
Level 1 Ridgeback
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Rhodochrosite Crane
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Ridgeback
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Personal Style


Vintage Starsilk Circlet
Scarlet Sylvan Headpiece
Golden Silk Veil
Cosmologist Fieldtools
Chancellor Overcoat
Gossamer Flame Collar
Scarlet Sylvan Wings
Glamorous Scarlet Gloves
Glamorous Scarlet Knickers
Mage's Cranberry Socks


Accent: Regal Roses Pink



15.25 m
19.97 m
6456.49 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 02, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Ridgeback
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none





aaaaaa rIlUd01.png
Mage, Astronomer and Astrologist
MTZITe2.png aaaaaa

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean aliquam urna vel orci pulvinar, nec aliquet turpis efficitur. Ut gravida facilisis ex ac pellentesque. Pellentesque sit amet luctus libero, et varius lorem. In ultricies congue quam ut bibendum. Aenean rutrum dictum mauris id condimentum. Vivamus ultrices mauris dolor. Proin hendrerit lobortis diam, nec sollicitudin quam ornare a. Cras convallis auctor blandit. Mauris ultrices massa sed eros sollicitudin sollicitudin. Donec blandit ligula ut commodo rutrum. Suspendisse in tincidunt quam.

Aliquam feugiat est vel tortor rutrum lobortis. Nulla fermentum ipsum nec dui pretium, vel aliquet urna faucibus. Quisque nunc ipsum, scelerisque ut sagittis eget, aliquam a neque. Praesent cursus velit quam. Curabitur et diam velit. Suspendisse tempus vulputate elit, ut scelerisque nulla fermentum at. Suspendisse fermentum convallis tincidunt. Donec egestas porttitor porta.

Donec lacinia egestas sem, vitae tempus elit. Ut at accumsan arcu. Aliquam mollis, dolor a ornare facilisis, nisl nunc ultricies ipsum, a aliquet mi turpis eget tortor. Nam vel eleifend nulla. Maecenas lacinia diam ex, non finibus nibh suscipit et. Aenean hendrerit mi sapien, sit amet volutpat libero dictum ac. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc a turpis orci. Sed sed nisi sed justo condimentum faucibus ut non justo. Pellentesque laoreet eu tortor sit amet dignissim. Vestibulum id est vehicula, pellentesque sapien a, scelerisque quam. Nunc laoreet ex id sapien aliquam suscipit.
tumblr_inline_o4klsqkhpM1tv4ncb_400.png Poet's Tam
Poet's Tam
Poet's Tam
Poet's Tam
Poet's Tam




-cocky and flashy guy
-trying to outdo Ljostjar as a mage, even though the latter doesn't even think of it as any sort of competition
- just MAYBE this is some misplaced crush thing... he himself wouldn't know.
- a bit loud and obnoxious
- okay, VERY loud and obnoxious, but he means well and has a genuine heart of gold under all that pomp. -100 self-esteem though
- Big time abandonment issues. Terrified of being alone
-will be boastful and arrogant when he wants you to like him
-will cry alone if you reject him, or if he feels like you did. Very fragile that way
-researches the magic of the stars, divines the future
- Exceptionally hard worker, despite appearances. Constantly trying to discover something that will make him a better mage than Ljostjar
-a lovable loser, unlucky, even though he is smart; just really passionate about magic and needs to learn that not everything is a competition
-his behaviour is just an attempt to boost his poor self-confidence
- Hates seeing others in distress, he will usualy try to help (pretending he's not), but it will be in his clumsy, poorly-thought-out manner and screw things up even more
- he deserves good things, actually


Halcyon the magiastrologist rushes in, and notes fly everywhere. "I've finished it!" he yells, "I've finally completed my star charts!" Seeing your raised eyebrow, he adds, somewhat meekly, "It's real science, you know..."

Runestones_plllar.png January

The pillar upon which the rest of the year stands.

Personality traits: Those born in the cold and harsh months of January have to brave obstacles since the very beginning. As such, Pillars grow up to be reliable, stoic figures. Leadership is a common trait among these hatchlings; some of the largest and most powerful clans have been established by those born under the Pillar. They are loyal friends and mates, and hold their families and clans together. They are unshakeable in their beliefs.

As a negative side, Pillars may become too comfortable in their surroundings, and become “rooted” deep into their routine, unable to progress forward or make a change. They need someone by their side to constantly challenge them and bring out their authoritative qualities, be it a friend, a mate, or even a foe.

The winds sting like the venom of a snake.

Venom-born dragons are robust, loud, and bilious. They are opportunistic, and are not afraid to undercut their competitors in their way to their goals. They will always follow through with what they set out to do, with splendid results. Extroverted and unafraid to show their true colors, Venoms are always the life of the party, the center of attention.

The negative traits of Venoms are extreme judgement of others, vanity, self-absorption and lack of humility. They may grumble, or become bitter if no one recognizes them or pays attention to them. They need to be reminded that while the world does not necessarily revolve around them, they are still loved and admired by their loved ones.
Runestones_chaos.png March

The ice melts, leaving the world in chaos.

Those hatched in March, in accordance to their sign, are spontaneous, chaotic, and unpredictable. They are outside-of-the-box thinkers, and as such, may become unorthodox leaders, entrepreneurs, and even engineers and creatives. They can either save or ruin their day with their ideas and hijinks. With their trickster-like nature, the Chaotic tend to sympathize with the Shadow Flight.

While some don’t view it as a bad thing, Chaotic dragons can become exceptionally eccentric, even somewhat delusional, when let to simmer in their own dreamworld for too long. This, however, with right direction, may easily be diverted into passionate, ambitious drive that benefits not only themselves, but everyone around them. Much worse is when these dragons fail to establish meaningful relationships due to their spontaneity, or find a malevolent and sometimes even violent outlet for their minds.

Life awakens from its winter slumber.

Born in April, those under the sign of Life are generous, nurturing and hospitable. Seeking to not only be happy themselves, but spread joy everywhere around them, they pamper their friends and family because they love them deeply and unconditionally. They need something living and breathing to share their love with: these could be friends, mates, children, pets, or even plants (introverted Life-born make great gardeners).

On the inverted side, Life dragons may be overbearing and coddling. They may become insecure and withdrawn if they feel like they’re not getting what they’re giving, even when they try to convince themselves they don’t need any confirmation. Their love may turn vindictive and manipulative under wrong influence.
Runestones_metal.png May

The world is warming up, like metal on a blacksmith’s forge.

May-born dragons receive the sign of Metal, and are thought to be some of the most creatively talented individuals, alongside Chaos. Unlike Chaos, however, their creativity is more organized and structured, leaning more towards crafting and engineering as opposed to the arts. That said, more “romantic” Metals make excellent artists as well. They can come in two extremes: warm and malleable, or cold and unyielding. They prefer practice to theory.

Metals who fail to share themselves with others may become shielded, unresponsive to other’s needs, and utterly lacking in empathy. They need reminders that their creative efforts are not going to waste, and that success in these ventures does not equate to their value as individuals.

The spirit runs wild and revels in life’s joy.

Born in the very beginning of summer, Spirits always feel like the best is yet to come. Light, always following their hearts, Spirits don’t always know what exactly they need from life, but they think they do. This makes them plunge headfirst into risky situations if there is enjoyment in it for them. They do not think too far ahead, but they are certain and competent in the decisions of the present moment. They make fun friends and are enjoyable to be around.

On the negative side, these dragons may become lost and directionless, disconnected from their past and their future, struggling for answers. They can be somewhat unreliable and even selfish, but that selfishness is not a bad thing if they need to take care of themselves. They feel their best not only with similar individuals, but also with those who can make them feel grounded and whom they can always come back to.
Runestones_blood.png July

The blood is running hot.

July hatchlings grow up to be some of the most headstrong, brave individuals. Their hot-blooded nature makes them great warriors, and even leaders. They are passionate in all aspects of life, and especially in love. Mates of Blood dragons may feel absolutely showered in displays of affection. Bloods are also said to be strong, physical, and enduring.

When untamed, the energy inside these dragons may become unstable and violent, and they may lash out on both their enemies and loved ones. They can feel frustrated when they cannot achieve their goals, even despite giving their best. During tough times, they need even more emotional support than other signs, even though they do not seem like it.

The summer wanes; the mind matures and turns to winter.

Dragons hatched in August are intellectuals, logical and rational thinkers. They like to find patterns in everything, they are perpetually seeking out answers to their myriads of questions. They seek betterment, improvement, and more efficient solutions to everyday problems. Every successful clan has a great Mind beside the leader, if that leader is not a Mind themself. More extraverted Minds will want to share their knowledge with others, while more introverted ones enjoy discoveries for themselves.

Minds are prone to overthinking; when exposed to negative occurrences one time too many, they begin seeing a reinforced negative pattern in their life, and feel like the world is out to get them. They are also at risk for withdrawal from life into their fantasies, thoughts, and theories.
Runestones_cloud.png September

At the beginning of fall, clouds encroach upon the summer sky.

September-born Clouds are always preoccupied with something. With their minds running wild, as if driven by fierce winds, they are active not for the sake of ambition, but simply because they have that much energy in them. They are great organizers and planners; they are good at sticking to routines and schedules while not becoming too entrenched in them. They are often extroverted, and love good company.

Inert Clouds may become lazy, lose sight of their goals, or fall into a depression. They may be overly emotional, easy to upset and make cry. They have to stay far away from boredom, preferably in nice company that will keep their minds off of sadness and despair.

Twisted winds blow, leaves fall in spirals from trees.

October-hatched Spirals (no connection to the breed) are calm and concentrated. They are self-confident, not easily upset, and have a firm sense of identity. Like Spirits, they are inclined to follow their own desires, regardless of society’s expectations; however, unlike Spirits, they do so in a more organized fashion and at a reasonable pace. Spirals may become drawn to the mystical and the arcane, and make excellent mages. Due to these qualities, they may be viewed at eccentrics.

Spirals who get too obsessed with themselves are selfish and reluctant to make new connections, often stepping on others’ toes in achieving what they set out to do. A good friend or companion will help them break these thinking patterns, and be more open to new experiences.
Runestones_clan.png November

As winter approaches, your clan will keep you warm.

Clan-borns are natural family makers. They, along with Pillars and Minds, are among the best leaders; though the nature of their leadership is warmer than that of the Minds, and more open to suggestions and support than that of the Pillars. They are nurturing, grounded, and kind, and see the good of the many as outweighing their own desires and needs. They are the most devoted mates, friends, and parents. When their loved ones are in danger, Clan-borns either lead an organized effort to negate the problem, or seek to tackle it themselves immediately.

These dragons have a self-sacrificial streak that may leave them in disregard of their own needs. They may risk losing their identity, and using their loved ones as permanent crutches. They need to be taught how to be themselves, first and foremost.

Near life’s end, all truth is revealed.

Dragons born under the sign of Truth are similar to Minds, though perhaps less rational and more led by their emotions in their search for answers. This makes them less suitable for stable leadership than their August counterparts, although much more passionate and convinced that what they are doing is right. Cooler Truths make excellent, driven scientists; warmer ones are judges, vigilantes, and defenders of those who are weak.

Truths may potentially overindulge in their fight for truth and justice, and hurt those near them. They are prone to black-and-white thinking, especially if they have had tough experiences in their lives. To keep their faith in others, and prevent them from turning bitter, they need to see how beautiful the world can really be.
Runestones_time.png Leap Day

Those who are born outside time are not bound to its principles.

Those few ones born every four years on Leap Day are considered to be the most mysterious, potential-filled dragons. Depending on how the stars are aligned, they may become the heroes or villains of legends. They may make breakthroughs that alter the course of history, or they may set it back centuries. Or, deterred by the pressure some put on them, they retreat from society and live in peace, incognito, doing whatever it is they feel like doing. They are the very spirits of freedom, unbound to anything they do not wish to be held down by.

Few is certain knowledge of either their positive or negative traits.



by RiotLizard
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