
Level 25 Skydancer
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Autumn Breeze
Brown Plaid Cabbie
Blushing Pink Rose
Veteran's Eye Scar
Simple Copper Wing Bangles
White Breeches
Ranger's Tail Twist
Musical Vest
Ivory Aviator Scarf
Well-to-do Sable Knickers



Scene: Autumn Clearing


4.73 m
5.31 m
396.82 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 14, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level
Wave Slash




  • none


▬▬ LIRIX, Bard(?) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♢♢♢
Clan of Red Wind | Clan Lore

Lirix is a joyous skydancer, often seen flying around and flaunting about. Although he proclaims himself a bard, he rarely does his job and instead just chats with whoever is willing. He plays music occasionally, which is fine, but he hardly ever sings. But even without doing his job properly, he's a beacon of joy in the clan of Red Wind's darkest hour.

Perhaps he's so jovial because he's survived much worse, and he's stronger than he lets on. The scar on his face hides a secret that only one other dragon knows.
▬▬ HISTORY ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Lirix was once an assassin, condemned to rotting in an icy prison, but he doesn't like to think of that past self. The self that would do anything to find the mother that left him. The self that had deemed his heart cold. The version of him that was rescued.

It was because of Trident that this old Lirix was a part of the past, that Lirix escaped prison and learned what love was. The two lived together in the clan of Red Wind, both loyal to the clan as repayment for kindness that was shown to them. They were important parts of it, instrumental to it's growth, success, and defense. They would stick with the clan's leader no matter what.

Then the cataclysm happened. The clan's well of eternity moved.

The clan was transported into light territory and attacked by villains. Lirix, despite his strength, could do nothing to help against this new threat. They were just too strong. The clan of Red Wind was chased away from their well and forced into the forest nearby. Lirix and Trident were the clan's strongest fighters, and they would not abandon it like so many others did.

Now, Lirix is the one who most often ventures out of the clan's hiding place for supplies. His friendly personality is well-liked among traders, and his skill in fighting means he can protect himself better than most other dragons in the peaceful clan.

But still, he wishes circumstances would change. Living in hiding goes against his principles.
▬▬ RELATIONS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
16823140p.png ♢ Trident | Mate
Trident is Lirix's mate and saviour, the dragons who's very existence taught Lirix about love. He's the only drgaon that knows about Lirix's past, and vice versa.
21522628p.png ♢ Jask | son
The adopted son of Trident and Lirix, a misplaced lightning egg out in the snow. Jask takes after Lirix in personality, except this carefree soul has no terrible past.
▬▬ OTHER ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
♢ Lore Notes
• None, for now.
♢ Design/Other Notes
• He has scars on his hands from Jask's egg
▬▬ PLAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

▬▬ ADDITIONAL LORE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
The Past wrote:
Though he wasn't born in ice territory, the cold was all he remembered. He remembered his mother, her silence as she was dragged away by the wardens of ice. She didn't call out to him - he knew it was to keep him safe and hidden, but still, the silence hurt. He knew he'd never see her again, they both knew. Yet there was no goodbye.

Lirix grew up in total isolation. He didn't live, he survived. In the ice. In the cold. He survived.

Until someone finally found him.

A dragon who wore only a cloak, who's face was shrouded. A dragon that was stronger than Lirix could ever see himself being. The dragon, a huge guardian which towered over the young Lirix, challenged him to battle with a single condition:

"If you win, you can see your mother again. However, with your loss, you will give up your life to me."

Lirix knew he'd lose. He didn't know what the guardian meant by "give up his life" but he didn't rally care. His mom. He could see his mom again. He could ask her why she was taken and why he was left behind.

"I accept."

And thus, Lirix was beaten. He was broken and left laying in the snow, at the foot of the guardian's bloodied claws. Blood covered his vision as he tried to look up at the victor.

"You are strong, boy. But you have lost."

Lirix wouldn't let his loss distract him. "How do you know my mother?"

"I will only answer that when you become strong enough to scar me as I have, you. You will work for me, become stronger by killing those I ask you to."


Lirix shivered while the wind brushed against his feathers. Below him, at his feet, sat the body of his master. The guardian's cloak no longer concealed his face, and his once-cold eyes were lifeless.

But Lirix wasn't the one who killed him.

A single shard of ice was embedded in the guardian's scales, it's pointed tip surely lodged in the corpse's heart. Lirix turned away from the body. He never felt any love for his master, but he angrily pounded his claws into the snowy ground. Now what has he supposed to do? How many dragons had he killed? And for what? Now it was impossible for him to learn about his mom.

There was no use in lamenting it.

Instead, Lirix just turned and headed South. He couldn't rely on anyone for anything - even the seemingly invincible dragon who he had followed for years of his life. South is where they took his mom, so he would go there. Maybe he would die. Maybe the Gaolers would take him and freeze him. But maybe from his frozen perch he would see his mother, frozen too.


He put up no fight against the glacial wardens who met him at the prison. They knew who he was, who he had killed. They didn't know why he had killed, that by letting him in he was getting closer to his goal.

But Lirix would soon discover that his mother was nowhere to be found within the prison's icy walls. It was from a passing conversation between the gaoler guards, one which Lirix overheard with his well-trained ears.

"There's a new prisoner that arrived recently, a skydancer."

"Yeah, I heard he looks just like that one from years ago."

"I was there when she was at large. Such a slippery one. You know, she hasn't been seen since her escape? They never even wrangled her into the prison before she slipped out of her cuffs."

"You think the two are related at all?"

"Well, this new guy's got the same brazen confidence, but I don't think she'd have kids. She was too selfish, I don't think she cared for anyone but herself."

She had never made it to the prison in the first place. The realization struck Lirix. She'd escaped the day she was caught. She never came back for him? He was just a child. Her child. Why didn't she come back? She wasn't selfish, she couldn't be, she was his mother...

Was the lack of goodbye really to protect him?

He stopped himself from finishing the thought. Such overwhelming emotions weren't welcome in such a cold land. The skydancer steeled himself. He couldn't jump to any conclusions, but he couldn't deny what he knew. He couldn't deny what he was.

He was an assassin, trained to kill. His mother left him. His master died with promises left unfulfilled. All he knew how to do was keep himself alive, and make others dead. In his cell, with the cold ice creeping into his talons and his feathers, his heart which longed only for love finally froze over. If love was abandonment, then why did he care?

Now all he needed was to get out of the prison that he'd entered for love's sake. An opportunity for this would come much sooner than he was ready for.


This new Lirix who'd given up on his past, was like a different dragon entirely. The guards noticed he'd done away with the dark sulking and hateful silence, which had been replaced by a jovial mood and casual banter. He'd boldly inquire about the day of whichever unlucky guard was stationed at his cell.

One day, though, the guard was late. A few minutes with no guard was enough time for Lirix to get curious, but his question would soon be answered.

There was a blast of fire down the corridor and a rush of heat, something that Lirix hadn't felt since sharing a fire with his master. It would be welcomed if he wasn't deeply concerned about the source. He'd discover that soon as well, as a blur of blue and black was shot down the cell block before him.

The challenger was a small blue skydancer who wore dark armor. There was a chunk of ice lodged in his shoulder.

"Surrender, now!" The guard, a towering gaoler, growled as he shot more bolts of icicle. The skydancer's response was another burst of hot flames. The walls, made of hardened ice, began to sweat and crack. The guards who were uninvolved tried to use their ice to fortify the cells, but Lirix already saw his way out. He used all of his strength to push against the creaking ice, and the wall shattered.

He was out. He grinned at the guards. He was loose, he was free. He could fly away to somewhere they'd never find him. He pulled back his frosted wings in preparation to take flight, but he locked eyes with the intruder whose flames created his chance of escape.

Why did he feel bad about leaving him?

Against everything in his body telling him to fly away, he shot a stream of water magic at the attacking guard to distract him. The blue skydancer was injured, and there were guards closing in on all sides. He couldn't win.

"You'll die! You have to leave!" Lirix yelled. Why do I care?

"Leave now, prisoner. I'll m-" the response was interrupted by an icicle in his wing.

Lirix couldn't stop himself from swooping in. He grabbed the smaller skydancer as well as his nearly-numb claws could, and flew off as fast as he could manage.

"Unhand me! I have business to deal with!"

"No, I won't. That's suicide." Lirix breathed heavily with the added weight, and his wings were already tired from the cold and lack of use. But he had to get out of the prison. He had to start his new life.

He was unaware of the fact that the heart he deemed cold and loveless was beginning to thaw.

Why else would he have just risked his own life for a rescuer whose intentions were unknown?


Lirix only stopped flying when he was sure there was no one giving chase. His wings could no longer take the stress, anyway. The blue skydancer had since passed out, likely from the injuries he'd received from the gaolers.

A small cave looked like a safe haven among the cold and unwelcoming mountains of the cloudscrape crags. Weary, Lirix dragged both himself and his companion into it. His rescuer needed to be treated. I need to get out of here and guarantee my own safety. But that could wait until tomorrow. He needed to rest first.

The now-sleeping Lirix didn't know that this cave was the home of a small dragon clan, the clan of Red Wind. The extended a hand of hospitality to the two injured dragons in their entryway, taking them in and giving them medical treatment.

It was possibly Lirix's first time experiencing real love. He woke up first, as his injuries were mostly from the shock of being in the cold prison for so long. He couldn't explain why he stayed with the clan instead of flying away. He couldn't explain why he sat by his rescuer's bedside and waited for him to recover. And most all, he couldn't explain the feelings he felt when the dragon finally did wake up.

Love was the opposite of abandonment, but that truth would still be a long time coming.

▬▬ MEDIA ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
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