
Level 8 Skydancer
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False Sphinx
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Conjurer's Hat
Unearthly Onyx Grasp
Conjurer's Cobwebs
Conjurer's Cloak
Dusk Rogue Bracers
Dusk Rogue Gloves
Black Cat



Scene: Witch's Kitchen


5.37 m
7.01 m
591.57 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 22, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 8 Skydancer
EXP: 12914 / 16009
Frigid Bolt
Frozen Acuity Fragment


l o v e l e s s


Agender (he/him)


Clan Elder/Witch

Armillaria Abyss


"Perhaps raging hatred can be buried by love as gentle as snow."

About section here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean efficitur dolor id magna viverra luctus. Donec pellentesque justo quis vulputate consequat. Etiam fermentum fermentum felis vel scelerisque. Sed sollicitudin pellentesque erat a hendrerit. Pellentesque condimentum porttitor tortor, vitae consectetur ligula elementum ut. Nam dolor augue, congue eleifend accumsan in, placerat in sapien. Aenean vitae magna nunc. Nam lacus odio, sollicitudin vitae diam sed, rhoncus pretium mauris. Nam dictum blandit blandit. Proin eu est et tortor semper tristique. Nam nec laoreet sapien. Ut condimentum varius feugiat. Nam pulvinar commodo neque.

Donec placerat nunc id sem luctus, vel pulvinar quam luctus. Maecenas posuere sed tellus in suscipit. Ut feugiat arcu id dictum cursus. Curabitur finibus, diam non cursus ultricies, urna erat pretium sem, at gravida nisi dui quis tortor. Aliquam fermentum facilisis lectus vitae lacinia. Vivamus massa tortor, aliquet rhoncus pharetra ac, rutrum convallis enim. Aenean venenatis ut sem eget volutpat.


In a far off land, many years ago, lived a young prince. He was loved by many, but seen by few; far too sick to go past the castle walls. The king and queen loved him deeply, searching for a cure for his ailment, but alas none was found. The village would mourn his passing with each year, until they would all be forgotten.

But that is a fairy tale. The real story is far more sinister, now remembered only by one...

The young prince was never sick, nor was he ever loved. By the people, yes, but only the story spun by his parents. The king and queen wanted to keep him trapped in the castle, to isolate him from any possible influence, so that he was better controlled. They needed an heir they could rule through— if they allowed him to be the successor to the throne in the first place. Of course, children in these conditions learn to become sly, learn how to slip through the cracks whenever possible. The young prince couldn't abandon the castle forever, but he could at least see what existed right outside of it.

And outside of it was Nyx.

Born to a small family of witches and warlocks, Nyx had always lived in the kingdom, and thus only knew what was spoken of the prince. He wouldn't even recognize him at the town square, merely curious of the cloaked individual who clumsily walked down the markets. Someone new, someone unfamiliar with the sights. Of course Nyx would feel obliged to help, especially a kid his age who seemed to be wandering on their own. Truthfully, their meeting was anything but special, and yet it would grow to mean so much to the both of them.

Whenever the prince could, he would sneak out of the castle to meet Nyx. The two just talked. Talked about the outside world, of magic, of home life. When the prince was brave enough to admit the true intentions of the king and queen, Nyx believed him wholeheartedly, and promised him that he'd find a way to get him out of there. As they grew up together, something would bud between them...but something else would get in the way. Teenagers become too careless, too confident in their abilities. All it takes is for one guard to notice someone slipping away...

It was no small punishment for a prince who wouldn't listen. A prince who had plans to defect from them. And so that prince succumbed to his illness shortly after.

The real story, as it stands, was that he was exiled. He had left a message for Nyx, but didn't anticipate for the young witch to follow him. Not out there, in the snowy wilderness. That promised escape of theirs didn't go as planned, but at least it did in some way, right? Nyx would refuse to leave his side, even if that promise was now fulfilled — No, he had more things to promise. That he'd be there for the prince, that'd he'd see him alive, that they would find someplace new together. But the harsh winter was not merciless to travelers. It was only a matter of time until the prince succumbed to the cold, hungry and lost, waiting for Nyx to come back from gathering. He'd become too ill during their travel, unfortunately being ill-equipped to withstand nature at its worst. His body was completely cold by the time Nyx returned.

Distraught and impulsive, Nyx was hellbent on keeping his promise. He was a talented witch, a scholar with a dangerous thirst for knowledge— someone knowledgeable of the forbidden arts. He would resurrect the young prince. They would make it through this winter together.

But of course, there are reasons why certain magic is forbidden. The cost is simply too high, the outcome unobtainable. The prince would continue to be dead, but now Nyx could no longer die. His body would be grabbed at, torn at the seams from unseen forces, put back together in a way that was wrong. His wings could no longer be used, no longer tangible in a way that mattered. He passed out due to the sheer pain of it all, waking up suddenly in the Shadowbinder's domain.

…And a voice that knew what he'd just done.

91302019p.png CICERO | confidant
Has a fondness for them, but doesn’t outwardly display it in full. The two are indeed close, but Nyx can still be aloof to a fault, and he purposefully puts some distance between them. In truth, Cicero reminds him of a younger version of his past love— not enough to harbor any feelings, but enough to want to see them safe.

71777416p.png GALATEA | patron
A deeply devoted follower of Galatea. Her awareness of his curse, her love despite it — in fact, because of it — is the reason why he worships her. He hopes she may grant him his wish before he’s forced to come to terms with it.

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Exalting Nyx to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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