Level 1 Snapper
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Centaur Berserker
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Female Snapper
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Personal Style


Night Sky Fillet
Brown Wizard Hat
Arcane Tome
Waverider Cape
Mage's Sapphire Tunic




5.13 m
1.92 m
4944.06 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 05, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Snapper
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Pronunciation: Jay-Kay-Arr
Nicknames/Other Names: Jo
Considered Names: N/A
Past Names: N/A

Scene Pending: Castle (?), Library (?)
Vista Pending: Books (?), Scrolls (?)

Main Location: Library
Secondary Location: Manipulated Magics Cave
Interest: Writing Books (Fantasy, Myth, Sword and Sorcery, Mystery)

Level: 1—Scholar, Author; Mage (Wanded)
Battle Stones: N/A -- Does not fight
Preferred Coli Partners: N/A -- Does not fight

Crumbling Goblin
"Agate Griphook"
Crumbling Goblin
Rockbreaker's Ceremony, 2016
(Joxar’s Festive
Favors, 11-27-16)
Centaur Berserker
Centaur Berserker
Forgotten Caves, 2016
(Captured, 2016)
Mock Firebird
Mock Firebird
Light, Fire

Gem Marketplace, 2013
(Bought, 2014)
Shared Dragon: Soulfire
Light, Fire

Marva Gift, 4-2-18
Crystalcourt Ambassador
Crystalcourt Ambassador
Rockbreaker’s Ceremony, 2018
(Joxar’s Festive
Favors, 11-25-18)
Other "Pets":
Ember Toss
at the Ancient Forge

Character Role Play:
Day 7

2018 Flameforger's Festival
Ember Toss
at the Ancient Forge

Character Role Play:
Day 7

2018 Flameforger's Festival
Ember Toss
at the Ancient Forge

Character Role Play:
Day 7

2018 Flameforger's Festival
Ember Toss
at the Ancient Forge

Character Role Play:
Day 7

2018 Flameforger's Festival

Apparel Beings:
Apparel: Brown Wizard Hat
Rotating Apparel: Night Sky Fillet (Diadem), Arcane Tome, Waverider Cape, Mage's Sapphire Tunic (Ravenclaw); Glamorous Scarlet Locket, Ball Python, Gladewalker Cape, Mage's Thicket Tunic (Slytherin); Traditional Broadsword, Firebreather Cape, Mage's Cranberry Tunic (Gryffindor); Magician's Herb Pouch, Dark Harvest Goblet, Woodsdrake Cape, Mage's Golden Tunic, (Hufflepuff)
Apparel Not Worn:
Apparel Pending: A second Gryffindor Item?

Skins Not Worn:
Skins Pending

** = Currently Retired to the Vault

Events Attended:
Ember Toss
at the Ancient Forge

Character Role Play:
Day 7


2018 Flameforger’s Festival
(1) Weathered Scale Gorget,
(1) Black Iron Creeper,
(1) Ember Sylvan Bravelets,
(1) Accent: Purify the Soul

Trophy Shelf:
2 Lit Bottles
Ember Toss
at the Ancient Forge

Character Role Play
Day 7:
3 Tosses, Bottle 3 Broke

Norberta Gave 2 Bottles

2018 Flameforger's Festival

Acquaintances, Friends, Close Relations, and Rivals:

Clan Mother
Home Lair)

Shared Interests:
Phoenix Companion

(Fire Born,
Home Lair)

(Shadow Born,
Home Lair)

Sharing Fawkes

(Plague Born,
Home Lair)

Good Friend;
Shared Interests: HP

(Plague Born,
Home Lair)

Shared Interests:
Epics about Magic,
Snowy Owls

(Ice Born,
Home Lair)

Shared Interests:

(Arcane Born,
Home Lair)

Lair Lineage: Adopted 12-8-16 (AH)

Potential Mates:

Any unmated male Dragon
* = Preferred Mate


Dragon Log

She came to the Clan looking for something new and different... and found it! She and Norberta hit it off almost at once--not surprising considering her love of scribbling about magic, wands, and good defeating evil--and Norberta introduced the newest Clan member to her favorite series. Within less than an hour, this Snapper knew what her name was going to be: Meet JKR!

12-8-16: Delighted with her new friend's name choice, Norberta made a quick trip into the deeper caves, and had a chat with the as-of-yet unclaimed Earth Goblin from the just finished Earth Festival. He was intrigued by Norberta's suggestion and agreed to take a look at the new arrival. JKR loved him at first sight--and the feeling was apparently mutual, from how quickly their bond formed. Amused by the young Snapper's obsession, her new familiar agreed to indulge her a little bit and chose a name to fit with her chosen persona. It's not that much of a imposition on him, really. After all, Griphook is a decent name for a Goblin..... even if Agate is his "official" Clan name....

3-17-17: Agate Griphook has Awakened! And now that he is fully nature, he has begun to look into ways to expand the Clan's treasure hoard--which is a marked improvement from his earlier interest of being the Clan's banker. JKR's obsession may be within acceptable limits for the Clan, but only to a point, and certainly not when her familiar is trying to use it as an excuse to gain control of all the gold....

5-13-17: JKR has found herself a new companion...and fairly quickly, too. It seems that Griphook's obsession with gold had some unusual results, as his mining accidentally disturbed a cave full of centaurs. One of them, an older Centaur Berserker, decided to teach the young Goblin a lesson. JKR's friend promptly taught him a lesson instead--involving stones and how easily the heads of brash Berserkers can encounter them if the are not careful. After the teaching was over, the Goblin invited his fellow warrior to join him for a bit, and introduced him to the Clan. Oddly, Bane and JKR seemed to hit it off immediately...something in the name, perhaps?

7-11-17: An unexpected development has occurred to this little family, marking yet another extraordinary event in JKR's life in the Clan. While still bonding with Bane, JKR was literally assaulted by a trembling Mock Firebird. The poor Phoenix was terrified and heartsick, struggling to maintain a link with his dragon, Soulfire, despite the fact that the Pearlcatcher in question had begun to bond with an Undying Featherback. Taking pity on the ill bird, who could not bear to be near--let along bonded with--a "Dark" being like an undead boar, JKR let him take refuge in her nesting area.

What began as a gesture of comfort, however, quickly turned into something else: The Mock Firebird has developed a familiar bond with JKR! Even more incredibly, almost as soon as he began to bond, he announced his name was Fawkes, a name that fits perfectly with this Snapper's "family." JKR approached Soulfire, and the stunned Pearlcatcher reluctantly accepted her old friend's choice. That choice may have been made easier by Fawkes assurances that he would come back from time to time--when the Undying Featherback wasn't around. But the Clan can't help but wonder, with the speed and intensity of this bonding, if Fawkes will keep that promise...or even remember that he made it in the first place...

8-9-17: Bane has Awakened! JKR is quite happy for her friend--especially since his proud strutting makes a nice change from the constant sparring and bickering he was engaging in with Agate Griphook. And perhaps now Fawkes will be a bit calmer as well. Whatever the results, however, it is clear that this little "family" is taking a new step on their next "great adventure," and the whole Clan is interested in where things will go next....

4-2-18: There has been yet another development in the saga of Fawkes, JKR, and Soulfire: Fawkes has just introduced JKR to a new friend...another Phoenix! The Clan is shocked by the sudden appearance of this young, ever-changing creature of fire, and even more by the fact that Fawkes so quickly led her over to JKR. Duskshadow in particular is concerned by this development: The Mock Firebird has already shifted to a new bond once before. Will he stay with JKR, now that there are two Phoenixes with her, or will he go back to Soulfire, and try to readjust to his original bond? Or is it possible Fawkes might go somewhere else--perhaps to JKR's friend Norberta? No one knows, and Fawkes isn't telling...but the new Phoenix, at least, has already begun to bond with an ecstatic JKR, and is definitely happy with her choice....

7-8-18: Kaosia, the young, ever-shifting Phoenix, has Awakened! JKR is delighted that her young friend has matured magically at last--though it does not yet seemed to have an impact on what stage of physical development Kaosia displays at any given time. Nor is there any word on whether or not Fawkes will change allegiance again or not. But the female Phoenix is certainly enjoying her new maturity, and her ongoing friendship with JKR and the others. Now all JKR needs to do is find a Lion, Snake, Eagle, and Badger, and her group of companions will be complete....

9-1-18: It seems that JKR may have a bit of a cunning side to her--as well as an enjoyment in helping out her friends with (relatively) harmless pursuits, and both traits recently emerged during the Flameforger's Festival, when she engineered a very interesting situation with the willing help pf a certain black wolf… ( )

So JKR has found a way to encourage George NOT to look for three-headed dragons, and also has managed to give Norberta a new friend, while acquiring 4 nice pets for herself, too, as Norberta insisted that she herself only needed one dragon. And Norberta's Padfoot is getting most of the credit...not bad for a friendly Snapper who appears to like to work in the shadows...

…And JKR even got an extra prize out of it, when the Snapper in charge of the Ember Toss Stall informed her that she had unexpectedly won the Daily Prize Raffle! ( ) Talk about a successful venture…

4-10-19: JKR recently raided the Hoard, and found herself several outfits to fit her love of wizardry. Now she can look like a Noble Gryffindor, Loyal Hufflepuff, Wise Ravenclaw, or Cunning Slytherin, whenever she wants--though she is still sticking with the "Sorting Hat" she originally donned when she first came to the Clan...

4-14-20: JKR had begun to think that she would never have a “special Festival” familiar interested in her, but it seems that sometimes a Festival Companion just needs a little time to decide who to choose. Today the Crsytalcourt Ambassador emerged from the Hoard, where she has been resting for some time, and wandered over to the resident Earth Snapper. She presented herself, and formally asked to be considered as a familiar. JKR was quick to accept the offer. Their bonding is proceeding nicely, and seems to be even stronger for the wait…

7-13-20: After almost a year of no bond, and then several months of getting to know her chosen dragon, the maturing of "Selene," the Crystalcourt Ambassador, has finally come to a successful conclusion. She has Awakened at last! JKR is very happy for her friend. Selene herself is quite content with her choices, spending much of her day helping her “family” with their own pursuits, and then devoting the early part of her nights to gazing up at the heavens. She is especially interested in a certain red planet she has named “Mars,” often commenting in relief that it does not seem very bright at the moment…

8-24-21: JKR did some digging in the Vault today, and then headed over to the Auction House. Now her favorite outfits are even more perfect, with Hufflepuff’s “Cup” and Herbs, Ravenclaw’s “Diadem” and Book, Slytherin’s “Snake” and Locket, and Gryffindor’s Sword. Her only regret is that she can’t find another Gryffindor item to go along with the set…
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