What Dragon Breed Are You Quiz

Sweeps' Clan
dragon pile
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I'm not very good with these bios.
I'm not very good with these bios.
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Anders is lookin quite handsome on the front page <3

I just gotta say, the accent for your Dorian fandragon? Perfection! <3

Leliana was on the front page! Seems your DA fandragons get to the front page a lot haha - I love your lair!

ember was on the front page!

Ember was on the front page^^

Solas was on the front page! :D amazing lair!!

Solas was the random dragon!

I also spotted Cendres on the front page. He looks like a cool guy.

Cendres was the random dragon! He's absolutely gorgeous.

Cendres was on the front page today! I'm not big into the speckle/freckle genes, but they work quite nicely on him!

Omg i love the lair theme you got going on XD !!

I love your Angelique!
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