
The Light of Hope
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Energy: 50
out of
Nature icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Spiral
Male Spiral
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Trickster's Magic Cards
Gold Aviator Gloves
Teardrop Citrine Pendant
Nomad's Sandwastes Vest
White Linen Chest Wrap
Gold Steampunk Vest
Journeyman Satchels
Contrast Rogue Footpads
Gold Breeches
Contrast Rogue Wing Guard
Black Protective Eyewear


Accent: Spectral Companion


Scene: Frostbite Falls


3.08 m
2.65 m
73.82 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 12, 2017
(7 years)


Spiral icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 25 Spiral
Max Level
Prismatic Meditate




  • none


[IKTR Count: 1]
Yuma & Astral
The Light of Hope
| Ally of The Clan | Adventurer | Student | Spirit Host | Shard Hunter |
Yuma: [ ESFP ] | Astral: [ ISTJ ]



Biography (Yuma)

Yuma and Astral are a team like no other. They are always together and if Astral were to leave, Yuma would be left completely heartbroken. Most dragons can't see Astral at all so Yuma often get glared at by others for talking to seemingly no one, even in serious situations.

Yuma is very kind and trusting, sometimes even to the point of naivety. He is happy and cheerful in most situations, even in very dangerous ones, so if he is anything but happy it is certain that something is horribly wrong. As far as he is concerned nothing is impossible, if you just keep trying and never give up there is nothing you cant do no matter what it is. Yuma don't believe that anyone is truly evil, because of this he can't see himself truly hatting someone regardless of how much they have hurt him in the past. Those who have been around him says that he seems to have a way to reach anyone's heart regardless if it is a friend or an enemy. The backside of his trusting personality is that he are easy to trick into trusting someone only to be stabbed in the back later, something that is very likely to leave him heartbroken and unable to really accept the fact that he was betrayed by someone that he considered to be a friend.
| Soul Mate |

| Item |
Teardrop Citrine Pendant
Yuma's pendant

| Item |
Shards of the Shade's power

| Friend | Rival |

| Friend | Rival |

| Enemy |
The shade

| Enemy |

tumblr_nti067xMTN1repldoo6_250.png Like most Spirals Yuma is very energetic and swiftly gets bored, when this happens he usually falls asleep on the spot unless Astral keeps him awake. Yuma aren't exactly what you call an optimal student for any teacher (other than he's father) as he can't stay concentrated on something that bores him and ends up falling asleep, tho he is capable of staying awake on his own if he really tries to do so.

Yuma is an adventurer at heart just like his father and spends a lot of time exploring, most of the time these adventures is restricted to the clans territory but sometimes he's eager gets the better of him.
At times Yuma and Astral might feel that something is off, this feeling is almost never wrong and usually it marks the start of a greater and most likely dangerous adventure for the two. This feeling usually triggers at the presence of shards of the Shade's power and according to Astral it is their bond that lets Yuma feel it as well. Yuma has made it his mission the help Astral find and contain the power of all these shards in order to protect the world form the Shade's corruption. Astral seems to be completely immune against the corruption while Yuma are able to contain it partly because of his pure heart and partly because of his bond Astral.

The pendant is his most precious item, it was a gift from he's father before he dispersed and is the only thing Yuma has left from him. I later showed to be the key to release the seal that had held Astral's soul trapped for eons, yet Astral remain bound the the pendant on some way as his soul resides within it when not physically with Yuma and it also seems to hold the majority of Astral's power.
Yuma's heart are one with Astral's and they are fully capable of feeling each others emotions and reading each others thoughts but most of the time they tend to keep their minds separate to respect the others privacy. Yuma and Astral are capable of communicating telepathically regardless of if Astral is within the pendant or not.

When i battle Yuma doesn't seem that impressive at first glance as his only strong traits is speed and agility and not until he met Astral who tough him he really didn't have a clue how to utilize those traits effectively. His physical strength aren't impressive in the slightest and his magical abilities are average at best, yet his soul holds a huge amount of power so i theory his capabilities with magic should be on level with that of the deities but clearly he can't utilize it through his elemental magic what so ever. So instead of using any of his native dragon abilities he utilizes the power of the shade fragments he and Astral have collected to fight his opponents and on top of that he never fights alone as Astral are always fighting with him one way or an other. Most other dragons would instantly become corrupted by just holding one of the shards but because of Astral, Yuma is capable of controlling their power. When in use they appear as purple cards with a dark aura circling around his body, they allow him to use a wide array of magical abilities that unlike normal dragon magic are powered by his soul allowing him to tap into the huge amount of energy that it contains.
It is only when things gets really serious that Yuma and Astral utilizes their bond to the fullest and combines all their powers into one body, during this Yuma's scales and eyes change color and Astral appear as an armor covering most of Yuma's body. The color and appearance depends a lot on the situation they are in and what is the most beneficial for them at the time. When using this they gain full control over the the shards and their souls allowing them to turn the tide of almost any battle. They are not immortal in any way tho, a good hit on a unarmored spot would still be just as lethal as on any other dragon.

Biography (Astral)

Astral has just as big of a part to play in this team as Yuma, sometimes even more especially in the beginning. Few got the ability to see him, even those who are normally fully capable of seeing spirits like him has problems seeing him but more often than not they can feel his presence. Even his mask are invisible unlike those of other masked phantoms. However those who hold a Shade fragment, those with the crimson curse or in Yuma's case has a strong bond with Astral can clearly see him.

Unlike Yuma, Astral is cool and collected. There is few situations where He doesn't stop to think carefully of his next move, tho this leads to him often overthinking things that wouldn't be that complicated otherwise. He prefers to not share information unless he is completely sure that it is correct as he isn't much for openly speculating about things, especially not when it comes to the subject of the shards or his own origin as he doesn't want to worry Yuma more than absolutely necessary. Astral used to have problems understanding dragons and their behaviors, especially Yuma, thankfully that isn't a big problem anymore.
At this point there is nothing that is more important to him than Yuma who has become his first and greatest friend, Astral would gladly give his life to save him but the knowledge that Yuma would do the same for him and makes life threatening situations complected as both of them fears to lose the other above all else. Yuma has pointed out that Astral seems to behave more like him, something that Astral strongly denies.
J6glAsH.gif Dragons are fascinating to Astral as they are so different form any other creature he as seen before, Yuma's way of thinking are especially interesting so Astral have promised him that he won't leave until he truly understands him and at that point there is probably no way he could leave anyways without his heart feeling very empty.

The only thing known about his age are that he is an incredibly ancient being, even older than the Earthshaker, the first deity. Just like the Shade he is a remnant of the creation of the universe but unlike the Shade who are a being of darkness, Astral are a being of light. Astral are convinced that his purpose are to keep the Shade at bay just as he did long ago at the beginning of creation. During that ancient battle Astral used up most of his power and in the end most of his soul was sealed away in a tiny crystal by the Shade. Astral was released eons later by Yuma who managed to unlock the seal with his pendant.
He recently discovered that Yuma are the tiny fragment of his soul that wasn't sealed away that somehow managed to resurrect itself as Yuma, he believes that might be the reason to how Yuma managed to break the seal in the first place and why their hearts are so strongly connected.

Astral has made it his mission to find and contain all the shards left by the Shade in order to prevent it's seemingly inevitable resurrection by stopping it from regaining it's full power that is now split between the shards. The shards themselves are not necessarily dark as they change depending on the holder but they do have a tendency to corrupt those with any bit of darkness or desire in their hearts by amplify that by a lot and effectively driving the holder insane in most cases but it is possible to contain that power and make it your own.
Because these shards are extremely dangerous to almost anyone, Yuma's and Astral's mission are very important in order to make sure that as few as possible gets hurt and to prevent the shards form falling into the wrong claws but they are far from the only ones interested in them. There are other "shard hunters" that are immune to the shards corruption and will stop at nothing to get what they are after, this worries Astral a lot since him and Yuma holds several shards effectively making them a prime target for any other shard hunter. If they encounter another hunter Astral's life would be on the line. According to Astral there are at least one hundred shards in Sornieth.

Other shard hunters worries him because of their first encounter with Kaito was as close of a call you could get as both of them were on the edge of death but luckily the the young Ridgeback had to leave just before he could deliver the killing blow. Every time Astral spotted Kaito in a distance he called out for Yuma to run because he knew they would not stand a chance. Yuma kept telling Astral that they could not run forever, something that ended up being true as they had to confront him a couple of weeks later, it was during that encounter that they learnt how to use their full power. Even tho Kaito are not their enemy anymore Astral still has a hard time forgetting that encounter but he can't deny that Kaito is excellent to have as an ally.

In contrast of Yuma, Astral has a much more careful approach in battle. When it comes to hes offensive strategies he often takes advantage of the fact that few are able to see him to get in a fast and accurate strike if possible, but most of the time he focuses on defending and supporting Yuma in a wast amount of ways. Before Yuma learnt how to fight properly on his own Astral had to act as a form of commander telling him what to do.

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Yuma grew up in a medium sized nature clan together with his mother, father and older sister. The clans central lair were located in the least dense part Shrieking Wild where the surrounding trees didn't block out the sun. He has found memories of that place as his father used to play with him there all the time when he were a hatchling. His parents were adventures, especially hes father who couldn't stand doing nothing if something had made him curious. Hes mother and sister on the other had where more laid back and could enjoy a moment of peace once in a while.

Sometimes his father took Yuma with him on his adventures even tho Yuma was just a young hatchling. At times his father asked him to do something that would seem impossible for a hatchling like scaling an eighty meter tall cliff wall on his own but his father kept ensuring him that nothing was impossible if you wanted it enough, no matter how scary or overwhelming it might seem. True enough Yuma managed to climb all the way up on his own and ever since that he have always believed in those words no matter what. He promised his father that he would never give up.

One day his father went on one of his usual adventures but this time he never came back. Yuma where left with his older sister Akari as their mother went out to look for her mate. A week later she returned, alone, with their fathers pendant around her neck. She gave the pendant to Yuma telling him to stay strong and telling his sister to take good care of him while she was gone. After that she left, never to be seen again.
His sister took the full responsibility of taking care of and protecting her several years younger brother. This lead to her being extremely overprotective of Yuma and she wouldn't let him go far from the lair no matter what for a couple of years. Yuma knew she did it to protect him but it didn't stop his itch for adventure. He started taking short trips in secret and got scolded every time she discovered him but that didn't discourage. As he got older his small trips became longer, sometimes he even left the Viridian Labyrinth for a while.

---- The Beginning of Hope ----
Yuma was wandering around the outskirts of Dragonhome when it happened. He was too intrigued by the strange rock formations to notice that he had been surrounded by hostile Longneck and it stayed that way until the first spear hit, penetrating his scales and borrowing deep into his flesh right below the root of his wing bone. As he cried out in pain a second spear flew right by his head. Yuma turned around in shock and confusion and spotted the attackers, one of them seemed to be surrounded by some kind of dark aura but Yuma were too afraid to think clearly as the only thing that kept echoing in his mind was "RUN". He flapped his wings furiously in an attempt to take of but the pain coursed by the spear made it impossible to move the wing correctly, the sky was the only place to flee to as wherever he ran he would run into more Longneck. The only option left was to fight.
Yuma leaped at the closest Longneck while desperately trying to ignore the pain but his target dodged it with ease, as he tried to regain his balance another spear hit with huge force enough to blow him of his feet and impale his left side. The pain felt as a bolt of lightning were surging through his entire body. It coursed his vision to blur, white edges had started to appear around the edges of his field of view but at least he could not feel the pain anymore.
J6glAsH.gif As his vision returned everything around him was gone, Dragonhome, the Longencks, everything was just black. At fist the thought that there were nothing but emptiness surrounding him but then he laid eyes upon the door. A door bigger than any other he had ever seen before, even bigger than some of the tallest trees in Viridian Labyrinth. With nothing else to turn to he approached it but as he got closer his pendant seemed to resonate with it. As he reached it a voice filled his mind, it spoke something that he was unable to understand but Yuma could feel it's power and somehow he knew that if he didn't embrace it he would die. Yuma put his paw against the door and his pendant flared up with a light as bright as the sun. The sound of the door as it started to filled hes ears and through the opening shone a bright blue light. Moments later the light started to circle him, then he was snapped back to realty.

The pain shoot through him again, reminding him of where he was. With a thousand things spiraling through his head at once there was only thing that stood out enough for him to get a hold of. a voice? He could clearly hear it calling out to him but it was not a voice he recognized at first, until he realized it was the one from the door. "Use the shard.", the voice said. Somehow he had not noticed until now that his entire body was surging with power. Yuma forced his eyes open and saw a purple glowing flat "something" right in front of him and right besides it was a blue glowing spirit. "Use the shard.", the spirit said again. He and no idea what was happening or how to react to it but somehow he managed to say "T...that thing?". The spirit looked questioned at him as it answered him with a simple "yes". Yuma moved his arm towards the shard, as he reached it with the tip of his claw it started to emit a strong yellow light. He had no clue what to think or how to use it but thinking had never been one of his strong sides so he just did, releasing all the power at once.
Yuma shone like the sun itself as he released a wave of light. The wave knocked down every single Longneck and shattered countless rocks in its wake. It seemed to also have removed the spears from his body and partly healed the wounds, successfully removing most of the pain. He could not help but to wonder what had he had just done? The spirit looked right at him with seemingly no expression at all. "Thank you.", it said with a completely neutral tone. Yuma spontaneously broke into laughter as he remembered a thing his father taught him once, "when you don't know what to do, just laugh, laugh with all your heart, it make you feel better." and Yuma had never before encountered a situation that left him more clueless that this one so he just could not help but laugh. Strangely enough the spirit did not seem be bothered by it at all but instead it asked "Is this normal behavior for your species?" just as had Yuma stopped laughing for a moment to catch his breath. That question sounded so absurd to him that he had no idea if it was meant as a serious question or as a joke, so instead he answered with a question of his own: "Who or what are you anyways?". "My name are Astral", the spirit said. Yuma was about to start laughing again as a second shard cough his eye, it was laying right besides one of the unconscious Longnecks. "is that...", he started to say but was cut of by Astral before he could finish the sentence. "An other shard? yes". Astral claimed the shard right after he said that. As he looked at Astral he suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, you thanked me for something earlier, what did i do?". "You broke the seal.", Astral answered. "That door...?". Yuma did not need an answer to that, he knew it was that door, and the his pendant had been the key. "I seem to be bound to that pendant somehow, so it seems that i won't be able to leave easily.", Astral said. 'Oh great i am stuck with a ghost', Yuma thought to himself without knowing that his new companion could read his thoughts.
Yuma had countless questions but that had to wait, he needed to get home before it got dark. He dreaded the thought of what his sister would say when he got back home wounded and followed by a ghost she would not be able to see.
J6glAsH.gif Just as expected his sister was furious when he returned. It was clear that she had been worrying a lot as indicated by the large amount of claw marks on the surrounding trees, it is common knowledge that his sister has a tendency to scratch at things when she is angry, frustrated or worried about something. He responded to her shouting by doing the same, only fueling the arguing even further. After a while Akari began to growl and showing her teeth rather than shouting at him. Moments later she struck him to the ground. He could feel warm blood seeping out onto his face from the now broken scales right above his left eye. Yuma knew that his sister could be very aggressive but not this aggressive. All he could bring himself to do was to stare at her in surprise. She seemed just as surprised as he did.
Later that evening Astral questioned Yuma about it and requested an explanation of dragon behavior, to which Yuma did not know where to even begin explaining. After several minutes full of Astral asking Yuma what was to him seemingly irrelevant questions he could not help but to get irritated. "Can you stop asking about everything!?" he yelled at the spirit who did not seem to understand why he should not and answered with a simple "Why?". Yuma let out a heavy sigh "I'm gonna sleep and you better not wake me up." He said.
Strangely enough his sister did not seem to bother him the next morning, she would usually yell at him for oversleeping when he eventually got up but not this morning. Akari felt distant somehow, as if she was lost in her own thoughts. "Um... sis, are you alright?" Yuma asked his sister but the only answer he got was a sharp glare. When she eventually lowered her gaze she said: "I'm sorry...". Yuma almost lost his balance in surprise as she said it. "... i shouldn't have hurt you like that last evening." She continued. To get an apology from her was not a common occurrence but Yuma could not figure out why she had chosen to apologies now of all times. This was not the fist time she had hurt him.
Two weeks later they decided to leave. Astral had told Yuma about the looming threat of the Shade and the importance of the shade shards and he had agreed to help his newfound friend. Just before leaving Yuma had left a short letter for his sister in which he tried to explain that he was not insane and that he was not talking to himself all the time, of course she would not believe a word of it but Yuma felt obligated to at the very least try to explain that this was something he had to do. This was to good of an adventure to ever pass up.
The two of them were greatly disagreeing on where to go first, but both of them where set on not staying in the Shrieking Wilds. Astral knew that hey had to collect as many shards as possible as soon as possible but he also knew that Yuma were fragile and inexperienced, he had grown close to the dragon and could not afford to lose him.

Creator of Light
Creator of Hope
Creator of Miracles


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