Level 10 Imperial
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Energy: 50
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Personal Style
26.36 m
20.28 m
8797.5 kg
Eye Type
Level 10 Imperial
EXP: 947 / 27676


born Ryota
The Nightly Guildmaster of the Shattered Temple

A Tale of Haunting Pasts
I watch our little group of Night Shiro as they leave for the night's work, each with their own crafts. I'd just assigned tasks for the ones taking the night watch tonight, as I do every night. Reiko calls them, I tell them what to do. It's how we all worked, before the Ashen struck. As the pair leave, muttering about their good fortune of not being paired up with the Wraith, I find myself turning away. I can't approach Reiko. She's found her hope, her golden light returning ever so slowly. I haven't. It was that simple.
I cringe as my paws crack something in my path. The others don't tend to notice, but to me, it's like a ringing bell, a gong calling the monsters of Remnant to descend upon me. To be fair, it isn't surprising with what had happened all those years ago. I spot my mate, Awase, across the pond. She has a harsh glint in her eye as she stalks off, her nine tails lashing like a brewing storm of fur. I can't blame her. After all, we'd been struck during the change of the guard. We were all that was left of the changing of the watch. She dealt with the creatives during the day, I handled the night. How can I blame her for still being upset about her curse, even after all this time?
I keep walking away, trying to find my post. It's futile, really. It had collapsed a decade ago. However, that didn't stop the trees from growing in it's place. I've been using that to my advantage lately, sitting in the uppermost branches that would still support me to hear as much as I could. I have a good set of ears. I used to be proud of that. Now, however, every creak sends a shiver up my spine. At least I've passed the years where it would cause me to yip like a kit. Before our curse, Awase would've laughed and poked fun. Now, she takes it seriously. She takes all of it seriously.
I reach the pinnacle of the tree, my tails hanging low like a curtain. It didn't hold the shine it once had, and I can't help but cringe when I see the shadowy murk streaking my fur. I like to think my curse didn't want me to forget that I was once a Night Shiro, keeping the colors the shade of the night. Awase was a brighter hue, like the twilight that precedes the dawn, but still cursed like me.
A rustle beside me causes me to jump, my fur fluffing out. I sigh when I see the Wraith beside me. Always did get me, that one. At least the Wraith is doing his job. Then again, he wouldn't be a Wraith if it weren't for us. He'd been just a kit back then, with a single tail waving about as he tried to play with our tails. I never knew who blamed who for him following our little patrol hunting down one of the Ashen. He never should've come with us.
Another crack in the tree causes me to look around in alarm, only to pause when an almost ethereal paw rests on mine. The young Wraith Yako is looking at me in understanding, as if to calm me. He doesn't talk as much as he did when he was a kit. I miss those days sometimes. I cannot help but smile down at him, though I'm certain it came across more unnerving than usual. He doesn't seem to mind. He climbs higher up into the tree, causing me to sag into my branch. He seems to have taken my post. I don't mind it. I can listen from here, and wait for his alarm if he gives it. I look up to the stars, to how they shimmer and shine above me, and I cannot help but wonder why I haven't been able to return to my gilded glory.
It is then that the noises start to creep up on me. An errant breeze rustling the leaves turns to the whispering growl of a monster from Remnant. A murmuring brook becomes the bubbling gargle of an aquatic Ashen, readying for an ambush. A creak here is a low moan of a monster, the snapping of a twig the approaching hoarde, stalking in silence. It doesn't take long for me to try and huddle even lower on my branch, my fur fluffed out and my eyes wide to try and catch sight of these monsters. It is then that I'm reminded of the truth, spotting how calm the Wraith above me is. No alarm. It's just my ears. In truth, these sounds are far away, too far to ever be a threat to Gleanreal. I let out a shaky whine of a sigh as I remind myself of who I am.
I am Kogane, formerly Ryota the Night Shiro and, afterwards, Tenko. I am in charge of the guilds of Night Shiro and other nocturnal Kitsune. I lead the Night Watch, keeping an eye out for Ashen and other shadowy monsters of Remnant. My mate does the same for the day, under the light of the sun. We are safe. I am safe. I am fine. I will be alright. Another whistle on the wind sends a sharp chill to the scar on my back, racing across like the long claws of the Ashen who struck me down when I was a young Tenko. When my home became the Shattered Temple.
I am Kogane, the Cursed Tenko, and with my ears that once so diligently perfected the voices of the Callers of the Night, my curse has turned the very night I once loved against me. I pray for the day that I can be Ryota the Tenko once more, if it can ever be again.

Cursed Tenko
This rare breed of Tenko is formed through tragedy and power. Cursed Tenko are a Tenko whose enemies have either managed to curse them for some misdeed or their souls have been warped. Cursed Tenko are both seekers of redemption and swords of vengeance - it is difficult to tell which one is which and so they are often avoided. Some Tenko clans go to great lengths to aid cursed Tenko who seek an antidote and imprison those who have fallen. It is not uncommon for a cursed Tenko to experience changes in eye color or forms of heterochromia as they struggle to find a cure. All cursed Tenko retain their nine tails.

Ryota the Night Shiro

Ryota the Tenko

Needs Level 25

Registered Kitsune
Cursed Tenko, Light and Shadow eyes, nine tails

A gift for befriending a Cursed. You feel divided and stretched thin while holding this bead.

xxxx» KOGANE «
xxxxxxxxxregal | determined | youthful
xxx |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris fringilla venenatis neque, sed auctor eros dapibus eu. Nunc rhoncus egestas libero, ac ornare arcu tempor in. Curabitur nunc ante, pellentesque interdum mi volutpat, convallis pellentesque metus. Nullam accumsan ligula quis lacus semper, et efficitur massa rhoncus. Aenean luctus lacinia erat a ornare. Suspendisse eget dui ut ante tempor luctus vitae sit amet lacus. Integer porta justo ac gravida porta. Ut sagittis malesuada ligula quis commodo. Fusce ultrices ultricies turpis a gravida. Nulla vehicula mattis sem, a commodo neque rutrum eu. Nam rhoncus a velit sit amet accumsan. Donec dignissim porta sodales. Pellentesque interdum placerat nunc, vel pharetra ante pharetra non. Nulla fringilla posuere quam. Proin ornare gravida elit, nec posuere orci dapibus a. Praesent molestie enim id magna pulvinar mattis. In id pellentesque neque. Cras lorem metus, tincidunt et nulla vel, dictum dignissim mi. Cras aliquam lacinia justo quis aliquam. Fusce rutrum nec tortor et consequat. Nunc mauris metus, mollis at ornare quis, pulvinar sed nunc. Vivamus at finibus purus. Pellentesque tristique ipsum sem, eget tincidunt felis scelerisque id. Cras quis aliquam neque. Pellentesque feugiat mollis ante. Nam sed venenatis elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam feugiat neque sed rhoncus elementum. Morbi luctus tellus vitae tincidunt lobortis. Nulla in magna non sem tincidunt tempor. Curabitur venenatis nisi non mauris sagittis gravida. Etiam aliquam fermentum orci, ac auctor nunc sodales quis. Aliquam eget nisi eget tellus porttitor scelerisque. xxxx» Kitsune Subspecies Information « In far off corner of the elemental planes, where magic is at its strongest and most rampant, Imperials and Pearlcatchers have been transformed into strange shapes. They appear more fox-like than dragon like, losing their longer toes in trade for paws and long whiskers in trade for, well, whiskers. Larger ears for Pearlcatchers seem to dwarf their heads and imperials grow shorter, more antler-like horns. They grow heavy coats of fur and more interestingly, long tails. These dragon-kitsune vary in size and nature but share aspects of both their heritage. It is said that a kitsune dragon can both fly and retain their breath powers, while also possessing the abilities of their kitsune relatives. Transformation powers come easily and their will-o-wisp like familiars follow them everywhere. To the Yako, invisibility is added to their repertoire while Tenko and Shiro varieties prides themselves on their supernatural powers of healing and powerful spells. Nogitsune have an intense connection with nature, no matter where they go. It is powerful enough for them to call for aid even in the depths of the earth. Despite their individual powers, all variants can live an immensely long time and they are naturally very cunning and clever. While dragon-kitsune vary in temperament and preference, the majority of them enjoy jokes, food and a good prank. Many kitsune-dragons stay with their own variants in carefully hidden caves, glades, and shrines. Others prefer solitude, like the Redeemed or Malicious. Nevertheless, the arrival of a kitsune is often heralded by their ghostly lights. If it is a Yako, you generally won't see them. The friendlier varieties will often appear before the visitor, if only to examine or cause trouble. These days though, fights with beastclans have caused them to become more curious about the realms of dragons. A kitsune may bring fortune and trouble in equal measure but they can be valuable allies! The color of their ghost fire is determined by the color of their eyes, a remnant of the forces that created them. In addition, Lesser Kitsune keep their jewel separate. The color of jewel is an amalgamation of their fur and eye color which makes it easier to hide in their fur. At this stage, the jewel is extremely important to their wellbeing. Having it stolen means a kitsune must obey and having it broken would easily kill a Lesser Kitsune. Kitsune usually hide theirs in collars of jewels and beads, as once they reach five tails the jewel becomes purely the color of their eyes. The loss of a jewel may not kill an adult Kitsune but it could emotionally or mentally damage them. They are able to recreate their jewel but at a loss of one or more tails. The process is somewhat traumatic and it can take years to recover so a Kitsune hides their jewel at all costs. | xxx |

Kogane's old form before he became a Tenko
Dust/Midnight/Abyss Night Shiro
Dust/Midnight/Abyss Night Shiro

Kogane's old Tenko form before he was cursed
Cursed Tenko
This rare breed of Tenko is formed through tragedy and power. Cursed Tenko are a Tenko whose enemies have either managed to curse them for some misdeed or their souls have been warped. Cursed Tenko are both seekers of redemption and swords of vengeance - it is difficult to tell which one is which and so they are often avoided. Some Tenko clans go to great lengths to aid cursed Tenko who seek an antidote and imprison those who have fallen. It is not uncommon for a cursed Tenko to experience changes in eye color or forms of hetrochromia as they struggle to find a cure. All cursed Tenko retain their nine tails.
Number of tails: 9
Eyes: Light/Shadow
Number of tails: 9
Eyes: Light/Shadow
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