
Level 10 Nocturne
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This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Nocturne
Male Nocturne
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Guardian/Loyal Familiar
Brought to life in experiments conducted by their master, the Gargoyle now lives a life of loyal protection. Initially their birth was seen through just as "can this happen" and then soon evolving into "personal guardians" after the success of one. Their main goals are the protection and organization of their master's, Marmorata's, vast collection of recorded knowledge and discoveries. Of course, they take it further in taking on that they want to protect him as well. (Especially from a certainly nasty witch, that they feel will seal his fate in an unfavorable manner....what do live statues know, though.)

All of their offsprings are subject to data collection and experiments, their own reactions being analyzed as well. (Statues that are brought to should, hypothetically, not have any genuine feelings?(or have children in the first place))
Particularly one that was gifted away for Marmorata's personal reasons.

Despite their apparent feelings and parental attachments to their own hatchlings, they however do not display any signs of sympathy towards Marmorata's own child. It can only be assumed it is because Marmorata barely treats her as a child of his own himself, that they do not show any signs of sympathy to her either. As opposed to the nameless and shade touched nocturne Louhi owns, a creature treated cruelly and yet is met with sympathy by these true familiars.

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Exalting Gargoyle to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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