
Level 4 Imperial
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Scout's Tail Twist
Celebration Sage Lantern
Celebration Sage Sash
Celebration Sage Shawl
Teardrop Citrine Ring
Jolly Jester's Collar


Skin: Zephyr Lord



30.64 m
16.92 m
8858.45 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Apr 23, 2014
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 4 Imperial
EXP: 1745 / 4027


~Legendary Brave Warriors~

Victory - - - - - - - Robin - - - - - - - - - Shark - - - - - - - - - - Izuna - - - - - - - - - - - Oda






Athena - - - - - - Yuya - - - - - - - - - - Nasch - - - - - - - - - Kaito - - - - - - - - - Synchro






Chokuto - - - - - Yusei - - - - - - - - Gwendolyn - - - - - - - - Jack - - - - - - - - Tobirama






Free-spirited and ambitious from the earliest of his days, Tobirama always knew what he was meant to do. His purpose had been clear as day from the moment his first thoughts formed: questing for glory.

Determined, he trained for his art with diligence many found surprising given his seemingly carefree personality. Soon enough, he had won his first battle against his mentor - and the next, and the one after that.

Once he reached young adulthood, his mother approached him knowing very well he was eager to leave - she was much the same in her youth. But she knew Tobirama would be going on no simple adventure, and she understood the risks of peril much better than her inexperienced son, thus she gave him words of advice: "Seek out the land of the Flamecaller. They have the best blacksmiths in the entire land - have them make you armour of the highest quality, so you may always stay protected."

Thus the Imp journeyed to The Ashfall Waste, certain that this too was a part of his destiny.

Their meeting was at first unwanted, and seemingly accidental, but perhaps it had happened at the will of fate.

Yuya had been sitting quietly at the edge of the volcanic lands, debating on whether it was worth venturing in. The land certainly didn't seem friendly to newcomers, but then again he supposed anything would look challenging next to a lifetime of sheltered living.

Suddenly, he heard the thud of beating wings somewhere behind him, and turning around he was met with a bright twinkle of blue. Blinking rapidly, he squinted at the arrival, craning his neck up to meet the bigger, and seemingly older dragon's gaze.

"You a local?" the stranger chirped, voice matching his bright colours, though its tone an octave higher than Yuya would've expected for a dragon his size.

"No," he replied flatly and turned away, intending to let the Imperial go on his way.

But the stranger followed after him, forcibly entering his line of sight again. "Wait! If not, what are you doing, hanging around by the borders?"

"Look, if this is about territory, I'm not here out of malice, so if you're looking to chase me off--"

"What? No! I thought we might work out a deal, that's all."

Yuya grimaced and looked over the dragon with an unimpressed scowl. "What are you talking about?"

"I've been circling the area for a while now, and I noticed you've been sitting there for ages. Scared to go in?" the blue Imperial grinned, but at Yuya's annoyed attempt to leave again, he hurriedly stood in front of him again. "Wait! Okay, no, listen. I don't know these lands, but I need to go there, and I'm assuming you're in the same position as me. So, why not team up?"

Yuya breathed out a sigh of contempt. "And that would help us how? Neither of us know the territory."

"Exactly. So sticking together with another trespasser might be safer!"

"Oh, because I'd definitely trust a stranger I just met," Yuya grumbled, though he had already mulled the situation over in his mind and was not entirely against it. It's not like he had anything to lose, so even if the Imperial had ulterior motives, hardly anything would come of it.

"Don't be like that," the blue Imp smiled again, a seemingly undying mischievous glint present in his fern green eyes. "By the way, I'm Tobirama, but just call me Tobi."

Yuya turned away again, this time facing the magmalands. He was silent for a moment, contemplating, but eventually he took a few steps towards the wastes. When Tobirama didn't move from his spot, Yuya glanced over his shoulder. "What are you waiting for?" he barked irritably.

"Your name."

If dragons could tut, Yuya would have done so by now. He sat back on his haunches and spread his wings, readying for flight. "Yuya. Now let's go."

Tobirama grinned. "Aye aye!" he called and with an exaggerated beat of his wings, he launched off into the air. With another sigh, Yuya followed suit, feeling he was signing on for more than just a day or two of ample exploration.

Being one of the Clan's leading combatants, Tobirama is always ready for a fight. That is not to say he is aggressive - quite the opposite. He's a loud, cheerful kind of guy with a go-getter attitude. This attitude is exactly what has lead him to be where he is today, and he won't hesitate to share his achievements with anyone willing to lend an ear. Skilled in fighting both with and without a weapon, he's seen victory in battles many others have not returned from.

Despite his seemingly scatterbrained demeanour, Tobirama is actually a lot smarter than most give him credit for. One would find it is hard to achieve his level of battle expertise without working on both the physical and the theoretical side of things, and Tobi knows a good strategy can be key to success. He makes use of his own relaxed poise by allowing others to think him simple-minded and surprising them with his quick thinking when the need comes.

On a day-to-day basis, when there isn't a war going on or the need for a fighter, one is most likely to find Tobirama entertaining the hatchlings. His bright personality makes it easy for him to get along with them and he's among the favourites for babysitting duty. And despite how much he goofs around with them, Tobi always ensures their time with him is well-spent, engaging them in play-fighting or teaching them how to duel amongst each other with careful supervision, so that they may be ready for real conflict when they're old enough.

And when he's not chatting someone's ear off about battle theory or rough-housing with the kids, he's most likely pestering his close friend and adoptive brother, Yuya. The 'adoptive brother' part is something Tobi insists on with eye-rolls from Yuya, but he knows Yuya doesn't mind it. The two rarely speak about their bond but it's unneeded: both know of it, and both embrace it (even if most of it is Tobirama's obnoxious jokes about the power of friendship).

--bio by demitri--
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