
Level 7 Tundra
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Dwarf Unicorn
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Tundra
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Personal Style


Winter Wind
Glowing Purple Clawtips
Pearly Earrings of Chemistry
Pearly Amulet of Chemistry
Golden Glow Alchemist Tools
Daisy Corsage
Illuminated Emblem
Bishoujo Observation


Accent: Frigid Fluffle


Scene: Frozen Tunnel


3.54 m
2.57 m
239.28 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 23, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Tundra
EXP: 188 / 11881


Keeper of Speech Rules


QUOTE: "The dependability of magic is 99.9% fallabie. It turns on you when you most need it to survive the battle! I liken it to the betrayal of close family."


Starfall Hub:
Speech Competition Thread:

All participants got this badge

Star-Raving Speech Competition
Do you like writing stories? Do you hate standing in front of a group of people you have no idea who they are and reading a speech (cause schools will be the death of all of us). Then this is the competition for you! Come and write some speeches and then "perform" them for the enjoyment of all with never having to face anyone. This event runs for both push and fest week by the amazing Argante.


It's that time of the year in Arcane where dragons of all kinds come together in celebration for Starfall. Festivity of an exciting and somewhat mysterious nature takes shape on the Isles in the form of starry lore, games, competition, food, and general good-will.

On the towering Focal Point, a small group of dragons gather around a crystal protrusion out of the grassy knoll. The crystal was formed in the shape of a four-sided pole, except for the top which was left in it's more natural state. Upon the crystal was a notification in bright pink colors. Big letters spelled out, STAR SPEECH COMPETITION.

"Hey, look here!," said Chai. "There's a speech competition going on for Starfall." Twirl, Pearl and Bird flocked to the notice to peruse the information. Twirl, an actress in her own right, takes note of the Storytelling event. "This is perfect for me with my drama training. I am going to enter Storytelling!" And look at the prizes you can win," said Bird. " I'm going to enter too! But which one?" Pearl, silent until now, asked, "What event should I enter?" Bird, replied, "How about the Persuasive event. You could call yourself Persuasive Pearl!" Chai chimes in, "I am going to enter the Broadcasting event, so that leaves the Motivational event for you, Bird." Bird feeling a bit bossed, snapped tersely, "We are allowed to enter more than one event. We just can't enter an event more than once, silly." If I want to enter all the events, I can!"

They started their normal bantering and arguing about the details of the competition and the whole conversation descended into chaos. Soon they grabbed their quills and jotted their names down. They said their good-bye's vowing to grab one of the top spots and gain a prize!

Dragons standing nearby on the Focal Point who observed this annoying foursome began to wonder what all the fuss was about. They flocked to the crystal to read the notice that the four annoying dragons were gabbling about. What they found were the rules for submission in the STAR SPEECH COMPETITION.

If you are one of those competitive types and would like to test your skills at writing and stage performance, please refer to the information posted below.


Each speaker may enter one or all of the speech events one time each.

To rank highest and therefore be eligible for one of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd place prizes, follow all of the rules for the submissions per the event which are outlined under the event headings below.

Speakers will be judged according to the rules, ranked and be either moved on or eliminated in rounds. The number of rounds will be dependent on the number of entries.

Entries per event will be capped at 30.

By entering this contest, you give us permission to post your entry in the event that you win a prize.

Last day to enter is Friday, September 29th at rollover. All entries will be handed out to judges on Saturday, September 30th and judging rounds will begin.

Entries will be assigned randomly to available judges. You may want to meet the judges below in the Judges Corner.

Winners will be announced once the elimination ranking and rounds have all commenced and the final three in each category have been ranked. 1st, 2nd and 3rd speeches will receive prizes listed in the Winner's Circle according to their ranking.

Each judge will get to choose an Honorable Mention speech of the speeches that didn't receive the first second or third place. They will also receive prizes according to that ranking.

All other participants will receive a participants badge.

How to enter:

1. Your user name
2. Put the event you are entering here: (i.e., Storytelling, Broadcasting, Motivational, Persuasive)
3. Write your speech following the guidelines/rules for that event. When you are ready to submit your speech for performance and judging, count your words and record them here.
4. Your dragon speaker's persona/name.
5. Your dragon's disposition during the speech, indicated by choosing eyes which fit (see description below.) The eyes will most likely be added to the art.
6. Put your dragons image last. Dress it up like you would want it to be see on stage while giving the speech. If you use an object for the motivational, include that with the image of the dragon.

Submit the information (where?) asked for below. When you submit your entry, your name will be put on the list of entries under the category you entered. If you don't see your name, please ping Starlight18 or Argante in this thread. We will check daily for new entries.
User Name:
Number of Words:
Dragon Speaker:
Disposition (Eyes):
BBCode for Dragon:

For example:
User Name: Starlight18
Event: Storytelling
Number of Words: approx. 750
Dragon Speaker: Twirl
Disposition (Eyes): Beauty Queen Orange
BBCode for Dragon:

Once you have submitted your entry, look for your user name on the entry post for the category you entered. If you don't see your name, please ping Argante or Starlight18.

Sunday all entries will be randomly assigned to judges and the number of rounds will be determined and announced. Judging will begin and will require two days for each round. You will be informed if you have been been ranked high enough to move on to the next round. If not, you will still qualify for an honorable mention, so stay tuned. All those qualifying to the next round and all winners will pinged.

Thank you for your participation and good luck!


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Please keep in mind that for player privacy reasons, we will not personally respond to you for this report, but it will be sent to us for review.

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Exalting Secrets to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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  • Names must be longer than 2 characters.
  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.
  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.