
Level 1 Nocturne
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Sparkle Nymph
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Nocturne
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Personal Style


Voltaic Stormclaws
Gold Aviator Scarf
Simple Gold Wing Bangles
Venom Rogue Cape
Venom Rogue Wing Guard




4.33 m
7.25 m
353.04 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 29, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245


tumblr_ot3mx3otvj1rag9z8o1_500.png CORIUS
The Avatar Of Time
Mate of Timeless
The Cyborg

CORIUS (core-eye-us)

Corius is a male Nocturne, from…what possibly could be the Southern Icefields. Corius appeared at the Windcurrent Clan suddenly. Very suddenly. In a flash of light, Corius appeared at the Windcurrent Clan, rather disoriented, which would’ve been normal for a young Nocturne hatchling, only he wasn’t quiet normal. The Circuit markings on him glow constantly, and most of his body wasn’t flesh and blood—most of it was—is—machinery. A cyborg. Corius grew up normally, but could instantly do things that a newly grown dragon shouldn’t be able to do. He’s very wise, knows things he technically shouldn’t, and is very very knowledgeable about electronics. However, Coruis has a little quirk. Without warning, he’ll disappear in a flash of light, and a few minutes later, he’ll reappear. For Corious isn’t only a cyborg…he’s a time-traveling cyborg.

The first time he tried time travel, Corius’ networking got damaged, resulting in him becoming a hatchling, when he traveled back in time, and messing up his inner workings to the point where sparks often fly out of him at random, and he can’t control when he leaps forward, or even backward in time. He knows only seconds before hand, before he completely vanishes. Even if he’s gone for only a few minutes, or even up to an hour, to him, it’s more like days, weeks, and even months. When he returns back, his systems take some time restarting, resulting in him being highly disoriented, and sometimes ‘shuts down’ for a bit to get everything in focus. If he travels too much, he’ll literally release steam and smoke, and overheat to the point where he collapses. He knows how to fix himself, but he never has the time to sit down and look at his inner workings. For the moment he opens himself up, he knows he’s going to travel back or forward in time at the drop of a hat.

He quickly caught the attention of Timeless, the clan’s historian. Being highly interested in time travel, she’s practically always by his side. She doesn’t mind when he poofs away, and is usually the first one to find him again, when he returns. Because he’s familiarized himself with Timeless, when he’s at his weakest (low power), Corius seeks her out, if he’s able to move. He doesn’t mind her endless questions and fretting, and finds it rather…comforting. In the future, he’s used to be surrounded by code, computers, and machines. But here, he’s in a clan that’s living and breathing, and his constant companion is a lovely Imperial. Made to serve, Corius often refers to Timeless as ‘Mistress’ or ‘Lady’, as that’s how he’s programmed. Outwardly, she doesn’t seem to mind the titles Corius gives her. While he’s mostly machine, he does have a few organic parts, including his heart. When he’s around Timeless, his heart speeds up, but it’s not a malfunction in his system. What could this strange feeling be…?

Corius is rather emotionless, being programmed to not show much emotion. But being organic before his ‘transformation’, he does hold onto some of his old emotions. And while his voice is mainly monotone, he can give his voice tone, sometimes emotional tone. He’s distant most of the time, because with his faulty wiring, his next leap into the future, or back in time…might be his last, and he might not return to the Windcurrent Clan. Despite this, he does have an attachment towards Timeless. While in the Windcurrent Clan, when he’s not struggling to stay in the current timeline, he’s the electrician, helping out Blitz and Temperance when he can, with their work. Corius is still struggling with emotions, and while he has a large database in his head and practically knows everything, emotional problems are not his forte. He doesn’t know how to calm down a crying dragon, nor does he know how to calm down a fight, other than beat the two offenders into submission. He is trying to get better, though...
Much time passed in the Windcurrent Clan.

Exactly how much time was hard to tell, with all the sudden random time travel trips...

But enough time that both he and Timeless had many children, whom each had time to grow and find their own passions.

Enough time, that the terms 'Mistress' and 'Lady' eventually were replaced with 'Darling' and 'Dear'.

Enough time... for him to fall in love.

Even if his cold and calculating database couldn't exactly pull up the word, his organic heart knew exactly what it was.

He loved being with her, seeing her smile, hearing her laugh, seeing the way her eyes sparkled when he talked about the different times he traveled to.

If nothing else, she was the thing he was most determined to try and find a way to control his time jumps for. So he could help her with her time studies, and see the pure joy in her eyes when she made breakthroughs... and so he knew he'd always be able to return to her.

One day, Timeless had a particularly large breakthrough. Rumors of time rifts to the south.

And she was determined to find them herself.

Neither of them knew how long this trip would take her, but Corius was determined to use this downtime to surprise her. To master his time traveling ability.

The Windcurrent Clan didn't see him for weeks. Or, rather, they only saw him for about a single second every few weeks.

Time and time again, he jumped, determined to trigger the time traveling device at HIS will, and not it's own.

He took a few more seconds to collect himself, ready to make his next jump...

But he never got the chance...

He was suddenly ambushed by an unseen attacker.

The attacker pinned him to the ground, and cut open the synthetic flesh at the base of his neck to overload the time traveling device, destroying it.

There was no escape from this assassin, as they then jammed a device into the back of his head, forcing their way into his memory database...

...Another cyborg...?

The assassin ignored any and all desperate pleas from Corius, as they tore mercilessly though his memories, forcefully deleting anything they deemed useless... Until they eventually found what they wanted from him.

The strain was the constant time jumps, as well has having his databanks torn apart and forcefully downloaded was too much.

Corius shut down.

The assassin then dragged his body over the cliffs, and dumped it into The Sea of a Thousand Currents, where it would never be found.

After all, cyborgs sink, not float...

Although most of the machinery was broken down, the still organic parts of Corius continued to fight to stay alive.

But it'd only be a matter of time until they succumbed as well...


The next thing Corius knew, he felt... Cold.

Someone was screaming his name.

It was... Timeless?

He didn't recognize where they were. It didn't look like any land he'd ever seen or heard about...

He heard Timeless, frantic, angry, demanding to know who had hurt him.


It was then, when a white and red Tundra walked in, placed a paw on his head, and he once again fell into blackness.

Throughout his days of resting, he overheard the Tundra and Timeless speak. Apparently, Timeless had lead this Tundra, Cerise, into finding out that he was in trouble, and rescuing him. And now they were both working on repairing him back into working order with... some strange ability Cerise had...

One night, Corius awoke to the sight of Timeless, sleeping protectively around him.

Around her were several notebooks, all her research on time travel...

Corius felt his heart sink, when he suddenly realized... His time traveling device was still broken.

He couldn't help his beloved Timeless with her dream of time travel without it...

...Well, he determined, that if this Cerise was able to keep him alive, then surely, they'd be able to fix his time travel device, right?

And so, Corius sought out the Tundra, and asked for his help.

Unfortunately, Cerise told Corius that while he had the ability to convert metal into flesh, and heal the wounds... that didn't make him an engineer...

...But... there was ONE way Cerise could give Corius his time traveling abilities back...

Corius told him he'd do it, and Cerise warned him that there'd be no going back. This would be permanent, and he'd never be able to go back to his clan because of it.

So be it, it wasn't like Corius was going to just go back to his assassin anyway.

And he'd do anything to be able to be helpful to his beloved again.

And so, Cerise once again placed his paw upon Corius' head.

And in that instant, Corius felt pain.

A greater pain then he could have ever imagined pain to even feel.

And then, before he knew it, he was back in the Windcurrent Clan... Only... he wasn't really.

He was only a spectator.

He saw the faces of his old friends and co-workers. They seemed... sad? Were they missing him...?

And then he saw the faces of his and Timeless' beloved children, who's names had been mercilessly removed from his mind by his assassin.

...And then, there he was. Watching his own assassination attack. Completely helpless to stop it.

Over and over again, he kept jumping back to the time of the attack.

Pain, sadness, fear and rage all washed over him. Corius was not used to having all these emotions!


And then... Just like that, he was back in the unknown place with Cerise.

Corius' body felt weak and overheated, he could hardly even move, but he could see the flying tome that was in front of him.

It looked a lot like the familiar that the Windcurrent Clan's Light Ambassador had... Only...

...Only this book... had several rows of sharp, pointed teeth in it's pages.

From the book's 'jaws', it spat out a... a dead water sprite...

Then, the sprite's body was suddenly engulfed in a black substance, before an entirely new creature crawled out of it.

It... looked like a sprite... but something about it was just... wrong.

Before Corius could think about the meaning of all of this, he suddenly felt that familiar, tingling tug on his body.

He was going to time jump again.

Somehow, some way, he just knew he'd be sent back to the scene of his attack.

He didn't want to see that again!


Without even thinking, Corius found himself reaching out, and grabbing the sprite-like creature.

...And just like that, the tingling feeling ebbed away, and his started to feel his body gradually cool off.

He took this time to look in a nearby puddle, and was suddenly shocked to see his once ice-blue eyes, were now a golden color, and his pupils were now the shape of hourglasses.

Corius caught a glimpse of Cerise nearby. The Tundra had a pleased grin on his face.

"Welcome, Avatar of Time." He said.

50.png Relatives









49.png Coli Team

hoard_active.png Belongings
Typical Wear (not always worn, but very often is)
Gold Aviator Scarf Venom Rogue Cape Venom Rogue Vest Venom Rogue Tail Binding Venom Rogue Gloves Venom Rogue Wing Guard Simple Gold Wing Bangles

Copper Gear Iron Gear Handful of Sprockets Toolbox Iron Wrench Hourglass

67.png MISC
Corius is a male cyborg, with shocking short red hair, and golden eyes with pupils in the shape of an hourglass. The only organic parts on him, are his heart, and everything from the abdomen down. His skin looks real, but it’s a prosthetic skin, that ‘bleeds’ and ‘bruises.’ He has yellow markings on his body that glow with his inner wiring. A time-traveling cyborg, Corius has some damaged inner workings along his spine. The assassination attempt has left silver scars at the base of his neck, and at the very back of his head.


Top portion of bio written by JediCreed #153657


Dozy Corius by: Valfire #303647

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