
"Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on."
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Female Spiral
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Whirlwind Emblem
Druid's Woodmask
Bloody Head Bandage
Druid's Woodbrace
Magician's Cloak
Veteran's Leg Scars
Bloody Neck Bandage
Glowing Red Clawtips
Plasmpool Tailspine


Skin: Copper Melt


Scene: Mire


4.22 m
1.67 m
60.51 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 13, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Spiral
Max Level



Caelestis Viridis Clan

19185931.png P E R S E P H O N E
{ perSE - Fo - nee }
meaning "bringer of destruction"x
Nickname(s): Hailey
by Josh A

"Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on." - Author unknown.



Birth Element

07439048a79a7109f086908a9717179d64a1fcbd.png a922ec5c573bccc1d57aef84d78cfa19067bc414.png
In a secluded part of the lair, two bright green eyes glare at you through a mask made of wood and feathers. Saliva is dropping from the spiral's mouth as you try to make up whether or not you should just turn around and pretend you did not see anything.
Her voice sounds a little metallic, but somehow melodic too.
"I don't know you. Are you new here? Oh, so you're a traveller - that's fine I guess." She definitely sounded insecure saying those last few words.
"I'm not good with strangers or small talk. I always say what I think and the truth can be ugly sometimes. Don't be offended, please. I guess I did not introduce myself yet. My name is Persephone and I'm a warrior. I take part in the coliseum and train the youngsters." You get the impression she wants to add something, but stops herself from saying any more. She seems to be quite uncomfortable around you and also self-conscious.
"Excuse me, please. I do need to get back to my trainees now." Persephone quickly slips past you and leaves the lair through a side entrance.


19275111.png Phlegethon - Mate
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1506243.png Name - Relationship
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.


"Valkyrie" { VAL - ki - ree }, is a female Nightmare. Some sort of equine creature which suddenly appeared in the woods close to the clan’s hunting grounds. Valkyrie can talk normally, but she shares a special bond with Persephone and can talk with her through dreams too. Even though her species labels her as a ‘nightmare’, Valkyrie only shares good dreams with Persephone. She is a loyal familiar and hates to see her dragon companion suffer from the strange voices in their head.

For some reason Valkyrie can “block” Persephone’s thoughts sometimes, but it doesn’t always work. When the dragon can’t sleep at all, Valkyrie will stay up too and try to make her companion feel at ease. Their relationship is based on mutual trust and one of Persephone’s best relationships besides the one with Phlegethon.

Valkyrie usually stays away from other dragons and doesn’t really communicate with the other familiars. She wants to eat and sleep in peace and even dislikes some of the very lively and noisy familiars. Despite what some may assume when they see her, Valkyrie is not a fighter and prefers flight. She does not understand Persephone’s liking to fighting actions and will scold the dragon for unnecessary bloodshed.

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"Look what I found Argo." A female voice said. She dropped a Guardian hatchling from her claws.
A male voice chuckled. He was huge, even for an Imperial. His smile was twisted.
"Perfect." He said. The hatchling was obviously scared. She had been playing hide and seek with her siblings when she suddenly stumbled into a big dragon. The female Imperial had grabbed her wordlessly and taken her to a dark cavern.

The hatchling passed out when she was struck with powerful magic. Her small body was unable to process everything at once. She transformed, aged, changed from a Guardian to a Spiral body and fell to the ground, lifeless. During this process she was infected, but since she was unconscious, she was none the wiser.

After they were done with their little magic experiment they threw the Spiral out of their cavern. They thought she didn't make it. When she woke up after days of residing in limbo, the dragoness was panicking. What had happened to her? How could she have grown up in a matter of..., wait, how much time had passed? Why was she a Spiral? She panicked until she started to hyperventilate.

Before she could pass out once more, a voice called to her: "Persephone..."
Persephone? Was that her name?

Persephone was born as a Guardian in Wind Flight territory. Back then life was easy. Her parents loved and protected her.
Hailey just doesn't remember them. In fact she doesn't remember anything that happened before she was found by Eulalios and Eudoxia and taken in by them as a young adult. Persephone was badly injured in a storm when she had been violently thrown around.

The disease had already been inside her body at that point and she'd already been a Spiral too. Hector and Daphne nursed her back to health. At least they healed her wounds. No one knew about the parasite at this point in time. Hailey behaved like your average Spiral. She was a spunky girl, always on her feet, always out exploring and always ready to fight. Back then the clan was still small and not really established.
The Guardian breed's battle mentality stuck with Hailey, despite being a Spiral, and she was willing to fight for her clan mates. Fear was basically nonexistent to her. It was obvious from the very start that Persephone was incredibly loyal and dedicated to every task given to her.

The symptoms of her disease started slowly and were barely noticeable. During this time Phlegethon joined the clan. Hailey and him became fast friends and quickly noticed they had fallen for each other. Their relationship was made official a few months later.

Her mate was the first to notice when Persephone's symptoms got worse. She tried to hide them, but her personality changed drastically. Hailey became guarded, tried to avoid the other dragons in the clan. Soon after she became almost bipolar. Her personality changed in the blink of an eye and she accidentally hurt her clan mates in the process of her violent outbursts.

Many times she ended up running away, crying herself to sleep, because she didn't know what was wrong with her. Hailey wondered what had been done to her. How she ended up as a Spiral, how she had been separated from her parents.
Phlegethon and her familiar Valkyrie were the ones she trusted with all her heart, the ones she'd never hurt. Her mate always found her and brought her back. Sometimes even he was scared of her, but his love was stronger than his fear.
The first two clutches they raised were sickly and the hatchlings perished soon after hatching. Some clan members thought Persephone hurt them, but Eudoxia quickly shut any rumors down and after Hector had examined the hatchlings, he confirmed that they had been sick not injured.

From that point onward, Hailey's symptoms only got worse and her clan mates watched with great worry how she deteriorated on a daily basis. Hector noted down her symptoms. She seemed like she was unable to control her body sometimes, much less her emotions. He observed movements which seemed remote-controlled. On top of that, Persephone had impaired wound healing with some wounds never healing properly, blood mixing into her saliva and problems with her vision from time to time. Hector had trouble examining Hailey, because she was afraid of the process.
The doctor tried very hard to find a diagnosis and eventually settled on some kind of parasite. It couldn't really be anything else, unless she was cursed or affected by another dragon, both things he quickly ruled out, because they were extremely unlikely. Eulalios and Eudoxia were concerned for Persephone, but they also feared for the other clan members. At this point she posed a real danger for everyone around. Kara and Hecate took turns guarding her. Phlegethon was always by her side too.

Meanwhile there was a war going on inside Hailey's head. She heard voices. At first they were quiet and she was able to dismiss them, but over time they grew louder and louder, until she was freaked out by the voices screaming at her.
"I should tell them about those voices I hear. Maybe Hector can help me."
"No, child. This is our little secret. Just do as we say."
"Why? Leave me alone."
"But we are a part of you now."
"Leave me alone. Everyone hates me now. Even my dear Phlegethon is scared of me."
"They should hate us. They should obey us too."
"NO! Leave me ALONE. Leave them alone. Stop controlling me!"
"Yes, my child. They should fear you and they will fear you. It's only going to become worse from now."
"You can't be serious. Get out of my head!"
...The only noise she got in response was laughter which became louder and louder until it erupted in a shriek. A shriek which could have ripped her eardrums apart if it wasn't only inside her head.
Eventually she started to sob and finally cried. Yet no one heard or saw her, because she hid from everyone. They wouldn't understand, the monster was right. She was scared... scared of the monster inside her which grew stronger with each passing day. Took control of her body and her subconsciousness.

Because she was scared of herself, Persephone would isolate herself from the rest of the clan. While the voices in her head told her to cause havoc, she resisted. Hailey refused to hurt any more dragons out of a psychosis, especially those in her own clan.
The day came when it was all too much. Even though the parasite couldn't live without her, it started to cause too much damage in her head. Phlegethon found her lying in the middle of the clan's training grounds, passed out and bleeding. He was horrified and carried her body to Hector's office.

"Can you save her?" Phlegethon asked the Coatl.
"I don't know. I need to perform some extensive tests on her." Hector answers and grabs a sheet of paper. "Here, can you run this by Daphne? She needs to help me and grab a few medications to anesthetize her. I don't think Persephone can take this much longer, whatever 'this' may be." The Coatl added.
Phlegethon was worried sick. His stomach turned while he carried out his task. Daphne quickly packed some stuff and went on to help Hector.

Hours passed until the Coatl doctor emerged from his office. Phlegethon had paced the corridor all this time. He couldn't read Hector's expression. It was guarded.
"She's alive."
"You don't sound happy though." Phlegethon remarked.
"I'm not. She's alive, but it doesn't mean she'll wake up and I don't know if it was too late."
"Too late?"
"Too late to save her mind. Her memories, her ability to move. I don't know if her brain is intact."
The brown Spiral sighed. Those weren't good news. They were mediocre at best. Phlegethon didn't have it in him to ask what had caused all this. He could ask later.

Yet Persephone defied all odds. Once again the Guardian inside her wanted to resume it's task. She felt dizzy at first and like a good chunk had been ripped out of her head. Her limbs felt numb and she had trouble walking more than a few steps, but she was alive.

When Phlegethon approached her, the male was scared. What if she didn't recognize him? Hector was there too, in case she had any questions.
"Do you... Do you remember us Hailey?" The Spiral asked.
"Of course. Thank you Taro. I couldn't tell you recently, but I love you. So much. I know you were probably so afraid, but you still protected me. And thank you too Hector. I don't know what you did, but these voices are finally gone and I hope they stay away." Persephone answered.
Phlegethon carefully nuzzled Hailey's neck and wrapped himself around her.
"Do you want to know what it was?" Hector asked.
"I do."
"You had a parasite inside your head. I've never seen something like it before. It was sterile and couldn't live without a host. Someone must have infected you with it on purpose. It was some kind of cross between different species, that's why it was infertile. My guess is that it came from somewhere in Plague territory."

It took Persephone a long time to recover from her condition. She was stuck on the ground, because she didn't know how to fly anymore. Rajani was the one to guide her. The black Mirror was extremely fast on the ground and taught Persephone how to use her body more effectively. It was very difficult for the Spiral who had spend most of her life in the air and she didn't remember how life as a Guardian was like so she couldn't compare.

Her body wasn't really made for walking in the first place, but any time she tried to fly, Hailey ended up in tangled knots on the ground. Her confidence hit rock bottom.
And the effects of the parasite had left other lasting damage too. While there was no more blood dripping from her mouth, she was still drooling way more than normal. Sometimes she had trouble forming coherent sentences and other times she didn't have enough energy to get up. Phlegethon, Kara and Rajani were the only dragons she really accepted around by free will. They tried to comfort her the best they could. Rajani even told her about her own past and how she could understand what had happened to Persephone.

One night, when Hailey noticed she kept her mate up at night by tossing and turning all the time, she waited until he was really asleep and left the den.
She slipped past the guards and eventually stood at the edge of the cliff near Caelestis Viridis' lair. The wind howled and echoed off the walls.
"Please, Windsinger, please carry me. I want to fly again. I trust you to not let me fall." Persephone whispered into the darkness. The Spiral stretched her wings, testing their mobility, before she took a leap of faith and jumped into the darkness in front of her.

It felt like falling. It was falling and it was a quick fall. Until some kind of energy shot through her whole body and a wind current lifted her back into the air. She was flying.
For the first time in years, Persephone laughed. It was a laugh in it's purest form. She twirled through the air and landed safely back on top of the cliff.
"Thank you." She whispered once more.
Unnoticed by anyone she slipped back into her den and settled down next to Phlegethon. It was the first time in months she could sleep peacefully.

Persephone is still a very guarded and insecure dragon. She prefers to stick to the clan members she knows best and she is afraid of forming new friendships. Most of the time she doubts her own abilities and fears she's not good enough to train the young dragons in the coliseum.
She is a great teacher, but she can't see it herself. Hailey treats her hatchlings like porcelain figures and is afraid to make a mistake every time she and Phlegethon have a clutch. Everyone but her would say she is a good mother now.

She will never be like an average Spiral again and she'll probably never remember where she came from and what happened, but Persephone feels at peace now. This is her home. She is loved, she has a few good friends, she knows her clan mates aren't afraid of her anymore and the youngsters rely on her training. Life is good now.

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