
Level 1 Coatl
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Coatl
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7.75 m
8.68 m
769.78 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 12, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245





tumblr_inline_nxvlh8fqs51qff8co_250.png Pererro


eqMmrc7.gifeqMmrc7.gifeqMmrc7.gifeqMmrc7.gifeqMmrc7.gifeqMmrc7.gifeqMmrc7.gifeqMmrc7.gifeqMmrc7.gif Lore:
Pererro was born in the teahouse to two loving parents, an artist and a craftsman. While she loved getting into the paints (Arcanist, it took ten hours to get the paint off her that one time...), and scraping and scratching at her father's woodcarvings (best not to go into how that went for the furniture), she always thought that both arts lacked a certain...touch.

A touch that only another dragon could truly offer. Perrero spent much of her time as an older hatchling in the hustle and bustle of the teahouse's central area. Reveling in the looks of curious travelers both regulars and just passing by, she took a high affinity to the attention. She still didn't quite get the satisfaction that she so craved. She wanted something. She knew that she did, but what was it? She didn't feel enough just wandering around the teahouse. Glittering, her scales shone so brightly in the sun's glistening; her presence alone was enough to please the wanderers. Sadly, it wasn't enough to please her.

Much of her time was spent talking with and entertaining guests. Being a hatchling, she wasn't expected to do much of anything that was especially useful. Still, her endearing interactions with the customers brought a noticeable amount of tips in, much more so than the times that she was elsewhere. Out of all of the dragons, who had come in and out of the shop a select few remained in Pererro's memory. Dragons came from Viridian Labyrinth, The Southern Icefields, and every region in-between, but of all of the customers who came by the teahouse, only two really piqued her interest. Their names were Kabegami and Gan.

The first was a Coatl adorned in an odd mix of fashionable items, and items which had been clearly used in battles, recent ones based on the scratches, dents, and murky, russet stains. Despite the odd choice of armor - could Pererro even call it armor? Regardless of what it was that she wore, the Coatl always visited with an unwavering smile, as radiant as the markings that painted her wings.

On their first visit, Kabegami had taken up to conversing with Pererro quite easily. The hatchling spent hours inquiring about Kabegami's wings and the markings that adorned them. It was odd to say the least; the Coatl was clearly scarlet, so why were her wings and chest violet. When the answer dawned on Pererro, she couldn't have been more interested. The visitor was a mage, and not just any mage, she was a skilled Plague mage. One who had somehow gained the attention of the Arcanist even if it was fleeting. Time passed and flickered by, until eventually the sun's last rays faded from the sky. At that point, Kabegami had excused herself and her companion from the teahouse, merely saying that they would come back another time. They did need to get back to their clan, and night travel could get dangerous at best. Their gracious hosts probably wanted to clean up and close shop for the night anyway. The pair left, after giving warm thanks to their hosts and generous tips for the time that they had spent there.

After the slowest couple weeks of her life, Pererro had taken up to wandering around outside of her clan's borders. She rarely got caught, when she did leave. She had been around long enough to know, when dragons are up and at what times. When she was caught wandering, the backlash wasn't exactly terrible. Her parents were fairly lax, a little too lax when it came down to it. She had been wandering around one particular night, occasionally brushing up against a frost coated, floating plant or two. The moonlight could hardly compare to the glow of magic the land put forth. The winds stirred up a gentle breeze through the winding branches that sprung up to face the Observatory just like the mountains.

The thundering sound of hooves hitting the ground came too late; eyes and spears flashed, flinching saved her the sight, but not the pain of the wounds inflicted. Tingling and electrical, fear shot through her faster than any bow could be strung. The air shifted as if the sky had been rended apart, but she dared not open her eyes. Much of her face and neck stung with a pain that echoed with a sudden screech of steel and the cries of the centaurs. The galloping started up again, faster than they had even come forth. Barely opening her uninjured eye gave Pererro a blurred view of a Coatl, who blended in with the branches as she moved. A seeping crimson mist blanketed the area, but a trickling liquid forced Pererro to close her eye once more.

"Unbelievable..." the dragon, who Pererro assumed was the one that chased her assailants off muttered loud enough for her to hear.

"What are you doing out here?" a much more familiar voice cut through the tension. "Ah, nevermind. Gan do you have the bandages? She's injured." the dragon quickly amended her question worriedly.

"Right here." Pererro almost opened her eyes surprised by who had ended up saving her, but the shooting pain of having cloth pressed against her face and the torn flesh made her whimper and turn away.

"Hold still, we need to stop the bleeding." Kabegami said, her tone shifting to a more soothing one rather quickly.

Pererro had to wonder, if Kabegami had practice with controlling how her voice sounded. Now that she was really listening, her tone had shifted much faster than most dragons would. A sharper pain gave Pererro good reason to flap her wings about, shuddering.

"Briar...?" the cloth was gently removed, and Pererro's gaze merely followed Kabegami's.

Both she and Gan had turned to the sparse trees and bushes that stood amidst the plains. Another Coatl swiftly rounded the bend, that must have been where the centaurs had been...

"I'm here. Did they hit her eye?" Briar asked, giving Pererro a once-over.

"Mmm, no..." Kabegami got a little closer to look at Pererro's face, before switching and replacing the cloth that covered her eye.

"Ouch." Pererro murmured, narrowing an eye at Kabegami slightly.

"Where are you from? We should take you back. It's not safe here." Briar said, stretching her wings, while her gaze turned back to the blindspot that she had been checking beforehand.

"We know where. Keep the cloth on those cuts, we'll take you back home. It is pretty late as it is." Kabegami said, before pushing her towards the Imperial.

"Hey..." Pererro's protests were ignored, and she still wound up perched up between the Imperial's shoulder blades despite a loud huff.

"You'll be safer with me." Gan said reassuring, shifting his wings slightly.

The young Coatl sighed, but curled up and closed her eyes doing her best to avert her attention away from the stinging of the wounds that still needed proper treatment. She only stayed quiet, while the others argued in a rather one-sidedly playful manner, due to the pain of moving anything near her eye and mouth.

"Well, I'm going to go up ahead." Briar murmured low enough that Pererro could hardly hear it.

"Oh no, you're not. Get back here you." Kabegami said, lacing her tone with a slight amount of force.

"It's safer, if someone goes and scouts ahead." Briar said irritated enough to make Pererro wonder, if she had stopped to acknowledge Kabegami, or if she was just going to go right ahead anyway.

"It's safer for Pererro, if you keep your tailfeathers here." Kabegami said with a mocking irritation to match her comrade's. "And I'm older than you. Actually we're both older than you." she added, giggling to herself.

"And I am at a higher rank than you are Gami, so I'm going to go ahead." Briar said, refusing to relent or compromise.

"You two don't need to argue, but Briar it would be safer if you stayed with us." Gan intervened smoothly.

"But she likes it." Kabegami said giggling some more.

"I do not." Briar hissed indignantly.

Pererro curled her head around a little to see what the others were doing, and Briar had indeed chosen to stay with the group. The arguing continued throughout the walk back, and Pererro even fell asleep at some point.

Upon being woken up again by Gan, Pererro discovered that she was home. She ventured off to go find her parents, and Voiceless Reverence's trio remained to explain what happened. Upon her return, it was only a duo - Briar had won her argument, and had managed to slip away for whatever reason she had managed to come up with. Once everything was said and done, Pererro was taken to have her face looked at, and the group from Voiceless Reverence returned to the Wasteland once Briar kindly rejoined the group.

Pererro's life calmed down a little afterwards. She stayed within the clan's borders, did what she needed to do to make sure that her wounds healed, and went back to merrily dealing with the teahouse's guests. There were still only a few dragons, who interested her out of all of the passersby. Fortunately they came by again one last time to see, if her wounds had healed properly.

They had. There was nothing to do about the scarring, but at least she still had a good side for paintings. She could always find masks to wear anyway. They were quite the fashion statement. Before their last visit Pererro realized something: Not all clan's had painters, and artists, and tea, and all of these nice things that her's had. Clan's like Voiceless Reverence had their Military, their clan's Guard, and a few others. Pererro could do something for them. She could give them something that they didn't have. She could mix a pretty decent tea, she could come up with witty poems on the fly, and she loved taking part in all kinds of acting. Voiceless Reverence happened to have no one, who had those skills...Well, Valen could questionably come up with all sorts of things, who knew if they had any truth to them, but at least they sounded nice.

Pererro gladly announced that she would be returning with Voiceless Reverence's best mage and their kindly druid (much to the surprise of said dragons).

Now, Pererro spends her days in Voiceless Reverence's main structure. The place is barren, no surprise there, but she did manage to make a few more friends. The oh-so esteemed poet and bard was ecstatic to have someone with similar skills. His mate was more than happy to have some help out on the floor, serving and making drinks and food for the clan's residents. Briar and her sister, Destria, almost always had a little table in the corner. - Mandatory work declared by the Queen. Work on what? Who knew? Pererro did enjoy hearing the stories both of them told though.
Marunae by E.S. Posthumus


Consoling dragon:



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Bio written by VoxxVoleur

Coding template by Akirasip

Coding template modified by VoxxVoleur
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