
Kelp Beds
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Female Wildclaw
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style


Ferocious Claws
Aqua Birdskull Necklace
Aqua Birdskull Wingpiece
Aqua Birdskull Armband
Hoary Scale Gorget
Bloody Chest Bandage
Bloody Tail Bandage
Hoary Scale Greaves
Bloody Wing Bandages
Aqua Birdskull Legband


Accent: Lurker



4.6 m
8.78 m
642.3 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


May 23, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Wildclaw
Max Level



  • none


  • none


Stone her to be a Kelp Beds trainer


Trait • Trait • Trait


code inspired by
epher #101073

Aliquam malesuada a orci id rutrum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus malesuada nunc turpis, id consectetur sem placerat id. Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer pretium felis leo, vitae rhoncus quam venenatis vel. Donec lorem mi, commodo at ligula sit amet, congue ornare felis. In ut libero sit amet urna efficitur rutrum. Vestibulum et felis vitae justo volutpat malesuada.


Aliquam malesuada a orci id rutrum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus malesuada nunc turpis, id consectetur sem placerat id. Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer pretium felis leo, vitae rhoncus quam venenatis vel. Donec lorem mi, commodo at ligula sit amet, congue ornare felis. In ut libero sit amet urna efficitur rutrum. Vestibulum et felis vitae justo volutpat malesuada.

Bought (gened, lvl25, stoned) → 750G (19/07/2020)
Secondary → (09/08/2020)

Organization of my Lair Tabs
Organisation of current and future lair tabs


Castle --- Divided in multiple pages, each one representing something different:
- Page 1: Yzra and his family
- Page 2: The Observatory; Near the castle lays a place where dreamers are free to observe the sky. Under the moonlight, they can dream all night, and witness the bright display that appears in the darkness. Dragons of all kinds are welcome, free to wander inside the building, whether they are researchers or curious beings.
- Page 3: The Library;
- Page 4: The Gardens;
Lygtiëm --- The City and its shops, markets, the port...
Underground --- Everything related to crimes inside the city itself: black market, fights and gambling, thieves and other criminals. Might rename that as it isn't really underground.
Anrubee --- The Circus
Serenity --- The Oasis
Barracks --- Where the guards live.
??? --- a Tribe of nomads living in the desert - will do a Locke
??? --- a Crew, pirates or merchants, that sell goods?
Ancient Ruins --- The ancient ruins are hidden by the mountain, lost inside the desert; the sole entrance is in the rock. The ruins are protected from the sand by the mountain, that acts as a natural protector of this special place. They've been discovered by a traveler who got lost in a sandstorm, and took refuge inside the cave. After walking for a bit within the depth of the cave, he discovered the ruins.
The Puppeteer --- Xolkelon is some sort of voodoo master and an inventor. He creates animatronics and gives them life and conscience, each of them having an item linked to them that he uses to control and threaten them if they ever decide not to follow his orders anymore. He uses those puppets to take care of business he himself doesn't want to deal with - such as spying, stealing or even murdering people. Xolkelon is a sadistic being, and he holds grudges, so you better not be on his list. His favorite puppet is named 'Mascarade'
??? --- A pride of Obelisks. Works like a lion's pride: one or two leaders (males), the rest being females and cubs. They live in the desert. Males defend the territory, while females take care of their youngs and go hunting.

Organization of my Den Tabs
Organisation of current and future den tabs


Icepeak --- Inhabitants of Icepeak, a castle located in Cloudscrape Crags. The castle is home to Foster and his family and friends. They host travelers, and people who got lost in the mountains, helping them go back to the Snowsquall Tundra or Tsereveh.
Tsereveh --- Tsereveh is a town located all the way down the mountains, in Reclaimer's Glacier. It is an independent city that is mainly responsible for guiding travelers wishing to cross the mountain, so they won't get lost. A special squad is in charge of making round trips between Icepeak and Tsereveh to recover the lost travelers.

??? --- A forest that is home to a few lone wolves. It is said to be magical, and that a snow spirit is hidden within the woods...
??? --- Protective spirits, gods and such

List of Names
List of names I like, so I can rename my dragons in the future


A__Alani • Anwen • Arkhip • Astrid • Athos • Aaron • Atlas • Antique • Asahi / Asahina • Azul • Akane • Aiko • Akihiro • Amaya • Asuka • Ankaa • Alya • Adhara • Azha • Artemis • Apollo • Alkahest •
B__Baron • Beryl •
C__Circus • Chimène • Chimera • Celeste • Castiel •
D__Deimos • Decay • Dante • Disgrace • Desire • Dakota •
E__Eirlys • Espoir • Echo • Edelweiss • Eclipse • Elias •
F__Faust • Finnegan "Finn" • Fragrance • Faith • Fuyuhiko •
G__Gharil • Ghost • Guilhem • Grimsley "Grim" •
H__Hiraeth • Hikaru • Helios • Hunter • Hanamura • Heartless •
I__Islwyn • Ira • Ivresse •
J__Jarith • Joshua "Josh" •
K__Kahlan • Kain • Kiyoko •
L__Llyr • Lacuna • Legacy • Lilith • Lucifer • Lux • Lexie "Lex" • Levianthan "Levi" •
M__Morrigan • Misery • Mstislav • Minuit • Mephisto • Misha • Maalka • Mistral • Mirage • Mercury • Malachi • Mourner • Maelstrom •
N__Noblesse • Njord • Nyx • Nox • Naoki • Noya • Nevada • Narumi •
O__Orage • Oswald • Outsider •
P__Phantom • Prelude • Paprika • Pride • Prestence •
R__Requiem • Reaper •
S__Seraphim • Sombral • Skaia • Signal • Storm • Sonia •
T__Tornade • Tsuki •
V__Volke • Vextal • Valkyrie • Vermeil • Vortex •
W__Wyn • Wonder • Wander • Wanderer • Wolfgang "Wolf" • Whirlwind • William "Will" •
X__Xehon • Xander • Xavier •
Y__Yggdrasil •
Z__Zara • Zephyr • Zenith • Zachary "Zach" •

Dragon Lore
Dragon related ideas - For eventual lore


♦ A dragon who is hated by one of his parents (the other being dead), who is a shame in their eyes, and who tries to make his parent proud by doing something stupid, and is even more hated because of that. The dragon runs away, arrives in Lygtiëm, and start a new life here, hoping for his parent not to chase after him.

♦ A hunter, who is grumpy and doesn't really like being with others, but helps Yzra by hunting, bringing meat and pelts to feed and heat dragons during the winter. Probably a warrior, too? Has scars. Doesn't talk about those. Is friendly with Yzra, and Yzra only. Maybe in love with Yzra?

(100 hatchling challenge idea?) ♦ A dragon gambled with someone who seemed shady... Turns out he was. Not being able to pay what he was supposed to pay, the shady guy, who turned out to be a demon, put a curse under the dragon: he has to have a hundred children, and when coming at age, their souls have to be sacrificed (exalt). The progenitor's curse will disappear only after the 100th child is sacrificed.
Alternative: A dragon owns money to the council, but can't repay right away. Lucius decides to take things in his hand, that way he'll be able to have money for himself at the end; the dragon has to have 100 kids so they'll be sent to serve the Earthshaker, all their belongings then returning to their parent, who'll then pay Lucius, who'll keep part of the money for himself, and give the rest to the council. Exception goes to primals/MG kids, who will serve Lucius as bodyguards/mercenaries.

♦ "Do you know who falls in love? Only fools do. So tell me, my dear, what are you?"
"I am a fool."

♦ "I shall never leave your side, for I am your loyal knight. I shall stay with you until my very end, happy and proud to have been your protector... and friend."

Unnamed is capable of resurrecting dragons. In return, she asks for the soul of another dragon. Or the eternal obedience of the one who asked for a revive. She's powerfull, and even if she doesn't look like it, she is quite gentle. But people are afraid of her appearance, and tho they never stay with her.
She's actually looking for an apprentice, someone who will stay with her and to whom she can teach what she knows about life and death.

♦ A god named Nirvana: god of serenity you pray at the end of your life, so you are protected and happy in the afterlife.

♦ A crow-god. It is said that he is a bad omen spirit, a malicious spirit you pray so he will curse someone. In reality, he is a god of intelligence. If you pray him, he will grant you, a relative, or your future offspring knowledge, intelligence, a clever mind, and skills related to knowledge. He is a lonely god, and only a few people come to pray for him, as they believe he is a bad spirit. He's looking for a friend/an apprentice.

{ Potential Fandragons: Penguin + Riddler from Gotham, Scarecrow (Nolanverse or Gotham)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru from Danganronpa

♦ A dragon who was once he love; a love which was powerful, passionate... until it broke. The lover left, leaving the dragon heartbroken. He got sick, refused to eat or drink or sleep, and just wanted to be forgotten, to vanish, to die... he was in such a state that his family forced him into doing those things he refused to do so he wouldn't die... Until he was broken. He believed nobody liked him, as they forced him into living. He got his strength back just so he could kill them all. He swore to himself that he would find his lover and make him suffer. He wouldn't even kill him, but torture him, break and destroy him until he begged to be killed. But it would never happen. His past lover finally died after a long time of the abuse, and the dragon not having another purpose in life killed himself. He became the spirit of revenge.
Prey him to be granted strength and motivation, to be successful in your retaliation.

♦ A criminal, wanted all around Dragonhome. Is in love with the son or daughter (who is blind) of the sheriff who's been charged to arrest him. He has a sister or brother, chief of a group of rogues, and sometimes go and hide with them (not for too long, their relationship is explosive).

♦ A dragon who goes by the motto "take what you want, but never give it back". Selfish, looking for his own gain. If he's friendly to someone he's only looking for something to gain. Doesn't do something if he can't get something in exchange. He's lonely and loves being alone.

♦ A runaway prince, looking for freedom and adventure. Possible locke? He could become a pirate, or a criminal, or work in the underground.

♦ A prince/noble and his slave. Except the slave is the true master; extremely clever, manipulative, and charming. The prince basically listens to his every command. Naive prince. Thinks obeying will make the slave love him. Is being used by the slave.

♦ An orphan that lives in the street of Lygtiëm. Has been abandoned when he was young (has no ideas his parents died) and since then has hated adults with all his being. He isn't well-liked around town because he steals to eat. Is wanted by the guard because of that. Has taken a liking in one of the kids in town.

♦ A duo of dragons, friends or lovers. Both are warriors, except one is from Lygtiem's army, and the other from another army. Or from a group of rebels... Something that makes them enemies, basically. One day, a group of dragons (Lygtiem army) meets with the group of the other dragon (rebel or something else) in the desert. They fight for some reason. A sandstorm starts, and unfortunately all are exhausted due to the fighting. They look for a shelter, and find one; some fighters disappear in the desert, never to be seen again. Some reach the shelter, but end up dying in it due to bloodlessness or exhaustion. In the end, the only survivors are the two dragons. They tend to each others wound, and talk, trying to understand what made them enemies in the first place. They become friends (maybe more). When the sandstorms ends, they both go back to Lygtiem. The 'rebel' is caught by the guards and imprisoned. The other pleads the judge to release his friend. In the end the friend is liberated, but has to join the army. The duo stays together all the time after that. Maybe at some point they decide to run away from the city together, because the 'rebel' doesn't like his new life?

♦ "You're probably thinking that I should have taken responsibility for the killing, right? Because you all hate me... So of course, I make the perfect villain. "

♦ A dragon that can see the future. They are hated a lot by people because a lot of them end up with a bad prediction (something negative), and throw the fault onto them when his predictions don't change anything from what will happen.

♦ She's cursed (or just really unlucky), and her brother Antares uses her naivety as a way to win money. She decided to travel to Lygtiëm so she could have a shop, sell things, and pay her brother so he could uncursed her... but the truth is: he can't cure her. But she doesn't know it, so she continues to be a seller and pay her brother. But she's happy. She doesn't know that her brother is playing with her, but she is happy living how she lives (will depend on what her curse is tho)

♦ Got contaminated by a meteor. Crystals don't disappear. Wants to get rid of the crystals. Doesn't know how to get rid of the crystals. Become an astronomer so he can understand how to get rid of the crystals.

Dragon Lore
Old lore or template, dragon was sold/exalted, I need a replacment





Name: Xolkelon
Gender: Male
Nicknames: My Lord (Mascarade) , Spanky (Vengeresse)
Mate: Mascarade ? It's complicated...
Likes: Lie to anybody , Manipulate people , Make people go crazy
Dislikes: Being alone , seeing people happy when he's not

Xolkelon is a demon Lord, prince of darkness and master of shadows.
He's the master in the art of creating illusions, powerfull and destructive.
He's a manipulator, a liar, and a deceitful guy you can't trust. He likes to make people go crazy.

He's always bored, and he doesn't have a friend. So he created one: Mascarade. She's an illusion. But Xolkelon has made her so real, and treated her so well, that she really believes she is alive... And himself sometimes forget that she isn't a real person.

Their relationship is complicated to explain... Xolkelon regards her as a friend, but also as a mother, as a sister, and sometimes as a loved one... She plays the role he wants her to be, in fact. And she doesn't even know that she's only a plaything for him.

He was found by Mist as a child, who helped him control his powers. The Imperial then introduced the kid to the inhabitants of Lygtïem. He didn't please many people, being already a big liar, not even his big sister Vengeresse.
He was a giant chore with everyone, so Mist decided to keep the kid with him. And even with his adoptive father, he was a chore. Fortunately, the wisdom of the older allowed him to calm the mockery of the youngest.

As an adult, Xolkelon broke away from Mist. He mastered his powers perfectly, and thought he could fool his "family," in the kingdom of Lygtïem. But it didn't work. He was chased again. He was sad, pained, dejected...
And he was alone.
All alone. With no one to take care of him. No one to talk too.

He wandered for a long time without anyone, without friends, to the point that he ended up going crazy. He imagined friends, and frightened the few people who crossed his path by talking to invisible ghosts.
Vengeresse, despite the so little love she had for this so-called brother, tried to resonate him one day when he returned to the palace. But everything was over. He only told her "The day I'll make a very big mistake, one that will have disastrous consequences and that you won't be able to chase away, don't come and cry..."
Then, he left.


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Exalting Malia to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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