ID#: B012 | Class: Euclid | Risk Level: Caution
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Die of Bargaining
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Aberration
This dragon is benefiting from the effects of eternal youth.
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Enchanted Dungeon


1.56 m
1.10 m
29.94 kg


Primary Gene
Falcon (Aberration)
Falcon (Aberration)
Secondary Gene
Facet (Aberration)
Facet (Aberration)
Tertiary Gene
Glimmer (Aberration)
Glimmer (Aberration)


Jun 29, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Aberration
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


Item ID#: B012






Containment Procedure: B012-1 is to be contained within L1-Vault and provided with 7kg of available food matter once a day. B012-1 is to be treated as if they were a normal hatchling and may interact with any personnel as long as the interaction is monitored. Any new anomalous properties or incidents are to be recorded. Any instances of B012-2 should be logged, stored in one of the designated containers provided on L1-Vault, and sent to L2-Research as soon as possible. Should B012's risk level escalate beyond Caution, level 3 containment protocol is to be immediately activated.

Description: B012 is an anomaly that occurs when B012-1 ingests an item or object. B012-1 is the creature that possesses this anomalous property, seemingly within its gastrointestinal tract. B012-1 possesses two separate heads, designated B012-1-α and B012-1-β. B012-1-α appears to be the dominant head with sapience on the left side of the creature's body, while B012-1-β is the head that emerged on the right side of the creature's body after the incident from Document B012-A and thus far has not demonstrated any sapience or unique personality of its own.
Whenever B012-1-α ingests an object or item, B012-1-β will regurgitate a different object or item approximately 2-3 minutes after the initial ingestion; the regurgitated item will be approximately the same size and mass as the ingested item with the transmutation taking more time to occur the larger the ingested item was. B012-1 does not appear to have complete control of this transmutation process, though some items have been noted to consistently be converted into a specific other item. Any transmuted item regurgitated by B012-1-β will be designated as B012-2 and a following alphabetical symbol.

Document B012-A wrote:
File Description: Intercom audio transcript from time(s) of initial contact with B012-1. Personnel speaking in transcript noted to be 'Scourge' from L1-Vault.

B012-A-1. [audio transcription - 43271-12:36] Uh- Hello? Is this thing on... Oh! Yeah, uh. We appear to have a Code Teal. The vault's been breached by what appears to be...a hatchli- No don't eat that! [muffled rustling] It keeps- Stop that! It keeps eating the gems in the vault, please send backup! Why, you little- I'm gonna-[audio cuts in and out, unintelligible] [end of transcript]

B012-A-2. [audio transcription - 43271-13:02] Code Teal has become a we have a Code for this? Uh. The little [REDACTED] seems to have...eaten its pearl. It's now writhing over in the corner of the vault under a bunch'a collapsed storage crates. It's...what in the Great Furn- [microphone was dropped; following audio is distorted and distant] -it's [...] -d head- [...] -still breath- [...] [rustling] -I think we're gonna need some more assistance over here. [end of transcript]
Document B012-B wrote:
File Description: Medical record for B012-1 following incident from Document B012-A

14535923p.png Date/Time: 43271-13:47
ID: B012-1 [Edit made by Lyra EMT 43271-15:05]
Patient: [REDACTED]
DOB: Unknown
Chief Complaint: Syncope, Mutation, Ingestion
History Of Present Illness:
Patient is a hatchling of indeterminate age and no known medical history who was brought to the medical ward after a syncopal episode associated with drastic physical mutations following ingestion of multiple foreign bodies, including the patient's own pearl. The patient had reportedly been a pearlcatcher prior to this incident according to witnesses, but they now appear to have grown a second head and tail. Patient is still unconscious at the time of exam but is breathing with normal vital signs. There was some report of possible seizure-like activity from the witnesses, who described the patient as "writhing in the corner under some boxes." There was no associated head(s) injury, vomiting, or loss of bowel or bladder control, though there are some wounds and scarring around where the described mutations occurred.

Review of Systems:
Limited from patient being unconscious.
Constitutional: Negative for fever.
Respiratory: Negative for cough or sputum production
Skin: Positive for scarring around the neck and tail. Positive for tears in wing membrane. Positive for scattered abrasions. Negative for rashes.
Gastrointestinal: Negative for vomiting, diarrhea, or incontinence
Neurologic: Positive for seizure-like activity and loss of consciousness.

Physical Exam:
Constitutional: Patient is unconscious and a different draconic breed from reported baseline at time of exam but otherwise in no acute distress.
HENT: Bicephalic. Atraumatic aside from scarring where secondary head emerged. The ear canals are clear without discharge. The tympanic membranes are normal in appearance. Nares are patent bilaterally on both heads. Tongues are normal in appearance. No foreign body noted in visualized pharynx(s) s/p reported ingestion.
Eyes: Asymmetric eyes between heads. Primary head noted to have a third eye along the forehead. Conjunctivae are clear without exudates or hemorrhage. PERRLA. Sclera is non-icteric. No signs of nystagmus.
Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, gallops, or rubs on auscultation.
Respiratory: Lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally. Single set of lungs noted, symmetric breathing from primary and secondary heads. No rales, rhonchi, or wheezing.
Abdominal: Soft, non-distended. Normal bowel sounds. No masses or organomegaly.
Extremities: Secondary head and tail emerged. Otherwise no skeletal deformities, cyanosis, or edema.
Skin: Scarring noted around secondary head and tail. Scattered abrasions noted to limbs with multiple, small tears in the membranes of the wings. Skin otherwise warm and dry without rashes or lesions.
Neurologic: Patient is unconscious. Unable to assess.

Patient has undergone a drastic physical alteration s/p ingestion of their own pearl and various foreign objects. Possible seizure, unlikely to be a stroke. He is unconscious at this time. ██████ has advised that labs and imaging are not necessary for now, but they have asked to have the patient's vital signs and activity monitored for the time being.

43271-14:11: Patient has started to regain consciousness, is now awake and alert. Able to move all 4 extremities, wings, and both tails. However, the patient is noted to now have dark, viscous discharge from all 5 eyes. It does not appear to impede his vision. Will continue to monitor the patient.

43271-14:32: Patient is quite playful. Minimal to no postictal state noted. No signs of distress, though he does attempt to eat near anything he sets his eyes on.

43271-14:40: Secondary head started to cough/gag on something before emitting what appears to be coins. Witnesses had reported that the patient had primarily ingested gems and a pearl, though he has not yet emitted or passed any gems.

43271-15:01: Report given to ██████. Patient is medically clear at this time and ok to be discharged from my care.

Reviewed and electronically signed by Lyra, EMT 43271-15:06
Document B012-C wrote:
File Description: Photographs and descriptions of B012-1 before and after the incident from Document B012-A


Appearance of B012-1 prior to incident from
Document B012-A; captured on video feed from L1-Vault

Appearance of B012-1 following incident from
Document B012-A; photograph taken during examination in B012-B
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