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Zantedeschia's Clan

Venerable Lair
sunken in the
Worldedge Wetlands icon

Clan Info

some day I'll learn bbcode and make a nice format here. Not today, not tomorrow, not even next week, but someday....


Take a look anywhere, there's abundance in every last crane of the Viridian Labyrinth.
From sunrise to sunrise, life, with it's many forms, overflows the sky, the soil, the lakes and rivers.
A colorful vision it is, the one of the Gladekeeper, and it's draconic inhabitants celebrate in every breath, every meal, that it was brought to existence by her, from the remains of the, back then, recently-deceased world.
Another end, another beginning.
Like herself, her seeds cradle in death's nest, for abundance and decay are like hatchlings of the same clutch in the labyrinth, claw in claw.
The dragon feeds the soil, the soil feeds the plant, the plant feeds the animal, the animal feeds the dragon.
The Behemoth's magic reaches the dragon's veins as the juice of the fruit she bears, then one day it is returned to her roots, once the dragon has no more use for it.
The self, one day, returns to be part of the labyrinth.
No one is truly lost in it, none of her children.
And sometimes, they talk.
No ears can hear them, but, all across the labyrinth, there are a few eyes that see their mouths moving, uncountable, and are seen by attentive eyes,and they will think "there you are!" at their fellow dragons, who were like them, who now make a bit of each leaf, and such it will be, for as long as The Gladekeeper remains eternal, just like the life of the deity is from the perspective of the dragon.
One can only be lost outside.
(The Gladekeeper thinks the same, looking up, beyond the sky, beyond the stars, much beyond, at that... nothingness, that even deities fear.)
For that, many dragons stay in the quietest hours, and let the telling of their day to be a part of the quietness, like the breeze, so may the lost has a way to find their way home, back to their mother.


Recent Comments

Tipa's avatar
June 27, 2024 14:46:07
Aralicien was on the front page! The art in her bio is so pretty :>
Rauv's avatar
June 27, 2024 14:45:45
Aralicien was on the front page!
Caprikin's avatar
April 26, 2024 22:12:23
thank you so much for such kind words- it really made my day
ShadowLugia111's avatar
December 21, 2023 18:14:24
Euphoria was on the front page!
DriftingDreams' avatar
October 17, 2023 23:28:34
Sunny’s description is adorable.
Kulonei's avatar
June 30, 2023 07:11:10
Aila was on the front page!
Loreka's avatar
April 02, 2021 13:06:38
Hello, and welcome to Flight Rising! Nature's Seedling Thread has links to guides and other flight activities for you to get started, here: https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/fl10/2396809
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Date Joined
Apr 1, 2021

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Zantedeschia's Friends

billypeanuts' avatar
billypeanuts (#47307)

i got the dragons in the divorce
Auggstrobite's avatar
Auggstrobite (#647852)

Rest awhile; the trees judge not those who tread beneath.
Koltrast's avatar
Koltrast (#645969)
PinkPanda11's avatar
PinkPanda11 (#652057)
ClovenHeart's avatar
ClovenHeart (#563700)

It's the process that should be enjoyed, not just the result
Inept's avatar
Inept (#677794)

And now to something completely different!
Licorys' avatar
Licorys (#689966)

ShampooSuds' avatar
ShampooSuds (#610441)

Pretty PNG dragons make brain go brrr
Caprikin's avatar
Caprikin (#680069)

hi friends! pinion gaolers are my favorite! :3
Polty's avatar
Polty (#148931)

hey there, Gladekeeper... it's me, ya boi

Recent Activity

Mar 07
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Fae Female, 1 Fae Male
Mar 07
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Undertide Female, 1 Undertide Male
Mar 07
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Fae Female, 2 Tundra Male, 1 Tundra Female

Recent Achievements

Mar 04
Strength Over Subtlety (150)
Mar 01
Extended Family (500)
Mar 01
A Boo-tiful Gene
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