Traitor's Keep Mafia game(3/15) OPEN
ThisOneIsBlue's Clan
Birb clan, which is for birbs.
Clan Info
Next Lair expansion: 1100000
Clan Info (More to come)
Sequoia and Thistledown lead this ragtag clan. Visitors and those seeking shelter are always welcome. Gifts or small surprises are appreciated and treasured, but those who have nothing to give in trade will not be turned away.
Clan traditions:
Dragons are only named once they mature from hatchlings. (Rare exceptions)
All dragons that stay permanently with the clan are taught to at least level 5 upon maturity.
Ambassadors to Flights are trained in the particular specialty of their Flight, and to at least level 10, usually during their respective Flight's festival.
Hatchlings are given less powerful familiars until they mature, for the most part.
Dragons and hatchlings who are staying briefly are assigned a familiar to keep them company until they leave.
Sage and Cypress, otherwise inseparable, will serve as guards for visiting dragons, marking the beginning and the end of where they are in the lair.
To do:
Update Saffron's bio
Mnemosyne bio (clan history,badges)
SCPxUNKNOWN bio (mafia history)
Fully expand lair
Light Side Ally
References for myself:
Bio Resources
Wind Dom Submit Form
BBCode Guide
Air Market
~~~~~~Mount Chime~~~~~~~~~
Broken links:
Recent Comments
morrow was on the front page :*D
please let me know if you ever sell Teremiss!! ^^
Asgeirr was on the front page, she looks beautiful!!
Maangata was on the front page!
Totally okay, thanks for your support! :D
Malan was on the front page!!
Borealis was on the front page. A nice gal 8)
Just a reminder that you have until June 11 (2 months from the start) until I stop holding the item for you. Thanks.
Oh, no worries. Thanks for replying!
Hiya! Just wondering, were you still interested in the Pearly Feathers PC F accent? :)
Sage was on the front page!
Thanks for letting me know he was on front page !! Also, I'm glad you like the layering ;w;
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