Asmo's Stuff - new Veilspun M
thanksmeg's Clan
In this world, it's yeet... or be yeeted
Clan Info
Brave Tarnished,
Thy strength befits a crown
Pardon the mess, slowly rebranding the lair
Elden Ring brainrot
Meg | She/her | 21+
My Wishlist | Hatchery
Recent Comments
I stumbled upon your lair when looking at Elden Ring fandragons, and I am stunned and in awe by the theme you have going in your hibernal den!! If I was not already quite committed to my chaos, this is definitely the thing I'd be doing with my lair. I think your dragons capture the spirit of that game so well.
Fracture made front page again! Love the colour combo
Imamu was on the front page!
Imamu #74234985 was on the Front Page!
3 eggs!
3 eggs!
Goodness haha, I keep getting wegged by my anticipated pairs and 5 egged by my "yeah I could toss them on a nest" pairs LOL
Prismo was on the front page!
You are the best, thank you.
Leyndell and Rampart wegg'd you ;;
Just wanted to say thanks for the female Imp 'Amp', she was the perfect gene and color combo I was looking for my Fandragon BG3 Tav "Cleaver". I was searching for months.
Element the Undertide made it to the front page!
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