
Level 4 Imperial
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Fennec Kitsune
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Standard of the Lightweaver
Golden Sage Lantern
Illuminated Runescroll
Daybreak Decorations
Golden Roundhorn
Hewn Philosopher's Veil
Bone Antlers
Lustrous Mantle
Teardrop Pearl Anklet
Scout's Tail Twist
Regal Tail Tatters
Amber Flourish Bracelet
Simple Darksteel Necklace
Light's Charm


Skin: Featherback Savant


Scene: Lightweaver's Domain


27 m
17.39 m
7518.5 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 01, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 4 Imperial
EXP: 987 / 4027




Name: Palus

Nickname: Pal

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Profession: Seer of Light, Teacher of Truth

Interests: Truth, the determining thereof; teaching; lightweaving.

Lightweaver Marble Bust
The central part of Palus' personal shrine, the curves and whorls of this statue have been worn by his claws.
Skin: Featherback Savant
The blessing born of his dedication to the Lightweaver and their ideals, it warms his skin and lights his way.
Ancestral Incense
Light is not purely about days - if any place needs light, it is the dark and the dead, and Palus seeks to help guide lost spirits on.
Prairie Polearm
Blind to all but truth, it helps Palus to have a staff when travelling to unknown areas, or places of duplicity.

Amber-trapped Fly Hourglass
Masked Gryphon Staff Light Runestone
Banded Ironstone Bunny Ear Cactus
Hewn Philosopher's Veil Illuminated Runescroll
Searing Jackalope Pelt Brilliant Length



Familiar: Fennec Kitsune

Name: Lucifer

Personality: Palus' constant companion, Lucifer's truth-telling brings light to what Palus cannot see.

Seer of Light
(Blinded to all but Truth)


Private, patient and considering, Palus and his brother Stagnum are twins in personality for all they are drastically different in their choice of worshipped element. Both care for those under their command - Palus' students and Stagnum's guard - and take care to ensure the wellbeing of those around them. However, most would say that, though he can be blunt and direct in his desire for truth, Palus is more nurturing than his brother, encouraging those under his tutelage where Stagnum challenges.


Seer of the sun, Palus was born blind. Though a Fireborn, he felt no significant connection to the Flamecaller and so, in his youth, he travelled with his brother Stagnum, now of the Shadowguard. Together they sought to find what elements they connected with emotionally, rather than by the bonds of their birth. Though the Lands of Light could do nothing for Palus' eyesight, he felt at peace there, and so Stagnum left his brother in the care of a clan, there before travelling on himself. It was several years before Stagnum returned for his brother - but what years they were.

Palus found his place in the Lands of Light - though not a place he would choose to keep. For all the Hewn City brought him a great deal of peace and gave him sight, even if not of a tangible kind, he ultimately did not wish to stay. Instead, he wished to bring word of the Lightweaver and his knowledge of the peace they could bring back home. And, further, he had visions of what his return could mean.

Tethys' clan had always sought knowledge and accepted strangers; amongst their number were Lightborn dragons who felt unwelcome in their home region, just as much as there were Fireborn who sought new understanding. When Stagnum returned for his brother, he was as touched by Shadow as Palus was by Light - once twins made distinct and different in the service to the gods who gave them a more secure sense of place. Weeping in joyous reunion, the two embraced and headed for home. Stagnum preferred now to travel by night, which was no help nor harm to Palus, while Palus' visions forewarned them of danger on their return.

And on Palus' return, Palus was able to greet his parents by name and not with guesswork, his visions having allowed him to See has he never could before.

Palus now acts as the Seer of Light for the clan of Tethys, one of a number of elemental seers. While much of Tethys' territory is underground, buried beneath the volcanic mountain they call home, his magic and that of others have recreated a small area of the Hewn City for him - a school where he can teach, and a temple where he can meditate. The gardens of it are also open for foraging, and are carefully maintained by the clan's Nature and Lightborn dragons and watched over by Phoebe, Windborn and Nature-touched, who helps to guard the small area from the volcanic winds of the Flamecaller's lands.

Palus is a peaceful dragon, who much prefers discussion and the discovery of truth to conflict. This is not to say he is inherently opposed to it - he is more than able to use blinding light to defend himself, thanks to the Lightweaver's gifts, and he understands perfectly well the occasional necessity of jobs such as his brother's, guarding the clan against those who would encroach on their lands and the duty to protect those to young, old, ill or otherwise unable to defend themselves.

And Palus helps, in his way, passing on warnings of what he Sees, when he is permitted to and teaching dragons to fight blind. Some few under his training - such as the guardian Neaphtha - become so skilled at fighting blind and so dedicated to the Lightweaver that they become members of the Shadowguard, unafraid of darkness and not needing Shadow-gifted nightsight to do their duty to the clan.

Palus, as might be suspected, is very proud of his students.


24071354p.png Stagnum | Brother

At once different and alike, Stagnum and Palus are twins. For all their similarities of personality they ultimately found their peace in opposing elements. Nonetheless, this has not divided them; they find peace in offering one another their drastically different perspectives.

18632804p.png Agnodice | Protege

His first student, Agnodice has come furthest of all and like him can See more than most. While she retains her physical vision, she chooses not to use it more often than not, seeking to See only truth, just as her mentor does.

18491370p.png Alectrona | Colleague

While never one of Palus' students, Alectrona is a dragon who also sought Light in place of the element of their birth and found peace and security in doing so. The two work together to maintain the Downs of Light.

32832327p.png Neaphtha | Student

Almost prodigal, Neaphtha has applied Palus' teachings in a way he never expected: while she does not receive visions as he and Agnodice do, she sees in the dark as though it is Light.

Coded by EssayOfThoughts. Lore by EssayOfThoughts. Graphics are hyperlinked.

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