
"No! Your other left!"
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Silt Wolf
Silt Wolf
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Energy: 50
out of
Lightning icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Aberration
Female Aberration
Breeding cooldown icon
This dragon cannot breed until Mar 30, 2025 (17 days).
Ancient breed icon
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Ancient breed emblem
Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Festermane




5.57 m
7.3 m
527.7 kg


Primary Gene
Harlequin (Aberration)
Harlequin (Aberration)
Secondary Gene
Jester (Aberration)
Jester (Aberration)
Tertiary Gene
Carnivore (Aberration)
Carnivore (Aberration)


Jan 03, 2025
(2 months)


Aberration icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Aberration
EXP: 0 / 245





Orthros' avatar
Aberration dragon lore is all written in my hc.
Sea Scorpion Fossil
Broken Penny Jar
Murder Mantis
Silt Wolf
Sea Scorpion Fossil
Broken Penny Jar
Murder Mantis
Silt Wolf
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. Orthros is a rare and unique conjoined twin, born from a single egg. The two heads, Doublet and Guard, share one body, but their personalities and perspectives couldn’t be more different. Orthros' body is female, as determined by their biological form, but neither Doublet nor Guard identify with this gender. Despite sharing a single body, each head has its own gender identity.
. Doublet is the more introspective and thoughtful of the two. He prefers to think things through, often weighing options carefully before acting. He is an individual, despite sharing a body, and can be quiet or distant, especially when the world feels overwhelming. As the he/they of the duo, Doublet’s identity is fluid, and he often finds solace in expressing himself differently than others might expect, depending on the situation.
Guard, in contrast, is the more protective and grounded head. With a deep sense of loyalty to his sibling, Guard tends to act with straightforward determination, offering strength and stability when they face challenges. His he/him pronouns reflect the more traditionally masculine traits he embraces. Guard takes on the role of the protector, always looking out for Doublet’s well-being while ensuring their shared path remains clear and secure.
. The name Orthros was chosen by their mother, symbolizing their unity despite the differences in their personalities. She also selected Guard’s name, a nod to the strong and protective nature she hoped he would embody. However, Doublet wasn’t content to accept his given name. When they reached maturity, Doublet picked his name, feeling that it better reflected his relationship with his sibling. This name encapsulated the duality of their existence, yet still felt uniquely his.
Though they are inseparable, their relationship is one of mutual respect and understanding. Doublet often drifts into thought, pondering the world’s many complexities, while Guard remains the more practical, action-oriented head. Together, they navigate the challenges of the world, learning to reconcile their differences and share a bond that few could ever truly understand. Their shared body, despite being female, is a reflection of how both heads inhabit the same space—each with their own voice, but working toward a common goal.
. Sharing a single body presents constant challenges for Orthros, as both Doublet and Guard must navigate their differences while existing in close quarters. Doublet’s introspective and contemplative nature often clashes with Guard’s straightforward, action-oriented approach, leading to moments of internal conflict over decisions, movements, and the use of their shared body. While Guard is eager to act, Doublet may hesitate, preferring to think things through before taking action. This can lead to frustration and a sense of imbalance, as they both strive to find common ground, especially when their priorities don’t align. The physical constraints of sharing one body also make simple tasks more complicated, as they must work together, sometimes with competing desires, to function as a cohesive whole. Despite this, their bond is strong, and they’ve learned to compromise and adapt, even if it means navigating each day with a constant sense of tension and negotiation.
. Orthros and Xav have a quiet but strong friendship, built on mutual understanding and respect. Xav values Orthros’ unique perspective and adaptability, while Orthros admires Xav’s loyalty and straightforwardness. They stick around Blightheart Legion as they believe in Wendeer's beliefs and for the protection the clan grants.
. Gravel, Orthos' Silt Wolf, is a fierce and loyal companion, always at Orthos’ side in moments of danger. Her sleek, earthy coat blends seamlessly with the terrain, making her an excellent tracker. While she shares a deep bond with Orthos, Doublet isn't fond of her, often finding her overly aggressive and unpredictable. He prefers the calm and controlled nature of their shared existence, and Gravel's wild energy feels out of sync with his more thoughtful demeanor. Despite this, Guard has no such qualms and appreciates Gravel's protective instincts.
Silt Wolf
Murder Mantis
Broken Penny Jar
Sea Scorpion Fossil
Sea Scorpion Fossil
Broken Penny Jar
Murder Mantis
Silt Wolf

. A presence looms ahead—two sets of eyes gleaming in the dim light, watching, studying. The air is thick with tension, though it is unclear whether it stems from the unsettling duality before you or the sheer weight of their gaze.
"You’re staring."
. The voice is layered—one deeper, steady, grounding. The other quieter, contemplative, laced with something unreadable. Orthros shifts, their shared body moving with a practiced grace, though there is a flicker of discord in the way one head lingers while the other turns away.
. Guard's eyes lock onto you, sharp and unwavering. "State your purpose." His tone is clipped, unyielding—a challenge. A warning.
. Doublet, however, merely exhales, his gaze distant, lost somewhere beyond you. "Does it matter?" he muses, his voice carrying the weight of someone who has already unraveled the conversation in his mind before it has even begun.
. For a moment, they seem to disagree, their heads angling slightly in opposition. But then, with a quiet understanding, they fall still once more—united in their discord, a contradiction given form.
. Gravel, their Silt Wolf, huffs from their side, her feral eyes gleaming in the low light. The way she watches you—tense, ready—makes it clear that even if Orthros does not see you as a threat, she does.
. A pause. Then, Guard exhales sharply, turning away first. "Don’t waste our time."
Doublet lingers a moment longer, his expression unreadable. "Or maybe do," he murmurs, before following his twin into the dark.
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Exalting Orthros to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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