Proud mother of twelve adult children.
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Energy: 50
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12.15 m
19.83 m
10298.15 kg
Eye Type
Level 17 Guardian
EXP: 16153 / 81619

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Syl Nadir | Leader
Syl Nadir | Leader

Simple Strength
![]() ![]() ![]() Hardworking leader of the Syl Nadir, Midnight is a dragon that's difficult to arrange a meeting with. She does her best to make time for her clan mates, however, she refuses to entertain any dragons, or notions that would put her or her clan at risk. ![]() Not born to the clan she leads, but respected by them none the less, Midnight takes calculated risks to ensure the peace and prosperity for her clan in the future. There are some who still disagree with her position as leader, though Midnight refuses to comment what she intends to do to change their minds. |

Born after the Hunger, Midnight never knew the old glory of her birth clan, but she grew up on its stories. Destined from birth, it seemed, to be Sharp's successor, it would have been easy for Midnight to bask in the privileges her lineage afforded her but like her mother when she was younger, in her burned a fire. Determined to raise the clans standing to new heights and secure its place in history Midnight took to her studies. Unlike her mother, Midnight's sights were not set on connections but conquest. Far more military minded than her mother, Midnight found herself among Echidna's brightest students. Tactics and magic came easily to her and battle gave her a thrill that Astraeus's lessons never could. ![]() As the years wore on, the fire that burned in Midnight merely grew stronger. She began her tutelage under Astraeus and her mother, devoting herself to studies that would have bored her younger self to tears. Truth be told, Midnight still found the studies dull, but their practical application opened a world of opportunity for her. Then as it does but once or twice in a dragon's life, opportunity came knocking. News of a clan beset by a great beast began to trickle back to the lair, brought in by travelers and letters sent by hatchlings who had moved away. Midnight knew this was her chance to have a clan of her own and step out from her mother's shadow before the matriarch's death. Working quickly, Midnight assembled a team of dragons from her birth lair. All of them were children of dragons who had made their home among clan Theridiidae. All of them were skilled at keeping a clan running and forming a firm foundation of goods and public services to bolster this far flung clan until the beast that plagued it was defeated and afterwards. ![]() The move went smoothly, this nameless group of dragons on a lake were eager for any help. At first, a few were suspicious of Midnight's motives, but their descent was quickly over ruled by the Leviathan Hunters who were the defacto leaders of the clan. Midnight made firm friends with them, establishing both her and her groups place in this new clan. Slowly but surely, Midnight took over the day to day running of her new home. The group she had brought, known around the area as the 'Shady Bunch', reported to her and thanks to them, the lives of all the dragons in the area were steadily improving. But then, shocking everyone, including Midnight, the leviathan ceased to be a threat. In just a year or so, one of the Shady Bunch had done what no other dragon had yet been able to do. Verdigris, the messenger, had befriended the beast, and convinced it to work in tandem with the clan. Midnight made certain that all the dragons in the area knew that it was her group who had brought their fortune and the end to the woes caused by the leviathan. After that, there was nothing to stop Midnight from taking full control of the clan, and naming the tree top village she made her home, Syl Nadir. |
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Ways of Rebelling
Who needs to be at peace in the world? It helps to be between wars, to die a few times each day to understand your father's sky, as you take it apart piece by piece and can't feel anything, can't feel the tree growing under your feet, the eyes poking night only to find another night to compare it to. Whoever heard of turning pain into hummingbirds or red birds— haven't we grown? What does it mean to be older? Maybe a house with- out doors can still survive a storm. Maybe I can't find the proper way to rebel or damn it, I can't leave. I want to, but you grow inside of me. And as I watch you, before I know it, I'm too heavy, too full of you to move. Maybe that's what they meant when they said you shouldn't love a country too much.
--Nathalie Handal
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Bio and format by TroubleinSevens
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