
Level 2 Coatl
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Autumn Dryad
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Male Coatl
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Gold Glasses
Black Arm Bow




7.93 m
7.23 m
914.34 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 14, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 2 Coatl
EXP: 197 / 641


He | Them


Autumn Dryad
Theme Here

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"Raise them right."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word




Story wrote:
Honora was thrown out of his clan when he was a hatchling. He was the weakest of his brothers and sisters, and the clan needed strong dragons. When he was thrown out, he was left to be by himself in the woods. He was frightened by the noises everywhere and tried to hide in a nearby hole by a tree. But he didn't know that the hole was inhabited by a Blooming Strangler. The Blooming Strangler attacked him as soon as he ran into the hole. Honora didn't know how to defend himself properly, so the Blooming Strangler left him more injured than it would have normally. Leaving exceptionally bad wounds in his left wing. Honora managed to barely escape the Blooming Strangler, as soon as he managed to escape, he fled for the border of the woods.

After being terribly injured, Honora climbed a tree at the border of the woods, and spent the night in an abandoned Sakura Owl nest. The next morning Honora was stiff with pain and aches. He whimpered in frustration as he tried to climb out to get some food, and couldn't move. Eventually he managed to get up, and he climbed down from the tree. He scavenged around and found some seeds he could eat. After finding some food, Honora spent the rest of his day resting in the tree.

Over time, Honora grew older, and more knowledgeable. And he no longer felt pain, only occasional stiffness. His wings where the only part of his body that where seriously damaged in the fight against the Blooming Strangler. So because of this, Honora didn't travel. He thought it useless since he couldn't fly, it would take him twice as long to travel anywhere. So instead of sitting around thinking about things he didn't have, Honora thought of what he did have, and could do. He spent his time writing, and creating objects to help himself survive. He even built himself a small cottage by the river nearby the woods.

One day a flyer was left at Honora's door. He never got mail, so he found this very suspicious. He read the flyer and it said, "Come all, to the world famous fortune telling of Aphrodite! Palm reading, Fortune seeking, and mind blowing magic! After reading the flyer, Honora looked through to make sure it wasn't fake, he read the times, they said, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Honora thought about his invitation. It wouldn't hurt to just check it out.. he thought temptingly. Okay, I'll just go for a little while. He thought again, and started to get ready for this upcoming eventful night.

Honora looked down at his flyer to read the location of the event, it was taking place in the nearest town to Honora. He folded away the flyer and continued walking down the path towards the town. For once, Honora was excited. When he reached the town, it was decked out with bright and dark colors of all kinds, with dragons hustling around every corner. Before Honora reached the mini festival, he heard someone talk in a loud booming voice on a speaker, 'The show will start in 5 minutes!" The chatting in the crowd increased. Honora was starting to regret his decision. He felt very uncomfortable being in such a big crowd of unknown dragons. Then another voice came onto the speaker, but this time, it was a female speaking, she said "Welcome to my show!" And dragons started to scream excitedly. Honora expected this dragon speaking was Aphrodite. The show started almost as soon as Honora thought that. The show was action packed, with lots of mysterious palm reading and fortune telling, The flyer was right, mind blowing, palm reading, and fortunetelling! Honora thought.

And finally when the show ended at 8:00 PM, dragons started to depart. Finally having some time to himself, Honora started to look around the town to see the different stores and places. He didn't get very far though, because right before he walked into the next street, a dragon gripped his shoulder and said "Have I met you before?" It was Aphrodite. Honora jumped surprised. "Um no this is my first time in this town." He said insecurely. Aphrodite eyed him suspiciously. "You look awfully familiar!" She said slowly. "Um you know, I should really get going." Honora said tearing away from Aphrodite's grip and walking away quickly. Honora slept uneasily that night, he couldn't stop thinking about how Aphrodite said he looked familiar. It made him feel odd.

The next morning Honora found more mail at his door. To Honora, From Aphrodite. Honora stared in horror at the message. She knows my name, and where I live?!? Honora opened the message apprehensively. It read, Dear Honora, I know I have met you somewhere! You just look to familiar. Maybe its because I can do fortune telling, and I almost recognize everyone, Haha! Sorry if I creeped you out. I really want to get to know you! Please meet me in the townsquare at 3:00 PM today. Thank you! The first thing Honora thought was No, with a capital N. He was already scared of Aphrodite, and if he went to meet her, she could turn him into a toad for all he knows! But then Honora thought about how if he didn't go, she could just come to his house and turn him into a toad anyway, since she knows magic, and his house location. So Honora persuaded himself to go.

Honora walked into the townsquare. There where other dragons walking around shopping, so that made Honora feel safer. Before Honora could find Aphrodite, she had already found him.
"Hello!" Aphrodite said cheerfully. Honora jumped in surprise just like he did when she snuck up on him the night before. "Why are you so tense?" Aphrodite inquired. Oh just the fact that you know where I live, and you know my name.. Honora thought. "I'm just not familiar with this town." Honora said. "Well I'll show you around!" Aphrodite said eagerly. "Come on!" She grabbed his arm and fast walked down the next street, throwing out random shop name along the way. "There's many different shops here, like Fluffies, Gembursts, Grassbone, Fried Frogs," And Aphrodite started a whole list of shops. Honora saw Grassbone, and Fluffies, but he didn't see the other shops. "Could you slow down?!" Honora said loudly. "Oh right." Aphrodite said, slowing her pace.

Honora spent the rest of the day with Aphrodite, and found out that she was a very nice dragon. He actually started to like her, but he still didn't like that she could read minds and stuff. Before he left at 6:00, he asked Aphrodite if she would like to come and see his house sometime tomorrow. Aphrodite excitedly said yes and they agreed to meet at his house at 12:00 PM. Honora walked home and slept peacefully that night, knowing that Aphrodite could not turn him into a toad.

Honora's bell rang at his door, and he went to answer it, he checked his watch. It was exactly 12:00. He opened the door, and he saw Aphrodite. "Hello!" She said cheerfully. "Hello," Honora replied. Aphrodite walked into his house and looked around in awe. "Its even prettier in person!" She said in wonder. "How do you know what the inside of my house looks like?" Honora said nervously. If she could see inside his house, he would have to know that. Aphrodite ignored his question and instead said, "Did you build it yourself?" Honora was unsure about how she didn't answer his question. "Over time, yes" He said. "Wow!" Aphrodite said impressed. The rest of the day, Aphrodite and Honora took a tour around his house, and Honora even showed some of the outdoors, and the woods to Aphrodite.

"I had so much fun today!" Aphrodite exclaimed happily. "But before I leave, I need to ask you something." Aphrodite said sounding a little more serious. "I am part of the (name of clan here)
and I was wondering if you would like to join." Honora looked at her shocked. He didn't know what a clan was. He thought it was like a group of dragons. "Let me think about it." Honora replied. "Okay, let me know what your answer is tomorrow!" Aphrodite said.

The next morning Honora had decided to join Aphrodite's clan. He was alone all the time, and he felt like he needed to be with other dragons. So later that day he met Aphrodite and told her his answer, "I will join your clan." He said finally. Aphrodites face lit up with happiness, she started jumping up and down "Yes! I'm so glad you said yes!" She exclaimed. She jumped up and gave him a big hug. "Follow me, I will take you to the clans lair!" She said still excited. "I need to get my stuff first!" Honora said quickly before Aphrodite could grasp his arm. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot..."

So then later that evening, Honora got his possessions and left with Aphrodite to go to her clans lair. Everyone was welcoming and they where all excited to meet Honora. "Aphrodite won't stop talking about you!" One of the more elderly dragons said. "Mama!" Aphrodite hissed, blushing.
The minute Honora got to the clans lair, he knew he loved the hatchlings and every night before bed he would tell them stories and teach them about things he had learned living on his own. And Honora learned something to, he was darn relieved that his birth clan kicked him out, because if they didn't, he wouldn't have ever had such a story to tell.
Bio by @WisteriaMagic
Wisdom So Rare
This dragon is quick to catch the eye with his rich, deep palette. The combination of smoke and butterfly in shades of red inspires creativity and wonder. The familiar he comes with, together with his bio, makes Honora a fairy tale of a dragon, seeming as if he has freshly emerged from an enchanted forest. He must be the very incarnation of Romance, in the older sense of the word.
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Exalting Honora to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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