
Level 13 Guardian
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Male Guardian
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Autumnal Wreath
Whirlwind Emblem
Reedcleft Resonance
Aerborne Gustgather
Bamboo Breeze Cape
Map Kit
Luminous Sundrapes
Burnished Gold Pauldrons
Burnished Gold Belt
Burnished Gold Gorget
Burnished Gold Gauntlets
Burnished Gold Tail Cuffs
Burnished Gold Boots



Scene: Remembrance


14.52 m
15.01 m
11114.21 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 18, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 13 Guardian
EXP: 4677 / 45676
Gust Slash
Zephyr Might Fragment
Zephyr Might Fragment
Zephyr Might Fragment



  • none



Coleus name meaning: a genus of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae

"Mercy and truth preserve the king: and his throne is upholden by mercy."

windvs1.png- THE FOUNDER -windvs1.png

Whirlwind Emblem
Autumnal Wreath
Sobriquet: King Coleus; Your Majesty
Occupation: Founder and current leader of Aeolia
Battle Style: Defensive

- Entrusts the position of Second-In-Command w/ his closest friend AkaiRyuu
- With no offspring, he has trained Apollo up as his heir
- Treats Pachel like a sister
- Is also very close friends with Anthos and Kai
- In general, he has good relations with everyone in Aeolia

- Coleus is the eldest of the dragons in Aeolia. Though physically wearied by age and time, his intellect and heart have not suffered from wear and tear. Indeed, the burdens of the mind and the heart have been quite heavy, but he has carried each with a humble and grateful spirit throughout his years. In the time of his youth, it was by traversing the other regions with an open mind and an open heart, that Coleus was able to become as knowledgable and understanding as he is today.

- In spite of being a First Dragon leader and ruler of his own clan, Coleus sees everyone as equals. Despite bearing the title of king per the nature of his stature, he insists on being known simply as Coleus by all and attempts to convince his fellow clan members to call him their friend. Though most members of Aeolia still respectively call him "Your Majesty" in public for their own peace of mind, he is referred to as Coleus by many in private, much to his relief.

- Coleus never settled down with a mate. Many have speculated why this may be, but only a few have been brave enough to ask him directly. When asked if he truly never formed any romantic relations in all his years, Coleus is always said to have a slightly contemplative expression cross his features, before smiling and saying, "In my lifetime, I have been fortunate enough to find myself surrounded by wonderful friends; never yet has that left me feeling lonely or unloved."

-His Phoenix familiar, Antiquity, lives up to his namesake; he has burned and risen from his ashes time and time again for eons. While his original birthplace and owner are unknown, he came into Coleus's possession upon his return to the land he would one day name Aeolia. At first, Coleus presumed it was an egg of a wild familiar, and left it to be. But as the night grew older, and no mother returned, Coleus kept it swaddled at his side until it hatched, weeks later. It was a surprise to see a burning hatchling burst from the egg, but he loved the phoenix all the same. The two have been inseparable since.
-Due to the rarity of phoenixes in the present era and the mythos behind them, some clan members believe Coleus was blessed with the egg by the Windsinger himself, as if it was intended to be a welcoming gift for "the First Dragon that wandered too long and too far from home".




- Coleus is the current ruler of the clan; as such, he was bestowed with the "Emblem of Leadership" (The Whirlwind Emblem). As Coleus's chosen heir, this emblem will be passed down to Apollo when Coleus passes away.

- THE FIRST DRAGONS: In The Windswept Plateau, these were the 1st generation dragons believed to have been created from the breath of the Windsinger. Long ago, it was thought that they were created to cultivate, populate, and reign over portions of land in the Wind region. In time, however, this belief was forsaken by many and most of the First Dragons continued to rule and reign with no memory of their original purpose. In spite of this major apostasy, however, a choice few have remained loyal to this belief 'till this day. Coleus as a First Dragon is one of these few, albeit with a singular great difference from the rest: he did not claim his land in the Wind region upon creation. Instead, Coleus held off for many years and traversed the other elemental territories to learn of their cultures, beliefs, and general ways of living from a wide variety of clans. It was only after a great amount of years of study and experience that he returned to the Winds to succeed his position as a First Dragon leader.

- THE 7 YEARS OF RELENTLESS WIND: During the early years of Coleus' official reign over the clan of Aeolia, clan wars began sprouting up all around the territory. Fighting over land and resources, neighboring Wind clans sought to settle these conflicts the ways of war. Caught in the midst of battle and not wanting to see Aeolia conquered, Coleus decided to create The Royal Guard, which were knights hand-chosen by Coleus dedicated to protecting the clan during the war. For seven long years the war raged on, until a peace treaty was signed by the First Dragon leaders to put the conflicts to rest for good. This war was documented in history as being called "The 7 Years of Relentless Wind".

- Since the war, the clan has relatively been in peace. The Royal Guard were only able to assist in a few battles before being officially disbanded due to disuse. New efforts have also been made by Aeolia and other territories to keep peace in the Windswept Plateau by placing members of their respective clans in positions of powers that would help advise, advocate, or assist each King in matters of state. For Aeolia, these positions are held by Coleus's entrusted advisory group known as the Rose Court.

- THE ROSE COURT: The Kings's entrusted advisory group. A choice few dragons who have been bestowed the greatest honor as the King's closest advisors. Those who wear the Rose Tangles are considered "Grand Advisors" for their efforts and service to the King before the war. Those who wear the Rose Collars are considered "Envoy Advisors" for their service as entrusted Aeolia representatives in extended territories. Currently, AkaiRyuu, Pachel, Apollo, and Anthos are the four dragons that hold these positions, respectively.

- THE DIPLOMATIC ENTITIES: The Diplomatic Entities are a group of royal representatives that come from the different elemental regions within Sornieth. The chosen few who make up this group were invited by Coleus to represent their clans/kingdoms in Aeolia for the purpose of discussing advantageous political negotiations, including trade agreements, military aid, and possible means of cultural integration. While some have chosen to stay as permanent ambassadors for their clan in Aeolia, others have simply made temporary encampments on the outskirts of the clan until the definitive conclusion of the negotiations. All meetings are personally attended by Coleus and at least one member from the Rose Court. Currently, the Diplomatic Entities that abide in Aeolia are Zora (Water), Eaniracate (Fire), Nanuk (Ice), Nyx (Shadow), Lucilla (Light), and Oropher (Nature).

- BATTLE STYLES: In Aeolia, all clan members are aligned with one of the following specific battle styles: Aggressive, Offensive, Defensive, and Passive. Those that fall under the Aggressive alignment are generally said to put everything on the line in a battle for their clan in order to overwhelm their opponents by sheer force alone. In comparison, those of the Offensive alignment are typically far more fluid in battle and will determine whether to fight aggressively or defensively depending on individual situations. Defensive fighters, on the other hand, tend to dedicate themselves towards protecting the clan without unnecessary violence and/or supporting their allies in battle by defending their weaknesses from being taken advantage of by their opponents. Contrary to all of these styles, however, would be the Passive style, as those that fall under this alignment will try to avoid fighting unless absolutely necessary.


Note: Aeolia lore may not coincide with official FR lore!
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Exalting Coleus to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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