
Level 11 Guardian
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Sundial Imposter
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Guardian
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Personal Style


Rotted Mane
Brown Birdskull Headdress
Riot Hazebeacon
Brown Birdskull Wingpiece
Brown Birdskull Legband
Simple Copper Bracelets
Brown Birdskull Necklace
Luminous Halo
Contaminated Halo
Contaminated Halo
Contaminated Halo




15.23 m
16.03 m
11249.63 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 25, 2014
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 11 Guardian
EXP: 6120 / 34264




  • none


awakening deeprealm hunter for cerulean/garnet/crimson
Adviser to the Queen, former Guardian of the Vault
Perma familiar Smoke Gyre
Smokebillow Sham
Ornate Pearly Necklace

Krevni is a dragon who is often mistunderstood. She means well, she really does. She wants to make sure that the clan survives, and given her natural faculty for numbers, she has decided that the best way for her to do that is to keep track of the Hoard. Thus, she is the gatekeeper that any of the dragons in the clan need treasure, gems, materials, or anything else that the clan may collect.

She earned her reputation for being prickly when she bluntly informed a meeting of the clan council that there was simply not enough food in the hoard to host a feast for the surrounding clans. She even told Eydis – whose idea it was to try and form these bonds with nearby clans – to her face that it was “frankly, an irresponsible and ridiculous idea.”

At heart, she is genuinely concerned. She wants to keep the clan running smoothly, but she has been known to absolutely go off on dragons who try to sneak past her into the Hoard. She doesn’t like to deny them resources, but sometimes there’s simply not enough to be sustainable. In particular, she often has to go gathering herself to make certain that there are always enough ingredients for Nightlight’s potions and salves.

Bio by x

hoard manager • master of coin

The hammers of the clan forge rang out, the machines responsible for automatically crafting the clan’s metal tools making their beautiful song. Hel, the dragon-in-charge of the machinery (as well as a talented blacksmith herself) stood there, looking quite annoyed. “I’m telling you, if we’re going to give armor to all our warriors, we need more iron ore. It’s not really up for debate.”

The dragon to whom she was speaking, Krevni, shook her head. “I don’t disagree that this is important, but we do not have the ore to spare. What with the allocations already approved for other projects-“ “Then un-allocate it! We need that ore here, in the forge! I swear, sometimes I think that you don’t care about or warriors at all!” Krevni grimaced. Hel was a very strongly opinionated dragon, and prone to outburst of temper. Especially when she wasn’t forging. Usually she and Krevni got along fine because of their no-nonsense attitudes, but obviously today wasn’t going to be one of those days.

“Look, I will absolutely ensure that our gathering teams prioritize gathering iron and copper ore, but it will take time. In the meanwhile, what else can you be doing?” Hel looked incredibly miffed. “Nothing without more ore.” Krevni nodded. Another part of the clan falling behind because of lack of resources. It annoyed her to no end.

She stepped out of Hel’s cave chamber, which was also the blacksmithing shop. Hel claimed that the autohammers helped her sleep. Krevni, for her part, had never witnessed Hel remotely tired, let alone sleeping. Krevni needed to talk to Eydis about the armor project.

If it had to be armor, then would leather armor suffice? Krevni considered herself to be a decent leatherworker, and they had a large stockpile of hides from various creatures in the Hoard. The warriors would always take them back, but no-one ever seemed to use them. Besides Nightlight. She used them to make containers for her less corrosive potions.

She caught up with Eydis just as the Mirror was returning from a hunting trip. “Eydis. I need to speak to you.” “Whatcha’ want, Krev?” Krevni relaxed slightly. Eydis was using her nickname. A good sign; the hunting trip must have gone well. “I have just spoken to Hel, and she has informed me she does not have enough iron ore for the full-clan armor project. There is very little iron remaining in our stores, and we have already allocated that to other necessities.”

Eydis was already shaking her head. “No, Krev. The armor’s important. You see these scars? If I’d had armor, I wouldn’t have gotten hurt to begin with.” “Which is precisely why I wish to suggest an alternative. We have a large amount of animal hides. Would leather armor suffice, at least until we can gather enough iron for the metal armor?” Eydis stopped and considered the argument. Leather armor? She hadn’t even thought about it.

After a minute, she nodded. “That sounds good to me. Who’s going to be making it?” “I am not aware of any experienced leatherworkers in our lair other than myself.” “Well, we’ll have to find more. You manage the Hoard, and that’s already a full-time responsibility. Heck, maybe I’ll learn how. Can’t hurt to add another skill to my repertoire, right?” Despite herself, Krevni found herself smiling along with Eydis. “Sounds like an excellent idea, Eydis. Would you like to begin lessons today? I happen to have time between the Council meeting and the weekly Hoard review.”

Eydis flicked her tail in excitement. “Awesome. Yeah, sounds great Krev. I gotta fly, though; more hunting to be done. I’ll be back in time for the Council meeting, though, so see you then!” Krevni nodded. “Good luck, my friend.” As Eydis turned to exit the lair again, she called back “Ah, Krev, you know I don’t need luck!”

Krevni was smiling the whole way back to her cave chamber. Sighing, she walked through, past her warm, inviting bed, and into the Hoard. Corridor twelve, shelf four through fifteen. Animal hides. Lots and lots of them. Picking out a choice piece of Scaleback hide, she walked back into her chamber and sat down in front of the metal leatherworking table Hel had made for her as a gift for the anniversary of her joining the clan.

If there was one thing she could always lose herself in, it was crafting something.

Story by x
Former grumble buddy

Former source of annoyace

Former assistant


One day, Krevni woke up and noticed an itch. It wasn't a physical itch; rather, she felt... restless. Like she no longer fit into her skin right. As if she wasn't doing something that she needed to be doing. She tried everything she could think of to make the itch go away, but nothing worked. It was such a small thing, but she couldn't stop thinking about it. It consumed her thoughts day in and day out, and she slowly started to go mad.
Eventually, she realized something (and probably the only thing) she had not yet tried, had not even considered: leaving her clan. Even the thought made her want to cry, but as she went about her daily life in anguish, she realized that she knew in her heart that she had to go. She took comfort, wryly, in the thought that she wouldn't be of much use to them if she stayed and let this itch drive her insane, either.
When she finally did leave, she did so in the dead of night without telling anybody. She knew that they would try to stop her, and she was afraid that she would let them. She had to leave. She left a note explaining what she had done and why she had done it, said her goodbyes to things around the clan, left a separate note of encouragement and instruction to her apprentice, and flew off into the nighttime snowstorm.
Travelling took away the itch, much to her unending relief. It was nothing like she had expected, though. She hadn't left her clan since she joined it as a young dragon, and she'd never, ever been alone before. She nearly died many times in a variety of ways, from starvation and dehydration when she was in places unlike Ice and did not know how to find things like food or water, to bandit attacks, to wild animals, to hostile clans. Krevni had been around a long, long time, though, and none of the many dangers got her down. A new ache settled into her heart, though: loneliness. She traveled all of Sornieth; tried countless new foods, saw things beyond her what her imagination could have come up with in her wildest dreams, met thousands of dragons from anywhere and everywhere, and the itch was gone, content with the things she had done. But her heart was not. She wanted a family again, to belong.
On her second trip back through Lightning, years after she'd left, Krevni heard fighting: loud screeches and hisses that she'd learned marked the presence of an angry Wildclaw, and the deeper bass rumbling growls of an Imperial. Normally, she wouldn't have stopped; dragons fought all the time. But then she heard the third set of snarling: the quieter, but surprisingly ferocious in this case, cries of a hatchling. Krevni was no saint, and she'd never wanted children, but she wasn't about to let a fight continue if there was a hatchling involved.
She flew with light speed to the fight and took a moment to survey the situation. They were at a pond- far and few between in Lightning territory- and there was a scarred green Wildclaw fighting a very large black Imperial. While the Wildclaw was fairly large and seemed to be very skilled at fighting, the Imperial was at least 20 meters longer than him. She knew that he would probably not last long, though he was certainly trying his best. The fact that he was not running led her to believe that he was the one protecting the- where was the hatchling? She jumped as she noticed two ghost-white eyes peering at her from the darkness provided by the trees that had grown there, having an abundance of water. The eyes blinked, then turned towards the fight. Krevni's gaze followed, and she looked just in time to see the fighting veer out above the water. Quick as lightning, a blue-green blur exploded out of the water and attacked the black dragon. He threw his head back with a roar, and Krevni saw that it was a second hatchling clinging to his mane. Krevni blinked; how had the hatchling held his breath long enough to be hiding under the water all that time? The green Wildclaw took the chance to sink his teeth into the other dragon's neck. The hatchling slipped back into the water with a plop. The black dragon, no longer distracted and enraged at the teeth in his neck, raked his claws towards the soft underbelly of the Wildclaw, and Krevni decided it was time to stop standing around.
She was of average height and wingspan, which meant that she herself was at least 10 meters smaller than the Imperial, but Krevni was the heaviest female Guardian she'd ever encountered, and she knew how to use that weight to her advantage. She took a flying leap and barreled into the side of the Imp, bowling him right over. She'd never been in a fight before, save taking a few swipes and then running away when her life had been threatened. It became clear to her when the dragon shook himself off and focused his steely eyes on her that she had not thought this through.
She wasn't sure what she had been expecting the green dragon to do- run, maybe?- but as she engaged the large black dragon, she heard him give off a cry so high-pitched that she wanted to claw her ears off, then another, and then all of a sudden he was on the back of the black dragon.
Krevni had never met this dragon before, but she knew what he wanted her to do. As the Imp twisted to snap at him, she darted forward and took a swipe at his eyes, determined to keep his attention on her as the Wildclaw did actual damage to him. It worked wonderfully; when one of them was taking too much fire, the other would draw his attention. When they neared the water, the hatchling would pop out to get a few hits in and then disappear. Once, the black dragon went for him, and she clawed one of his eyes out as she saw the green dragon bite an ear clean off in the same instant. He howled in pain and rage.
Despite the fact that he was wounded, she began to see that between her inexperience and the Wildclaw's small size and fatigue, they were going to lose. She felt steel take its place in her heart; well, this was as good a place and as good a way to die as any other. She wasn't ever going to let him forget them, though; every time his scars ached, he'd think of them. She just hoped the hatchlings would get away okay. There was something odd about the Wildclaw, though. She'd noticed it earlier, but he was fighting as if there was something missing. Not only that, but he didn't seem very concerned. He was clearly more experienced than her; surely he knew. Then why...?
She felt a burning pain tear through her chest as the Imp's claws slashed down into her body. Stupid!, she thought, head reeling. She'd gotten distracted. Through her pained haze, she saw him reach back and throw the Wildclaw off of him. His back and neck were slick with blood, and he looked ready to more than return the favor. She closed her eyes. She hoped she would die first so she wouldn't have to watch the green dragon as the life bled out of him...
A concussive roar shook the trees. Krevni's eyes shot open. She had never in her life heard such a loud sound come from a dragon. A weaker cry sounded out in response, and her head whipped around to see the green dragon pinned underneath the black dragon's claws. Her mind raced back to the moment when she'd first engaged the Imp. The green dragon had emitted a high-pitched sound. Had he called for help? Krevni felt as if that question's answer was obvious as there was another roar, and then a toxic-looking blue Imperial came into sight, folded her wings, and dove straight into the other Imp.
The new arrival was not quite as big as her opponent, but she was clearly much more skilled and several times more savage. He looked like he was considering turning tail and running, which Kravni would have done ages ago. Krevni made the mistake of blinking and as a result missed the moment where the Wildclaw rejoined the fight. Ah, she thought, that explains it..., for it was instantly clear what had been the cause of the other odd thing about the Wildclaw's fighting earlier: he'd been missing his partner. The two moved so completely in sync that it was almost as if they had to be reading each other's minds. The black dragon realized this, too, and tried to flee. Good, Kravni thought. Good.
Then the blue Imp shot after him, slashed a claw through his throat, and let his lifeless body fall into the pond.
Ah, Kravni thought. No mercy, then. Alright. I won't say it's not fair, he tried to kill us, too... Huh, why is my head so dizzy? Belatedly, she remembered her wounds. Oh, no, she groaned internally, watching the peculiar hatchlings appear and approach the two dragons (the Imp appeared to be licking the Wildclaw's wounds-huh) before promptly passing out.
She woke up again to a female Ridgeback caring for her. "Ah, you're awake," she said calmly. "I'm happy to inform you that you shouldn't have any scarring, and . . ."
Krevni rested for two weeks, then joined this clan's life a little more as she was not fully healed yet. It became immediately apparent that there was something wrong. Dragons broke out into fights (though, she thought wryly, not matches to the death), dragons woke up screaming in the middle of the night (which she was told was normal, but that there was more right now than usual), and everyone just acted... odd.
In her time there, she'd befriended many dragons, Ayra in particular. She asked her one day why everybody was so crazed. "Ah," she answered, looking troubled, "you see, we've only ever had one leader... Fuyu. However, the Stormcatcher struck her with Lightning, and now she can't lead. No one here has the best past, and all the instability is making everyone's nightmares more frequent and the stress is causing them to fight, or so Katsuya says..." Krevni mulled over this new information in her head. She thought of all her new friends. She thought of the ache in her heart that had been absent the past few weeks and the itch that had not come back. She decided, then and there, that she would stay with this clan. She would help them find a new leader, and then she would help that leader lead. She would make this her new family, and she was going to protect it and help it any way she could.
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Exalting Krevni to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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