
Level 5 Fae
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Fae
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Personal Style


Violet Lei
Spring's Breath
Glowing Green Clawtips
Violet Flowerfall
Celadon Leg Silks
Twilight Sylvan Headpiece




0.91 m
1.45 m
1.67 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 16, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Fae
EXP: 159 / 5545


| Nature Shaman |

Spirited | Loving | Ruthless

Panzi sighed as he watched dragons sweeping though the air in the distance, their life force flowing off them in waves of colour that swirled through the sky. He could just make out their laughter from where he sat in a large patch of flowers hidden amongst thick trees. The flowers hadn't been there when he had arrived of course. They had started to grow the moment his scales touched the earth, and were now larger than him, blending him into the background as normal. An unusually sentient pansy sat next to him, its leaves curled around his tail, murmuring to him in a language only he could understand. A great shadow swept over him for a moment, prompting him to glance up. A guardian was heading for a landing in the space between the trees the ground shaking as he landed, his piercing eyes sweeping the landscape. His wings looked like the tide, as if the very waves were on his scales. Panzi watched the great guardian search for something, his life force rolled off him in waves, stronger than any he had seen before. The blue energy curled around the guardian slowly moving outwards across the ground until it lapped at the fae's feet. He instinctively tucked his feet in, curling his wings up to form a flower, hopefully hiding him from the large dragon. Blue eyes caught green and the guardian spoke, his voice deep echoing off the trees.

"Ahh" He moved closer "There you are little one" He lowered his head so he was level with the fae "I've been looking for you"

Panzi stayed still. It was strange that somebody would have noticed him in the thick foliage. The guardian lay down with a thud watching the fae closely, waiting for him to speak. The guardians features were soft and patient, unlike any other dragon that had sought his attention.

"What do you want?" He asked, his small body hiding a strong voice. The guardian smiled

"I wish to give you a home, a place where nobody will ever use your abilities against your will again"
The fae eyed him suspiciously,
"How do you know...?"
The guardian chuckled slightly a low rumbling sound.
"I am a gifted seer" He paused letting it sink in "I see people like us, those blessed and cursed with great power and a link to our deity" Panzi stayed seated, watching him closely, the sentient flower moved between them, suddenly grumbling something incoherent at the guardian, repeatedly gesturing and pointing with his leaves. The guardian's expression didn't change.

"I know all about what he's been though my dear" He carefully stocked a claw across the flowers petals "I promise not to hurt you friend" The flower crossed its leaves defiantly, grumbling slightly less. Panzi slowly dragged the flower back to his side,

"Do you swear on the Tidelord we will be safe?" The guardian pressed his large paw against his chest

"I swear you or your friend will never be harmed or forced to do anything, nor will we ask anything of you" The guardian seemed sincere and living in the wilderness was not as fun as it seemed.

"I will visit this place, but I do not promise anything" The guardian nodded, standing up, he offered his paw to the small dragon. The flower scuttled up the faes back, nodding once it had secured itself. The fae carefully stood up, untangling himself from the plants that were now twisting themselves around him. As he stepped out of the flower patch, it started to wilt and die and under his foot, new plants started to bloom only to wilt as well when he removed his foot. He sighed as the dying vegetation started to sink back into the ground as though it had never been there.

Druidic Emblem
Gladekeeper Topiary Cutting
Barbarian's Kilt
Lost Gladekeeper Sackdoll

Panzi scuttled up the guardians arm, placing himself on his shoulder as they took to the air. It wasn't long before he noticed they were heading straight for the wasteland. He crawled along the guardians neck pocking his head down to speak to him

"Excuse me but are we going to the plague lands?" The guardian nodded at first, before realising the tiny fae was clinging to his horns.

"Yes little one" The flower started grumbling again "A refuge run by a nature wildclaw at the border of the plague and shadow lands. It is quite safe my dear"

Delta Orchid
Orange Blotch Pansy
Jungle Slash
Witch's Herb Pouch

The fae thought for a moment, before returning to his place at the guardians shoulder. The guardian swooped down at the plague border, diving between the fleshy tendrils that reached from the edge of the wasteland. He landed on a ledge of rock jutting out from the cliff, that no-one could have seen from the air. The clan had already gathered at the mouth of the lair, food was piled high and flowers decorated the wall. They all cheered happily when they saw the tiny fae. A wildclaw came forward from the group to welcome him. Strength and kindness were mixed into her life force. It shimmered blood red and leaf green, displaying her life before his eyes. He swept his gaze over the crowd, they were all happy and caring, their life was strong and full of love. He approached the wildclaw, plants growing and dying with every step. She seemed unfazed.

"Welcome to the Bonewood Refuge. A safe home for everybody" she bowed to the fae, the rest of the clan following suit, echoing her welcome. An elegant green skydancer came forward, her energy the same as his and the guardian's, restless and full of power.

"I was once where you stand now, trust me when I say it really is a home for us" The guardian lightly tapped his forehead to the skydancers before heading inside with the clan. Panzi watched as the dragons slowly filed in, most attempting to beckon him in with them. The wildclaw stayed at his side

"My lady?" He asked, she turned to look at him "Why did he bring me here?" She laughed, a sweet sound to the faes ears.

"His charge is you, dragons cursed with the power of the deities, there is one in each flight that he has to care for, it stretches him thin" Panzi's yes widened.

"Why did't he just tell me that?"

"He doesn't want you to feel compelled to come here, he wants it to be your choice" With that she offered the fae her hand and, with a small smile on his lips, led him inside.

The tale of Panzi and Rhune

The infected snarled as they approached the group, their eyes unblinking. The group of infected consisted of three mirrors and an guardian. It was not the largest group they had come across but it was the first that mixed breeds. Panzi and Rhune shared a look. A small smirk and a nod later they lept into the air. The three mirrors were attacked first Rhune twisted the fleshy tendrils from the ground around their legs preventing them from taking flight. The red eyes betrayed their immunity to her poisonous attack so instead she planted her feet on the ground and steadied herself. She lowered her head and from the ridges of venomous green on her back sharp darts fired, impaleing the closest mirror. She watched Panzi as he swept from above, dive bombing the rightmost mirror. The small fae had fire in his eyes, dagger like roots shot from the ground injuring the crazed mirror. He landed on the infected back, forcing its chest to the ground with a sickening crunch. Ruthlessly he swiped his claws across its neck before taking flight again, dodging a swipe from the lumbering guardian. The fae flitted around the guardian, running his hands across the giants stomach, willing venomous vines to grow and connect him to the ground

The moment he was clear from the guardian Rhune roared, digging her claws into the ground, directing her poison to travel along the vines Panzi had created. The guardian screeched an unnatural sound and the poison bleed into him, Rhune bared her fangs as she watched the guardian falter, it wouldnt stop him but it would dent his attack. She felt her tendrils holding the third mirror break. The infected lept into the air, heading straight for her, as she raised her claws to her attacker a quick flash knocked the mirror from the air, sending him spiraling through the air. The faes eyes were angry, and he darted after the mirror, his claws glowing and teeth bared. Panzi growled as he and the mirror fought on the ground. Thorned vines repeatedly curled around the larger dragons limbs pulling sharp claws from the fae only to snap under the mirrors shear strength. Tough scales tried to repel the thorns, Panzi’s magic drawing the very life from the mirror bolstering his own reserves. The vines became thicker and stronger, thorns cut through the mirror hide easily and ripped the infected dragons muscles. With panzi occupied with the strong mirror Rhune turned her attention to the guardian. He lowered his head to his foe, his features twisted in anger, he snarled. The guardian charged his sword like claws aimed for the mirror. She waited, watching as he quickly approached, at the last moment she leapt, her flexible body curling around his neck, her claws attempting to dig into his armoured hide and he tried to shake her off. Bone like spikes grew from the ground and disgusting tendrils attached to the giant's legs, a rotting virus traveling along the connection spreading a fast acting rot to his limbs. He screeched again, drawing the faes attention from foe. With a powerful kick Panzi had his breath taken from him, before he knew it he was in the air. Rhune shouted as she leapt towards him, catching him mid air and returning him to ground in one swift jump. Within moments she was on the infected mirror. Her jaw clamped around his neck in a finally deadly attack. Panzi pulled his eyes away from the scene and back to the guardian. He had been weakened by Rhune’s rot and her bone like structures were still attached to him. The fae spread his wings twisting around the pulsing rotten tendrils, mixing his own poison with hers, creating a formidable mixture even the Plaguebringer would have difficulty with. With a final echoing groan the guardian collapsed.

Panzi landed next to Rhune, in harmony the pair started to twist the flora willing it to drag the contagious bodies into the ground out of harm's way.

The two collapsed together at the clans weston outpost, a wooden guard tower that stood proud guarding their territory. Their hearts thundered as the adrenaline from the fight coarsed through their bodies. In the dusks silence the only sound was their breaths, their eyes watching the stars rise.

“They are getting closer to the border” Panzi mused, his voice unfazed by the battle

“That does not bother us now” Rhune replied. These skirmishes with the infected were increasing in frequency. The shamans had been sent to protect the clan's territory and to inform their allies of the threat. The inseparable pair had of course been assigned together, their abilities complimented each other, and Neptune knew his charges well.


Rhunes wing was stretched under Panzis body as the two lay on their backs, side by side. Her tail snaked around his, twisting together unconsciously. The smaller fae turned to his friend, propped up on one arm he studied the mirrors cales as she watched the sky. Her wooden limbs were still as strong at the day they had been created and they were now as much a part of her as her wings. Her eyes shone with power and emotion, the two always knew what the other was thinking, their lifeforces constantly entwined, even their chambers in the lair were connected and it was strange to see the two apart. Panzi watched the rise and fall of his friend's chest, draping one of his unusual wingers over her stomach as he curled next to her, his eyes still full of energy. Rhune turned her head to the fae,

“What has grabbed your attention?” She asked, her voice echoing her smile.

“You of course my lady” She placed her arm around his shoulders pulling him closer, her claws tracing the patterns on his side. She sighed quietly as she felt the warmth of his body next to hers. Their heads were close, to close for logic to stop Panzi. Before he realised what he was doing his lips pressed against hers. Rhunes eyes widened before sliding shut and returning the kiss. The two dragons tangled together as passion took over, their tails tangled together and wings hugged each other tightly. And there they stayed in each other's arms until morning came.

The harsh light woke them, the hot sun bearing down on the tangled dragons. Rhune woke first her tired eyes sliding over to where Panzi was sleeping on her chest. The memories of the night came flooding back. She bolted upright, sending the smaller dragon flying across the room. The dazed fae rubbed his head as he woke

“What was that for- Oh” Their eyes met, panic across their faces. “I thought you loved Jaka?”

“I do!” She snapped back “I thought you loved Silvia?”

“I do!” They continued to stare “How can we love two at once?” Rhune ran a hand across the back of her neck

“We are both mated this should be able to happen” Panzi carefully edged closer to the mirror. His tail twisting with hers in comfort.

“Is it possible to have two mates instead of one?” The mirror shrugged

“What do we do?” She murmured “What are we?” They sat in silence, as the sun crept higher into the sky, their bodies unconsciously leaning against each other.

“Neptune will know” Green eyes met red. Panzi continued “Neptune always knows” The mirror nodded and together they left the outpost, heading straight for the clan.

Panzi clung to Rhunes shoulders as she flew through the gorge leading to the lair. Jaka was at his usual place at the entrance, his eyes lighting up as he spotted them. Rhune paused briefly as she landed at the entrance, lifting her head slightly to receive a kiss from her mate, Panzi felt a twinge of guilt in his chest.

She trotted inside heading straight for Neptune's chamber. Neptunes chamber was one of the largest in the lair. Mostly due to his size but also due to the large Scrying pool in its center, the main place he saw his visions. The crystal clear water reflected against the stone walls, throwing beautiful light that decorated the space. The great guardian was lying near the entrance, waiting for his charges to return. The great guardian smiled as he saw them enter, only to frown when he saw their expressions

“What's wrong my children?” His deep blue eyes searching them for signs of harm, Rhune shook her head as Panzi left her shoulders in favour of hovering closer to their friends eye level.

“We need you advice Neptune” The mirror sat down with a huff, her tail twitching nervously “Is it possible for a dragon to have more than one mate?” There was a brief silence before Neptune burst out laughing.

“Neptune?!” Panzi cried out, shocked by their friends reaction

“I’m sorry my dears” He wiped a tear from his eye “It’s just taken you two long enough” Panzi and Rhune shared a confused glance. He stod, moving closer to the two, with a great paw he gently pushed the two closer together “You are two parts of one whole, you are destined to be together in all aspects of your lives”

Unfazed at being pressed together Rhune spoke up “But we both found our mates, how can we have more than one?” Her eyes were wide, waiting for a reply from their guardian.

“I will agree it is rare for dragons to have more than one mate, but there is nothing usual about us” He gently stroked their heads, “Go talk with your mates, I’m sure they will accept you” Before they could question him he carefully pushed them through the door into the hallway.

The pair simply exchanged a glance before heading off to find their mates.

Silva was in her office, a quill in her hand as she wrote the weeks trades. She looked up and smiled when Panzi entered. She put her quill down as he shut the door behind him.

“What is the problem, love?” She frowned slightly as he placed his hand on hers

“What do you think about Rhune?” A puzzled look crossed her face.

“She's energetic and friendly, and your best friend why?” Panzis frills shuddered

“What would you think if I were to mate with her as well as you” Realised dawned on Silvia’s face, a small smile appeared on her face

“I would ask why it's taken you so long to realised you belong together” She giggled as his green eyes widened in shock, he slumped into her waiting arms.

“Have I been blind for that long?” Silvia hugged her mate, nodding, she played with the flowers around his neck letting everything sink in.

“As long as Jaka is okay with it, I’m more than happy.” She pulled him up so their eyes met “It's not like anything will change” The fae’s smiled and stayed content in each other's arms.

The pair met in Panzis hamber that evening. Their wings clashed as they hugged tightly, they lips pressed together in a passionate kiss. They broke apart for a moment allowing Panzi to speak, his voice excited and impatient
“I love you” He kissed her hand “Will you please be my mate?” She nodded at the two fell to the ground in a tangled mess of limbs and laughter. Unbeknown to them in the main chamber, there were groans mixed with cheers of their fellow clan members as the result of the bet was announced and treasure changed hands.

By Gatorskater

Panzi enjoyed days like this. He was tending to his garden, his mate Rhune sat behind him reading to their first hatchling. She was constantly at Kokoros side, ever since he had hatched and unfurled his wings, heavily scarred by the deceased that had taken her legs. She felt guilty for it, as if it was her fault. But today she didn't seem stressed, or at least she was hiding it better. Panzi saw something in the corner of his eye, a bush shook. He had been watching it grow over the last few week, two twisted branches has started to grow fromt the bush, they almost resemble antlers. The longer he stared at the bush the more he thought it was staring back. He became completely sure it was when it blinked.
“Err Rhune” He called over his shoulder, not taking his eyes off the bush “Could you take Kokoro to your room please” He heard their son complain as she picked him up, carrying him out of the room. When he heard the door slide shut, he turned his full attention to the bush.
“Hey” He called out “What’s a nature elemental like you doing in my room?” He had met them before, when he had been alone, before Neptune had found him. But he had never seen them inside an dragons lair. His usual familiar, an orange blotch pansy suddenly appeared at his side, growling at the newcomer.
“Hush” he said, gently patting the flower “Its not here to hurt us” The bush peered at the flower with interest, its leafy feature portraying curiosity as best it could. After a quiet moment the bush stuck out a wooden arm, gesturing for a handshake from the flower. Marius the flower grumbled but extended a vine, wrapping it around the limb and gingerly shaking it. The bush smiled, unfurling so it could be fully seen.


Most of its body was wood, grown twisted and beautiful, leaves acted as long flowing hair, hiding most of its form from view. Much larger leaves, similar to palm leaves acted as clothes. The elemental has clearly shaped its form living with the clan, its form resembling a harpy, like the many that lived in the trees of Panzis room. In a songlike voice it spoke, “Master?” Its eyes were on the fae, and much to his surprise it continued “Be Master please?” It took him a moment to respond
“Okay, what would you like me to do?”
The elemental thought for a moment stroke its foliage, “Be friend”
“Of course” He reached a hand out to the “Im Panzi” The bush ignored the hand instead launching itself forward for a hug “Me Oaken”

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