
"Silence is the most dangerous weapon in my arsenal."
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Serrated Snake
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Mirror
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Personal Style


Summer Swelter
Infectionist's Emblem
Golden Fillet
Furious Headdress
Furious Shoulder Guard
Golden Wing Silks
Ornate Gold Necklace
Glowing Gold Clawtips


Skin: Rejuvenate


Scene: Sunparched Prowl


6.91 m
6.19 m
515.29 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 01, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 15 Mirror
EXP: 11009 / 60881
Diseased Might Fragment
Diseased Might Fragment




  • none



Caelestis Viridis Clan

39197034.png R A J A N I
{ rah - jah - NEE }
meaning "the dark one"xxx
Nickname(s): Raj, Silence
by XOV

"Silence is the most dangerous weapon in my arsenal." - Author unknown.



Birth Element

07439048a79a7109f086908a9717179d64a1fcbd.png a922ec5c573bccc1d57aef84d78cfa19067bc414.png
At some point during your stay in the Caelestis Viridis lair, you feel two eyes on you. The corridor in front of you is well lit with very detailed dragon statues lining it. Once you set a foot onto the silvery carpet to continue your tour through the various rooms, your eyes fall onto two red orbs looking back at you. You wouldn’t have spotted the dragon lingering in the shadows, if not for those eyes. Once the Mirror steps into the light of the corridor, the golden apparel adorning her hide catches your interest. She is lean and muscular, her polished obsidian scales sitting tight on her trained body.
Unlike anything you would have imagined by her looks, her voice is melodic and soothing.
“I’m sorry traveler, but back there is our vault. Please turn around.” She doesn’t introduce herself. Instead she gives you an intensive look. You hear voices from further down the corridor. Probably guards in charge of the vault. Since you’re not here to cause trouble, you choose a different route to continue your tour.


57757758.png Rajesh - Mate
Their bond is something many dragons in the clan are a little jealous of. Rajani would do everything for Rajesh and he'd do anything for her. Their love is special.
20674584.png Lykaon - Best Friend
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
37168572.png Lucina - Good Friend
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
82815488.png Katida - Friend
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.


"Pandora" { paen - dAW - ruh }, is a female Swamphaunt Kelpie. Rajani met Pandora by coincidence when the kelpie stole fish from the hunting bags the Mirror brought along. In the beginning Rajani wanted to kill the kelpie, but she eventually decided to befriend the clever creature. The Mirror lured Pandora with fish until she had her trapped in a small abandoned cave. There she left the kelpie with the choice to either join her as her familiar or be killed for her rash behaviour.

The decision was quickly made and Pandora joined Rajani. It turned out she was a great hunting companion and surprisingly quick on land. She still needs to return to the water quite often to stay healthy. Her help is especially useful when Rajani hunts near the water, because the Mirror isn’t too thrilled about swimming. Pandora is friendly for a kelpie and likes to be near other aquatic familiars.

Pandora likes shiny things and may steal from other dragons. Rajani always tries to find the things Pandora grabs, but it’s not easy at all. The clan members usually won’t notice small things going missing, but every once in a while it becomes a problem. Even though Pandora can’t really do something about the urge to collect shiny things, it’s a habit Rajani always tries to train out of her.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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Trigger Warning: Violence!

Rajani was born to become part of a dubious experiment. Her parents were out of the picture, because the scientists did not want any dragon to interfere with their way of socializing their experiments. Rajani’s parents were chosen for their looks, strength and hunting abilities, not for their parenting skills.
She was hatched somewhere in Plague Flight territory, but Rajani never knew where exactly the laboratories and other facilities were located.
As a hatchling she didn’t even have a name, because the scientists did not expect her to live to adulthood. The name “Rajani” would only become hers after years of struggle and pain.
Since there were many hatchlings around the facilities, they were given numbers. Rajani was addressed as “Experiment X34669”. The scientists were a group of strange looking dragons of different breeds she couldn’t name at the time. Mirrors included.

Something had always been off about X34669. She was quiet and preferred to keep to herself. Her introvert personality probably saved her life in the end. The other hatchlings and adolescents would fight for dominance which was unusual in other clans as Rajani would find out later. Especially hatchlings shouldn’t have to fight for anything.
The worst thing about it was: nobody cared. Quite the opposite seemed to be the case. The scientists were even thrilled to see the hatchlings behave that way. X34669 believed they were disappointed she would not participate.

One day, one of the scientists, a huge male Mirror dragon, would come up to X34669 and tell her to come with him. X34669 was suspicious of him, but she obeyed as she did not know what else she could have done. The small black female was scared and trembled for the duration of the walk. X34669 had never been allowed to leave the hatchling chamber before.
Outside of the lair she smelled fresh air for the first time. It was dark outside. She was a little overwhelmed by all the new impressions. The scientist suddenly placed another hatchling in front of her. It was a little smaller than her and very light in color. Almost white. As Rajani should find out later, the hatchling was a young male Coatl and abandoned by his parents, because of his color.

The scientist seemed to wait for a reaction from X34669. She only stared at the other hatchling and observed his warm orange eyes. Eventually she poked him with one of her talons. The other hatchling ruffled his plumage and tried to appear larger. She was confused and poked the white one again. After some time, they ran around the lair entrance and played. They played as hatchlings should. For a short amount of time, life was normal.

From a distance the Mirror scientist watched them closely. A female Nocturne joined him. The scientists observed the playing hatchlings together for a few minutes.

“Isn’t she too friendly for Project A346?” The Nocturne suddenly asked.
“No, I think X34669 is just right for what we need. She’s very obedient and clear in her head unlike most of the other hatchlings.” The Mirror answered.
“Maybe. At least she seems to possess more intelligence than the rest of the current A346 group... Well, for now.”
“She’s the only candidate who did not attack the Coatl hatchling on sight.”
“Yes. I saw that. What do you plan on doing with it anyway? It’s not like we have a use for him.”
“Do you suggest getting rid of him or leaving him to the shredders?”
“The other Mirror hatchlings from Project A346.”
“Oh, you call them shredders… Suits them. I wonder how they can be so cruel towards each other sometimes. I guess it was to be expected. I don’t know about the Coatl though. His parents didn’t want him, hell his whole breed doesn’t accept him because of his coloring. Wouldn’t it be better…?”
“Oh, shut up Vorleis. We’re not harming that hatchling. I’ve seen more of Sornieth than you have for sure and I’ve seen more than one bright colored Coatl who was happy in their clan.”
“I wasn’t aware I struck a nerve there, Braigim. Maybe Corvus can take him to the market.”
Braigim snarled at Vorleis. He pushed up his fins and looked even taller than he already was.
“I won’t let Corvus near any hatchling anymore. Thanks for your input though. I will take the Coatl there myself.”
Vorleis looked intimidated by the much larger Mirror and just slipped away before he could sink his teeth into her scales. Braigim certainly looked like he wanted to.

The Mirror grabbed the Coatl hatchling carefully and walked away with him. Braigim threw a sympathetic glance towards the small black Mirror hatchling as he passed her. X34669 wanted to follow them, but she stood still at the sharp whistle of Vorleis behind her.
She was advised to follow her to another part of the lair.
“From now on, your name is X-act.” The Nocturne said and left the young Mirror female to herself. Rajani should forget her name used to be X-act and never recover those memories.

X-act was a fast learner. She quickly caught on to the training of older dragons, even outsmarted them. As she got older and stronger herself, X-act was able to overpower most dragons from her group.

She turned out to be a fierce hunter, chasing her prey over miles and miles with seemingly endless energy. X-act ended her prey quickly and without making much of a mess. She was advised to be fast and as quiet as possible with everything she did and she was.
The scientists never restrained her and eventually allowed her to move freely in the lair. A mistake they should regret later on.
X-act even met her parents Grid and Sixx without knowing who they were, yet they did not get along at all. It was probably for the better they did not recognize each other.

Someday, she strolled around the lair, suddenly hearing strange noises coming from one of the caves inside the lair. X-act broke through the huge door, seeing the scientists perform tests on a dragonly life form.
Through a window X-act spotted more of the strange looking creatures.

The sight alone traumatized her. She left and darted out of the lair, towards the “Rotrock Rim” where she would hunt usually.
X-act knew the scientists would come for her. For the first time in her life she wasn’t the silent slayer.
The scientists eventually found X-act. She lashed out at them, biting and scratching holes into their white apparel. Their large number was too much to take on for the young Mirror though.

Back in the lair they tried to explain their plans to X-act. That they wanted to create the perfect hunter. Project A346 had been started to identify genetic traits which would improve hunting successes. That sacrifice was necessary. She did not listen however. Nothing justified their actions.
It was the day the obedient X-act became a nightmare to handle for the scientists. She did not obey orders anymore and she scared the prey away from the hunting groups, which made food scarce for the clan. Eventually she was put in chains, a magical collar making it impossible for her to come free.

X-act’s only ally was Braigim. The grey Mirror male offered comfort to her. Something no one else ever had. He visited her every day and brought food as she could no longer get it herself. A shy feeling bloomed inside of her. One she couldn’t identify and one Braigim didn’t allow her to explore. He told X-act if she let her feelings take over, she would only be hurt even more. And he would be right. Braigim was helpless as the other scientists decided X-act wasn’t fulfilling the criteria for the project anymore.

Her behavior led the scientists to a conclusion: she was useless.
Through a lie they offered her on the market. X-act was put up for sale as their biggest success at creating a hunter. They told interested parties X-act needed a new home, because her color wasn’t suitable for the project. It was a lie of course. When X-act lashed out at a possible buyer, the scientists put some sort of a muzzle on her and told them she was very distrustful of others.

It was a sick practice they had going on. What made them better than her? It wasn’t their real intention to find a new job for her to do.
Fury boiled inside X-act.
Finally someone named the right price. She was given to a hierarchical clan, with a king, a queen and a snobby prince. X-act straight up wanted to rip off his face. They told her countless times how important their roles in the clan were and that they’d never get their claws dirty. That hunting needed to be done by someone else of lesser standing. As she was led away by a Guardian, X-act looked back one more time to spot a defeated Braigim. He did not look up, but X-act could see his expression held pain.

”I told you she wasn’t fit for the project. She decided for herself- something we wanted to shut off.”
“Shut up Vorleis. I told you; you are heartless. Countless times. I was right too.”
“What’s it with you Braigim? You WANTED to become a part of our team. Ever since X-act came into the picture you’ve been behaving differently.”
“I’m leaving. I just hope I never see any of you again.”
Leaving a speechless Vorleis behind, Braigim took off towards an unknown location.

At first X-act did not understand why the clan was that rich, until she found out they only got there through fraud. She did not really care though. No one in that clan was good towards her. X-act was punished when she disobeyed.

For a few years she would do her job and hunt for the clan, but eventually she freaked out and heavily injured a warrior to flee from her prison.
As a result she was chained to a wall again. Magic infused chains made her painfully aware of how helpless she was.
At first, they tried to make her listen through shady methods, but it didn’t work on her. A few times they freed her from the chain to hunt and she would simply try to escape and they needed to capture her.
When it was only a hassle rather than a profit to set her free, X-act was permanently chained to one spot and simply kept as a prisoner.

Over months her scales lost their luminosity and her eyes became lifeless. She had nothing to do, except to think about what she would do to them if she ever came free of the chains. Sometimes Braigim came into her mind. With thoughts of him, sadness crept into her heart.
Over the years she forgot her name. When she asked, no one told her. They said she wasn’t allowed to have a name. She was just a decoration. A reminder to everyone who was disobedient to them. The black Mirror couldn’t understand how any dragon could be loyal to those monsters.

She had to live off of leftovers and old meat no one else wanted.
The thoughts of revenge turned her crazy.
Everything only seemed to get worse until one day she was saved from her misery by dragons who definitely weren’t saviors at all.

Blood was dripping from a lifeless dragon lying in the background of the scene. Claws scratched the ground and high-pitched screams filled the air. Usually pearly white teeth were now crimson colored and normally well-kept, shiny scales were chipped, ripped out and left injuries.
The clan did not expect the group of raiders to be so strong. Underestimating the outsiders lead to their inevitable destruction.

In a barely visible corner, the black Mirror was still chained to a wall. Her attempts to break free of her collar weren’t successful. Her neck was sore from wearing it and her skin was irritated and overly sensitive. It also started to change her appearance. While the rest of her body was obsidian in color, the collar caused the skin on her neck to turn almost grey. The magic fused into the chain caused the effect to worsen.

When the clan’s prince crashed head first into the wall next to her, she couldn’t help but feel satisfied. His impact caused the chain to rip out of the wall and freed the female from her misery. Yet the years of living on the ground had weakened her wings to the point where she was completely unable to fly. Once again, panic started to kick in. She had no idea where to run to. The battle was raging all around her. When she made a turn for the main gate, someone stepped on the chain still attached to her collar and sent her flying to the ground.

The dark blue colored Guardian male had a sick smile on his face. Rage build up in the black Mirror’s chest. His expression reminded her of the scientists when they had finally found a buyer for her. When she attacked him, the Mirror put the fury and pain of years of being kept in confinement into her assault. Her sharp, needle-like teeth pierced his neck while her pointy claws scratched over his chest. She was too weak though. The Guardian was all mass and muscle and she was only a pitiful pile of exhaustion.
As she waited for her demise, she was suddenly thrown backwards. Even the Guardian was surprised, not for the same reason though. The events unfolding afterwards were a blur for the black female. One second, she was helpless on the ground, the next she was pulled to her legs by the chain and out of the main gate. Her brain told her to run for her life, so she did.

She ran and ran and ran, until eventually the home of the Wind Flight, the “Windswept Plateau”, stretched in front of her. Only then did she realize she wasn’t alone.
“Braigim.” She whispered. His name came to her naturally. While she had forgotten almost everything else, his name stuck around in her head. Exhaustion clouded his features and he was injured. Because it was dark she couldn’t tell how bad his injuries were. He smiled though.
“I didn’t think you’d remember me.” He said.
“You’re about the only thing I remember. Besides the whole market thing.”
“That’s what you should have forgotten about. Come, let’s find shelter for the night.”
She followed him. She did not question him. She was just thankful. The red glowing chain was still attached to her collar. It seemed to grow more painful by the minute, but she didn’t dare to complain.
They quickly found an abandoned cave. Side by side the Mirrors fell asleep. Only the black female would wake back up in the morning though…

She tapped him. She shook him. She touched her head to his. No movement. No heartbeat. Lifeless. Her talons were covered in sticky blood. As light fell into the cave she could see just how grave his injuries were. Braigim had saved her, but lost his own life in the process.

The nameless Mirror was devastated. She couldn’t believe he wasn’t with her anymore. Days went by. She grew weaker with every passing day, but she didn’t want to leave Braigim behind. Didn’t know what to do.

After a few more days, a large shadow suddenly blocked her access to the light. As the nameless black female looked up, an equally dark Skydancer stood in front of her. His eyes were as red as her own and he was gorgeous. He took in the lifeless form next to her. The Skydancer walked around the pair, taking notes of the injuries and the chain.

“I hoped it would turn out differently for him. What a shame.” He said matter-of-factly.
“What do you mean, who are you?” The nameless asked. His eyes switched to her, transfixed.
“My name is Rajesh. I met Braigim a few years ago. We became friends and joined a group of raiders. We both had a lot of things in common. You must be the girl he always talked about. Both of us did not want to be among those brutal bandits, but it was the easiest way to acquire information. Information we both needed. The fact he spend so much energy looking for you, then found you and lost like this, pains me very much.”
She was speechless for quite some time.
“What’s your name? Braigim always mentioned you, but never your name.”
“I don’t have a name.” She answered weakly.
“You don’t have to explain yourself. He told me about your… your history, your background. I’m sorry.”
“Well, you probably know me better than I do right now.”
“You can’t stay here. You can’t do this after he sacrificed himself for you. You should live.”

Rajesh grabbed the chain and pulled her away from Braigim’s body. She struggled for a brief moment, but quickly gave in. The Skydancer looked at her gaunt body with wide eyes, but he didn’t say anything.

They lived next to each other in silence. He hunted for her and provided her with enough food to build up a healthier weight again. Neither of them knew how to talk to the other one, especially since the black female didn’t have a name.

One night they both laid down on Featherback Boar pelts on opposite sides of their temporary home.
After a while the black female fell asleep. She actually dreamt of Rajesh’s past, but she couldn’t remember anything of it. When she woke up, she wondered if he was capable of manipulating other’s minds. He was still asleep when the Mirror sneaked out. A starry sky watched over her. Worries crept into her head. What were his motives for caring for her? Just a tribute to his best friend?
She neither heard nor noticed him approach her.
“Why would you go outside at this time? You’re still injured. You need to rest. There could be enemies around.” He said in a stern tone.
The female whirled around and bared her teeth at the male despite her aching wounds.

“What is your business?!” The Mirror snarled. Her temper was changing quickly.
“Whoa there little one, keep your claws tucked away.” Rajesh chuckled. His posture was relaxed.
Because of his lax attitude he wasn’t prepared for her attack. With a furious growl she jumped onto his back and bit down on his neck. Rajesh choked and struggled, but eventually he was able to get rid of her. Her consciousness slipped away when she hit the ground. Now she was certain he wasn’t on her side.

When she woke up from her dreamless blackout, the black Mirror was inside the cave once more and her body placed back on a Featherback Boar pelt. What put her off though, was that the weight pulling down her neck was gone. Neither the chain nor the collar was there anymore.
“I thought you would like your freedom back.” That voice belonged to Rajesh.
“I’m sorry for toying with you. I’m not very well socialized.” He added.
“What do you want from me? Either tell me what you want or leave me here to, well…” The female whispered.
“Stop fighting me. Listen, I know I wronged you. Let me help you to get you somewhere safe. I owe this to Braigim.”

After their “fight” everything was different. They had fun together. Rajesh helped Nameless to become accustomed to hunting in Wind Flight territory. The more time they spend together the more they understood each other.
The Mirror believed she felt feelings she never had explored before, like those she felt for Braigim, until one day Rajesh was gone. Despite her recovering senses she couldn’t find him anywhere and he did not leave any hints behind.

She started to have horrible nightmares. Thousands of dragons would come after her and chase her to exhaustion. Every time before they could reach her, she would wake up. One day a black silhouette appeared in her dreams and called her “Rajani”.
When she woke up she decided that would be her new name.

Eventually mania clouded her eyes or rather her every sense. Every time she sank her teeth into her prey, she lost more and more of her sanity.
That was until one day she stumbled upon Lykaon. The dark colored Nocturne had purplish tints mixed into his scales. She wouldn’t have noticed him if not for the Shadow Flight runes glowing in a bright purple and his spirit bat familiar. Her first impulse made the Mirror attack the Nocturne. For some reason he reminded her of Vorleis, the scientist. Probably only because he was a Nocturne, but she wasn’t sane in that moment. Rajani stood no chance against the strong hunter though. He put her to the ground like she was weightless and pinned her on the spot.
“State your reason to be in my clan’s territory or I’ll kill you.” His sharp voice made her flinch.
“I’m a traveler.”
“You surely don’t look like the travelers usually traversing our terrain. I’ve certainly never been attacked by a traveler, in marked clan territory even.”
“I never said I was like the travelers you usually get.”
“Quit the joking. I’m serious.”
“I’m a failed genetic experiment on the run. My savior is dead and my only real friend disappeared without a trace. I’m going insane. More so with every passing day.”
“A genetic experiment?”
“It’s complicated.” Rajani calmed down and the Nocturne let go of her so they could talk face to face. “Thank you. Well, I could try to explain, but I forgot a whole lot while I was held captive in another clan.”
“Tell me. I’ve got the time.”
So Rajani told him everything she remembered. Of the scientists, of their experiments, of her imprisonment by that cruel royal family and escaping to Wind Flight territory. Also, of Braigim and Rajesh. When she was finished, the Nocturne male looked at her with a very different expression. And what she couldn’t know, was that his opinion of her had also changed. He could tell she wasn’t lying.
“You’re a real survivor. I can’t imagine what you must have been going through. If you’d like you can come with me and I’ll introduce you to our clan leaders. I’m sure they will help you get back to your feet. You still have quite a few injuries which need tending to. Maybe you could stay with us and become a hunter for the clan. Judging by the blood on my trails recently, you’d make a fantastic hunter. We need to talk about your tidiness though.”
“That would be nice.”
Little could he know what Rajani had learned about hunting. She couldn’t put it in words even. Had forgotten many things she was naturally good at.
“I’m Lykaon by the way. What’s your name?”

“Alright, follow me then.”

Rajani had a few problems adjusting to a normal clan life. Everyone seemed nice, but trusting them was hard for her. She wasn’t ready to open up to everyone and she was thankful to Lykaon he kept everything she told him for himself. To her surprise no one pushed her or tried to make her talk. The clan’s nurse, Daphne, professionally treated her wounds without asking where they came from in the first place.
“You need to apply these antiseptic herbs to the wounds two times a day. If you need help just ask me or our doctor Hector. Otherwise I’ll see you to change your bandages.” Daphne said with a smile and returned to organizing her medications.
“Thank you Daphne.” Rajani returned the smile, even though it looked slightly awkward.

A few months into the start of her new life, Rajani had learned, more or less, how normal dragons behaved and lived. She was a little scared by the Guardians and the Imperials, but overall, she decided it was okay to trust them.
Rajani’s wounds had healed and her scales had recovered their beautiful sheen. Even the grey bands around her neck had disappeared.

She made a great hunting team with Lykaon who was actually sad she was so much faster than him. Of course, he never said it out loud.
While her endurance in the air was limited, she could run for ages without tiring, unlike Lykaon who felt absolutely misplaced on the ground. That way they managed to compensate for each other’s weaknesses though. The Caelestis Viridis Clan members had started to trust Rajani and she started to trust them. She became a part of the clan and was truly happy for the first time in her life.

One particular day she was sent out to hunt alone.
As she was weaving through a group of trees she did not recognize the huge dark shadow on the way wasn’t a shadow.
Rajani crashed into it. The impact made her fly over to the right side. A little dizzy she tried to get up, realizing who stood in front of her.
“Rajesh?!” She exclaimed in total disbelief.
The Skydancer looked at her in shock as he realized too. Rajani looked completely different from the last time he saw her, with her clean scales and the pretty apparel.
“You? Oh, I mean, well, you?” He seemed genuinely surprised to see her.
“You’re probably not glad to see me, right?” Rajani asked and got back to her legs.
Rajesh looked her up and down, not sure what to say.
“You can call me Rajani now.”
“You remembered your name?”
“No, I dreamed of it.”
Rajesh was pacing around and Rajani saw how uncomfortable he was with the situation.

After a few minutes of silence Rajani spoke up.
“I need to continue my hunt. My new clan counts on me. Maybe…, well, maybe we’ll see each other again some time.” Her voice was quiet, disappointed even. She slowly retreated, ready to continue on her way.
Rajesh hesitated. “Wait. They say you always meet twice. That doesn’t mean we’ll get another chance.”
“What chance?”
“When I left you, I did because I was scared.”
“Scared of what?” Rajani was genuinely confused.
Rajesh came closer towards her and touched his head against hers. Rajani looked at him wide eyed and stumbled backwards. That strange feeling from months ago returned. She was hesitant. Was she allowed to feel like this? Wasn’t this unfair to Braigim? But, wouldn’t he want her to be happy? Rajani’s thoughts were racing and she was unable to sort them.
“I… I can’t.”
“See, that’s what I was scared of.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was afraid you did not feel the same. It seems like I was right.” He turned his head away, obviously hurt.
“But I don’t know what I feel Rajesh. I am confused. I never felt like this before. I was always taught to be rational, not to allow others to cloud my judgement. I was betrayed, hurt and exploited. This is all new for me. And I don’t know, I feel like I am betraying Braigim if I allow these feelings.”
Rajesh gently touched his head against hers again. All the talking wouldn’t express what formed between them.

Rajani decided to follow Rajesh back to a small clearing where he had set up a temporary camp. For the next few days they talked about their feelings and spent time together. Rajesh told Rajani more about Braigim, about the motives he had and why he had joined the scientists and how he fell in love with Rajani and wanted to make up for not stepping in when the others put her on the market.
“So, he really always felt that way about me? I remember he said we weren’t allowed to be with each other and allowing those feelings would just hurt me.”
“Braigim was always looking out for you. He told me he faked documents so they wouldn’t perform some tests on your body. I know he loved you. And I know it is strange, but I fell in love with you too. So quickly it actually scared me more than anything. I’m sorry for running away.”
Rajani snuggled closer to the Skydancer. She didn’t know how to show her affection properly, but she tried to mimic what she saw her fellow clan mates doing.

Eventually Rajani decided she wanted to go back to her clan. She felt safe and at home with them.
“I want to go back to my clan and I want you to come with me.”
“But it could just be the two of us. No rules, no one to tell us what we need to do. I can keep you safe, I promise.”
“You’re a manipulator, a magician, not a real fighter.”
“But I love you and I’d do anything to protect you. You’ve only seen a fraction of what I’m capable of. Rajani, I’m not perfect, in reality, I’m far from perfection, but I know I’d do everything for you.”
“Then come with me if you’d do anything for me. Rajesh, you don’t need to be scared of them. They are nice and they never pushed me for answers or forced me to do anything. I feel guilty for just disappearing.”
“You got me there. Alright, if that’s what you want, I’ll come with you. I couldn’t carry on without you either way.” The two shared a smile. A smile full of affection for each other.

Once she convinced him, Rajani took Rajesh to Eulalios and Eudoxia. As an apology for her long absence, Rajani and Rajesh spent hours hunting for the clan and brought a lot of meat and seafood for everyone with them.

They accepted her apology without judgement and admitted they were worried when she did not come back. Both Eulalios and Eudoxia greeted Rajesh with a lot of friendliness and understanding for the pair. Of course, he was accepted into the clan as Rajani’s mate.

Even though Rajani had a rough start into life, had to endure imprisonment, pain and loss and as a result is very distrustful of strangers, she found love and acceptance with Caelestis Viridis and Rajesh.
Ever since he came back and she found a save home her nightmares had fully stopped. She always went to sleep later than Rajesh to quietly talk to Braigim. She would sit outside of the clan cave, staring up at the stars and whispering to them. Sometimes a shooting star passed by or she imagined a star twinkling back at her. Even years after he had saved her, Rajani would still thank Braigim for it. For changing her life. Every night she would apologize she wasn’t able to save him, but with every passing month it became easier on her. When it was no longer to be considered coping with the situation, Rajani thought of it as part of processing her day. It kept her grounded to talk about the things which happened.

She never noticed when Rajesh quietly observed her and quickly disappeared when she was finished. In a way their relationship had saved both of them from a cruel fate and they celebrate their love for each other every day. The others always refer to them as soulmates which is very fitting considering the circumstances.
Faith still has many things in store for Rajani and Rajesh. From now on, only good things though.

Resources & Credit
Thank you to everyone who shares their resources with the rest of the players. You are awesome!
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