Where power is great, mercy can be greater still.
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4.24 m
4.73 m
688.13 kg
Eye Type
Level 25 Pearlcatcher
Max Level

T H E - B A T T L E M A G E
Mage | Counciler | Sir ![]() ![]() ![]() ╭━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╮ "Where power is great, mercy can be greater still." - ARACARYN - ╰━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╯ Aracaryn is a dragon with many talents. He is shrewd in politics, deadly in battle, and practiced in the Arcane arts. As an enemy, he is formidable, and as an ally, invaluable. Although Barty holds the prestigious title of Archmage in Clan LockCharge, it is Aracaryn who sits on the council alongside the clan leaders. As a council member, Aracaryn’s value lies in his unbiased viewpoint. Given the time to dwell on a matter, he will invariably pursue what he believes to be the wisest course, even if it is not the easiest or kindest provided. For a Pearlcatcher, Aracaryn is large and when his eyes meet those of other dragons, he is not usually the one to look away or blink first. There is something about him that demands respect, although he is not particularly unkind or cruel. To those who know him best, Aracaryn is a wealth of knowledge, but he also possesses another, more valuable attribute: wisdom. His arts of healing are used freely when he can spare the time, but he firmly believes that they should only be used in great need. His weapon is a large halberd-staff, with which he can hew necks and casts spells with equal ease, but luckily Aracaryn only goes to battle on the direst of days. With great power comes greater responsibility, and Aracaryn wields both with unrivaled precision. He first came to the clan looking for a warm fire and a soft bed for the night, but Aracaryn found himself staying far longer than planned. First there was a sick hatchling that a desperate mother asked him to care for, and then there was a transcription that Barty wanted him to translate, and before long there was nothing but a longing to call Clan LockCharge home. The need for healers and warriors in the clan is never far away, and thus, Aracaryn’s presence was a welcome one. In the beginning, he was often seen helping anywhere he could. He helped Forge cook the clan’s meals and Narissa tend to the hatchlings, but after his appointment to the council, he began to have less time for such things. Nonetheless, he retains a high respect for those that carry on the everyday work of the clan, as he knows life would not be possible without those dragons. Aracaryn’s greatest passions lie in reading, and if his council position allowed more time, he would likely take up a job beneath Odin in the archives. As things stand, Aracaryn remains friends with the archivist and spends his free time sorting, categorizing, and translating old texts. While Aracaryn is not impolite or anti-social by any means, his position is demanding and leaves little time for friendships. Those who become close with Aracaryn should expect to see him no more than a few times a month, and even those times are brief. Needless to say, this makes romance nearly impossible, but luckily for him, Aracaryn is a solitary being at heart. Aracaryn is closest with his fellow council member, Diana, as he has known her since she was a child. He arranged her marriage to Toran Redmark and oversaw the political alliance that grew from their union. Diana is one of the few dragons who can tell when he is upset, and for all his attempts to conceal his feelings, he can never deceive her. Against his better judgement, he has come to see Diana more as a daughter more than a political ally, and he fears that should she ever be in harm’s way, all his wisdom would not prevent rash action. For a normal dragon, this would be permissible, even admirable, but Aracaryn is a very dangerous drake when roused and his fear is well-founded. Perhaps his strangest relationship is with Barty. Although the fae is many years his junior, Aracaryn is well-aware that Barty supercedes his magical ability by far. Still, Barty is young and often turns to Aracaryn for advice and requests his assistance in training the apprentice mages of the clan. Holding a government position complicates this relationship further as Aracaryn serves as a voice to the mages on the council, but he often argues against the training of battlemages, believing them to be dangerous and unnecessary to the survival of the clan—a viewpoint that Barty resents. Still, as two of the most learned dragons in the clan, Aracaryn and Barty can conduct discussions about magic that most would struggle to fathom, and at the end of the day, Barty remains one of the few members of what may tentatively be called Aracaryn’s inner circle. Aracaryn is often sequestered in the council chambers or in his private study, and more often than not, he is best left undisturbed. His friends understand that when he wants their company, he will come to them. Occasionally he does not mind an unannounced visit, but usually it is best to plan ahead. As with all powerful beings, it is wise to tread softly around Aracaryn, and many dragons are not sure enough of his passivity to challenge this notion. |

Art by Skylark
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