Level 1 Skydancer
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Energy: 44
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Personal Style


5.37 m
4.34 m
752.14 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245

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- Onmund
- Drogo
- Unnamed
- Banana
- Banana
- Dafel
- Malan
- Asthor
- Gavin
- Gavin
- Mael
- Bembe


Meet Domax, the Compassionate Leader.
Domax wasn't always compassionate. In fact, he was born into a clan that raised him to be quite the opposite, a clan that treasured, well, treasure, above everything else; a clan that would go to any means to get that treasure. Since the day a turban was slapped harshly on the young hatchling's head, Domax was forced to work for his keep by giving false predictions of paying dragons' futures. At first it only bothered him because he'd rather be off enjoying himself, but the more he watched the desperate dragons come to him for answers of unknown futures, longing for hope, the more he felt something inside him call out, hurting for the dragons before him. It only worsened as he watched his clan mates show up at just the right time to sell the desperate dragons the very thing he had told them would fill them with happiness. Finally no longer able to bring himself to give the poor dragons false hope, he left the only home he'd ever known, becoming a wanderer, longing to right all the wrong he'd done by helping dragons in need in any way he could.
He soon stumbled upon a band of dragons sharing a similar vision. As he joined forces with them, it soon became evident that he was a brilliant leader, and just what they needed to successfully carry out their plans. He helped them find a place to put down roots, and from there they brought in other dragons, creating their own clan, dedicated to seeking out and helping dragons in need. Though he was leading the developing organization, Domax enjoyed the times when he could go out personally and find a dragon needing to talk. He's as kind as they come, always putting others before himself, and always seeing the best in others, drawing out that best and helping them to see and believe it, too. Keeping the turban from his youth, he once more gives predictions of dragons' futures, but not the false ones he'd been forced to give in his younger days. Now he's free to give out the wisdom he knows will lead dragons to hope and real happiness.
Tucked deep within Behemoth's shade,
Several dragons met and a clan was made.
Some were hesitant, others excited,
And soon it went out that all were invited.
Any seeking safety, refuge, and shelter;
Any looking for a new endeavor.
All were welcome in the hidden home,
A sanctuary, the clan had become.
As it continued to grow and expand,
the clan conferred and came up with a plan.
Beyond what they were doing, an organization was formed,
Dragons went out, seeking to better the world.
From Dragonhome to The Tangled Wood,
Special forces were sent to help however they could.
But there was more to be done than to help those in need,
The clan also strove to help those who sought aid.
Those who came seeking refuge, also found hope,
As a team from the clan helped them to cope.
Scarred, disappointed, ashamed, and broken,
Here they would heal and finally speak words unspoken.
They'd learn truths of themselves and move on from the past;
They'd grow and go forward, finding a new destiny at last.
In a hidden home where shadows lurk,
A clan can be found, bringing new birth.
Bringing light and hope to a war-torn land,
Seeing potential in even the lowliest clan.
For light shines the brightest in the darkest nights,
And this hidden clan seeks to bring that to light.
So dragons here, though once dreary and dull,
Now shimmer and shine as they've found their call.
So be warned if you seek out this mysterious clan,
you may walk away as a shining gem!


Meet Domax, the Compassionate Leader.
Domax wasn't always compassionate. In fact, he was born into a clan that raised him to be quite the opposite, a clan that treasured, well, treasure, above everything else; a clan that would go to any means to get that treasure. Since the day a turban was slapped harshly on the young hatchling's head, Domax was forced to work for his keep by giving false predictions of paying dragons' futures. At first it only bothered him because he'd rather be off enjoying himself, but the more he watched the desperate dragons come to him for answers of unknown futures, longing for hope, the more he felt something inside him call out, hurting for the dragons before him. It only worsened as he watched his clan mates show up at just the right time to sell the desperate dragons the very thing he had told them would fill them with happiness. Finally no longer able to bring himself to give the poor dragons false hope, he left the only home he'd ever known, becoming a wanderer, longing to right all the wrong he'd done by helping dragons in need in any way he could.
He soon stumbled upon a band of dragons sharing a similar vision. As he joined forces with them, it soon became evident that he was a brilliant leader, and just what they needed to successfully carry out their plans. He helped them find a place to put down roots, and from there they brought in other dragons, creating their own clan, dedicated to seeking out and helping dragons in need. Though he was leading the developing organization, Domax enjoyed the times when he could go out personally and find a dragon needing to talk. He's as kind as they come, always putting others before himself, and always seeing the best in others, drawing out that best and helping them to see and believe it, too. Keeping the turban from his youth, he once more gives predictions of dragons' futures, but not the false ones he'd been forced to give in his younger days. Now he's free to give out the wisdom he knows will lead dragons to hope and real happiness.
Tucked deep within Behemoth's shade,
Several dragons met and a clan was made.
Some were hesitant, others excited,
And soon it went out that all were invited.
Any seeking safety, refuge, and shelter;
Any looking for a new endeavor.
All were welcome in the hidden home,
A sanctuary, the clan had become.
As it continued to grow and expand,
the clan conferred and came up with a plan.
Beyond what they were doing, an organization was formed,
Dragons went out, seeking to better the world.
From Dragonhome to The Tangled Wood,
Special forces were sent to help however they could.
But there was more to be done than to help those in need,
The clan also strove to help those who sought aid.
Those who came seeking refuge, also found hope,
As a team from the clan helped them to cope.
Scarred, disappointed, ashamed, and broken,
Here they would heal and finally speak words unspoken.
They'd learn truths of themselves and move on from the past;
They'd grow and go forward, finding a new destiny at last.
In a hidden home where shadows lurk,
A clan can be found, bringing new birth.
Bringing light and hope to a war-torn land,
Seeing potential in even the lowliest clan.
For light shines the brightest in the darkest nights,
And this hidden clan seeks to bring that to light.
So dragons here, though once dreary and dull,
Now shimmer and shine as they've found their call.
So be warned if you seek out this mysterious clan,
you may walk away as a shining gem!
Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
Insect stocks are currently depleted.
This dragon doesn't eat Meat.
This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
Plant stocks are currently depleted.
Exalting Domax to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
Do you wish to continue?
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- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.