
"Don't even try to fool me, I know you're injured."
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Runescar Lynx
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Female Skydancer
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Obsidian Roundhorn
Bewitching Ruby Clawrings
Psion Overcoat
Fire Tome
Psion Rings
Psion Waist Wrap
Mystic Healer's Calling


Skin: Queen of Cinders



4.23 m
4.16 m
381.84 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 21, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level
Prismatic Meditate





[ The Battle Healer - Flame of the Southwind ]


Fire Tome Minor Health Potion Flamerest Embers White Linen Fabric Scrap

Izarre is a dragon who burns with a hot passion for what she does. After discovering a natural talent for healing, she vowed to become the greatest healer she could ever be. No way she would do her job halfhearted!

She can be very stern and won't hesitate to give you an earful if you don't take care of yourself! If seeing one who doesn't seem to feel well will she immediately send them to the sick wing of the lair. If anyone threatens those under her care, she won't hesitate to unleash a torrent of her Fire magic to defend them. Izarre happens to be one of the smallest, most light-weighted dragons of the Clan but this doesn't mean that she can't be a threat.

With her being a very talented user of both Healing and Fire magic, she is also the main battle healer of the Clan. She tends to be calmer and more level-headed out on the battlefield. Many dragons actually would call her kind, even if she may be a little too fierce with her words. She cares deeply for those around her and her fiery disposition is just a way for her to express how much she cares for her friends.
Clan: Southwind Clan
Status: Healer
Mate: -
Breedable: No





fire_3.png Runescar Lynx
cpjdloH.png Having been born in a Clan of blacksmiths and metalworkers in the searing hot region of the Great Furnace in the Ashfall Waste, Izarre learned from a young age to work hard and that simple, honest work is something to be highly regarded no matter how simple it may be. She was trained to become a blacksmith as well, but realized that this wasn't what she wanted to do. Though this training left her with excellent control over her powerful Fire magic.

With the blessing of her Clan, she left the Great Furnace to travel the world to find what she really wants to do. Her travels took her all over Sornieth. Eventually, Izarre ended up at the Behemoth of the Viridian Labyrinth. There she found a small Clan which had recently survived a horrific raid by a nearby Beastclan settlement.
This Clan mostly contained of workers, dragons who just wished to live a peaceful, simple life at the base of the Behemoth. Remembering the people of her birth Clan, Izarre decided to help them out. She ended up helping the healer of the Clan, who was a Tundra of all breeds. The Tundra was very kind and an exceptional healer. Izarre found herself quite inspired by her. Soon, Izarre found herself asking the Tundra to teach her how to heal and the Tundra agreed to do so. To the surprise of both Izarre and the Tundra, it turned out that Izarre had a natural talent for healing and quickly learned how to use her magic to heal the injured.

It also turned out that the ability that many Skydancers possesses, the ability to sense any present magical energies and vaguely sense the disposition of other dragons made it even easier for Izarre to care for the injured. She had a natural ability to sense if someone was being truthful about their injuries and health, although it wasn't completely foolproof.

Izarre stayed for some time with this Clan, studying under the Tundra and protecting the others from the Beastclans nearby. Because the area was very much flammable, Izarre learned to have even more control over her Fire magic and as a result grew to become even stronger. Just as she had only intended to travel through the area and stay for a short time, other dragons would sometime stay for a little time with the Clan before they continued to travel. One of them was a Guardian named Apholith. While being very different in both element and personality, they grew to become good friends during the short time Apholith stayed with the Clan. The Guardian eventually left to continue her Search.

Time passed, and eventually Izarre received a message from Apholith. The Guardian was asking for her aid to care for a mysteriously sick dragon, all the way over at the Southern Icefields. At first Izarre was hesitant to agree to request for aid. She had grown so fond of this Clan and was hesitant to leave it, even if it had grown stronger since she had first arrived. At the same time, she wanted to help her friend. The Tundra and the others in the Clan assured her that they will be alright and that she will always be welcome to return to the Clan again. With this blessing.. Izarre left for the Southern Icefields.

As she traveled, she met a Ridgeback who called herself Awakened. This withdraw dragon didn't have any healing magic but proved herself to be incredibly knowledgeable about the many diseases and sicknesses that exist out in the world. Izarre found herself to enjoy discussing healing and medicinal topics with her. She revealed that she had actually been asked by a friend to travel south to help care for a dragon with a mysterious sickness. Intrigued, Awakened followed with her to see if she could help as well.

It turned out that Apholith had found a severally weakened, blind Guardian who suffered from memory loss. Apholith had grown fond of the male dragon and thought that Izarre, with her exceptional healing abilities and her caring personality, could help him. Sadly it turned out that there wasn't much Izarre could do for the blind Guardian known as Hellebore. Plants of various kinds had made his body their home and it could kill him to remove the plants that had sunk their roots so deep into his weakened body. Awakened was also at a loss for what to do as she had never seen anything like this. But Izarre wasn't going to let this Guardian die on her watch.

She decided to remain there, caring for Hellebore and any other dragon who could be in need of her help. Her staying there eventually led to the birth of the Southwind Clan, where she serves as both the main healer and battle healer. She has remained here since and now work together with Awakened to keep the Clan healthy.

Noticeable relationships:
A good friend of Izarre, she feels that few can offer as good debates about healing and medicine as Awakened. They often work together to take the best care of the Clan as possible. If someone falls sick, they will discuss the best way to treat that dragon and choose either magical or traditional medicine.
Despite the difference in both personality and element, Apholith is a good friend of Izarre. They both have a deep respect for each other. Izarre knowns that she can always depend on the Guardian.
Hellebore is a permanent patient of Izarre, which has led to them spending a lot of time together. As a result, they have grown to become good friends. The blind Guardian is very grateful of all the help Izarre gives him and he is often vocal about this. Izarre appreciates the praise and kind words.

  • Being one of the very first members of the Southwind Clan, she holds a lot of respect and influence over the Clan. Her being one of the closest friends of the Matriarch helps too.
  • Many Skydancers possess the ability to sense magical energies that are present, as well as get a vague idea of the disposition of nearby dragons. Izarre is one of the Skydancers that does have this ability. She often uses it to see if someone is lying about their injuries and health. If she finds out they are lying, she will thoroughly chew them out and make sure they get the rest and treatment they need. However, this ability is not completely foolproof. There are spells, concoctions and others things that can temporarily alter the disposition of a dragon and it could make her read a dragon as being completely fine.
  • When not tending to any sick or injured dragons, Izarre can often be seen discussing all matter of medicinal topics together with Awakened. She can become somewhat heated in those discussions but everyone knows that it's just her passion that flares up and not that she's being aggressive. If she does become aggressive, she will apologize afterwards.
  • Izarre often sends letters to the Clan she had stayed at for some time that are located in the Viridian Labyrinth. She remains good friends with them and wants to know that they are alright even if she's not there.
  • Despite her fiery personality, which some might take as aggression, she'd actually be willing to heal any dragon who is injured and sick. Even if they had been hostile towards the Clan. It is a remnant from her time with the Tundra, who taught her the ways of a healer. The Tundra claimed that anyone has the right to live without injuries and sickness, and thus should be given care if it can be provided. Izarre took these words to heart and treats anyone in need of aid. Even if it may cause others to resent her for helping "an enemy". However, this has also gained her a lot of respect for her dedication to her work.

The emblem is made by Drytil.
Find more of her
beautiful stuff here!

She was the one who gave me this beautiful dragon,
who has been a permanent member of the lair since the beginning! <3
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