
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
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Swinging Chandelier
Swinging Chandelier
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Energy: 50
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This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Pearlcatcher
Male Pearlcatcher
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The Gossip


Adopted by Euryale from the auction house and apprenticed out to learn architecture, Belael spent most of his hatchhood away from the clan that would be his home and some believe it has left him rotten. A paragon of pearlcatcher virtue, Belael is a cowardly, conniving, haughty drake who's growing an intelligence network that even Shadowseeker is impressed with. The shining pearlcatcher has accompanied all manner of expeditions from the lair uninvited: from Gerard's diplomatic missions, where Mirinae threatened him with violence if he ever did so again, to the Lux pair's missions to the Beacon, where it is believed he is barely tolerated, to even Euryale's visits to the market. His web of information is expanding quickly, and there are whispers surrounding what he is looking to do with the information. Belael himself only gives them a smile.

(chronicle his design of the Beacon lair, why he courted Abbadon. Powerful mate as protection? She saw right through it? Spy and counterspy? He's becoming a sort of person who knows who needs to connect with who. Does not accept money for gossip, only.... favors. Also responsible for making the gaol.)

Swinging Chandelier
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Exalting Belael to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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