
Level 10 Fae
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Spritely Portrait
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Fae
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Name: Porcelain

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Profession: Clan Doctor

Interests: Healing, helping, a good cup of tea and friendly conversation.

Studious Healer's Reference
Never far from her, this book lists all of Porcelain's patients and why they visited her.
Nickel Cat Figurine
A gift from one of her cousins before she left home, Porcelain keeps this on her mantelpiece.
Wolpertinger Hoodie
Her cosy hoodie, favoured when she's off-duty, was a gift from Bilberrios and still bears the title of "boyfriend hoodie".
Infested Cotton Candy
Made for her buy her various children, these sweets are her absolute favourite guilty treat.

Meadow Tea Tray Painted Porcelain Jar
Sticky Pollen Unstable Serthis Concoction
Leopard Coralclimber Toxin Vial of Mysterious Toxin
Meadow Tea Cups Chickweed

Bloated Maggot Blue-Stripe Centipede
Brave Blue Bee Snowkissed Centipede
Flurry Flyer Jewelfaced Dragonfly
Glasswing Butterfly Hardshell Moonsting



Familiar: Spritely Portrait

Name: Caela

Personality: Cheeky and cheerful, Caela nonetheless willingly helps Porcelain fetch and carry ingredients when mixing medicine.

Healing hands
should never be undervalued.


Despite Porcelain's small stature she's energetic and sweethearted; for all she's a fae she can be at times surprisingly expressive, in large part due to growing up in a clan full of guardians, mirrors and imperials. Due to this, Porcelain is the one to whom most hatchlings go when hurt and is considered a moral core of the clan; she's very good at scolding people into behaving and sweet enough they rarely resent it.

Porcelain is deeply loving and caring, but she's no pushover, firm in the rules she sets and well-respected enough she's reliably listened to.


Healer of the clan, Porcelain handles sniffles and broken bones - infections too minor to bother the various pathokinetics with and injuries they cannot easily heal themselves. Born to Shadow, Porcelain has an interesting mutation of nictitating membranes, making her uniquely well-equipped to make some of the more complicated medicines which go through acrid, toxic or otherwise uncomfortable brewing processes.

Named for the pretty porcelain she so resembles, Porcelain is far from as delicate, being firm and clear as much as kind. Though small, her sheer personality ensures even the most upset guardian or imperial maintains perfect manners in her infirmary, and her skill means that they're rarely there long.

Work, however, is not all there is to Porcelain. Friendly and amiable, she's known to help Dr. Tabian with his research, and to have tea with Alectrona, Phoebe, Feronia and Tethys. Due to her immaculate knowledge of everyone in the clan and their specific needs, she's often asked to help organise events and work rotas, and usually helps to teach the hatchlings of the clan.

Due to this tender kindness she shows, most do not expect her relationship with the rather more callous Bilberrios. While very intelligent and eager to learn, Bil is known to lack empathy and to struggle to relate to other dragons - when he bothers to try at all.

Nonetheless, it's clear that Bil and Porcelain care deeply for one another - and that Porcelain isn't about to put up with Bil doing less than his best. Some of the clan even speculate that that's why Bilberrios gravitated towards Porcelain in the first place, her firm rules and zero capacity for nonsense, coupled to her genuine kindness make her someone he has to grow with, and cannot backslide. It is generally acknowledged that Bil has made more progress with Porcelain than he'd ever made on his own or with others.

Despite this, the pair have had only a few nests together, mostly because Porcelain doesn't trust Bil to be a good father just yet. This has only been proven by certain of his cauldron experiments and is the current cause for some considerable arguments. Bil is improving on the parenting front - by force and fear of Porcelain's most formidable disappointment at that - but only after having made multiple cauldron children.

It is a good thing, everyone agrees, that Porcelain loves the children so. It means she refuses, even more than usual, to let Bil get away with his usual habits.

62581983p.png Bilberrios | Husband

Porcelain's mate, Bilberrios and her went through a long courtship and to this day Porcelain sometimes ends up scolding Bil for his thoughtless behaviour. Nonetheless the two do love one another, and Bil is improving his parenting skills - albeit only after having brewed up his offspring, and while they considered marriage counselling Porcelain doesn't believe it's necessary yet - perhaps never, if Bil continues to improve.

69493692p.png Tabian | Colleague

Porcelain regularly has tea with any number of dragons, but it's Tabian she'll go to with something harder to gripe, kvetch and figure out how to approach a problem (usually Bil). The two are close friends and have been for years, and Tabian is company Porcelain is glad of.

Panoptes & Brea | Eldritch Noodle Children

Brewed by accident (Panoptes) and on purpose trying to replicate the first attempt (Brea), these two eldritch noodle children have firmly decided that Bil is their dad, and have thus accepted Porcelain as their mother. They adore her and she them.
Verbana, Cenotaph, Chalice & Fauna | Cauldron Children

Increasingly successful attempts at creating independent draconic life, Porcelain has done what she can to tend her and Bil's unusual children, including urging her husband to pay attention to them and care about them. While their relationships with Bil can be contentious, they do love Porcelain a great deal.
Haema & Vampyrokyaneos | Regular Patients

Porcelain has many patients, but a few are consistent due to unique and interesting chronic conditions. While Haema no longer requires Porcelain's regular care, as Vampyrokyaneos does, the two remain friendly and Haema never misses a check-up.
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