it back he pushed it away and ran deeper into the maze.It tailed him for awhile till it just disappeared from view.Wake slowed down to get his breath when he smelled Thistle.He followed the scent to a room much like the one his father put him in.Thistle noticed him in his stat he saw the fear sadness wash away from his face and in a loving tone saying Wakie?

Wake rushed to the bars grabbed them in his claws.Thistle struggled to stand he looked like a train hit him his bruses every where on his body like he was used has a punching bag.Wake knew why his father stopped coming he probably been in here resently and did this to him.He knew the great evil his father could do but beat up Thistle also one protected by the clan leaders daughter Emmari she was away when this happened thou.He cried out did my father do this to you? Thistle slowly razed his gaze to his looking like it hurt him alot just moving a inch.Thistle said in a low hushed voice yes he did this to me sense he brought me here.Wake wanted to hurt his father maybe even kill him at the rage coressing through him.He was determined to get Thistle out and take him to Sage to recover.He looked around when he heard foot falls.

Wake hid and slowed his breathing.Trickster walks in with a undiscrible face.His father opens the jail.Wake vanished and reappeared behind his father like he knew he slashed his tail at Wake and pinned him to the wall with a twisted smile on his face.He struggled to get free but he couldn't.Trickster then said in his demonic voice you thought you could use my trick against me Wake and he slammed him to the ground.Wakes electricity formed around his body and he laughed out well looks like I do take after you father and got back on his feet. Trickster started laughing demonically oh really looks who's scared. His father was right he was scared of him but he put his fear to the side and rashed at his father with his claws.Trickster grabs his arms and said why you have to go and break out of your cell I was planning to let you go after I killed Thistle.Wake tried to eletrute his father but he wasn't affected by it.He heard screeching like a bat and Emmari entered the room she threw her staff through Trickster's arms and pinned him to the ground.She then drained him of his life force just enough so he'll pace out.Wake couldn't believe she came.Emmari said in a pleasing voice my dear Thistle what that jester do to you.Wake ran to Thistles side and was cuddling up to him.Emmari put a barrier around them and took them to Sage.

Emmari lead them near sage's tombstone.She went in the small cave room.Wake nuzzling up close to Thistles hearing his heart beat.Thistle pulled up his back his paw to his face and gently rubbed the tears from Wakes eyes.Thistle then whispered in his ear will you be the honor of being my mate Wakie? Wake looked at him full of love and nudged his arm with his snout and said while nuzzling his arm yes I'll be honored to be your mate Thistle.

The next day he woke up and Thistle wasn't thier.He got worried and went outside Thistle was standing at his rose patch.Thistle turned around like he knew he was thier.He ran to him hugging him tightly.Thistle gently kisses his head and says in a loving voice I got a present for you my dear Wakie.Wake looked at him lovingly saying ok.Thistle led him to his other flower patch saying look close.Something moved and jumped on him licking him Wake laughing patting the flower fox.Thistle smiling at him I found her while tending my garden and thought she be perfect for my cutie.Wake blushed saying I don't know what I'll do if I didn't met you that day and climbed to his feet and hugged and kisses Thistle shyly on his cheek saying your the perfect mate.

Wake knew that fox in the grave is special and to be given one by his mate.He thought after he saw how jealous Thistle got after Kuro just showing up with Emmari and she seemed happy. He was jealous of how close Thistle was to Emmari and thought she was going to take him away from him.He knew they were together before but Thistle choose him even thou he saw the pain he went through even now. He noticed sense they became a mate pair how he changed Thistle more stronger and confent.Wake thought when he got hurt by Kuro Thistle stood up for him. He would watch Thistle train he remembered how he learned his ablity to move earth. Wake would help him in his gardens they live on the outskirts of the Grave so sunlight is present.Thier Small cave covered in moss and flowers the grass was the greenest he ever saw it.Wake walks through the stone pathway to the tulips his favorite flower.He saw another fox this one red.He greeted it.It looked at him and barked and went back playing with a ladybug.He went close to the fox having his paw out it sniffed it and sat looking at him his head turning cutely to it's side.He picked him up saying your be perfect for my mate.He put a bow around his neck saying stay and went to get Thistle.He walked with Thistle coming behind him humming a loving song to Wake that would make him melt.When they got to the fox it jumped out from behind a dogwood tree making him jump Thistle laughed helping him back up from being jumped by the red fox.Wake picks up the red fox saying while blushing I found this fox and thought of you he reminds me of you honey.Thistle smiled lovely at him saying we have matching foxes now and put a rose in his paw saying my dear Wake I love you my cute rose.

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Exalting Wake to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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