
Of kings that smile or conquer, I am the latter.
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Rat King
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


White Raven Armor
Mysterious Cowl
Unearthly Onyx Ghastcrown
Unearthly Onyx Nightshroud
Dusky Rose Thorn Banner
Unearthly Onyx Taildecor
Aeruginous Tail Tatters
Unearthly Onyx Clawrings
Unearthly Onyx Forejewels
Unearthly Onyx Grasp
Brutal Banner




4.2 m
4.53 m
596.17 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 18, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level




. Arcyng Leo'Animus flicked his snout. "Come along Tenebris'Cor. Best shed the hood and mask. We're going on a field trip."

A small smile emerged onto Arcyng's snout. He rumbled softly, "It is alright. This is relevant to the lesson I wish to impart to you."

Tenebris'Cor pulled back the hood he wore and removed the mask from his face. He was not surprised that his Uncle picked up on his uncertainty. His violet eyes blinked to get accustomed to the light. "I was wondering why you weren't wearing your usual garb, Uncle. You look so different."

Arcyng chuckled. "As do you. Your face is kinder without the mask."

Tenebris'Cor produced a sharp snort. "Don't mock me Uncle."

Arcyng shook his head. "There was no mockery in my intent. Come. Put your hood and mask in this satchel."

Arcyng offered a satchel with its flap open to Tenebris'Cor. It was large enough to hold the articles of clothing but humble enough to not draw attention. Arcyng took wing once Tenebris'Cor was prepared. Tenebris'Cor flapped mightily to catch up with his Uncle.

"Where are we going for this field trip," asked Tenebris'Cor.

Arcyng answered, "The marketplace."

Confusion overtook Tenebris'Cor tenfold. "Is there a particular reason why?"

Arcyng chuckled. "Sometimes... I simply like to dragon watch..."

Tenebris'Cor said no more as the pair flew to the marketplace. The market square was a distinguished hill top formation in the geography on the floating island that belonged to Sanguinem Luna Clan. Much like other clans, the marketplace was a center for trade, a clear marker for visitors to land and see what Sanguinem Luna Clan had to offer. It was lively with bright voices and bellowing merchants.

Arcyng turned his head to look at Tenebris'Cor. Tenebris'Cor noticed the faint rise in Arcyng's brow that softened the Patriarch's scarred countenance. Arcyng spoke, "Easy there. You might scare some dragon with a look like that. Just... pretend you are here for some shopping."

Tenebris'Cor growled softly as he walked closer to Arcyng. "Uncle, I do not like places such as this... It is noisy... and overflowing with such... positive... emotions."

Arcyng nodded. "I know. I find this place overwhelming too. Just focus on me if you start to feel like it is too much. Come."

Overwhelming is one way to put it, mused Tenebris'Cor within the boundaries of his mind, to me it is sickening to witness a myriad of saturated aura.

Arcyng led the way deeper into the marketplace. Merchants roared about bamboo from the Windswept Plateau, mushrooms from the Tangled Wood, and many goods from other regions of Sornieth. Arcyng finally stopped at the center of the marketplace. Dragons wandered this way and that, unaware that the leader of Sanguinem Luna stood in their midst.

Tenebris'Cor settled onto his haunches to Arcyng's right. His gaze shifted to watch dragons that walked by. "I... am still confused Uncle..."

Arcyng hummed, "Just watch... and listen..."

When the pair started to focus on the dragons around them, two female Ridgebacks bounded by. One of the Ridgebacks squealed, "Oh I'm so excited! Sis! This place is the floating isle that belongs to Sanguinem Luna Clan! I really hope that Timore comes out!"

Tenebris'Cor's jaw dropped. "She just..."

Arcyng hummed. "Listen..."

The sister nodded just as vigorously. "I want to see him too! But the dragon that I really want to see is Cor! He is sooo dreamy! Do you think we can sneak inside the Crystal Spire?"

The two Ridgebacks continued on without any knowledge that Tenebris'Cor and Arcyng were watching them. The two Ridgebacks were not the only ones to be gossiping or speaking about Noctis'Timore and Tenebris'Cor. At another end of the square, a garishly garbed Spiral was excitedly dancing about a large board filled with famous figures from Sanguinem Luna Clan.

"Step right up ladies and gentle drakes," harked the Spiral, "Popularity poll! Who is your favorite dragon in Sanguinem Luna Clan? Is it the devious and cunning Noctis'Timore? Or perhaps the regal Luna'Spiritus! Noble Arcyng Leo'Animus? Or perhaps you love the brooding Tacet'Mare, Ancient Mystic of the Clan! Come on you lot, admit it! You could listen to the soft rumble of that Imperial's voice all day! Step right up and place a star! Step right up! Place your star on your favorite!"

Tenebris'Cor shook himself. "What fools! What... what... what is wrong with them? To speak mine and my father's name so flippantly. A popularity poll?! Don't they know who we are? What we do?!"

Arcyng chuckled. "No, they don't. Not truly at any rate. That is the point. They only have rumor and hearsay to go off of. Thus, they romanticize. Take a closer look at that popularity poll, see how many stars are on your father and yourself?"

Tenebris'Cor turned his gaze and held his silence for a few moments. He finally broke it with one comment, "Not a single star was placed on you... Another example of romanticism?"

Arcyng nodded. "You catch on fast. Yes. There is this amusing and persistent adolescent trait in the population... a romanticism with rebelling against authority."

Tenebris'Cor returned his gaze to Arcyng. "Since you are the Patriarch, they are rebelling against your authority?"

Arcyng smiled. "Unconsciously, yes. Some may be aware of it but that is a rare portion. Does this bother you?"

Tenebris'Cor closed his eyes and fell silent. Arcyng said nothing and waited for his nephew to develop an answer.

Tenebris'Cor started. "It... does... I don't like it. Hearing those Ridgeback females gossiping... about my appearances? How shallow. I also find myself incredibly upset over how unpopular you are... Uncle... why aren't you more upset? You've done incredible things for the benefit of our clan and it all goes... unappreciated. You and I may disagree on matters of state but that doesn't stop me from acknowledging what you have done to benefit the Clan. Even taking it upon yourself to teach me what you know... divulging lessons that were denied to my father... These fools wouldn't even be able to enjoy a marketplace here if it weren't for you..."

Arcyng did not lose his smile. "And this is what I wanted to teach you. Regardless of how we conduct ourselves, dragons will only see what they want to see."

Arcyng pointed his snout toward the two female Ridgebacks. "Those two will only see a mysterious bad boy of a Skydancer to fantasize about so long as they are able to watch you from a safe distance. And that Spiral hosting popularity polls? He will be able to mock, praise, and condemn whomever he pleases so long as he believes he is unable to be touched. Their tune would change quickly should you decide to enact the Rite of Rebirth upon them."

Tenebris'Cor rumbled, "So being disconnected is the issue?"

Arcyng rolled his shoulders. "If you consider it an issue. Yes. Sometimes I am bothered by it and wonder if my mother made a mistake, naming me her successor. I'm sure many would say that a lot of trouble would've never occurred if Noctis'Timore was the reigning Patriarch now. Regardless, I should not shirk my duty and brandying what-if situations with strangers is a massive waste of time. As the leader of Sanguinem Luna Clan, my concerns go beyond the opinion of a single young dragon barely out of their egg. My concern is the safety, happiness, and prosperity of my entire clan. This requires me to make those tough calls that others are afraid to make. I will be praised and condemned in equal measure. That is the price of leadership, to be raised onto a pedestal beyond the ordinary is the loneliest existence there is."

Arcyng looked Tenebris'Cor straight in the eye and growled, "Lonely enough to drive the unprepared mad and yet appealing enough for dragons to fight over."

Tenebris'Cor produced a soft snort and nodded. "It makes sense. They are only able to draw conclusions from what they know. And if you control... what they see and hear... then..."

Arcyng's eyes closed and he nodded. "Just so. You've grasped the lesson. Shall we return before you are missed?"

Tenebris'Cor nodded. His paws mechanically followed after his Uncle. Tenebris'Cor's brow was furrowed, deep in thought. "A mistake..."


"Soon my son," purred Noctis'Timore, "Soon we will ascend to our rightful place. I will stand at the top of the Crystal Spire as the leader of Sanguinem Luna, and you shall stand right beside me as my heir."

Tenebris'Cor lay with his forelegs crossed in the large antechamber that served as his father's personal quarters down in the Hallowed Hall. The chamber was dim and a malefic miasma swirled in the air. Tenebris'Cor was the most comfortable in it, the stifling darkness. He felt safe where he could feel the power of his father radiating all around. "Yes," said Tenebris'Cor, "I have already prepared the other Angels for the fight. They are eager to serve you and deal your judgement onto those that have stolen what is rightfully yours. Aunt Crudelis'Aegror is especially eager. I had to call down the Crystalweavers to fix a pillar that she destroyed in the middle of training."

Tenebris'Cor inhaled and exhaled slowly. He was still cross about that. The destroyed crystal created a series of cracks that would've been very troublesome if they had not been addressed quickly. "It was really troublesome. I made her clean out the deep tunnels."

A low laugh echoed from Noctis'Timore's birdskull headdress with an accompaniment of a visible cloud of his breath coming from his laughing maw. "She can't help it, you should've just sent her out to collect more Ascendant. Ah well, water under the bridge. The Crystalweavers are a useful sort. Do try to spare them. Tell the others this as well. We will need them to keep the Crystal Spire in good repair after all the fighting is done."

Tenebris'Cor bowed his head as he slowly rose to his paws. "As you wish."


Tenebris'Cor spat, "What is wrong with them Mystic? How difficult is it to accept my rule? After all I have done for them?"

A low rumble answered Tenebris'Cor. Tacet'Mare, the ancient Mystic and last Titan to remain awake, sat with his scarred leg stretched out. His tail lightly swayed.

"A thousand times," Tacet'Mare's sonorous voice rang like a requiem's bell toll, "You have asked me this question. The thousandth and first answer I shall give you remains the same as its predecessors..."

Tenebris'Cor snarled.

Tacet'Mare whispered, "Nothing is wrong with them..."

Tenebris'Cor barked, "I brought them peace and they spit on it as if it leaves a foul taste!"

Tacet'Mare continued, "It does."

Tenebris'Cor spat, "Does the peace leave a foul taste in your mouth too, Mystic?"

"It does not."

Tenebris'Cor whipped around and bared his fangs at the ancient Imperial. "And why is that?! What have you seen?!"

Tacet'Mare's deep azure gaze bored into Tenebris'Cor without a single blink. A pressure radiated from the ancient Titan that made Tenebris'Cor feel like he was sinking into a dark abyss. The pressure finally released when Tacet'Mare answered.

"I have seen the Great Mother's will... fulfilled... Arcyng's wisdom has exceeded my expectations..."

Tenebris'Cor snarled, "There you go again. All praise to Arcyng! I bested him in combat! It was me that brought the peace! Me! Arcyng has nothing to do with this! He rests right there as quiet as a mouse! Cowed in his defeat!"

Tacet'Mare produced a heavy sigh. His eyes were closed and his head gently shook to the negative. "You aren't thinking straight... Your mind escapes you... Son of Terror... Usurper King of Darkness... Betrayer of the Great Mother..."

Tenebris'Cor grabbed the sides of his head with his forepaws. The chains of his helmet clinked as he shook his head. "Enough! I have betrayed nothing! You're the traitor! Shut up father! I speak to the Mystic!"

Tenebris'Cor barked, "Leave!"

Tacet'Mare shook his head. "So he still whispers to you with his poison. You hold no dominion over me, Tenebris'Cor. I only obey you publicly to keep us all on the path... as is my purpose."

Tenebris'Cor bowed his head. His shoulders were trembling. He flinched when he felt a heavy paw touch his shoulder. "So you pity me... How charitable..."

Tacet'Mare's voice was firm. "Your deeds are destined to go unappreciated save only by those that know the truth. Continue to resist his words, so long as there is strength in your limbs. You know as well as I that it is all over if he wins."

Tenebris'Cor's snort was laced with derision. "What if I want him to win?"

Tacet'Mare dug his claws into Tenebris'Cor's shoulder. "If that were true, then you and I would not be having this conversation. Go. Get some sleep. The Great Mother will keep him silent while you rest. I will guard Titan's Rest, just as I always have."

Tenebris'Cor pulled away from Tacet'Mare. He felt as if he were walking under water. The indistinguishable roars of his father's contempt and fury raged on within his mind. The whispers of the Titans danced around in his mind as well. He collapsed before the crystal wall that held his Grandmother, Magna'Mater. His limbs felt like lead as he dragged himself to curl into a ball. He tucked his head under his tail and outstretched wing.

"Be silent," hissed Tenebris'Cor, "Be silent you fools... I've done what was needed... You had your chance... I brought you all peace... Obey your King...!"

The voices were silenced abruptly. As if one sharp, biting word silenced the lot. Tenebris'Cor felt warmth wash over him, as if he were shielded by giant wings.

Additional Information

arcane_2.png ....
The New Age

The Usurper King - Angel of Rebirth
. . . . frarcane_left_sword_by_littlefiredragon-dbjxyoi.png frarcane_right_sword_by_littlefiredragon-dbjxyp0.png

The Titan Age
Tenebris'Cor was raised in the depths of the Sanguinem Luna Crystal Spire, deep in the Hallowed Halls where his father was imprisoned by his grandmother Magna'Mater. By Noctis'Timore's unholy decree, Tenebris'Cor was not to be sold to another clan by auction, or exalted to the Arcanist as an Ascendant. Down in those halls, his father's law was absolute. None defied him and because none defied his father, none defied Tenebris'Cor. His mother was an uncaring, hollow husk that rarely displayed any interest in her son. He rose to become his father's right hand dragon, a leader to the Angels of Rebirth; an archangel. His father's poisonous hatred of the rest of the clan living above the Hallowed Halls seeped into Tenebris'Cor's heart, blackening it to all. Despite that, Tenebris'Cor saw the usefulness of the others of the clan. He did not want to make his father's mistake and completely alienate himself from the rest of the clan above the Hallowed Hall. Thus began Tenebris'Cor's apprenticeship with Arcyng Leo'Animus, his uncle and Patriarch. They would meet in secret and walk the outside ledges of the Crystal Spire. Arcyng would impart invaluable knowledge and information to Tenebris'Cor.

The Pantheon Age
During the Pantheon Age, Tenebris'Cor was dutiful when he approached the Cult of Rebirth. He would participate in the Ascendant rituals and attend to his father's whims. There was one incident where Tenebris'Cor actively defied his father's orders. That was the day when Tenebris'Terra was sentenced to become Ascendant. It was a difficult time in Tenebris'Cor's life when he could recall his Uncle's teachings replaying in his head. Even if asked, he can not say why he saved Tenebris'Terra from becoming Ascendant. He can not even say what compelled him to make her an Angel of Rebirth. What he can say is that his actions were inexplicable that day and that he would not change it ever. He enjoys Tenebris'Terra's biting wit and pragmatism. When Tenebris'Terra was accepted as a fully fledged Angel of Rebirth, she would partner with Tenebris'Cor when he went out to find new Ascendant candidates. Together they became a formidable force that even Crudelis'Aegror found difficult to contend with.

Despite his activity with the cult, Tenebris'Cor continued his studies with his Uncle Arcyng. Tenebris'Cor found himself often seeking Arcyng's praise, as foolish as it sounded. He was thrown off one day when Arcyng questioned Magna'Mater's wisdom. It was a spur the moment conversation during a lull but it nonetheless struck Tenebris'Cor. What if Magna'Mater was wrong to name Arcyng her successor? Traditionally most societies passed on leadership to the one with the most seniority and merit, which inherently meant Noctis'Timore; not the youngest, who was Arcyng. The notion plagued Tenebris'Cor for centuries until finally he arrived to one logical conclusion.

Magna'Mater was wrong. The Great Mother made a mistake.

And it was time that the mistake was corrected...

The New Age
The beginning of the New Age was the Angel's Coup D'etat. Tenebris'Cor fought viciously for the Angels however it was never for Noctis'Timore's victory. Tenebris'Cor's goal was to finally free the Crystal Spire of Noctis'Timore's and Arcyng Leo'Animus' terrible war. So that all of the Crystal Spire would finally follow one leader again, just like in the Titan Age. He seized his chance and betrayed his father's trust. He defeated his father, Arcyng, Divinus'Ignis, Audens'Cor Ladarius, and anyone that dare try to stop him from taking what was his. He firmly believed that he was the true Patriarch. And with his victory over such formidable adversaries, his belief was only solidified.

For the dragons that live in the New Age, Tenebris'Cor is an arbitrary liege and downright Draconian to every member of the clan. He is swift to deal out severe punishment, usually by his own claws. He is reclusive and can only be found in the chamber where his father and his uncle Arcyng are imprisoned in crystal or the nearby halls when he needs something that he can not get in his solitude. For those that have seen him (Only Tenebris'Terra, Tacet'Mare, or Tenebris'Cor's children) in this forbidden section of corridors within the Crystal Spire, they may catch him talking to his imprisoned kin. Most of what he says is hard to discern but there is the faintest note of confusion, possibly even remorse, in his tone. If he discovers someone watching him(exceptions being those named in above parenthesis) then he will lash out savagely with ferocious magic and his claws to chase the intruder away. As the centuries go by, his terrible demeanor only gets worse and more unpredictably volatile.

The consensus in the clan is that Tenebris'Cor went mad with power.

Rat King
Dominion the Rat King
Dominion is Tenebris'Cor's oversized and volatile pet. He only listens to Tenebris'Cor's commands, which are only delivered mentally. This has given Tenebris'Cor and Dominion an edge in combat against Beastclan because none can tell what the terrible pair was planning. Dominion will throw his weight around the Crystal Spire to terrorize and make ridiculous commands of the other familiars within Sanguinem Luna. After all, he is the King in his mind and he will destroy any that dare to defy him.


Customization Goals




Arcyng Leo'Animus



Audens'Cor Ladarius


Dark Heart


TEN-eh-bris CORE

Physical Sornieth Species


True Species

Titan Luminare
("Lesser Titan")

Gene Plan:
Apparel Plan:
Black Aviator Coat

The Word Around Sornieth

From the Top 5 Above You - Write More Edition Thread
Almedha wrote:
This is an example of a contrasting eye color looking really good. I like the bright pink on the dark purple. Which, I guess, you know, those two should go together really well. I don't know what your gene plans are (if you have any, as he does look amazing basic), but he's gonna look pretty great. His outfit is very nice as well. I have a hard time with that white raven armor, but I love seeing it used well.
3d3c7953a408f38cb5029826b8f55967fe8c516c.png Insert additional quotes here.


Relevant Music Based on Theme
Song here.
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Written Works by Other Users

A secret as silent as a meteor;
Hidden behind a hooded cloth;
Nobody can feel the pain either;
For they wouldn’t truly be taught.

He hides with swears behind his back;
Wearing a mask to shadow the harsh;
All of his limbs are yet still intact;
With his family as blind as a marsh.

Betrayal is off of bloodline;
For it is a true sin;
But for an action so kind;
Why won’t they forgive him?

Of kings that smile;
Or conquer with praise;
A new familiar born child;
Or an old dragon gray.
~Written by TeerOfLore


Fire parts, letting me make my way through
I watch as towns and cities crumble before me
Towns that were once ruled by kings and queens
I am their end
Of kings that smile or conquer
I am the latter
~Written by lr21vb


Questions Asked and Answered
Ozeatetsor wrote on 2023-04-04 22:00:44:
Tenebris'Cor, you seem to be quite the ruthless ruler type. Do you have a preferred method of punishment? Has anyone ever sought to contest your rule? Finally, was there ever a time that you were truly happy?

((Oh gosh, this post just made me laugh. I can't shake the image from my mind of a Snapper rushing up to Tenebris'Cor like some crazy reporter and peppering him with questions. I might need to start making Tenebris'Cor off limits though. Too many questions get thrown his way when I have other dragons that would benefit from questions more lol. You're good though, I'll write up an answer to this one.))


Tension was so thick that a knife could cut it as the crystalline hall fell silent. The eyes of other dragons watched on, some with horror, others with pity, and a few with malicious glee. An eerie sound of scraping metal on crystal echoed throughout the large hall. The source of it was Tenebris'Terra's tail. Her tail was adorned with a nasty golden chain lined with spiked barbs cunningly disguised into the gold beads. Her eyes gleamed with an angry green fire. She curled her lips and at last a harsh snort blasted from her flared nostrils.

Tenebris'Terra tossed her head and roared to several clan dragons in the hall. "Who let this fool into our presence?! Find Audens'Cor Ladarius and bring him here! Better yet, summon his entire Day's Watch!"

The dragons in the hall scattered into the tunnels. Their furious pawsteps created a chaotic cadence that seemed to amuse Tenebris'Terra.

Her lips curled into a vicious sneer. She affixed her gaze onto the fool that approached her husband. Her jaws opened to speak to her husband, but something gave her pause.

There was a subtle droning sound, as if something was being drained from the crystalline main hall. Mage lights, once bright and merry, flickered and died one by one. The pink walls, once so bright, seemed to lose all rosy hue to be replaced by dark and eerie onyx.

The only light that remained, either spilled in from the yawning cave mouth that marked the threshold into the main hall, and Tenebris'Cor's mask. Like spectral motes, the six points of ghastly light darted under the shifting hood. At last, a horrid rasp filled the chamber when Tenebris'Cor opened his jaws to speak.

"And what right do you have stranger to barge into my home and hurl... Judgement? Do you think you are immune? Simply because you hail from afar?"

A wretched laugh, soft at first that grew into a fit of mocking cackles split the hall.

Tenebris’Cor’s fell voice continued. “Is it cruel to expect community members to pull their weight? To contribute to the welfare of their society? And what praise does laziness deserve? Nothing! It is simple. One reaps what one sows.”

A rumbling purr emanated from Tenebris’Cor’s core. The glittering eyes of his mask disappeared as he melted into the darkness. There was only a faint rustle of cloth and clink of metal chains in the chamber before a harsher bellowing of arguing dragons heralded the arrival of two dragons. Stood at the entrance to the hall was a male Gaoler of crimson and white fur. His grand antlers regally captured the sunlight before he was harshly pushed into the main hall by the other dragon, a female Guardian of titanic proportions and ghastly appearances. She looked like plague incarnate, a cruelty glittered in her violet eyes.

Claws scraping on the floor, the Gaoler straightened himself and seemed to hone in on Tenebris’Cor where he stood in the chamber.

Tenebris’Cor hissed, “The punishment befits the crime. Insubordination and rebellion are tantamount to treason. But there is normally never just one bad actor in such cases.”

The Gaoler produced a low growl. “You would know, cousin.”

A derisive snort answered. “As by the law set by the Great Mother and Great Father, I ascended the throne by rite of combat. I bested the named successor and the Patriarch at the time and rightfully took my place. There are those, like Captain Ladarius here, that sow malcontent and try to subvert my rule out of jealousy.”

Ladarius spat, “There was no formal declaration! You took advantage of your father’s coup!”

Tenebris’Cor chuckled. “All of the theatrics is tiresome. If you want to be Patriarch so bad Ladarius, challenge my named successor and then challenge me. Again. Yet, I find myself annoyed and irritable. This is the seventeenth time you’ve allowed intruders into my midst Ladarius. All my patience and magnanimity has frayed. Punishing you has seemed to not get the message across. Although I am loathe to deny my wife that joy.”

Ladarius curled his lip.

Tenebris’Cor’s voice echoed with authority. “Bring those Gaoler whelps to Titan’s Rest. It’s time the punishment befit the crime AND the individual.”

Ladarius snarled and launched at Tenebris’Cor, “You snake!”

The grisly Guardian from before tackled Ladarius before he could reach Tenebris’Cor. The chamber erupted into dragons roaring in dismay and anger. The dark Skydancer was already fading away again. “You only have yourself to blame Ladarius. Well, and the stranger here. They are the one that questioned my methods. What better way than a demonstration? Ha! I love multi-tasking!”



Drawn by Sky!


Drawn by Erisdar


Drawn by JHA


Drawn by Gyaesu


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