
Level 14 Skydancer
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Male Skydancer
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Barbarian's Claws
Summer Swelter
Fig Plumed Cover
Skeletal Chimes
Fig Plumed Corsage
Fig Plumed Headdress
Conjurer's Cobwebs
Witch's Cobwebs
Witty Jester's Stockings
Fig Plumed Tuft
Illuminated Runescroll
Fig Plumed Mantle
Veteran's Leg Scars
Night Sky Tail Bangle
Night Sky Silk Veil
Black Tulip Flowerfall
Haunting Amber Taildecor




3.72 m
5.38 m
639.39 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 20, 2015
(9 years)


Skydancer icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 14 Skydancer
EXP: 1283 / 54161
Mist Slash




  • none


» K A Z «

The Manipulator

"You look at me and see I am no great warrior. Why was I chosen to be a Paragon? Not all weapons can be seen. One should not judge by appearance alone."


Words come as easily to Kaz as an intake of breath; hidden meanings laced beneath a façade of innocence and threats unrealised by everyone but he who speaks them. For him, there is an art to his speech. His regal voice carries through even the darkest and densest of halls, stirring something deep and primal within those who listen to his words, whilst instilling a feeling of awe and respect. His words are his tools of war and it is by his word alone that a new civilisation can be born, and it is his utterance that an entire empire can be completely decimated - centuries of history turning to ash and dust in his wake.

Kaz is a dragon of danger unrealised, his very ushering into Shal'anir an example of a usually masked darker side to the skydancer. Once the ambassador for another clan entirely as right-hand to the leader, the Manipulator forever stood true to his title, for he was capable of bringing entire armies under his wing and using them in the name of his king. Many believed that, if it were not for the king's influence holding fast on the Manipulator, then Kaz would be very much capable of toppling even the centuries-old power that was his leader, and taking up the mantle for himself. His leader, thus, often kept tabs on Kaz, mindful to have him monitored much of the time in order to ensure he never strayed from the cause.

However, much like Kaz appeals to the deep and primal forces within dragons to get them to his bidding, his shift was so deeply ingrained within him that it went unnoticed even by the king until it was far too late.

When Kaz's clan moved to attack Shal'anir, it seemed that the Manipulator was keen to exercise skills that had laid dormant for far too long. He was an efficient fighter, if not for long durations, and his skill in hand-to-hand combat was often forgotten in favour of his art of manipulation. His king knew that Kaz was more than capable of bringing the destruction of the fledgling clan if given time to whisper into the ear of the matriarch and slowly bring her under his sway, but undermining leadership wasn't impressive. Some even considered it cowardly and so, when the warriors moved in for a fight, Kaz seemed more than ready to battle alongside them. It could not have been further from the truth, for before the battle had begun, a dragon had fallen - and it was not on the side of Shal'anir.

It was he who struck with a blow of magic so strong that the king had no time to make a sound let alone defend himself, and it was with grim satisfaction that he watched as his once-loved king slowly realised the magic Shal'anir was saturated in worked against him. He could not use his foul 'healing' magic here and it was upon the edge of the land he intended to conquer that, after centuries of tyranny and apocalyptic ruin, the embodiment of all that he'd stood for fell. Kaz singlehandedly reduced his old clan to the ash and dust; now a mere handful of warriors without their leader who were easily fought back by the skilled fighters of Shal'anir. Yet, in the wake of his betrayal, Kaz found a moment of clarity.

Kaz never did lie, after all. He twisted truths and forsook oaths, but never had the Manipulator blatantly spoken without some shattered truth veiled in his words. He saw what his clan was becoming, what Shal'anir stood for, and, while he upheld the twisted mask of loyalty, his song had changed. He did not tell of the greatness that his clan's devotion leant them too; nor did he speak of false prophesies as commanded by his king. Kaz had began to lace with his words with the bitter truth, not manipulating in the true sense, but instead opening eyes. As he'd feared, none were willing to stand against their king. Yet, Kaz was. Kaz was always willing to do what was right, even if no one else agreed with him.

As such, it was Kaz who pledged his allegiance to the matriarch of Shal'anir, offering his potent skills upon a contract signed in blood and betrayal. Yet, it was Korven, leader of the Paragons, who saw the pale skydancer for all he was worth. Given that fateful place beside the Prime, Kaz works with those of Shal'anir to protect the secret the great tree holds beneath. For all who see him now, Kaz is simply the charming, if somewhat two-faced, skydancer who pledges the word of Shal'anir during esteemed meetings and declarations. However, for those who understand what forces brought him under Shal'anir's sway, Kaz is not too different from the dragon he was within his old clan, despite what he may say.

Handsome and regal, Kaz is a very attractive dragon - something he's well aware of and uses to his advantage. If he wants something, he'll use his looks, or at least have them play a big part, and takes great pride in appearance. The deep scars on his left flank tell a story of a different side to Kaz that he likes to hide, as well as particularly sharp fangs that he has.
Kaz will never give the game away, but the art of his manipulation goes beyond just being good with words and persuasion. There's a deeper, darker side to it that he blatantly refuses to go into, situated in the reverberations of his voice, that sees him sway other dragons into doing his bidding, or perhaps fully believe whatever he may whisper into their ears.
Despite his position, history, and overall personality, with the right dragons, Kaz can be a very caring individual. He has a particular fondness for Vizier, often picking light fun at the alchemist, but knows when enough is enough and the two bring out a rare sweetness in each other that other dragons don't always see - even exchanging well thought-out gifts often.

Second Story «

Around them stood great columns of petrified and ashen wood; the sole spectators to the battle of words and wit. They twisted and spiralled upwards, finger-like tendrils spreading out across the ceiling and holding up the entire weight of the great tree above them. Perhaps a precarious place to live, for it would only take a single wrong shifting of the earth to bring the entire tree crumbling down unto the denizens that lived within. However, no dragon paid it much mind, as if trusting the land around them to not betray them and instead harbour them as a mother harboured her children.

"Your words are meant to sway me, are they not?" Asked a sole voice belonging to one who stood as a queen but walked as an equal. Vesper, matriarch of the clan, was an impressive Pearlcatcher. Pale of scale and paler of feather, she was adorned in ceremonial wraps and silks, and her pearly bracelets let out gentle chimes as she moved. An impressive pair of antlers, both a blessing and a mockery of her lineage, drew attention to her in a way that even her natural allure did not. It was not her adornments, however, that had her stand as the ruler. It was something else, much deeper and more primal in nature, that the dragoness appealed to within her kin to have them follow her so diligently.

"Perhaps, Matriarch," said the Skydancer, who bowed his head graciously and, for only a moment, cast his glance downwards to further accentuate the respectful movement. "That is why dragons call me what they do. However, it is up to you to decide if that's what I'm doing here. Am I simply appealing my use to you, hoping for sanctuary within your esteemed lands, or am I twisting your words and desires into that of my own?"

This newcomer was as much Vesper's opposite as her mirror, with soft gold wings and dressed in regal feathers and jewels of amber. It was his eyes and markings that stood out. Deep purple eyes that carried both a frightening and welcoming level of depth were accentuated by lashes of obsidian along his hide. He looked to be the perfect unity between light and shadow. The Manipulator was more than aware of this appeal and he was no stranger to using his looks to get what he so desired. It was no surprise that he stood within perfect distance of Vesper. Enough for her to get a grasp on his majesty, but not close enough as to give away all that he had to offer.

"I find your mannerisms to be quite unabashed for someone who knowingly uses dragons for his own gain," Vesper commented, voice and expression closely guarded as to not give away too much. Vesper had no idea that, by doing so, she was already giving the Manipulator so much to twist and use. Unless, of course, she was aware, and was seeing if he would use his.. talent to benefit his cause rather than simply speaking to her as an equal. After all, she was a dragon of the shadows through and through, and cunning words and twisted meanings were second nature to her. "What was it you said your name was again, Manipulator?"

"Kaz, Matriarch," the Skydancer answered truthfully.

Vesper let out a soft hum of thought and, for a moment, there was the whisper of a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. The fleeting expression was gone as quickly as it had come. "And you are aware that a name holds much power aren't you, Kaz? You, of all dragons, should know that giving away your name so easily is a mistake that you can only make so many times before it goes against you."

Kaz, as he revealed himself to be, simply nodded once. "Of course, Matriarch. My name is the highest honour I can give you and I know you're not one to do me the dishonour of misusing that trust." The male adjusted his wings, the skeletal charms upon them gently clacking together and murmuring of forgotten truths and ushered lies - or simply nothing at all. "I also know that you're no threat to me. You are an esteemed dragoness, a picture of shaded grace to those you command. However, you do not command me, and so you are my equal. My word is as good as yours. If I so wished, I could bring this entire clan crumbling down to its very knees and the only memory of what once was would be mine; and mine alone."

Kaz then let out a sound very similar to what Vesper had made; a soft hum that sounded very self-assured and pleased with himself. Even from the distance between them, Kaz's gaze issued a silent challenge that belied his words. "But I have no reason to cause harm, not yet, at least. It was never my intention to bring war unto your sacred land. As such, I give you my name. My name in return for the promise for you to do me well. My name in return of me not taking yours."

It fell silent then. Vesper said nothing. Kaz said nothing. Both dragons watched the other with careful scrutiny and, as Vesper fell down onto her front paws and began to close the distance between them, Kaz held his ground when he perhaps should have backed away. Even as the female approached and stood over him, Kaz met her gaze with his own. Now he did not bow. There was no immediate respect between the two and it looked, for all purposes, as if he was purposefully denying her all respect she should have been given. Yet, Vesper was not insulted and when she should have cut him down, there was instead a hint of amusement in her voice as she spoke.

"You impress me, Kaz, the Manipulator," Vesper spoke, tilting her head and regarding him with interest. "Never have I met a dragon so strongly willed. You come and show me respect, but within that respect is such arrogance that it's stifling."

While Vesper kept her expression mostly void of anything particularly obvious, Kaz had no qualms in allowing a smug smirk to slowly creep onto his features. "I have been told that I'm a dragon of many facets," he said, neither agreeing or denying her words. "What you choose to make of me is something I cannot control." His expression told Vesper that he was lying, but she ignored it, knowing that it was spoken that way on purpose.

"You knew what my proposal to you would be as soon as you walked in," Vesper sounded to conclude, speaking it as a fact rather than an accusation. "You're aware of your use and you're aware of what I need. My clan is small, a simple unit of dragons who serve a purpose to protect the secret that we safeguard within our home. I cannot leave on account of clan affairs and nor can any of the guards here. That is the job of an ambassador - an ambassador that we currently lack."

Kaz knew what was being implied, the prospect acting to only fuel his self-satisfied expression. "It would be an honour, Matriarch," he said with a low bow, his right wing held close to his side and the left graciously extending out in the place of a foreleg. He did not hold it for long and when he looked back up and met Vesper's gaze, it was still with a smirk that the female was met. "To be an ambassador for your clan would be a position of great honour for a dragon such as myself."

"Quite," Vesper said simply. "While your propositions to bring my clan to the ground would be a threat if you were allied with another, you are not, not anymore, and so I don't fear you. That said, I would prefer to have such a skill on my side than simply neutral to me and mine." Vesper then shook her head and, as a show of respect to the Manipulator, gestured to her left with a wing. "If you take the arc to your right, Manipulator, you shall come across my head advisor, Sekk. He's one I'm sure you're quite familiar with and he will show you the grounds beneath our home. Then you will pick where it is beneath our enclave that you wish to stake your claim."

The look on Kaz's face could only have been described as an insurmountable amount of pride and arrogance. He stretched his wings up and out before giving a small inclination of his head, a final sign of respect to his new leader. "As you wish, Matriarch." He looked to leave but, before he did, Vesper cleared her throat to attract his attention again. Kaz said nothing as he glanced over his shoulder back towards her, as if he knew what was coming next.

"Just don't believe you're entirely welcome here," Vesper then said. "I am well aware of the circumstances that brought you and yours to me and I know exactly what you did to the one you supposedly devoted your entire being to." It was then that Vesper's eyes narrowed with suspicion. She was old but relatively untainted by the struggles she had gone through. However, she was not stupid, and accepting the tattered remains of a clan who once intended to extinguish her own was not a decision she was making lightly. "I will not hold the murder of your king against you, for I understand why you did it, but I will not forget it. Never have I seen a dragon so readily strike down their leader and then turn upon their own in cold blood. I don't have room for that sort of taint within my clan."

Vesper then tilted her head, regarding Kaz coldly and with that cynical edge she'd begun to pick up since taking up the mantle of matriarch. "If I believe, for even a second, that your intentions begin to sing out of tune with my own, I will not hesitate to cut you down as easily as you did to your sacred leader. Do best to remember that, won't you, Manipulator?"

Kaz was silent for a moment, considering Vesper a lot deeper than he'd done initially. She presented herself as matriarch through necessity rather than desire, but did not slack in her post. She was fickle and cunning beyond even what most shadow dragons usually were and was difficult to convince. Those she surrounded herself with were chosen specifically for their role and even the offer she'd presented was something of incredible honour. The fact that she did not kill him outright had been a dangerous gamble on both of their behalf's and Kaz daren't push her much - not yet, anyway.

It was with a simple inclination of the head that Kaz met her threat, but there was a dangerous glint in his eye that belied the otherwise calm movement. "If I intended to turn against you, I would have done so already," he said simply, now looking away and moving in the direction he'd been first directed to, "and, if I ever give you reason to doubt me then it will already be too late. You would do best to remember that, Matriarch."


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» Notes «


- That's not actually his theme I just thought it was funny
- Might be stuck back in the den, depends
- Him and Vizier get on too well. Kaz loves to insult dragons, Vizier loves to insult dragons, and when the two get together they're a deadly combination.
- Is the clan ambassador, but recently has fallen under Korven's sway and is now a paragon
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