If You Could Join Two Flights....
Starlight18's Clan
Ignorance is a preventable disease
Clan Info
Welcome to Celestial Star Keeper's Clan:
A Literary Apocathary
Reading can seriously damage one's ignorance
Quote: "What history buries, lore never does..."
Wish list:
Bubbles by cosmo Imp F (actually any or all of them)
Accent: Inked, by tec for Tundra F; Coatl M; Imp F
Sonskyn/Perel by Reisiger F SD
Enigmatic by Reisiger W M
Aphelion Bloom by Keelhaul for M WC
SS-Eastern Ganges by Spassow for F Tundra
llusern o gan by Reisiger for M WC
Elegance by Reisiger F Snapper
Golden Spring by malafunfun for M WC
Dreamlight Domain by urza for M Skydancer
Skin: cyber_angel by Aviose for M WC
Skin: Sunset Sovereign by Reisiger M Imp
Skin: broken ties, by willowlight for Aberration M
Paradise Plumes, by CountingChocobos for F PC
Runic Manafest, Shy Kiss or Violet/Frozen Glass for M Coatl
Golden Spirit Smoke Accent for F Imps
Limited Spirit Smoke Accent for F SD's
Accent: Prideful Regality M Imperial
Inner Radiance by Drytil F Skydancer
The Delicate One by Drytil F Fae
Favorite Art: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/2089918/1
Familiars I'm still looking for:
Sprites: Fire, Lightning, Shadow, Earth, Light
The Star's name is: Miluiel
Tales are written on the unfolding scroll of vision and laughter with the ink of adventure and the pen of commitment. ~maryanne radmacher
Starlight18 is a heavenly, silver-shaded, Persian cat, who doesn't have the typical pugged nose and watery eyes of the Persians bred to win the Grand Championship. Her profile is quite delicate and attractive, which matches her sweet, gentle nature. The soul of a creature can be seen by what they choose in adversity. Starlight18 has chosen well. She comforts those who are hurting and does not needlessly strive with her enemies. Yes, it's true... she has enemies. Doesn't everyone? Even the heavenly have their battles to fight. But she chooses not to dwell on that. Her choice to redeem the time keeps her focused on what matters most.
For all practical purposes, she is mainly a messenger between the two realms, Sorneith and where we live, in our distracted, and sometimes difficult existence. Starlight beckons, come... and enjoy a moment of browsing. She is the translator and pen-name for the author of (most of) the dragon bios, for none of you could actually read the stories of the dragons if they wrote or spoke in their own language.
This day with my words...
-when i speak, speak truth through the story of my life
-harmonize with others, not produce chaos
-be fair in the mire of emotion
-utilize discernment, not judgement
-speak for those who cannot speak on their own behalf
-write to discover hidden memories
-exploit no evil, redeem it instead
~adapted from maryanne radmacher~
An Arcane (Mysterious) Spell
Magic: Supernatural influence over the natural world.
Magic came from the word Magi.
Magi are Wisemen.
Wise words break/make (good) spells.
Incantation/Spell: Words spoken to accomplish supernatural influence.
A good spell~~~~~~~A godspell~~~~~~~A gospel
Deep Magic
Four spell-breaking questions:
~ What do you mean by...?
~How do you know....?
~What difference does it make?
~What if you are wrong? (and you die?)
Spells form our:
Metaphysics (what is real)
Ethics (what is good)
Epistemology (what is true)
Aesthetics (what is beautiful)
Words have power!
Enchantment: To be under a spell/incantation
Casting spells: Speak well! Bless and curse not.
Breaking spells: Think well! Shatter pervasive, high and lofty imaginations.
Words kill, words give life;
they are either like a poison apple or an elixir (healing potion);
you will consume that which you love!
~Prov. 18:21
The right word at the right time is like a custom-made piece of jewelry…
~Prov. 25:11
Notes taken from Dell Cook's lecture, written at Worldview Academy camp by GhostQueen13
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I am doing well! I hope you are as well.