
Level 5 Imperial
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Cloud Nymph
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Celebration Sage Lantern
Hewn Philosopher's Veil
Brightshine Raiments
Celebration Sage Sleeves
Celebration Sage Tassel


Skin: Forgotten Child



22.77 m
24.18 m
9222.25 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 27, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Imperial
EXP: 1262 / 5545


"Ah, so you want to know of the clans origins? You've come to the right dragon."

Role: Lorekeeper/Storyteller/Warden

+ Very Organized
+ In-tune with nature
+ Laid back
+ Helpful
+ Friendly
About Lorewalker: His birth name is not Lorewalker and he's the only one who knows what it really is. It's dead to him and he's been calling himself Lorewalker for a very long time. He felt it was more fitting and it quickly became apart of him.

Lorewalker hasn't been with the clan since the very beginning but he knows more about the clan than anyone. He's always been very organized, even as a wee hatchling. He started off as a happy little dragon just enjoying being with his clan. As he grew he soon realized his love for telling stories. With this came the realization that he would eventually run out of stories to tell as he'd never even stepped two toes out of clan territory. It wasn't an easy decision for him to make but as a young adult, Lorewalker left his clan to visit other clans. To discover their ways and learn about their perspectives. He visited many clans, learning as much as he could about each one. He even had some small adventures of his own.

With each clan he visited and each wandering dragon he spoke to he relayed their stories to each other in a very exciting manner. He captured their attention and held it with ease as he spoke of the battles, unexpected heroes and hearty laughs.
Lorewalker had found his role. He was a storyteller. He wanted to travel to the farthest reaches of the world and spread the stories of everyone he came across. So that's what he set off to do.
What started as a happy journey didn't really stay that way. For every good story there was a bad one. For every laugh there were tears. Eventually this began to take it's toll on Lorewalker. While he loved telling the good stories and on occasion, the sad ones he realized he couldn't keep this up. He had been staying a clan and was sitting by a fire listening to Snaffus talk about his father when he had this realization. The clan he was currently with was a good one filled with misfits who were always throwing sass and smiling. They were tough and a bit rowdy sometimes but he could see himself staying.

But if he was going to stay he wanted to be useful. As the clan sat around a bonfire on a different night sharing stories of their pasts Lorewalker called for their attention. He told them how he'd been feeling lately and of the toll his journey had taken on him. He expressed his need for a place he could stay, but leave on occasion to seek out another story. They were quite understanding. He then asked if they could be the place he called home. Not being able to turn down any dragon, the clan happily accepted him.

Over time he built a library and still adds to it as needed. He has a great many books filled with the stories from his past but even more filled with the stories of his clan. Lorewalker is always telling stories whether it's to curious members of the clan, or the few who stop by to rest.

Needs re-done
A Portion of the Clan's Roots
The Clan started out very small and with no real name or purpose. A young guardian named Noritoh and his love, Aurhor started the clan some time ago. They started out as mercenaries, working together to complete their contracts. They were both very powerful and often used stealth as well as brute force.

They took up the mercenary job shortly after Noritoh lost his charge. What that was, is not really known as this was some time ago. He grew angry and hateful. Aurhor, never having found her charge, didn't quite understand but she loved him. So she stuck by him.

Noritoh grew tired of doing the same old thing everyday so he decided to quit. Aurhor was not happy about this but she went along with it anyways. They were offered spots in several clans but Noritoh refused. He wasn't exactly a caring guy until he came upon that which turned his stomach. A clan they had just stayed with not a week before had been attacked. There were body parts strewn all over the ground and their was enough blood to fill a river. Seeing the bodies of the hatchlings is what flipped the switch on his cold heart. He frantically began searching for any survivors. Aurhor was quick to help, of course. They only manage to find about 3 or 4. They dragged the injured dragons away from the remains of their clan in case the attackers returned.

It took months but Aurhor was able to make use of her knowledge of herbs and skills as a healer to bring the four dragons back from the brink of death. Having gotten to know these dragons, and knowing they had no clan to return to Noritoh proposed that they start a new clan. They played around with the idea and agreed that it was a good one.
They found a nice area in the Everbloom Gardens under the watchful eye of the Gladekeeper. The six of them began to build living quarters and decided what role they would each take. They never really stuck to their roles since their wasn't enough dragons to fulfill all the roles the clan needed without overworking one another. It took awhile but eventually they all got settled and even welcomed a few new members along with a few hatchlings. Paragon among them.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly but in reality there was a lot of tension building up and eventually it became to much. The four dragons Noritoh and Aurhor rescued never properly mourned their losses and after a few fights they began to leave one by one. The new dragons even left until it was just Noritoh, Aurhor, Paragon and his parents.

However, that didn't last long. Noritoh couldn't stand wallowing in his own self pity over the fact that he'd failed as a clan leader. Or so he felt. He left next and Aurhor with him. Paragon's parents managed to gather a few new members but couldn't handle being around each other or their son. He was a reminder of the false hope they were given. They reminded each other of all they had lost. They left Paragon, now a young adult, to lead the clan.

Paragon was terrified. The few dragons looked to him for leadership. Asking him what to do. He told them to do what they wanted and hid himself away in his little burrow for the night. The next day he decided to find a dragon better suited to be the leader. He tried getting to know his current clan members but they didn't stick around. They left as others arrived. It went on like this for what felt like a lifetime. Paragon couldn't take this anymore. He didn't want to let the clan die and he most certainly did not want it to be constantly filled with temporary members. He needed to find a solid leader. With as much courage as he could muster he told them all to leave and set out to find some actual members. Little did he realize there were two original members left, other than himself. A couple of guardians who generally kept to themselves. They helped in his search where he didn't have much luck until they passed through a rather large hill in the dead of winter. A small group of Imperials were passing through but it was getting dark. After exchanging names they all decided to set up camp together. Paragon learned that their names were Xiljor, Nexus and Sanguin. They spent hours talking and before long Paragon had explained his dilemma to them. Xiljor gave him a warm smile and expressed his want to be part of a clan.

Paragon's clan was now up to five dragons and one of them seemed to be the sort of leader they needed. Paragon spent a lot of time getting to know the new members. The guardians sat up in their trees simply listening. The two of them left after deciding they didn't really want to be part of a clan.
Paragon brought the Imperials to their new home.
They were a huge help to Paragon and they really got the clan going. It wasn't long before the clan had so many new members that they actually had to move. Xiljor and Paragon spoke to the clan about where they would like to live. Surprisingly, they all agreed that the Fishspine Reef was where they wanted to go.

The clan has grown quite a bit in size and has settle nicely in the Leviathan Trench. They created an area that is dry within the side wall of the trench. It took a lot of time and effort but they managed to carve out a tunnel and then a large living space. They brought in dirt and seeds and began to grow their own underwater gardens. They brought in bugs and even grew a few trees. Of course, they have to work hard to keep their plantlife thriving. The clan is doing wonderfully with it's many permanent members. Although they do offer refuge to those who wander or to those seeking out stories to tell.(Lore is still very much a WIP and may change here and there.)
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