Level 1 Wildclaw
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Energy: 48
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Personal Style



6.92 m
5.23 m
476.89 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245

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The Librarian

The Silence - Bastille
Tell me a piece of your history that you're proud to call your own
Speak in words you picked up as you walked through life alone
We used to swim in your stories and be pulled out by their tide
Choking on the words and drowning with no air inside
Tell me a piece of your history that you're proud to call your own
Speak in words you picked up as you walked through life alone
We used to swim in your stories and be pulled out by their tide
Choking on the words and drowning with no air inside
Luz wasn't going to stay. It wasn't until he saw the COMPLETE LACK OF ORGANIZATION THAT THIS CLAN HAD, that he decided to bunker down and start organizing the piles of parchments and books into a proper library.
It wasn't really a goal of the Clan Leader's to keep records. Actually, Trinket didn't really write anything down, ever. This caused Luz a LOT of grief when he first decided to stay. There was a lot of running around, trying to document the stories that were swapped between clan members and passed down to the hatchlings. It took him a long time, but Luz is quite proud of the library he's created. He dug it out himself, the shelves built into the clay walls and enforced with stone.
He's also the clan's time keeper. He keeps things in check and on schedule. Very meticulous with his capabilities, Luz has probably never been late to anything in his life.
The way he met his mate is quite a humorous story, if it didn't involve almost dying by the hands of Roche.
See, she had ran into him, and scattered his scrolls everywhere. Instead of either of them talking it out, it quickly dissolved into Roche threatening Luz for being such a clutz and making her late to some important event, and Luz trying to stop Roche from stepping all over the scrollsPlease stop you're damaging them . It was pretty rocky at first, but after that the two of them just kept bumping into each other, literally.
The rest of it's history. Maybe Luz will let you read it one day if he could find where Roche missplaced the freaking scroll.
It wasn't really a goal of the Clan Leader's to keep records. Actually, Trinket didn't really write anything down, ever. This caused Luz a LOT of grief when he first decided to stay. There was a lot of running around, trying to document the stories that were swapped between clan members and passed down to the hatchlings. It took him a long time, but Luz is quite proud of the library he's created. He dug it out himself, the shelves built into the clay walls and enforced with stone.
He's also the clan's time keeper. He keeps things in check and on schedule. Very meticulous with his capabilities, Luz has probably never been late to anything in his life.
The way he met his mate is quite a humorous story, if it didn't involve almost dying by the hands of Roche.
See, she had ran into him, and scattered his scrolls everywhere. Instead of either of them talking it out, it quickly dissolved into Roche threatening Luz for being such a clutz and making her late to some important event, and Luz trying to stop Roche from stepping all over the scrolls
The rest of it's history. Maybe Luz will let you read it one day if he could find where Roche missplaced the freaking scroll.

From @Mutt
My wanderings brought me to your library, where I met Luz. When I found out he was Roche’s mate I confess I was surprised. They are a fine match, to be sure, and he serves a valuable purpose in the clan, but I cannot imagine such a fierce warrior being mated to someone so neurotically organized. However, there is a place for all skills in a clan and his certainly shine through. His colors are most pleasing as well, and highly suited for combat, though that is incidental since he is unlikely to ever see a battlefield.
My wanderings brought me to your library, where I met Luz. When I found out he was Roche’s mate I confess I was surprised. They are a fine match, to be sure, and he serves a valuable purpose in the clan, but I cannot imagine such a fierce warrior being mated to someone so neurotically organized. However, there is a place for all skills in a clan and his certainly shine through. His colors are most pleasing as well, and highly suited for combat, though that is incidental since he is unlikely to ever see a battlefield.
GirHex for Automedon!
Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
This dragon doesn't eat Insects.
Feed this dragon Meat.
This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
This dragon doesn't eat Plants.
Exalting Luz to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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