
Level 10 Imperial
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Seething Stove
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Energy: 25/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Unlucky Gambeson
Unlucky Vial
Unlucky Hood
Unlucky Gloves
Unlucky Footpads
Unlucky Presence




24.61 m
17.92 m
9169.3 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 03, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Imperial
EXP: 72 / 27676


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Proin bibendum, ligula nec lobortis euismod, massa enim ultrices risus, eget fermentum urna turpis vitae felis. Nulla faucibus velit vel mollis venenatis. Mauris quis posuere quam, in elementum mi. Sed est nibh, sodales ut vehicula at, porta nec diam. Ut a dapibus metus, sed euismod velit. Sed porttitor arcu sapien, a vulputate felis tristique eu. Proin a sapien eget metus consectetur convallis eget et eros. Donec at ligula fermentum, convallis enim vel, scelerisque magna. Sed sit amet mattis elit. Nam molestie lectus vitae felis sollicitudin tincidunt.
In aliquam orci in semper consectetur. Integer sed viverra nisl. Curabitur lobortis sapien sem, at pharetra tellus ornare at. In nec mauris quis nibh lobortis vulputate vel sit amet nulla. Ut fermentum vel leo ut interdum. Curabitur condimentum accumsan enim, eget ullamcorper sapien feugiat ac. In ullamcorper mi in lectus venenatis, vel molestie urna maximus. In pellentesque ut eros non euismod. Quisque vitae mi non justo suscipit faucibus ut in quam. Quisque gravida dictum massa ac faucibus. Quisque ornare purus vel lectus varius, id tempor justo scelerisque. Sed lacinia accumsan dignissim. Vestibulum nec suscipit risus.
Mauris semper arcu eu ultricies vulputate. Maecenas nec euismod nibh. In ornare magna eu pellentesque fringilla. Proin varius sapien lacus, non finibus mi tempor ultricies. Cras sollicitudin ligula sed turpis porttitor dictum. Suspendisse mollis iaculis ipsum. Donec at felis aliquam, gravida nisi eget, vulputate metus.
code by epher #101073 || banner by themythril #171264
Reserved | Understanding | Focused


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TRANSLATION: a regional corruption of osoroshii, meaning “scary”
ALTERNATE NAMES: odoroshi, odoro odoro, keippai
HABITAT: shrines, temples, and homes; found above gates and doors
DIET: small animals and wicked people

BEHAVIOR: Otoroshi is known by many regional names, most of them being wordplays denoting this monster’s course, wild mane which covers its body, and its fearsome appearance. They appear as hairy, hunched, four-legged beasts with fierce claws and tusks. They can have blue or orange skin.

APPEARANCE: Little is known about this rare and mysterious creature, though its existence has been known of for centuries. Otoroshi are masters of disguise and are rarely seen except for when they want to be. They are most commonly spotted in high places like roofs and gates above temples, and the torii archways at shrines, which separate the physical world from the realm of the gods. They eat the wild animals found in shrines and temples – particularly pigeons, sparrows, and other birds.

INTERACTIONS: Otoroshi act as a kind of guardian of these holy places. They attack humans only rarely: when they spot a wicked or imprudent person near a holy place, or when one tries to enter through the gateway they are guarding. Otoroshi attack by pouncing down on their victim them from above, tearing him to shreds and devouring the remains.

“We may know our true purpose in life, because we may choose our purpose in life.”
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Hitoshi has a reserved, serious and focused personality. Though he does not talk very much, he has been shown directly ignoring questions or requests that seem in some way pointless while he talks to other people as some sort of ongoing joke. When Hitoshi teams up with others, he becomes more sociable, helping his teammates out, reassuring his trust in them and thanking them for their effort. He is one dragon you can count on to back you up in the Coliseum.
He appears to be fond of darkness and other related concepts, sometimes coming off as a slightly dramatic. Despite this, he is also shown to be embarrassed about his interests to a certain degree. Hitoshi also seems to have a certain level of belief in the concept of fate and destiny.
Hitoshi also seems to be aware of his own limits and understands when it's time to back down, surrendering when Kazeshini forced him into a difficult position to fight back. He takes any advice he gets serious and uses it to try and improve. Though him and his mate Shinentori are complete opposites when coming to their personalities and they seem to balance each other out. He cares deeply for his bright and outgoing mate and keeps her from going overboard while she helps him become more acquainted with others, opening himself up ina sense.
It had been a trap.
Hitoshi's ears were ringing. His insides felt like mush and someone had left his brain on vibrate. Propping himself up on his elbows, wings shaking off some of the debris, he managed to lift his head up through nausea and look around. The beast clan's lair was destroyed - a distinct smell of burning oils lingered in the air, the walls were crumbling, and the ceiling was likewise in pieces. Groaning as he sat up, Hitoshi quickly tried to piece together the scattered shards of his mind. He wasn't entirely sure what had happened. All he knew was that explosions were supposed to his thing, and it angered him to no end to think that the ****** Beastclan warriors thought they could use one against him. Luckily, he seemed to be okay. There was a nasty gash on his thigh and he was covered with small cuts and scrapes, but that seemed to be the worst of the damage. Nothing major was broken, and aside from being shaken up, he could move just fine. That was a miracle in itself.
Except it wasn't a miracle. Someone had saved him.
"****." Hitoshi coughed out as he peered through the dusty air, searching the rubble. Finally, his eyes spotted her alloy wings, giving off a slight shimmer from the small amount of sun that came through the cracks. Cursing as he stumbled his way over to her, Hitoshi felt hot emotions of anger and panic rise up in his chest. Dammit, why the **** had she been following him? What the hell had she been thinking? As he rolled heavy stones off of her body, Hitoshi scanned her for serious injuries. Dread filled his being as he looked down at her messed up hind leg, it twisted a weird direction. He swallowed hard and he scanned for any other wounds. He found a decent sized gash on her side that rose up onto her shoulder, blood oozed from the wound with each breath. She was even awake, her eyes staring at something a thousand miles off in the distance through the cracks in the rocks. Hitoshi, becoming more alert by the second, tapped her cheek and tried to get a response out of her. The smell in the air was starting to raise some red flags in his mind. They weren't safe yet. Whatever kind of bomb those ******** of the BeastClan had manufactured... it had done something more than just explode. Concern formed a heavy knot in his stomach, causing him to work hastily.
"Hey, Tori." His voice was raspy, tongue tasting like ash. " Look at me, dammit!"
And she did. But Shinentori 's eyes weren't seeing him. She probably couldn't hear a single word he had said. Hitoshi cursed. She was shell shocked. Perfect. A small twinge of worry for her somewhere behind his heart made him pause and consider what to do next. Knowing that he couldn't wait around for her to regain herself, Hitoshi worked for his hands underneath her neck and knees. They needed to get the hell out of there. Scooping her up into his arms, Hitoshi hoisted her up onto his back and gracelessly flopped her head up over his shoulder. Only then did he realize that she was mumbling to herself, so softly that even when her mouth was right next to his ear, he still had trouble hearing her. He scrunched his wings up on each side of her to keep her from sliding sideways off of him.
"Have... have to warn him..." Her voice was pitched higher with emotion. "... doesn't know..."
Hitoshi felt sick, and he wasn't sure if it was her words or the atmosphere that was the cause. Standing on shaky legs, he took a couple of unsteady steps forward before picking up his pace. If Shinentori was uncomfortable as she bounced against him, she didn't say anything. Glancing to the top of her dusty head every now and then, Hitoshi couldn't help but feel a strange sense of comfort by having her there with him. Okay, maybe comfort wasn't really the right word - he just knew that if it had been anybody else in his back, it would have been annoying. He carried her back through the small cave entrance, which was now strangely quiet. The battles must have already ended. His clawed feet echoed hollowly against the stone walls.
Wait, those weren't his claws…
Zangetsu rounded a corner up ahead of him. He frantically looked down both ends of the hallway, freezing when he spotted Hitoshi and Shinentori .
"Hitoshi! Tori !" He rushed towards them. The female dragon on his back seemed to react to Zangetsu's voice, lifting her chin from his shoulder. Hitoshi instinctively flinched back, suddenly remembering something he had heard about regarding hazardous catastrophes. What if whatever was in that bomb was contagious?
"Stay back, Zan!" Hitoshi clutched Shinentori tighter with his wings. For once, Zan actually listened to him. Hitoshi's knees suddenly gave out on him, and he tumbled to the floor with a growl, somehow managing to hold on to Shinentori, who was beginning to move a little. Her breaths came ragged, like his, and small groans escaped her. His strength nearly sucked dry, Hitoshi looked up at Zan. The stupid look of confusion and worry on the other dragon's face was pissing him off. But he knew he needed to explain what had happened if he wanted to get out. It was already hard to talk without Shinentori 's weight compressing his lungs even more. "There was... a trap, in the last god damn room. A bomb of sorts, I think. I don't know... feels like I got hit by a goddamn poisonous cloud..."
The more he spoke, the more winded he became. Zan gaped at him and Shinentori for a couple seconds, pure terror and concern in his eyes. Hitoshi looked down to the dragon on his back. She had stopped moving but seemed to be regaining awareness of her surroundings. Her arms were wrapped around Hitoshi, the soft pads of her clawed hands ghosting over his back. Her face was scrunched and pinched, eyebrows drew together and bottom lip tucked between her teeth. Hitoshi new that look - it was the look someone had when they were trying not to cry and in serious pain. His heart clenched at the sight. She wasn't supposed to cry. The strongest dragonessl he knew wasn't supposed to be crying. Why on earth was she crying?
"After you went charging off by yourself, Hitoshi," Zan said, capturing his attention once again. "We learned that the leader wasn't here. Tori ... she went off to find you, to tell you that... that something wasn't right." Zangetsu's eyes were fiercely boring into Hitoshi's, flaring with something that Hitoshi had never seen before. It was the rage, directed squarely at him.His runes glowed with intensity related to him being angry. His pams glowing with power but he squeezed them tight to push back the power.
Suddenly it made sense. At the time, he had ignored her calling his name, had ignored the panicked tone of her voice. When he entered the last chamber and busted into that empty room, she had been right behind him trying to get him to stop. He hadn't listened, too blood drunk to knock himself out of his battle mind and think clearly. Hitoshi gritted his teeth, hands unconsciously gripping the rubble in his paws to the point of crumbling them to dust. If he had taken one or two more steps into that chamber, if he had been any closer to that bomb, if she hadn't yanked him back...no, if he had just listened, then this wouldn't have happened. Instead, she got caught up in his massive mistake.
"Hitoshi, if Tori 's is permanently hurt in any way, I... I..." Zan was trembling now, as well - but not with fear. His blue eyes shined with so much pent up anger that they glowed. He cared much for her, like his own sister, he was protective of Tori. Like the older brother she never had. Hitoshi knew the feeling in a sense, what it was to watched loved ones be hurt. The crushing feeling.
He didn't need to finish. I blame you. Hitoshi couldn't find it in himself to admit that he probably would, too. Guilt settled like a heavy blanket across his shoulders. He let out a shuddery breath and gave another look over his shoulder to her shaking form.
“I did this…. I must make it right.”
“The hell you will! I smelt the air in here and they put some sort of poison into the bomb so when it exploded it would poison anyone it hits. We need to get you guys back to the lair. Or…”
He didn’t need to finish as the truth settled in. She could die. They could both die from this. THe scrapes and bumps and bruises were nothing at this point. He pushed passed Zan and they raced their way back. Tori shook often as they quickly made their way back to their encampment. Sweat formed on his scales, he felt faint at times but he pushed himself to get her back, to get her help.
That was careless of you.”
Hitoshi snapped his head over to Zangetsu who kept an eye on the young dragoness on his back.
I know dammit!
“Good cause she cares about you too much. I hate to admit it but she loves you more than most. She is always looking for your exception, your eyes. All I ask when this is over return the care she has given you all these years. She deserves at least that.”
Hitoshi was quiet for a moment before his vision started to swim. The encampment was in sight and he signed a sign of relief and his body gave out on him, dropping him to the ground with a loud thud.
Zangetsu reaches his side quickly but all was a blur to his eyes and then more voices filled the air as if coming from far away. He felt Tori being lifted from his back and that's when his eyes closed, giving his body the blissful rest it wanted.
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